Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    We're all a little's creepin in when we're not lookin.......but we all have a plan to reverse some of this aging process. That plan is "You've got to move it, move it!" I too was surprised to see how much I would be eating by posting my food. Tomorrow, I'm going to test the food in the journal before I eat it. :blushing:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I feel the sme way Gloria. You are doing great.

    I like the nickname you gave me....Maddy or Maddie.....I'm already attached to it....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think the group does too.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone! What a nice day I had today. My daughter, Suzi, had a birthday New Year's Eve and we didn't have a chance to celebrate it so we went to lunch today. I took her to the 4-Winds Casino and we had a delicious oven roasted turkey sandwhich on a warm ciabatta bun, with honey mustard, tomato and lettuce. Mmmm it was sooo good! After lunch I gave her $20 and we both played slots until we ran out of our $20s. Finally, we browsed the gift shops then went home. It was a nice break for Suzi as she has 5 kids--remember those days! On the car ride home my youngest daughter called and said she had an interview on Monday. She so needs a success. She had a rough year this past year with losing her father, who she had issues with since he was a hopeless alcoholic and then one of her best friends was killed in a firely auto accident, she was the same age as my Melissa, 21. Melissa was in college but lost all focus so now she needs to work to save up some money so she can go next semester. So keep your fingers crossed for her that this job comes through because she needs to get back in the game of life. I started my day with a walking tape that you use booster cables with and felt really good after completing it. I have to admit, I'm a little sore tonight, but not too bad. Well, about time to watch Medium so until later, have a great evening everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    JoAn I love the Four Winds Casino. We don't go often but when we do we spend the night so we can party hearty all night long. :laugh: I like the fact they have $5.00 tables and they are friendly dealers. Jeffrey and his wife go to Blue Chip but I have never been there. When is your knee surgery? I also love Medium but will watch a movie with my hubby first, thank goodness for the DVR. :bigsmile:

    I was good today exercised for an hour, still under my calories and will be able to have some popcorn later for a snack. :blushing:

    Have a good evening!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla, glad you got through your colonoscopy OK.......they called me today to ask about my medical history and medications and to find out what sort of anesthesia I wanted......I said to give me whatever knocks me out the most.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It is scheduled for January 18 (a week from Tuesday)

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I don't do Twitter so I was certain that you had run or bicycled off the face of the earth :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I am finally back to just under the weight I was before Thanksgiving.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Sandy, my goal with my pedometer is to walk at least 10,000 steps every day.....sometimes I have to jog while watching TV or walk up and down the hall at the end of the day to get enough steps......if I get 10,000 steps then I put a sticker on my calendar.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: we are going to an all day sit down meeting tomorrow which is a two hour drive from here so it will be a bad day for food, exercise, and posting on the computer.:sad: :sad: :sad: and we have to leave the house about 6 AM so we'll be going to bed early.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    You are all amazing! Just thought I would put that out there!

    So glad to hear from you, Jeffrey. I do check up on you on twitter from time to time. Don't you be too hard on Day now. So sorry that the knee is still giving you grief!

    To everyone else --- take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone, Happy Friday

    Had a busy week, and will have a busy Saturday, shopping for my mom in the morning, attending a trade show to pick up some contacts for small business owners to call on for my business in the afternoon. In the evening, I am supposed to have a friend over for dinner.

    Jeffrey, Glad to hear what you've been up to. I hope your knee will behave itself so you can train for your upcoming event.

    Welcome to the newbies!!

    Gayla, I am sure you are glad your colonoscopy is over and that you don't have to deal with another one for three years. I wish Neil's voice would return. I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Jo An--Thank you for the giggle. I have an amusing picture of you in my mind, walking down the street toting some auto battery "booster cables". If you connect them to something, you might get a real "charge "out of your cardio activity!!! (Sorry, those who know me realize I can never ignore a perfectly good pun--especially one that I set up!!!

    Marie, You sound like you are doing well. The "piggies" (FYI newbies--my nickname for my three dogs-"The three little pigs") send a woof to Sammy. Bradley is living up to his personal nickname of "Yorkshire Terror" by trying to go after Pepper, but Pepper has lots of hair, (we need to get to the groomer soon), so all Bradley gets is a mouthful of black hair when he tries to go after Pepper. Tonight, I found a tuft of it on the kitchen floor after their latest encounter. Bradley has the misguided idea that no other doggy dare to be closer to me than he is at any given moment, so I have to mediate frequent "jurisdictional disputes"--my dad's description of their encounters. Bradley is not dumb--he has only gone after Mai Li one time, and she put him in his place. She more than twice his weight, so he has the good sense not to tempt fate!!

    It is late, so I will wish all a good weekend. They are threatening us with snow and ice in the next few days, and it appears there is an even greater chance of it north of here, which means Barbie and Jake might have to break out their snow shovel.

