EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • HaydonS19
    HaydonS19 Posts: 27 Member
    I actually just started the 3-week program and just finished my first week. This game really kicks my butt and I like it so much better than Wii fit!! I did 2 work outs today and the second one was way easier than the first!!
  • tarrox
    tarrox Posts: 47

    Your Polar is most accurate. EA only counts calories during the actual activities. It stops in between exercises. I find that my Polar shows just short of double what EA does on average
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 18 - Medium Phase 2

    282 cals
    41 mins
    123 Avg HR
    174 Max HR

    I also add a 35 minute step user generated workout. I am trying to figure out what I should do after this 9 week program. What are others going to do?
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Workout 20 (hard)

    Time 42.17

    Cals 263.9

    AHR 154

    MHR 204

    Lots of sprinting and outruns = torture
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Super excited! Got a new HRM today!!
    I wore the HRM from the game along with the chest strap/watch and compared the two.....

    EA HRM:
    Workout time: 27
    Cal Burned: 136
    Max HR: 172
    Avg HR: 120

    My HRM:
    Workout Time: 39
    Cal Burned: 347
    Max HR: 179
    Avg HR: 110

    This workout included the Heart Rate Test form the game. I didn't turn off my HRM during the time between the test and the workout...I marched in place during that time.

    Starting on Wednesday (after my LAST workout in the Cardio Kick Start program) I'll be starting the 9 week program! I am stoked!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was workout #28-Hard.
    47 Minutes
    290 Calories
    132 BPM

    I have proof that beating the mountain climbers is a mental challenge. I did THREE sets of 75 without stopping today. I didn't look at how many I had to do and I tried not to listen to him say I when was half way there. It worked! It doesn't work on some of those ab workouts from hell though...maybe on the first set but never on the second set. Baby steps. :)

    Wocawa-I don't know what I'm doing next either. I'm like "whoo hoo-I'm almost done!" and simulateneously "what the heck am I doing next?" I have the Insanity cd's here. I tried them once before but got interrupted by a pregnancy. I also have 30 day shred and a kettelbell program. I thought about doing the cardio kickstart on this game and the 30 day shred on the rest days. I just know I have to keep moving!

    Bjshooter-I swear my Monday workouts are the days from hell. Lots of running & lots of lunging & squats. "You've got to be kidding me" goes through my head a lot. LOL I know I'm in for it when the projected calorie burn is way higher than the other days.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Workout 21 (hard)


    cals 239.5

    AHR 139

    MHR 181
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I have proof that beating the mountain climbers is a mental challenge. I did THREE sets of 75 without stopping today. I didn't look at how many I had to do and I tried not to listen to him say I when was half way there. It worked! It doesn't work on some of those ab workouts from hell though...maybe on the first set but never on the second set. Baby steps. :)
    I'm going to try the mute thing today and do a count in my head and see how it goes.
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Hey All,

    Glad to see that everyone has been keeping up with their workout. I went out of town on Thursday with the boyfriend and couldnt take my wii so i'm a couple of workouts behind. I didn't even track my calories because I ate and drank a whole bunch more than I should have. With that said, I'm back at home so I will be eating right and working out everyday to make up for the missed workouts. Keep up the good work!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Last day of Cardio Kick Start!!
    Time: 29 min
    Avg HR: 161
    Max HR: 184
    Calories Burned: 322

    All this is according to my HRM...not the games. Game said I only burned 170!

    Anyway I can't wait for Wednesday! Start my 9 week program!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I didn't get a chance to check in over the weekend at all!

    Saturday was my 9 Week Challenge Easy Workout 08:

    Calories: 196.8
    Time: 28:33
    Avg HR: 128
    Max HR: 169

    Sunday was crazy busy so I actually rested on my rest day.

    Today was 9 Week Challenge Easy Workout 09:

    Calories: 207.9
    Time: 26:04
    Avg HR: 133
    Max HR: 169

    I also did my Fitness test. While I'm still maxing out the cooldown time (2:08 - HR was down to 109 after that time), my average HR for the fitness test dropped way down and I definitely pushed, so I can see some cardiac improvement!

    I also wanted to say that getting this game was actually my first step towards a more fit lifestyle. Since I started on January 12, I've done the Cardio Kickstart and am now 2 weeks into the 9 Week Program. I've lost 9 lbs over 5 weeks with my calories set at 1.5 lbs/week. I've definitely appreciated the motivation this group has been giving me!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 19 - Medium

    35 minutes
    234 calories
    120 AV HR
    161 MX HR

    This was a really hard workout for me tonight. It had four sets of mountain climbers, push ups, skipping, etc. Glad it is over.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I also wanted to say that getting this game was actually my first step towards a more fit lifestyle. Since I started on January 12, I've done the Cardio Kickstart and am now 2 weeks into the 9 Week Program. I've lost 9 lbs over 5 weeks with my calories set at 1.5 lbs/week. I've definitely appreciated the motivation this group has been giving me!
    That is GREAT! I'm so glad the group can provide that for you. Great work! :-)

    Last night's workout - workout 25 medium
    37 minutes
    241 calories
    142 Avg HR
    181 Max HR

