Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011

Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    A new year, a new beginning!! Back to exercise and recording food.:bigsmile:

    I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve and may 2011 be the best year ever!!

    We stayed home last night, watched some movies, then watched New York bring in the New Year and an hour later watched Chicago, that was enough excitement for me. :laugh:

    A new year which I pray will be much better than last year, time to focus on myself and not worry about what others say or do. I have the love of a great husband, wonderful family and the best dog ever, what else could you ask for???

    To you my fitness pal friends, you are the best!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Happy New Year!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy New Year, Sneakers!!!!

    from Barb and "The Piggies"
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!2011~~
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Happy 2011 to everybody……I am ready for a calendar full of clean pages ready for new adventure and learning new healthy habits.

    :flowerforyou: we had been asleep for hours when we were awakened by the sounds of fireworks and maybe gunshots to welcome the new year....fortunately the noise didn't wake the dogs so we went right back to sleep.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thanks for starting the new thread…..I’m sorry the dog park didn’t work out for Daisy…we have occasional problems but the offending dogs (and people) are usually ones that don’t come regularly…..we live toward the western side of our time zone so the sunrise is later for us….it is actually light by 7:30 right now….we are also pretty far north so the days are very short now (sunset is at 4:30)

    :bigsmile: Connie, I’m glad to hear that the tornadoes are far away from you and that you are safe

    :bigsmile: I have a new gratitude journal for 2011 and besides my family and my health, I will be including all of you on my lists this year.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I do wish you all a happy new Year. Have you all set your goal for this year? I have........ Eat less and exercise some. more.
    Lets all have a great year. Happy New Year 2011
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy i posted on the wrong month And JoAn posted after me. Is their a way to moved her post to 2011? Help.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Well, some kind of Golden Sneaker I made--I really fizzeled out. I got the flu and it really kicked my butt, got well enough to make all the Christmas preparations and then relapsed. Strangely enough, my puppy dog, Kirby, got really sick too. Kirby is 13 and we were told this summer his blood work showed he probably has myloma. We could have paid another $100 to have that diagnosis confirmed but I just couldn't bring myself to confirm it. So when he couldn't hold any food down, vommited blood, pooped blood and was so very sick, I thought that he might be at death's door. I was so upset because I felt so helpless. But as sick as he was he still wasn't real lathargic I don't know if its possible or not but it seemed like he caught my flu and when I relapsed so did he. I know, I'm probably crazy. But except for a slight sore throat and cough for me (Kirby has a slight caugh too) we are much better. He is now back to eating his Science Diet for sensitive stomach and we both went for a 55 minute walk today. I live in Elkhart, Indiana so its pretty cold here but all the snow has melted and the walk was invigorating. Anyways, sorry for not being a better friend. I'll try harder for January. Even with the sickness I had a wonderful Christmas and I just have a feeling 2011 is going to be a Good Year. At least I didn't gain any weight during the holdays. I feel sorry for the husband of one of you (need to learn peoples names) regarding the dentures. Getting dentures was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I hope all goes well for him. Well, everyone Happy New Year. And, by the way, I really love the animations you guys put on here, that New Years one was the Best! Until later. JoAn
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks again, Barbie for getting me to the right place! :flowerforyou: As far as my New Years goals, they are: to find the joy in each and every day, lose the rest of my weight and be the best mother, wife and friend I can be. And, the big one for me, especially where my children are concerned, don't offer my opinion unless they ask for it. :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Sandy i posted on the wrong month And JoAn posted after me. Is their a way to moved her post to 2011? Help.


    Joined Dec 2008

    Posts: 4,362

    Sun 01/02/11 03:46 PM
    hey is all taking a vacation??????????????????????????
    i for one enjoy it but glad to be back to normal.

    Have you all got your goals made for 2011

    I have mine in this order:::::::::::::: Eat less ............. exercise more. I just read an article that said you can exercise more but will not lose any weigh unless you eat less. How true is that?

    Lets have a great year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Copied yours Marie but JoAn found the January post and copied her own. I think we are all on the right month now, at least I hope so.
  • viliberty1957
    I have a feeling this is going to be a great year. Happy New Year every one.

    I read my horoscope this morning and it said a walk by the water would be a good idea. So I filled the kitchen sink with dishwater before I started walking around cleaning the kitchen. And...hey...I had a good day. My kitchen is clean. :laugh: LOL :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    today is our Isagenix cleanse day so we're taking it easy......we watched a funny golf movie "Tin Cup" I did all the laundry....we took a drive and did our errands.....and then took a short walk on the Discovery Trail......and of course took the dogs to the dog park

    :flowerforyou: JoAn, I'm glad you found us.......we start a new thread every month so next month you'll know to look for the link that Sandy leaves for us when she starts the new thread...what amazing news about Kirby's miracle recovery

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I loved your walk by the water :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I think that if you only exercise more you will keep yourself from gaining more weight but not necessarily lose any weight.....the other important thing is to leave out the empty calories so you eat fewer calories and they will all be full of nutrition

    :flowerforyou: My goals for January are pretty much the same as they were for December.......I want to keep on doing the things that work and stay away from the ones that don't :bigsmile:
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Happy New Year Sneaks! I feel like I'm starting over again. At least I'm not quitting!