  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member

    Woke up this morning and, when I opened the shutters, saw frozen tundra. BBBBBRRRRR! I looked at the thermometer and it read zero. So, I doubt I'll be doing anything outside except my morning chores. Sounds like a good day for kitchen work. I'll get my cooking done for my husband's lunches next week. He's an electrician installing temperature controls, so he's always working in the cold...before the heat goes on in new buildings. He burns calories like crazy and is thin as a rail (Gggrrrr). He's as thin as he was when we were in high school 39 years ago. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the park and do some geocaching. There's a ton of them and should keep us busy for the better part of the day.

    What I'd like to know is....why is there always a picture of chocolatey, gooey, muffin tops on this page!!! It's hard enough staying away from these temptations without constant reminders! :laugh:

    I got my heart rate monitor out this morning and dusted it off. I'll have to reprogram it, but it ay give me a better idea how many calories I'm actually burning instead of relying on what the machine or MFP says. I question the "cleaning house" amount...400 calories in two hours? We'll see.

    Jeffrey ~ you sound amazing. I look forward to following your activities. I love my bicycle but haven't been on it in a few years. I participated in a Breast Cancer ride three years ago and loved it. I'd like to get my strength back so I can do it again this year.

    JoAn ~ my prayers are with your daughter. Everyone deserves a chance to change their life around and I'll cross my fingers that she finds the strength and preserverance to do it. It can be done if you want it badly enough.

    I'm curious about you all. What are your lifestyles? Where do you live? Are you city or country mice? Jobs or retired? Hobbies? Pets? I'm sure most of you are already acquainted with each other, but us newbies need to catch up!

    My husband and I have a small farm in Michigan's thumb area. We raised sheep...LOTS of sheep...for many years, but got rid of them several years ago. We just got rid of the last of our dairy goats last month. I just couldn't get them to milk themselves! I get my milk from a farmer north of town now. I'm down to a barn cat, 21 chickens, and a very spoiled English Setter named Scout. She's not a dog, she's a fur person. Her Highness rules over us all. Winter is my down time when I can relax a bit and do some quilting. Come Spring we plant our greenhouse and a fairly large garden which keeps me busy through October. We put up as much food as we can to keep us going throughout the year. We also raise about 25 meat chickens and a couple of lambs for the freezer. So, as you can see, I'm an old fashioned gal living a very non-glamorous life. I don't get out much, just once a week when I go into town to run errands and have very little social contact. (I need to change that.) That's why I'm enjoying all of you so much.

    Let me hear from the rest of you. I love hearing about your lives.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning young at heart Seniors.
    Jeffrey you and i are the original poster here on this Thread. Gayla also joined MFP in Dec. of '08 join us here on Senior golden sneakers a few weeks later. Then came Barbiecat, Sandy And Barbs and all that follows us. So glad it work out so good. for us. You have all been such good surporters Lets make this a banner year to remember. Love to all Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Saturday!! We had a dusting of snow and my husband is using the leaf blower to get rid of it. :laugh: He doesn't want Daisy to slip and get hurt, after all she is our "baby". Although it was just a couple of years ago my husband slipped and fell on the ice to get Daisy her toy and fractured his shoulder, so maybe he is just be cautious. :tongue:

    Barb, really great hearing from you, I have missed your humor and well related puns. :laugh:

    Viki, my story could write a book but I will just go over the highlights. I have been with my second husband for nearly 33 years, we got married after 13 years of dating. :laugh: :laugh: I have four kids from my first marriage and he has two. My eldest son, his wife and daughter live in Portland, Oregon; my daughter, her husband and three children (2 boys and 1 girl) live in Minneapolis, Minnesota: my next son lives here in Illinois near me, he is divorced and has a 15 year old daughter who is the apple of my eye; my youngest son lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. My step son lives here in Illinois with his wife and 5 year old daughter about a mile from us: my step daughter lives in Modesto, Ca with her husband and a herd of cats. Out of the six grandchildren, three are adopted.
    My daughter's two sons and my step son daughter. They are all loved in the same way and I never even think of them as being adopted even mentioning to their parents on occasion how much they look alike.

    My third son is bi polar and is in recovery for addiction, he is three years clean and sober. :heart: :heart: :heart: My step son is an alcoholic who last July nearly died and was in a coma for 5 days. He is not drinking but does still have the attitude of a dry drunk.
    He doesn't work a program and keeps saying that he will drink again some day. (He does that to push our buttons) He in fact on the Sunday after New Year's Day poured his wife and myself a glass of champagne and put some in a paper cup and took a swig. He shocked us all but claims it was terrible and that will not make him drink. I have been going to Al Anon for three years and have learned to take care of myself and detach with love.

