EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    MissJennaBelle - welcome new friend! I always use my HRM reading no matter what. Mine won't be here until the 4th and I am so lost without it.

    shakemybooty - lol..don't let them hear you. I saw 40 mins. was your time and have to tell you...not loving that about the harder setting..lol. I guess once you get through the others it might not seem so bad..but I did cringe a little. I did Zumba for Wii and cannot believe people do this infront of other people.

    ceelovejay - I am waiting for my Polar FT4! I cannot wait until it gets here.

    I weighed today and sadly I am back up to the 140's. I guess that is the disadvantage of weighing every day but it is an odd thing. I was 141.1 last week and watched it slowly crawl down to 139.6 and then climb back up so very gradual...very odd.
    Oh well. Gotta keep on working hard I guess.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Don't let the 40 minutes scare you.

    I wish there was a way to stop it from cheering and saying "good job!" after each exercise. Just move on already!! Also I'm tired of them demonstrating the warm ups to me every day. I'm on PHASE 2....I've figured out how to swing my arms in a circle by now! I would also like to know how long each workout is going to take before I start it. There's no way to see that the next day's workout is 5 minutes longer. I try to fit it in before the kids get up. I should be writing this to EA!!

    They keep adding in more new exercises. Today they threw in some regular push ups. Despite all my new muscles, I still suck at those.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I thought if you hovered over the calendar it would tell you how long the next workout was or any of them for that matter? I am all messed up now since switching to cardio kick. Pretty sure though the other day I knew that my next workout was 20mins and then next was lke 23mins. I will double check when I get home but pretty sure it can be done. I know in the previous versions you could actually select the date see the time, calories expected to burn and what exercises were going to be done but you couldn't actually start it until that day.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hmmm....I never look at the "calendar" part. I just look at the part where I'm clicking for today's workout. Thanks, I'll look there.
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Just completed workout number 4 in the 9 week program. Pretty Brutal today. I could be partially because I really didn't feel like doing it today in the first place, but I felt really worked today. I usually don't skip exercises, but I had to skip one set of mountain boarding. No more squats! Oh and 4 sets of foot fires? :explode: That used to be one of my faves :huh:

    Anywho i'm glad I forced myself to do it. 29: 30 and 146 calories burned. I think i might invest in my own HRM because the way I was sweating, I feel like i had to burn more calories than that. Keep working people!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Also I'm tired of them demonstrating the warm ups to me every day. I'm on PHASE 2....I've figured out how to swing my arms in a circle by now!

    They keep adding in more new exercises. Today they threw in some regular push ups. Despite all my new muscles, I still suck at those.
    You seem to always be in my head! LOL I actually just start the warmups from the time it says "watch me" or whatever. I actually did one round of regular push-ups during Phase 1 and I'm on medium. The second time I did push-ups during that session, it was on bent knees. I can't do a regular push-up to save my life!

    Monique, I remember the session with the four foot fires. I yelled at my friend for not warning me (she was one workout ahead of me at the time). lol
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hi I'm back, I closed the other EA group and referred them here - I seemed to be the only person posting on it....

    Anyways, today I did 218 point something cals. The HRM on it can really be sucky, I'm thinking of buying a regular but I'm allergic to metal so I need one with a plastic back. Any suggestions?

    I binged last night but I didn't do too much damage as I weighed myself this morning and I'm still 239, at first it was 239.8 but then right before I exercised it was 239.2, so I'm going with .2.

    I've now finished CKS and I signed up for the 9 week thing. Looking forward to MONDAY! :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ummm....ladies...I hate to tell you this but I've seen lots of workouts with 4 sets of foot fires. I'm on the hard setting though. Maybe the other settings are kinder. This is why I was complaining about them. They lunge me to death and expect me to be able to move my thighs again for a foot fire. In real life, my feet would burn off.

    Ordered a new HRM today. I'm excited to see how far off the game one is.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I've been doing easy and I think that I'm just wasting my time so I might as well push myself and do medium. Has anyone jumped from easy to medium and if so, how bad was the transition?
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    You can do it. I went from couch potato straight to medium then moved it up to hard after about 6 workouts I think. You can always try a trainer generated workout on one of your rest days and set it to medium to see if you can handle it. That's what made me move up to hard.
  • shimmerlady
    shimmerlady Posts: 43 Member
    hi all

    didnt manage to log into the group on EA active website I think most of you on it has a wii and we have a PS3 so if anyone else is doing this game using a PS3 maybe send me a message & I will try and figure out how to set up a group.

    My last set of exercise was on Wed. Yesterday I was drinking 4 litres of Klean Prep as I had a colonosophy today as there is a family history of colon and bowel cancer, thankfuly I am all clear so far. Am hoping to do some exercise tomorrow as I am missing it (never thought I would say that).

    Am having a hard time today with food, last solid food was yesterday at 9am and have had the munchies all day, am over my calories but still need to eat something. Was going to make popcorn but at 480kcal per one of those bags not going to waste that many calories.

    Everyone seems to be doing really well.

