EA Sports Active 2 - 9 week Challenge



  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Hey All. I can't remember which workout I completed today. Phase two something. There were a lot of new activities including something called juggling. I think its pretty pointless since you're just following her and i'm pretty sure I could have sat on the couch and still completed it perfectly. Otherwise good workout.

    37 mins
    213 calories

    Did I mention that I hate reverse crunches? I know they are good for you but geez!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ceelovejay-My last workout had at least 6 ab workouts in it...2 in a row sprinkled through out the routine. The only one that repeated was leg raises...which is naturally the one I despise the most.

    Monique-I think the point of the juggling is to make you jump, land on one foot, and keep your balance which involves your core. I'm pretty sure it's like the warm ups where it's not really watching you do it. (Big Brother takes a nap on that one)

    Only 5 workouts left for me. I don't want it to end. How sick is that? LOL
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today was a rest day so I did one of the pre-programmed workouts.

    Core and Crunch - modified to remove 2 sets of Mountain Climbers so I could focus more on form for the 3rd set.

    Calories: 198.5
    Time: 31:06
    Avg HR: 125
    Max HR: 170
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Today was my second workout, and ive gotta say the system pissed me off.

    It didnt register on my kinect for most of my exercises alot of the time! Ugggh i wanted to throw something...we reconfigured everything too... sucks.

    Anyone else have this issue
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I use the Wii. I have figured out that I need to stand really still at the beginning of each exercise, but it still is not working for me with the exercises where you have to move your arms with the resistance band. It will pick me up, say extending my arms back in a tricep exercise, but then it does not sense me moving them back...so then I have to let go of the band, stand straight up and wave my arms around to make my person on the screen return her arms...but then I am in a vicious cycle because I have to then move to pick the band back up, so I am not being still enough...it's frustrating but I hope to figure it out soon.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
    Are you holding the Wii remote in your right hand?

    I did try that once...but I thought you only had to use the remote for the exercises when the little picture of it came up when the exercise is loading. It seems awkward to have to hold the remote and the band at the same time.
    I believe for the strength exercises, it expects you to hold the remote in your right hand. It gets less awkward the more you do it. :)

    shakemybooty, that doesn't sound like much fun at all! I don't think it's sick that you're going to miss doing the workouts - you've dedicated 9 weeks of your life to it, you know? I downloaded workout 1 of the 30 Day Shred from my on Demand and am going to try it after I'm done. Only 8 more workouts to go!
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Workout 15 medium
    38 mins
    187 Calories

    Still playing catch-up. Today was a mostly upper body workout. Oh and 2 sets of leg raises :devil: I just have to remember that warm weather season is approaching. Keeps me somewhat motivated.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was workout #32-Hard.
    45 minutes
    276 calories

    Monday is my hard day. I think I had an out of body experience. I don't think I've sweat this much in my life. I was gasping for air in some instances and that hasn't happened often. Today included squats with calf raises. As my legs were burning, I thought "the only thing that would make this worse is if it was followed by mountain climbers." Guess what was next! That seemed to be the theme of the day. Lunge and squat me to death and then MORE MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS. Hey, since you're already gasping for air...let's throw in a long outrun next. And in the outrun, I passed the same girl 3x. The blue/white shirt girl was multiplying or I was truly hallucinating at that point.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I forgot to add...only one more Monday workout from hell left!!:bigsmile:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    As my legs were burning, I thought "the only thing that would make this worse is if it was followed by mountain climbers." Guess what was next!

    on-screen, mountain climbers look so effortless, but when I'm doing them, I really feel like I'm hopping (which, IIRC, the on-screen voice tells you not to do). How do you manage them, so that your form is good? (Am I doing them wrong, maybe?)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    As my legs were burning, I thought "the only thing that would make this worse is if it was followed by mountain climbers." Guess what was next!

    on-screen, mountain climbers look so effortless, but when I'm doing them, I really feel like I'm hopping (which, IIRC, the on-screen voice tells you not to do). How do you manage them, so that your form is good? (Am I doing them wrong, maybe?)

    I'm not the greatest at Mountain Climbers yet but for me, I seem to have the best form when on carpet wearing socks. The lower amount of friction means I can focus more on form while doing them. I tried doing them on my non-slip mat and was bouncing all over the place. The only problem with doing it in socks is rug burn! I'm looking for some soft-soled shoes to reduce that particular side effect.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I missed 3 days, so ill have to do it everyday this week :(

    Workout 23 (hard)

    Time - 40.34

    Cals - 216.2

    AHR 133 (although it died completely for a while, well I am presuming the monitor died and not me)

    MHR 194
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    As my legs were burning, I thought "the only thing that would make this worse is if it was followed by mountain climbers." Guess what was next!

    on-screen, mountain climbers look so effortless, but when I'm doing them, I really feel like I'm hopping (which, IIRC, the on-screen voice tells you not to do). How do you manage them, so that your form is good? (Am I doing them wrong, maybe?)
    I don't switch both legs at the same time. I raise one knee to my chest, return back, then raise the other knee and return. I cannot alternate legs without bouncing.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Week 1, workout 2 - Hard
    Time 36.37 minutes
    Av. HR 108
    Max HR 177
    Calories 153.3

    I had to completely skip two exercises (tricep extensions and reverse crunches) because after many attempts, the thing just wouldn't "find" me. Hopefully I figure this out soon.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Today was Workout 23 - medium

    39 minutes
    243 calories
    116 AHR
    148 MHR

    This was a hard workout with 4 sets of mountain climbers!!!! Have a good week everyone.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Workout 29 - medium
    297 calories
    138 Avg HR
    187 Max HR

    Lots of squats and lunges again today. Tons of running too. But it was not too bad!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    9 Week Program Easy Workout 13

    Calories: 216.8
    Time: 29:24
    Avg HR: 119
    Max HR: 159

    This was the first workout of phase 2. I did notice that the reps for each exercise went up just a tiny bit. At least there were no Mountain Climbers! I was feeling a bit of pain in my right shoulder and right knee... if they're still bugging me tomorrow I'm going to actually rest on my Rest Day.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Today was my second workout, and ive gotta say the system pissed me off.

    It didnt register on my kinect for most of my exercises alot of the time! Ugggh i wanted to throw something...we reconfigured everything too... sucks.

    Anyone else have this issue
    My husband has this problem...especially with exercises where he has to jump or run. It's constantly looking for him or resetting. I did see there is this mount you can get for your wall for the kinect. I was debating on getting it to keep it steadier since our house likes to shake lol.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    yesterday's workout ~
    Workout #3 Medium
    Calories: 301
    AHR: 140
    MHR: 181

    Missed one workout so I will be working out the rest of this week to catch up. No rest days for me!
  • saeverman
    I'm thinking of buying the EA Active 2, but have a question. Does the HRM only work with the game?

    Stephanie E
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I'm thinking of buying the EA Active 2, but have a question. Does the HRM only work with the game?

    Stephanie E

    Yes it only works with the game. That's why I had to get a personal HRM lol. It is worth it though!!