    And lastly, my husband and I are animal lovers, especially dogs. We have an Old English Sheepdog named Daisy Mae, who will be two in May. She is full of energy, loves to play and is the funniest dog I have ever seen. I post lots of pictures of Daisy, so you will see her often.

    I think I joined MFP about two years ago wanting to lose weight. I tried different yo yo diets but this program is the only one that has been working for me and keeping weight off. It is automatic to me now to watch my calories, I personally try to stay away from sugar since I read you could lose 30 pounds in one year by eliminating sugar. :laugh: Recording calories really works, it helps keep you focused. Of course everyone knows along with watching calories you have to exercise and with Barbie and Jake reminding us to drink lots of water, you can't go wrong. Look at the success of Barbie, Jake, Barb and Jeffrey, they have lost a person and have maintained. I have fallen of the wagon so to speak, but with the help of this group who are now friends I just pick myself up and start all over again.:heart::heart: :heart:

    I have rambled on and on for too long but now you have some in sight into my life!!!

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    If you do nothing else today, please follow this link and read this young woman's blog posting. She has shown so much courage for someone so young. She's my inspiration today.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Sandy, my knee surgery will be January 20th and I am trying not to think about it too much or I will psych myself out. I had to stop taking all anti-inflamitory drugs on the 5th, including my regular arthritis medicine. I can't even take an asprin.

    Barb, I wish since I am so draggy today, I could plug those "booster cables" into something to give me a jolt!

    I'm having one of those days that I just crave candy. I really would like a reese peanut butter cup. But, since I don't have any candy in the house and we really got a lot of snow today, I won't be traveling out to get any. Usually when I really want something I go ahead and eat it as long as I have the calories left or can exercise to earn some. So, if I still am craving it tomorrow, I will just save the calories for it.

    Its nice to read about the starters of this thread--such neat people!

    Have a nice evening everyone, until later God Bless. JoAn :smile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from very white Saskatchewan. We had fluffly snow falling for most of the day which does make everything look white and fresh but also makes the highways a little icy. We went in to the city for a few groceries and to pick up Neil to spend the night with us. He has claimed my big, cozy chair but it is all good! Dave and I have been reading labels for fat, cholesterol and calories to make some better shopping decisions. We do pretty well with the groceries, so it must be those extra things we sneak in or the too big servings. Time to bring out the food scale again and use it on a regular basis. We can do this.

    I will try to be brief talking about myself and my family. It is my favorite thing to do so some of you will want to take a breather here! Actually my resolution for 2011 is to not be so self-involved!! I will try to reach out more and be a support to others instead of getting the support!! My family -- I am 61, a nurse but mostly retired. I retired last year and went back a couple of months later to work 5 hours a week attending to the developmental needs of babies/toddlers who are in hospital for a long term (months to years). Most often they are in PICU and on ventilators. It is a very rewarding job and I do love it. My husband is also retired. He was a high school drafting and woodworking teacher. We have 3 sons and no grandbabies. The oldest is apprenticing to be a lineman, he is married and his wife is a psychologist at a post-secondary school. Our youngest son is a chef (I think a very good one! :wink: ) and runs the kitchen at a popular, trendy restaurant. He and his girlfriend have been living together for a long time. She is a lovely girl (manages a Starbucks) and I am hopeful that they will marry. Our middle son is Neil and you will hear about Neil more often than you want to!! Neil has both physical and mental challenges. He recently moved into a group home and for the most part it is going very well. He is a social butterfly and his favorite thing to do is chat with anyone!!! That is very closely followed by watching Cops and the Bounty Hunter. Recently he had surgery to control his seizures and during the surgery they damaged the nerve to his vocal chords. He now can only talk in a whisper which is very frustrating for him and it also has caused him to be unable to swallow liquids unless they are thickened. I am not sure which thing is more frustrating but it has made us all very sad. The doctors are wanting us to wait 6 months to see if there is some nerve recovery and then try some other intervention if it has not recovered. Because I talk about him so often I just wanted to let you know the background. We live in a town of 5000 (most of them know Neil as he rides around on his trike) about 12 miles from a larger city which is where I work. We are in Saskatchewan, Canada, the middle of the prairies. Enough for now. I hope you didn't nod off!! So glad to meet you all. We will enjoy getting to know you.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I'm having one of those days that I just crave candy. I really would like a reese peanut butter cup. But, since I don't have any candy in the house and we really got a lot of snow today, I won't be traveling out to get any.

    Years ago a nutritionist told me (after I confessed my passion for Reese Peanut Butter Cups) to take a caramel corn rice cake, spread a thin layer of peanut butter on top, then drizzle a very little chocolate syrup over the top. She called it a no guilt candy bar. Have to admit, it was very good and usually got me past the crazies!!

