EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    We always welcome new people!

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 11

    Calories: 169.5
    Time 24:10
    Avg HR: 116
    Max HR: 160

    Hoping it picks up the pace soon, which it should as Phase 1 ends tomorrow!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Workout 21 - Medium

    37 minutes
    248 calories
    115 AV HR
    172 MX HR

    Missed my workout yesterday so this one is for yesterday. I will do today's workout tomorrow and then I will be caught up again. Whew!!!
  • suziehomemaker
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for letting me join! Today I did:

    Workout #1 - Hard
    32 minutes
    159.2 calories
    113 Average heart rate
    161 Max heart rate

    A question...I am having some trouble with the tracker not "finding" me on some of the exercises, particularly ones where you have to bend over using the resistance band. I spend most of my time not doing the exercise but waving my arms around trying to get the trainer to stop encouraging me to follow her, because it is not showing my movements. Any tips on how to stop this from happening? Thanks! Kathy
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks for letting me join! Today I did:

    Workout #1 - Hard
    32 minutes
    159.2 calories
    113 Average heart rate
    161 Max heart rate

    A question...I am having some trouble with the tracker not "finding" me on some of the exercises, particularly ones where you have to bend over using the resistance band. I spend most of my time not doing the exercise but waving my arms around trying to get the trainer to stop encouraging me to follow her, because it is not showing my movements. Any tips on how to stop this from happening? Thanks! Kathy

    I discovered this the hard way! Do you use xbox 360 or wii? We have the 360 and I figured out you have to stand perfectly still and stand straight up before every workout or the kinect won't see you. Quite annoying.
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Wow.. my dumb self started a thread with the exact same name as this one..

    Why didnt I find this one first!!!
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Well, if it is alright with yall... Id really like to join with this thread :) I want some motivation on MFP as well as the EA Active site :) Im a motivation hog! lol I did my first workout Thursday night

    18 Minutes
    194 Cals

    That first workout KILLED me...Well, my legs anyway! Im doing my second workout tonight :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Thanks for letting me join! Today I did:

    Workout #1 - Hard
    32 minutes
    159.2 calories
    113 Average heart rate
    161 Max heart rate

    A question...I am having some trouble with the tracker not "finding" me on some of the exercises, particularly ones where you have to bend over using the resistance band. I spend most of my time not doing the exercise but waving my arms around trying to get the trainer to stop encouraging me to follow her, because it is not showing my movements. Any tips on how to stop this from happening? Thanks! Kathy

    Make sure you have your arm montior thingie on your arm correctly. My son was wearing it upside and too high up on his elbow and it couldn't find him either. I have one spot in my room where it seems to pick me up the best too.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ceelovejay-Your hard day must be fridays. Mine is mondays. I started on a tuesday. My abs are so sore today, it hurts to lay down!!

    Hi to the new folks! If you're using the wii, there is an MFP pal group online you can hook up with too.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    A question...I am having some trouble with the tracker not "finding" me on some of the exercises, particularly ones where you have to bend over using the resistance band. I spend most of my time not doing the exercise but waving my arms around trying to get the trainer to stop encouraging me to follow her, because it is not showing my movements. Any tips on how to stop this from happening? Thanks! Kathy

    I have that problem sometimes on the PS3, too...

    when i swipe to the right in the "basketball defense drill", it sometimes doesn't register the motion (only to the right, not to the left, though!). other than that, sometimes it doesn't register for me for those same exercises you mention -- especially the bent-over rows with either shoulder or triceps kicks. Oh, how I hate those!

    Of course, that reminds me -- I've been meaning to ask someone: my left shoulder seems to be weaker than the right (probably a lingering side effect from having been a baseball pitcher way back in my teenage years!), but my triceps are generally fairly weak, anyway. as a result, I have a hard time getting full extension on those shoulder and triceps exercises. is there any way out there to make it register, even if I'm unable to get the reps completely extended? (I'm not looking to cheat or trick the game, but just to do the exercise to the extent that I'm able.)

    Oh -- one other thing -- are reverse crunches the curse of your life, too? I *hate* those!!!!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for letting me join! Today I did:

    Workout #1 - Hard
    32 minutes
    159.2 calories
    113 Average heart rate
    161 Max heart rate

    A question...I am having some trouble with the tracker not "finding" me on some of the exercises, particularly ones where you have to bend over using the resistance band. I spend most of my time not doing the exercise but waving my arms around trying to get the trainer to stop encouraging me to follow her, because it is not showing my movements. Any tips on how to stop this from happening? Thanks! Kathy

    I discovered this the hard way! Do you use xbox 360 or wii? We have the 360 and I figured out you have to stand perfectly still and stand straight up before every workout or the kinect won't see you. Quite annoying.

    I use the Wii. I have figured out that I need to stand really still at the beginning of each exercise, but it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Finished Phase 1 today! And holy Haleakala, did the workout kick my butt! Three sets of Mountain Climbers! Egads!

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 12

    Calories: 202.4
    Time: 34:01
    Avg HR: 134
    Max HR: 165
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I use the Wii. I have figured out that I need to stand really still at the beginning of each exercise, but it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!

    Sometimes if you have to bend over during the resistance band ones you have to REALLY bend over. I noticed if I am not bent far enough it won't "find" my arms moving. It thinks i'm still standing or something. Plus I'm short so I have REALLY bend over before it sees me!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member

    Sometimes if you have to bend over during the resistance band ones you have to REALLY bend over. I noticed if I am not bent far enough it won't "find" my arms moving. It thinks i'm still standing or something. Plus I'm short so I have REALLY bend over before it sees me!

    Thanks! I will try bending over more. I am a little on the shorter side also.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    LOL -- I do that, too! I put the grips between my knees, lift my hands up (and it looks like I'm trying to pretend I'm an airplane!), and then wait until it registers the rep...!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Finished Phase 1 today! And holy Haleakala, did the workout kick my butt! Three sets of Mountain Climbers! Egads!

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 12

    Me too! I still can't figure out those Mountain Climbers -- how are we supposed to move both legs, while in that position, without "jumping"?!?!?!?

    anyway, tough workout -- i wonder what phase 2 is gonna look like?
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I use the Wii. I have figured out that I need to stand really still at the beginning of each exercise, but it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
    Are you holding the Wii remote in your right hand?
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Wow this is turning into a big group!!

    Just thinking of you all and thought I would post. I will hopefully be back at it soon.

    Keep up the awesome work and welcome to ALL the new folks :flowerforyou:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome to all of the new people! I love it!

    shakemybooty, that's it! I started on a Monday so Friday are the last workout for the week. Now, why are your and killing you? Please don't tell me they've decided to dramatically up the reps or change it from 2 or 3 or 4 sets per workout to something crazy like 10! Lol I don't know if I can handle that!
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I use the Wii. I have figured out that I need to stand really still at the beginning of each exercise, but it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
    Are you holding the Wii remote in your right hand?

    I did try that once...but I thought you only had to use the remote for the exercises when the little picture of it came up when the exercise is loading. It seems awkward to have to hold the remote and the band at the same time.