EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Better late then never :happy:

    Cardio Kick Start - Workout 2/12 - Medium (Day 3/21)
    Does sound too bad....only 10 workouts left...lol.

    Time: 0:21:05
    Calories Burned: 82.7
    Avg. HR : 100
    Max HR: 156
    Completed 100%

    My HR seemed pretty low this time around....not sure why...maybe a slower workout but normally my resting HR is 85-90.

    I was looking back at some of my old posts and when I did my last EA challenge I lost 12lbs! I think it was the More Workouts 6 week challenge. It was the first one I ever completed!

    Since I restarted I will restart it all. My first day of Cardio Kick was Jan. 24th and my weight was 140.9. So let's see what I can accomplish in this 3 week challenge!
  • ruthgarcia1974
    So, I feel all of your pain...... I've had the leg thing not work, most often at the end when I'm trying to relax into stretches!

    I hate running and foot fires, and lunges. I have trouble with all of it to be honest. My husband catches me losing my breath through it all and worries about me overworking.

    For me, I have to remind myself every day why I am doing this. It is BECAUSE I CAN'T, BUT DESPERATELY WANT TO BE IN EXCELLENT HEALTH.....

    So I do the best I can and pray it's enough to make those changes I see every day permanent.

    Honestly, I've tried the gym 4x (different memberships), all the equipment, workout groups, walking, jogging, videos etc.

    So far, Active has given me the best results. I do add in some ab stuff from youtube, but overall, it feels like a personal trainer to me.

    I don't worry so much about the calories, I have a thyroid issue so those measurements are not accurate for me. But my legs look leaner and I'm not tired at 3 p.m. like before. I can see my feet again.... Keep the faith everyone! See you all on the other side!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Good for you. Sometimes we stress over too much and if we just do what we can even if it is a little it is better then nothing.
    Slow and steady wins the race!

    As for me I got in an early workout on a rest day....who the heck am I?...lol. Up at 6am and working out... I must be changing

    Today was a rest day so I did a quick trainer generated workout

    Time 0:13:49
    Cals. Burned: 51.2
    Avg HR: 103
    Max HR:139
    Completed 100%

    Whoo hoooo have a great day all and keep working hard!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    OOOO I am in the middle of this, I am doing workout 11 today, I really like it.

    Mines set to hard I tend to burn off just under 200cals, I use hand weight not the band though.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    OOOO I am in the middle of this, I am doing workout 11 today, I really like it.

    Mines set to hard I tend to burn off just under 200cals, I use hand weight not the band though.

    Welcome!! I never thought to use hand weights! I really like that idea because I find the strap cut when you do most exercises! Hmm maybe a Valentine's Day gift for me :smile:
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    I also use hand weights. The resistance band that comes with the system is pretty much a joke. I couldn't figure out how to tie those straps on, so I was like screw this! I have 3 pound and 5 pound weights that I use. I feel like I could possibly move up to 7.5 pounds weights soon.... we shall see:happy:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I also use hand weights. The resistance band that comes with the system is pretty much a joke. I couldn't figure out how to tie those straps on, so I was like screw this! I have 3 pound and 5 pound weights that I use. I feel like I could possibly move up to 7.5 pounds weights soon.... we shall see:happy:

    I couldnt figure it out either, so tried the first time and the band with flipping around all over the show, I find it defo easier with the weights.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Never thought about using hand weights either. I gave up on the strap handles and just hang onto the band myself.

    I think I did workout 18 or 19 today of 9-week on Hard. 44 minutes, 239 Cal.

    They decided to throw some jump lunges in there. I was thinking that maybe the foot fires weren't so bad and then...BAM! back to the foofires. He can hear me! Apparently he can't SEE me though because when I'm outrunning him he tells me to hurry up or I'm going to get left behind...while he's behind me.

    I think we are crashing the EA Server. Someone tried to join the group and got an error message. I tried going on the website and it said they were having problems due to a large volume of use. Keep trying if you didn't get in the group yet.
  • Joanne_C
    I completed the EA Sports Active 2 Cardio Kick Start Program last night, really enjoying SA2 so far!

    I've downloaded the new low Impact DLC to have a look at and see how suitable it is when my RA is bad. I'll let you know what it's like once I've had a few sessions.

    The instructions for the resistance band were quite vague, I had tied it to the handles at first, but it kept detaching, then I found this video on Youtube and since I copied the method shown the band has been great.

    . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80-bLAZluO8

    Hope this helps.

    Keep up the great work folks :)
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    I just started the Cadio Kickstart 4 week program. Today is my second workout. Hope all goes well. My legs still feel like jell-o from Tuesday!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Wow busy day!

    I am glad that I got my workout in this morning because I am ready to crash already!! The bands are horrible, I actually bought new band since my original red ones broke but the ones I bought are so tight I can barely stretch them. May have to get weights sooner then planned...lol.