    Good luck on the knee surgery. My daughter went through that last summer. Be sure to do the physical therapy. It helps.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Hi everyone from very white Saskatchewan. We had fluffly snow falling for most of the day which does make everything look white and fresh but also makes the highways a little icy. We went in to the city for a few groceries and to pick up Neil to spend the night with us. He has claimed my big, cozy chair but it is all good! Dave and I have been reading labels for fat, cholesterol and calories to make some better shopping decisions. We do pretty well with the groceries, so it must be those extra things we sneak in or the too big servings. Time to bring out the food scale again and use it on a regular basis. We can do this.

    I will try to be brief talking about myself and my family. It is my favorite thing to do so some of you will want to take a breather here! Actually my resolution for 2011 is to not be so self-involved!! I will try to reach out more and be a support to others instead of getting the support!! My family -- I am 61, a nurse but mostly retired. I retired last year and went back a couple of months later to work 5 hours a week attending to the developmental needs of babies/toddlers who are in hospital for a long term (months to years). Most often they are in PICU and on ventilators. It is a very rewarding job and I do love it. My husband is also retired. He was a high school drafting and woodworking teacher. We have 3 sons and no grandbabies. The oldest is apprenticing to be a lineman, he is married and his wife is a psychologist at a post-secondary school. Our youngest son is a chef (I think a very good one! :wink: ) and runs the kitchen at a popular, trendy restaurant. He and his girlfriend have been living together for a long time. She is a lovely girl (manages a Starbucks) and I am hopeful that they will marry. Our middle son is Neil and you will hear about Neil more often than you want to!! Neil has both physical and mental challenges. He recently moved into a group home and for the most part it is going very well. He is a social butterfly and his favorite thing to do is chat with anyone!!! That is very closely followed by watching Cops and the Bounty Hunter. Recently he had surgery to control his seizures and during the surgery they damaged the nerve to his vocal chords. He now can only talk in a whisper which is very frustrating for him and it also has caused him to be unable to swallow liquids unless they are thickened. I am not sure which thing is more frustrating but it has made us all very sad. The doctors are wanting us to wait 6 months to see if there is some nerve recovery and then try some other intervention if it has not recovered. Because I talk about him so often I just wanted to let you know the background. We live in a town of 5000 (most of them know Neil as he rides around on his trike) about 12 miles from a larger city which is where I work. We are in Saskatchewan, Canada, the middle of the prairies. Enough for now. I hope you didn't nod off!! So glad to meet you all. We will enjoy getting to know you.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    You can talk about your children and your special son all you want. I have a nephew who is also handicapable and I love him very much. He's been thru so much and just keeps on going. His faith is simple and he is my hero!:flowerforyou:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Maddie -- You are a sweet person. I wish happiness for your nephew and I bet you bring him lots of that.

    Connie -- I thought of you this afternoon as I watched a dog show on TV with Neil. I am thinking that you must have run around the 'ring' with your dogs. That must have kept the weight down!! Beautiful and well behaved animals.

    Barbie -- I will be thinking about you when you have the colonoscopy (moreso when you do the prep!). It is over quickly and you will do fine.

    JoAn-- Good luck with your surgery. I can understand your worry. It seems that most people say 'I wish I would have done it sooner'. I know that the weeks right after are challenging but we will be here to boost your spirits.

    Take care. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am having problems getting picrures to post to one I don't want so I am trying one more time So i am trying to get it right. Now I got it This is Sammy as most of your know


    Has anybody heard from GIGI? I thought she was only going to be gone a week.Hope all is fine with her and her family. Must get an Pm off to her. Good nite all
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member

    I so enjoy reading about you and getting to know you all...and your pets!

    Barbie & JoAn ~ don't stress over your upcoming surgery. Think of it as a positive thing...doing what you must to become healthier and happier. The worst part of a colonoscopy is the prep, but just think how CLEAN and LIGHTWEIGHT you'll be when you're done!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Knee surgery is a b%#@h, (I had it last April) but I'm glad I had it done. I'm walking and climbing again. Just stick with the physical therapy and you'll be good as new in no time.

    Maddie & Gayla ~ bless you both for having so much love and compassion in your hearts for nephew and son. You're an inspiration to the rest of us.

    I'm having trouble finding ways to do cardio without having a machine. I'm working on my treadmill, but I fear I'll become bored with it. I need to research some DVDs or maybe the FIT channel on TV. It's so much easier in the summer, but it's 8 degrees below zero this morning, so there will be no outdoor activities until much later in the day...maybe!

    Isn't it awful what happened to Gabrielle Giffords and so many others yesterday? It's just hard to believe there are people among us that are so evil. This young man killed a 9 year old child, too. My prayers are with all the families who lost a love one or are fighting to keep their loved one alive at this moment. We should all be thankful for our blessings. When something like this happens we realize our lives could be so much worse.

    Have a great day, everyone. And don't forget to give yourselves a pat on the back for all the hard work you're doing!
