EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today was a rest day for me so I went with a trainer-generated full body workout on Easy. It went pretty well, other than the HRM not working for a couple of minutes right in the middle of a 10-minute Step Aerobics session. I need a bigger living room if I'm going to do step aerobics on a regular basis. I wound up kicking a pillow right off the couch.

    Anyway, here's the stats:

    Calories: 247.7
    Avg HR: 112 (due to the glitch--I'd guess it was probably more like 130-135 based on the graph)
    Max HR: 170
    Time: 32:13

    All in all, a good workout. Is it bad that I kept regenerating the workouts til I got one without Mountain Climbers? Those things are horrible--I can't do them in the correct pseudo-pushup position but have to prop up on the bottom of the couch. I'm hoping by the end of the 9 week I can do them, though!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Finished Workout 12 - Phase 1 - Medium:

    33 minutes
    239 calories
    120 AV HR
    177 Max HR

    This was a hard one for me to get through. Tomorrow I start Phase 2.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was workout 22-Hard.
    I was not in the mood. My back hurt from shoveling snow. My daughter woke me up way too early. The kids are having another snow day. It's cold. See? Not in the mood.

    I made myself do it.
    We now have 4 wii remotes and none of them would claim to be #1 so I could start my workout.
    My 11 year old talked me off the ledge.
    By the 3rd warm up exercise I realized I had on two different shoes.
    During some reverse lunge (can't remember which one specifically) it refused to acknowledge that I was indeed holding still....completely still. It wouldn't continue on. I paused and resumed the game and it worked...til the next one. I kicked the couch with one of my non-matching shoes and said some nasty words.
    I ended up skipping that exercise because I didn't know what else to do with it.
    Surprisingly it counted every kick up I did.
    It's just messing with me now.

    44 minutes
    247 Calories
    121 AHB

    I finished off my day with some boxing to get rid of some wii stress.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    today is a rest day. I was going to do a trainer generated work out but I don't really want to. My fiance is in hospital, but i get to pick him up early this afternoon. He was only in over night for some surgery. Didn't realize how down i get when he isn't home.

    Might still do a work out, maybe it will get me out of this funk.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I reeeeally didn't want to work out today.. but after doing some yoga, I put on my fitness clothes, and turned on EASA2.. uuugh.. it wasn't too bad though, and I feel better now. Here are my stats. Only one more day (till the weekend)!

    9-week program on Hard Workout 2 (Phase 1)

    Time: 35:26
    Calories burned: 201.6
    MHR: 168
    AHR: 140

    Soooo much skipping.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    EA 9 week Phase 2 Workout 16 Easy

    159 cals
    23 mins
    106 Avg HR
    140 Max HR

    Polar HRM
    185 cals
    39 mins (took away 2 b/c of having to replace battery)
    108 Avg HR
    150 Max HR
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Workout 23-hard

    38 Min
    194 cal
    114 Avg.BPM

    The exercise that wouldn't work right yesterday worked perfectly fine today. The kickup didn't. Win some, lose some. 4 sets of mountain climbers today. Doesn't he know I live in the flattest place on earth?

    Everyone is doing a great job!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Am I the only one using the chick personal trainer? She sounds soooo fake when she's trying to be motivating. It's really hard not to curse at the screen because most of the time kids are in the background trying to imitate me exercising.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    4 sets of mountain climbers today. Doesn't he know I live in the flattest place on earth?
    Your posts always make me laugh!

    I did Workout 19 on Medium last night. 36 minutes, 208 calories, 135 avg. HR and 172 max HR.

    There was one stretch where I had to do straight arm plank for 30 seconds then pushups and then mountain climbers. The expletives were NONSTOP. My poor arms feel so tight today!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Am I the only one using the chick personal trainer? She sounds soooo fake when she's trying to be motivating. It's really hard not to curse at the screen because most of the time kids are in the background trying to imitate me exercising.
    Nope! I use the female trainer too. I love when she "chastizes" me because I may be moving too slow during a run. A lot of b*tches come out of my mouth whenever she does. lol
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hmmm....maybe that's why you had those jump reverse lunge thingies earlier in your workouts than I did. Do you think their versions are different enough that you could do one 9 week program and then do the other trainer's 9 week program after? I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do next!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    I use the female trainer as well.