    Also did my fit test - 45 seconds of foot fires
    It took me 2 minutes to get my heart rate down. It was up from last week.
    126 Avg HR
    164 Max HR

    By the way, shakemybooty, I had two sets of foot fires last night - BOTH 240 each. I actually did them with ease though. Last night's workout actually felt easier for some reason. Maybe because I had eaten about an hour before? I'm not sure but I felt so strong - ran all my runs (and there were 4!) and did all my leg raises (2 sets!) without having to drop my legs to the floor.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I also wanted to say that getting this game was actually my first step towards a more fit lifestyle. Since I started on January 12, I've done the Cardio Kickstart and am now 2 weeks into the 9 Week Program. I've lost 9 lbs over 5 weeks with my calories set at 1.5 lbs/week. I've definitely appreciated the motivation this group has been giving me!

    That is awesome!! Great job!!
    By the way, shakemybooty, I had two sets of foot fires last night - BOTH 240 each. I actually did them with ease though. Last night's workout actually felt easier for some reason. Maybe because I had eaten about an hour before? I'm not sure but I felt so strong - ran all my runs (and there were 4!) and did all my leg raises (2 sets!) without having to drop my legs to the floor.

    Ooohhh...you're my idol!! I stil lhate that one! They just upped them to 20 on me today. I was still struggling with 15! I blame my kids---3 c-sections. LOL

    Today was workout #29-Hard
    45 Minutes
    260 Calories
    121 Avg BPM

    I have also managed to stop drinking diet coke like water...this is day 5 off the sauce for me. It's a major accomplishment because I would think about it first thing in the morning!

    I have also gotten my 11 year old son to start the 9 week program. He's always been an ok weight for his age/size but his weight is all in his belly and he is formerly a husky pants wearing boy. This year he got taller and slimmed up and now we're going to build some muscles. Starting the program was a punishment for having a pre-teen mouth but by the 5th exercise he declared he was in love with the game and made me take before pictures of hm. He's so cute! (even if he still has that dreaded pre-teen mouth!)
  • Qpeace
    Qpeace Posts: 18 Member
    Great to read what everyone is doing!

    I started the EA Sports nine week program just after the first of the year. I chose Easy because of a very sedentary lifestyle. I got stuck in Phase 2, can you believe it? I did finish Day 22.

    I started all over again - still easy. Am I nuts for doing that? It does seem to be going a bit easier but I'm still dreading the mountain climbers.

    On the rest days I pull out the Wii Fit Plus. The things in their are not nearly so strenuous but it keeps me moving.

    Thanks for all the motivation!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Tonight was lunge central - I mean, workout 26, medium

    41 minutes
    270 calories
    137 Avg HR
    178 Max HR

    I did SO many lunges tonight, even though it was supposed to be a full-body workout. The mountain boarding was extended to 18 jumps (instead of 12), one round of skipping was increased to 90 (up from 65). But it's getting easier now. Thank God!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Qpeace: I honestly figured I would die if I went straight into the 9 week program when I first started. I did the Cardio Kick Start on Easy first and I think it made a big difference for me. I'm tacking the 9 Week Program now (on Easy) and loving it. It pushes me just the right amount.

    Anyway, today was a rest day so I decided to try my hand at designing a custom workout. I did a mainly cardio workout with a bit of core at the end.

    Calories: 191.7
    Time: 23:49
    Avg HR: 114
    Max HR: 151

    I think the workout needs to be tweaked a bit yet before I'm satisfied with it, but it was okay for today.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Tonight was lunge central - I mean, workout 26, medium

    41 minutes
    270 calories
    137 Avg HR
    178 Max HR

    I did SO many lunges tonight, even though it was supposed to be a full-body workout. The mountain boarding was extended to 18 jumps (instead of 12), one round of skipping was increased to 90 (up from 65). But it's getting easier now. Thank God!!

    You'll have to tell me if you think all of phase 3 is lunge/squat central because it sure feels that way to me. Today was my rest day so I did zumba. My legs are killing me. I don't know if zumba is a leg killer or if I'm still hurting from EA.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Today is a rest day. I'll see if my workout tomorrow is full of lunges.

    I meant to say earlier that I love that your started EASA2 as punishment but now has to do it! That is fabulous! My daughter started the Cardio Kickstart last night. She's 17. She has been procrastinating for the longest. At first her excuse was that she was waiting for the extra set of sensors I ordered to come in. They're backordered so I cancelled the order and I told her just workout when I'm at work. I know she wanted to do it together but our fitness levels are in two completely different places (she's definitely way lazier than she should be!). I'm thinking about buying the NFL Training Camp and doing that with her (since that game comes with the sensors) once we finish our programs.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    For some reason the game never picks him up when he's doing the exercises with the band. I can't figure it out. He had 35 minutes to do it last night before his dad came to get him. When I told him that he ran down the stairs to get started. I had his dad come inside to watch him for a while. Today is the first day he's worn non-husky jeans since he was 6 years old. I think that's good motivation for him. He's very sensitive about his tummy size.
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