    This is a laugh out loud e-mail – a must watch!!
  • viliberty1957
    Snowing again....what can I say! And it sure is cold. I spent an hour walking up and down the aisles at Fred Meyer this morning. Nobody seems to notice I'm using the store for a nice warm track. I also did a little shopping. I now have a beautiful roast and vegetables in the oven. It smells heavenly.

    Couldn't sleep last night so I finally just got up! At three a.m. I was moving my office (desk, computer, monitor, printer, speakers) from the living room to the kitchen. My son, Jim, wasn't sleepy either, so he did most of the work. It really made a much needed change since the living room is so small. I love having sons....three really great ones. :heart: (And my daughter is pretty special, too.) :heart:

    All of you please have a wonderful day. "This the day the Lord has made...I will rejoice and be glad in it." God Bless.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all ,

    I got a good start this morning Had an old fashion WW breakfast. The first WW diet to come 1963
    I sl. of whole wheat toast
    1 egg cooked in a tiny bit of water. slid it on my toast.
    Small orange
    1 glass of 1% milk **************hey not bad. Pluse 16 oz of water

    lunch waS 1 BANANA. 1 t of peanut butter glass of 1% milk.

    supper will be Amy's Enchillada dinner with black bean and veggies.=====360 calories

    Hopefully I will not need a bedtime snack
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Irene, I use WalMart and Costco for walking on days when it's too icy to walk outdoors.....the stores are big enough that people don't notice you coming back again on the same aisles :laugh: although at Costco sometimes the lure of food samples can be a problem

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I hope the WW works for you...your meals sound the sodium a problem or did the doctor say to not worry about it too much ?

    :flowerforyou: Jake took the dogs to the dog park where is was very cold but they got a good run....i fixed turkey ham, shredded potatoes, and frozen cauliflower for lunch :bigsmile: then we went out to do our errands---bank, post office, pay some bills.

    :flowerforyou: somewhere in between I got to jog and dance and ride the exercise bike while watching TV

    :grumble: my pedometer did something weird.....when I took it out of my pocket after walking the dogs this morning it said that it was 4:03 AM and that I had walked over 14,000 steps.........the number of steps looked like the sum of yesterday's steps plus the steps I walked with the dogs and doing my morning chores and the clock was off by five hours so I reset the clock and tried to figure out how many steps I'd need to walk to get to my 10,000 today.....this is the first time my pedometer has done something this strange
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone! Had a good day today. Irene--I loved your "walking by water" story, it gave me a good laugh. Marie--your food choices sound good, although lunch didn't seem like very much food. I couldn't sleep last night either but I made myself get up early this morning because I have to be at the hospital for "pre-op testing" at 7:15 AM tomorrow and I want to go to bed a little earlier than usual. I should have called the hospital today to see what exactly pre-op testing consists of. I assume they will just do some bloodwork--guess I'll find out tomorrow :smile: Just sitting here tonight enjoying the last week of my Christmas decorations. I just love the lights, and the tree and all the decorations. My husband's busy season will be starting soon--he's a CPA so Kirby and I will just have to keep each other company until April 15. Hope you all have a good evening. God Bless, JoAn
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Hey you guys I am on this bus to lose weight. And I am not going to fall off of it . However it does look a little bumpy/
    I made it thru day 1. Jake you can drive better than will get to the golf course on
    Sunny California.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from chilly Saskatchewan. We have a busy week ahead of us with various Dr. appointments. I wish we could have made them on the same day but it is what it is! I am still enjoying the Christmas tree, usually leave it up until Ukrainian Christmas even though we are not Ukrainian. There are people around us who are and it is a good excuse to keep it up for a few more days. It makes me happy and that is a good enough reason!

    I hope that you are all starting off the New Year well. I (as usual) am lagging behind but will be starting my low cholesterol diet next week following my colonoscopy (ugh). I will be thinking of you Barbie as I know it is coming up soon for you.

    Marie -- I think I may have missed reading that you are on WW. Are you using the new program or sticking to the old. Nothing wrong with the old program. That is the one I used to get to goal originally!! Good luck to you.

    Sandy -- Way back you asked about Shepherd's Pie. It is a layered dish starting with a layer of beef. My Mom always used leftover roast beef ground up with carrots and some onions and then topped with mashed potatoes and baked in the oven. I used ground lean beef and made a little gravy with it. I topped it with leftover carrots and peas and then the mashed potatoes. It didn't live up to my Mom's but Dave thought it was great.

    I will be back soon to visit with the rest of you. Take care and have a wonderful 2011 full of peace, love and happiness.
    Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No Gayla I am not on the new version of WW I am really just trying to make the right choice. and stay under 1200 calories.But I do Keep the old WW plan in mind when I make my Menu up For it just comsist of 3 fruit a day, All the unlimited veggies 2 glass of milk. It whole bread or whole wheat pasta 2 oz.. 2 oz of lean meat a meal. Maybe sweet potatoes or white potatoes. ocassionaly. This is base on the resistant starch plan. I am trying to kick my coffee creamer habbit too. But I made me a cuo of coffee this morning with just Stevia 1 pkg. And Jerry came along and added the creamer to it while I was out of the room. He usally have my coffee ready for me when I get up and I failed to inform him.

    What is the cholesterol diet consist of.? Seems like these years just fly by for our colonoscopy .But thank God for them.

    Oh by the way JoAn has a birthday this month. I have got it on my calendar and should get an e-mail about it a couple days before.