EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I did my first custom workout

    Warm up
    boxing x4
    3 ten minute step
    cool down

    Yay for trophies
    Making it mine
    Ten hours
    Something to do with boxing and something to do with stepping (i am easily pleased :D)

    Mins 45.22

    Cals 299.3

    AHR 147
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    EA 9 week Phase 2 Workout 19 Easy

    181 cals
    34 mins
    103 Avg HR
    141 Max HR

    Polar HRM
    178 cals
    37 mins
    111 Avg HR
    147 Max HR

    In Fat Zone 34:47 mins
    In Fit Zone 3;07 mins
    This is the closest they have been. Forgot to hit start on Polar until started after warm up.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today was my rest day but I was feeling pretty good so I decided to do a trainer generated workout.

    My Trainer Workout (Full Body, Easy)

    Calories: 170.2
    Avg HR: 124
    Max HR: 166
    Time: 26:24

    Stupid peripherals refused to recognize that I'd finished my 20 flutter kicks thank you very much, so I had to fiddle with things to finish the set. I think I did about 15 extra! And no credit! Ouch!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Last night was Workout 22 (Medium)
    40 minutes
    255 calories
    134 Avg HR
    175 Max HR

    This workout had endless cardio it felt like. Foot fires, skipping, a quick strength break, more skipping, foot fires, running, drop lunges...UGH. But I did it. Almost done with phase 2!!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Well, I didn't workout yesterday because I walked up 16 flights of stairs when I got to work. So my legs were pretty tired most of the day. Today is my scheduled rest day so I will do yesterday's workout today.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I found swearing at the trainer very therepeutic today. I felt awesome during today's workout and dug pretty deep to keep going. I've got reserves I didn't know existed! Woot!

    9 Week Program Easy Workout 06

    Calories: 189.9
    Time: 28:15
    Avg HR: 131
    Max HR: 166

    It looks like Friday's workout is going to be a bit easier. I might actually rest on my rest day tomorrow. It really depends on how I feel... I've been trying to listen to my body telling me when it needs a break.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Good job Sarahthes!!

    Today was workout 26-Hard. (Phase 3)
    48 Minutes
    280 Calories
    125 BPM

    It's the same stuff just longer and longer and longer. More laps around whatever I'm running around. Long runs for the fitness trail/outrun. Moutain climbers went to 75 but there was only one of those today. They mix up the biking, basketball, soccer now in one workout.

    I learned I still have puney triceps because the squat wih tricep extension about snapped my wings in two today.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I learned I still have puney triceps because the squat wih tricep extension about snapped my wings in two today.
    I actually feel very uncomfortable when I do these. I have to lean my elbows a little forward when I do my squat. If I leave them pointing upward, I get a strange feeling in my elbow and I don't like that at all. So I lean elbows forward when squatting then point them toward ceiling before I do my extension. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself if I leave them pointing up for the entire exercise.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Last night's workout was the one I missed on Tuesday night.

    Workout 16 - Medium
    38 minutes
    240 calories
    125 Avg HR
    167 Max HR

    There were three sets of foot fires (really hate those) and I lost track of how many times I had to skip!!!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    EA 9 week Phase 2 Workout 20 Easy

    203 cals
    40 mins
    113 Avg HR
    154 Max HR

    Polar HRM
    271 cals
    42 mins
    124 Avg HR
    157 Max HR

    In Fat Zone 20:05 mins
    In Fit Zone 22:28 mins
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    My Trainer Workout - did a slightly shorter one today.

    Calories: 140.1
    Time: 23:30
    Avg HR: 126
    Max HR: 157

    I managed to do most of the Mountain Climbers in the actual correct position instead of a modified position, so go me!

    Sounds like everyone else is doing great at keeping active, too!
  • Phase 2 - Medium......

    Feeling a little better today. I had to get better chords for tension. The butterfly moves are hard for me, so I use free weights.I found it easier to strap the leg monitor on the side of my leg. I press the "A" button when doing floor exercises and warm ups to avoid the "disconnected from remote" messages....

    I had my BP checked today : 103/67 ...... I think it's good because I have thyroid issues. Resting HR is 90

    I don't get nearly as winded as before, which is great because I'm actually beginning to feel a little bit athletic.