    I can't use the resistance band at all. I bought free-weights in Tescos (big supermarket/department store for all you americans) and find that they really push me doing my weights.

    scagneti - I went from easy cardio programme to hard 9 week workout, definitely am noticing the difference, even noticed tonight that my bingo wings on my arms are going down a bit

    shakemybooty - I would still prefer the foot fires to the skipping after lunges etc, I mustnt be doing them right :-)

    janesmith1 - like everyone else not pushed on the HRM, half of the time it doesnt pick up my heart at all and othertimes I could be pushing myself to the max and it still says 120 or something low and then suddenly the other day it went up to 200bpm, I think I would have been dead if that had been right :-)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Wow it got busy! Just finished supper and planning to workout in a couple hours. I need it bad..I splurged a little today and scared to put it in my journal :sad:

    BBL to update...nice to see everyone!
  • Jems916
    Jems916 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I just bought SA2 two days ago and I start the 9 week challenge tomorrow. In the mean time I had to test it out by doing a starter exercise. So far I'm absolutely loving it. I would also love the info for the Wii Group. Anyway, today I did the calorie burner easy and here were my stats:

    Time 33 min
    Calories 238
    Avg HR 142
    Max HR 178
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Wow, a lot of people posted today! I'm starting to get some trepidation about the 9-week challenge... I finish up the Cardio Kickstart program on Monday and I'll be starting the 9-week next, I think. I'm noticing that while I'm still getting a good burn on Easy, I've also got a fair bit more endurance. I was tempted to do another short set after I finished today! Maybe over the weekend I'll try two sets, or a longer one.

    Anyway, today's stats:

    Cardio Kickstart Workout 10
    Time: 24:02
    Calories: 165.8
    Avg HR: 127
    Max HR: 161

    I'm thinking I might want to invest in a proper HRM myself, but I'm going to hold off for a bit. I've told my husband I want one for my birthday in May!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Well, I felt better about my workout tonight. Thank you kickrz for the words of encouragement.

    Workout 9 - Medium

    Time: 33 minutes
    Calories: 229
    Avg HR: 116
    Max HR: 149
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Only one workout left to finish the Cardio Kickstart! I'm thinking I'll start the 9-week challenge on Tuesday, so I'm going to actually rest on my rest day tomorrow.

    I worked out today with some decent stats:

    Cardio Kickstart Workout 11
    Time: 26:34
    Calories: 179.1
    Avg HR: 126
    Max HR: 158

    It threw 2 sets of Mountain Climbers at me along with real pushups and knee pushups, and I yelled bad words at the screen. I did knee pushups instead of the real pushups, but I figured it was better to do a full set, modified, instead of half a set. I modified the mountain climbers a bit too because I don't have the upper body strength for them otherwise--I braced myself against the couch instead of going in pushup position.

    However, now I'm feeling totally craptacular. I think it's because my husband and I went out for Tim Horton's this morning. I ate what I always eat there (all 950 calories worth... totally going over today unless my tummy keeps acting up) and it just isn't sitting very well. Unfortunately, their menu doesn't have a lot of healthy choices, and I really cherish the time spent with my husband (it's way more important than the food). Next week I might cut out the doughnut, or go for a Timbit instead (same flavour as the doughnut, fewer calories).

    Tomorrow's my weigh-in for the week so we'll see where I stand, but I'm wearing some pants today that fit perfectly and which I haven't been able to wear comfortably for a couple of months! So even if the scale doesn't budge, I know I'm making progress.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    well I've officially started the 9 week program :) Turns out I finish it the day before my wedding so thats a bit exciting hehe

    Hoping the 9 week will be a bit harder as I've hit a bit of a plateau over the last 2 weeks. so changing up what i eat bit as well.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Today I just did Phase 2 Workout number 1...or 14 altogether.
    I'm doing easy, then medium, then hard. (I'm a trophy hunter.)
    I use my Polar HRM while playing.
    Polar 194 cals
    EA 148 cals

    My max heart rate is always low.....like 125 or something. (I'll have to remember next time.)
    My average is like 115. Its not like I'm slacking either. I'm sweating and everything.

    Why do you think mine is low? B/c I'm more fit or have more muscles???????

    If you have PS3 your welcome to join my group Crash...password is the same.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    My workout yesterday was a real PITA. I was on a binge earlier in the day and knew I had to workout. I got it all out and burned 200+ calories but I REALLY had to push myself. There were 3 sets of mountain climbers and I think 4 sets of skipping. There was one point where skipping surrounded another cardio exercise (skipping, other exercise, skipping again) and I really had to dig deep to finish the second set. But I did it and then continued to do some yoga and strength training on Wii Fit Plus and play Just Dance 1 and 2. So, I guess making myself do it led to a very good night. I was still over my calories though. LOL

    I have a rest day today and tomorrow and probably won't work out. I use Sunday as my cooking day for the entire week and to catch up on TV programs I missed during the week.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Hi all! I just got this "game" last Wednesday! I've started the Cardio Kick Start (or whatever it's called) but have only done one workout in it. I've done a custom workout too. I personally am having a difficult time believing the HRM that came with the game. I'm sweating, heart is racing....and it says I'm only burning like 100 calories in 30 minutes!! Crazy. I can't wait to get a chest band HRM!!
    Anyway, I'm scheduled to work out today and tomorrow so we'll see how it goes.