    Workout 13 - Phase 2 - Medium

    33 min
    225 calories
    120 AV HR

    I did notice that all of the strap exercises are now increased to 12.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Nope! I use the female trainer too. I love when she "chastizes" me because I may be moving too slow during a run. A lot of b*tches come out of my mouth whenever she does. lol

    Haha, it's hilarious when she says "you need to try harder to keep up with me," and I'm like "wtf? I just beat you, hoochie!"
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Nope! I use the female trainer too. I love when she "chastizes" me because I may be moving too slow during a run. A lot of b*tches come out of my mouth whenever she does. lol

    Haha, it's hilarious when she says "you need to try harder to keep up with me," and I'm like "wtf? I just beat you, hoochie!"

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one yelling at the trainers!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hmmm....maybe that's why you had those jump reverse lunge thingies earlier in your workouts than I did. Do you think their versions are different enough that you could do one 9 week program and then do the other trainer's 9 week program after? I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do next!
    That is a possibility! I'm still leaning towards doing C25K after I'm done with EASA2 since there is a gym at work with treadmills (or I can run outside) but the idea of doing another 9-week program with the male trainer sounds interesting!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Nope! I use the female trainer too. I love when she "chastizes" me because I may be moving too slow during a run. A lot of b*tches come out of my mouth whenever she does. lol

    Haha, it's hilarious when she says "you need to try harder to keep up with me," and I'm like "wtf? I just beat you, hoochie!"
    :laugh: I love it!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Today's workout seemed too easy. :\ I was hoping to burn more calories. Oh well, guess I need to go run to make up for my lunch, then!

    9-week program on Hard Workout 3 (Phase 1)

    Time: 27:17
    Calories: 150.1
    MHR: 165
    AHR: 128

    I need to burn at least 200 more calories. lol.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    They'll eventually get harder and longer with more reps.

    shakemybooty, I meant to tell you that (so far) my foot fire reps haven't been upped to 240. During last night's workout, I did do flutter kicks and straight arm planks in the middle and at the end of the workout though. It'd be nice to see what's on the menu prior to doing a workout. I remember being able to do that in More Workouts. I would just click on the calendar day and it would show me the workout.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    They'll eventually get harder and longer with more reps.

    shakemybooty, I meant to tell you that (so far) my foot fire reps haven't been upped to 240. During last night's workout, I did do flutter kicks and straight arm planks in the middle and at the end of the workout though. It'd be nice to see what's on the menu prior to doing a workout. I remember being able to do that in More Workouts. I would just click on the calendar day and it would show me the workout.

    I've only seen my foot fires go up to 240 that one time. It was 240,180,240,180. It seems like my monday workouts are the really hard ones.

    You can see what exercises are coming up for the day before the workout starts. When I first click on start the workout it shows me a graph with the projected calorie burn (or something...it's a graph I don't pay much attention to), Sometime after that it shows each exercise coming up. You can even unclick them if you don't want to do it.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I also use the female trainer. Poor pixelated person--I cuss at her like crazy, especially toward the end of some of the more intense sets, or when she tells me I'm not trying hard enough. It disturbs my husband when I get vitriolic like that.

    Anyway, I forgot to check in yesterday but I actually worked out twice yesterday.

    First Workout:

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 02
    Calories: 176.0
    Avg HR: 130
    Time: 25:18
    Max HR: 166

    It was a pretty intense workout but I went to Starbucks yesterday and wanted to work off some of the extra calories so I did a 15 minute timesaver, modified to remove the mountain climbers because my legs were falling off.

    Second Workout:
    Timesaver 15 Min
    Calories: 86.2
    Avg HR: 129
    Time: 15:48
    Max HR: 162

    Then today I did my regularly scheduled workout.

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 03
    Calories: 144.9
    Avg HR: 120
    Time: 20:41
    Max HR: 157

    I didn't really feel like I got enough out of today's workout but I am pretty exhausted due to not sleeping well last night so I decided it was good enough.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!