    This is so far the best workout program I've done on wii. I'd recommend it to anyone serious. I still love the dancing games though!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Last night's workout:
    Workout 23, Medium
    38 minutes
    212 calories
    130 Avg HR
    187 Max HR

    Yeah, four sets of mountain climbers - one of which came after I did 12 pushups. Talk about TORTURE. I have found that I can now get to about 50 (out of 55) before my arms give out on me. Only one more workout left in phase 2 then off to phase 3!! I'm actually excited to see what she has in store for me.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Funny you should mention those mountain climbers. Today mine went up to 75. Previously I could do 4 sets of 55 without stopping. Today when I saw "75" I could barely make it to 35 without dying. I think it was a total mental thing!! My arms were also killing me from whatever I had done right before those.

    Stride jumps went up to 110 and then back down and then back up. They aren't hard for me but it seemed like a lifetime passed before I hit 110.

    I also had a near death experience with my band. I was doing one of the overhead arm moves and it slipped out of my hand and made that huge "WHACK" sound. The good news is that it startled my heart rate into Zone 5 and probably burned a ton of extra calories without any effort on my part. LOL

    Workout 27-Hard
    41 Minutes
    207 Calories
    119 BPM

    The trainer told me I wasn't keeping up while he was 10 steps behind me at the finish line again. Men really do see the world differently don't they? LOL

    The evil side of me wants to completely throw a workout....fall off my bike, miss all the jumps on the mountain boarding just to see if it hurls me into the rail, not throw any punches to see if my sparring partner comes after me, and fall down on the runs to see if the other runners can ever cross the finish line. Is it just me or is anyone else having these thoughts too? Maybe it's a phase 3 thing. :wink:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    shakemybooty, you are too funny! I have actually thought about blowing one of the sprints to see what happened (if everyone just slowed up and fell behind me or if they'd keep going). I know the one day I was having issues with my leg sensor, I only passed 1 of the 5 runners in the outrun exercise.

    75 mountain climbers? I definitely would probably "take a break" every 20 or so. LOL I think for me with the mountain climbers is I need to mute the sound because the sensor doesn't necessarily pick up all of my leg movements and the game beeps way slower than I'm moving and that just throws me off. So I make myself think that I have way more than are actually left. The same thing with the skipping. My avatar skips WAY TOO SLOW. No matter how fast I go, she continues to move at a snail's pace and it kills my legs trying to slow down to her speed.

    I'm glad you didn't get hurt with the band. But LOL @ your heartrate jumping up because of the sound. There is an advantage to everything, right? :-)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I just finished Phase 1 on Medium, today, then did two trainer generated workouts... one for core and one for upper body. Total time 1:30, total calories 439.

    I swear at my trainer a lot. Good thing she's not real, or she'd be filing a restraining order against me.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    9 Week Program - Easy Workout 07

    Calories: 165.8
    Time: 24:14
    Avg HR: 107
    Max HR: 166

    I'm pretty sure the HRM was acting screwy for a bit. I suspect I was sweating under the band and screwing up the sensor because it had my HR at 67 bpm during Outrun... and I was really pushing during that exercise. Not only that, but my resting heart rate is 75-80 bpm.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Yesterday was Workout 24 medium - last one of phase 2!
    39 minutes
    231 calories
    140 Avg HR
    179 Max HR

    I *finally* got through one set of 55 mountain climbers without giving up. I just pray they don't up the reps on me in phase 3!!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    EA 9 week Phase 2 Workout 21 Easy

    178 cals
    34 mins
    107 Avg HR
    139 Max HR

    Polar HRM
    214 cals
    42 mins
    112 Avg HR
    146 Max HR

    In Fat Zone 35:12 mins
    In Fit Zone 7:02 mins
  • Hey all,
    Just found this thread when googling info about the EASA2 calorie count compared to my Polar HR monitor.

    I just got the Polar monitor last week & it is always showing about double the calorie burn as the EASA. I was shocked to see the difference. So which do you think is more accurate?? I'm using the Polar FT60, which ones are you using?

    Yesterday I finished phase 2 (workout #24) of the 9-week plan on medium. Been doing trainer-generated (mostly core-focused on hard or med) workouts on the rest days.

    So far I've burned about 7600 calories, 51 workouts & about 26 hrs. according to the EASA stats. Down 17 lbs. since day 1 on Jan. 3!
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