    Joanne_C - YAY you are our first graduate...I think! Congrats. It wasn' t too bad right?

    brookeybaby_00 - I think we are close. I just restarted doing the CKS! Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Keep up the awesome work ladies and we shall see you tomorrow!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a great day today "getting fit and having fun!"

    Today was a rest day but while I waffled over working out I eventually decided I might as well do it. I'm glad I did--I'm feeling super energized and amazing now!

    I did a trainer-generated full body workout. Nothing too horrible except the Outrun (Long)--I don't have the right kind of fitness/endurance built up yet to have an easy time of that. Trainer Niki gave me one of the 10-minute step aerobic classes and I enjoyed that. My living room isn't quite big enough, though, and I live in terror of kicking my husband's laptop right off the end table. Oh well!

    Time: 22:45
    Calories: 197.4
    Avg HR: 119
    Max HR: 163

    Have a great evening, everyone!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    sarahthes- lol..why can I picture the flying laptop! Good for you for working out on a rest day! Great burn too.
    Keep up the awesome work!!:smile:
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    All done with the 3 week kick start and going to start the 9 week challenge either tomorrow or Sunday. :flowerforyou:

    Had to take today off as my body was telling me it really needs a rest day. :huh: woke up this morning and everything hurt :noway:
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    I struggled getting through my workout today, partly because I didn't feel like doing it. But I am glad I completed it now that it is over. I would have felt so guilty if I skipped. What a difference a few weeks can make!

    Workout 9 - Medium

    Time: 31 minutes
    Calories: 224
    Avg HR: 130
    Max HR: 174

    Have a good night ladies!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Dom82 - How was it to complete? Being sore sucks but I find that I can deal with it a bit better since I know it is helping.

    Wocawa - I have had many days like that and find that about 3 or 4 exercises in I feel a lot better and it seems more doable. Great job pushing through and great burn!

    I will be back later on tonight for my workout! Keep on working hard!
  • MissJennaBelle
    yeah no problem!! I did another exercise after this one and found that there was a huge difference between my polar HRM & the EA HRM so just a litttle advice, always wear your polar HRM just incase!!! I did a upper body workout the EA said time: 22 minutes @ 114 calories burned meanwhile my polar HRM said 31 minutes @ 310 calories burned.

    I finished a 3 week program last week and have just been doing the odd preset workouts until i decide to go again on a different intensity level.

    Just wanted to say that I have recently invested in a Polar HRM and experienced the same thing....so I'm glad it's not just me that's experienced this and feel ok about the difference now. The recorded BRM between the Polar HRM and the EA HRM are spot on but the length of time spent doing a workout and number of calories burned are much different when compared. Now I think its down to the loading screens inbetween exercises and tutorials etc where you will still be burning calories and have a high heart rate but EA HRM must not count this 'inbetween' time.

    I, now, always record the time and calories from my Polar HRM because I feel it is more accurate. Question is.....I am right in doing this? What do you do? Do you record the lower number off EA or the Polar HRM number?
  • MissJennaBelle
    I don't find planks to be that difficult myself, although I seriously hate "Mountain Climbers". They hurt!!!!!

    SNAP... I hate "Mountain Climbers" too and the long version of "Mountain boarding" (if thats what it's called)....after you've just done a load of squats it's not what you want to appear next ... ouch!:laugh:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I don't find planks to be that difficult myself, although I seriously hate "Mountain Climbers". They hurt!!!!!

    SNAP... I hate "Mountain Climbers" too and the long version of "Mountain boarding" (if thats what it's called)....after you've just done a load of squats it's not what you want to appear next ... ouch!:laugh:

    (Don't let them hear you!! LOL)

    Ok TODAY was workout 19-Hard. I paid attention this time.
    Time: 39 minutes
    Calories: 214
    Avg HR: 117

    I don't believe the heart rate or the calories though. The game was ticking me off today and not picking me up all the time. I ran my TUSH off and couldn't catch anyone on the outrun even though I paced my feet off their feet. Time to buy a polar HRM I think!

    Oh...tired wii Zumba yesterday. I was a hot (and HOT) mess. Glad no one could see me.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    The game was ticking me off today and not picking me up all the time. I ran my TUSH off and couldn't catch anyone on the outrun even though I paced my feet off their feet. Time to buy a polar HRM I think!
    That was me yesterday!! I forgot to buy rechargable batteries so had to pray that the other batteries would last throughout the workout. Anyway, my first exercise after the warmup was follow the leader. While I was running the sensor was okay but when I got to the fast kickups, it wouldn't pick me up. I repositioned the band after I was done. The following exercise was outrun and no matter how hard and fast I pumped my legs, it would not move. I just knew it was going to be a bad night. lol I took the batteries out and flipped them over and restarted the workout and that worked, thankfully.

    I'm still waiting for my S.O. to purchase my HRM. I saw the Polar FT4 in REI so he's going to get it for me. Until then, I just use the EA calorie count knowing that it's probably lower than what I actually burned.