Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh so many new people. Love it. we need you birthday so we can be put on our birthday list. Then we can wish you Happy birthday when it comes around. Don't need the year for we know you are a happy Senior.
    I have a lovely day plan. Will have a cup of green tea here in a few monments Then a walk with my Jack russell Sammy. It is a lovely sunhine morning. For breakfast I had a poesch egg [ Barbs did I spell that right? 1 sl. of rye bread toasted , Red bell peppers. Banana, 1 and 1/2 c of milk 1 %

    Fro lunch I will have a 2 oz of chicken , with walton babecue sauce, 1 sl of rye bread, 1 c brocolli steamed, tea

    Supper will be Amy's mexican casserole small salad, Tea Had to go back and change my supper. I will only eat 1/2 of the caserole for it had way to much sodium. After I work up my food chart.

    Bedtime snack 3/4 c of greek yogurt , 1/2 c of blackberries Then I will call it a day.

    Gayla ou should have it all over with by now. go home and unwind. now you can get on the bus with me.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    This is a very welcoming group. I thought that "Golden Sneakers" may be a bad idea, like saying I want to join an old people group. BUT, that's not what I find. I'm finding a group of fabulous young women with many of the same problems, thoughts, desires and goals as myself. I'm a little older than I'd like, especially when I see that strange women in the mirror but I feel younger and so be it!!! My birthday is Feb 13th. It is the unluckiest day ever! I would need a page to list what happens to me every year. Brief synopsis: Father died; had 3 asthma attacks/resp failure that almost killed me. Had heart stent put in and last year I tried roller skating and broke my wrist. Pray for me this year....I need all the help I can get!!
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Connie, I hear your frustration. Sometimes you would just like to ring their necks! I wish I had great words of wisdom for you to help you get through this frustration but all I have is "this too shall pass". That helps me sometimes. My only advice which treat as "free" is that you may tell that hard-headed hubby of yours that he needs to WANT to get well as much as YOU want him to and that this is his journey and his possible success. Hang in there, Connie, we are all here for you. :flowerforyou: JoAn
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is a very welcoming group. I thought that "Golden Sneakers" may be a bad idea, like saying I want to join an old people group. BUT, that's not what I find. I'm finding a group of fabulous young women with many of the same problems, thoughts, desires and goals as myself. I'm a little older than I'd like, especially when I see that strange women in the mirror but I feel younger and so be it!!! My birthday is Feb 13th. It is the unluckiest day ever! I would need a page to list what happens to me every year. Brief synopsis: Father died; had 3 asthma attacks/resp failure that almost killed me. Had heart stent put in and last year I tried roller skating and broke my wrist. Pray for me this year....I need all the help I can get!!
    Hey Maddie
    You are going to have a great year. Trust me. we do have another lady 83 years old but she is so active Wish I got around as good as she. Her name is Buzz. Havent heard from her since before Christmas. She is a hoot Better get an pm off to her today.and see whats up. One nice thing about our thread you don't
    t have to listen to all the problems about Tom. Have a jolly day.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    My birthday is Feb 13th. It is the unluckiest day ever!

    Had to smile to myself when I read that. Our youngest son was born on a Friday the 13th. Early in the pregnancy I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The cancer was still "in situ" so I made a decision to continue with the pregnancy despite being urged to abort. Shortly after the baby was born I had surgery. I've never regretted my decision. He is a wonderful man. The cancer didn't spread in the 8 months between being found and being removed. That was 40 years ago last November.

    There's not a soul who is participating in this thread that doesn't have or hasn't had health issues due to weight. We've all walked the path you are on and many of us are still "on the road." The great thing is... like the lyric of the song... you'll never walk alone.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hey, everyone~

    I'd like to find out what you're doing to lose. Who's following a particular diet program, such as South Beach, You, etc. and how do you like it? Or, are you just doing your own thing and counting calories as you go. That's what I'm doing at the moment.

    Also, what are your exercises of choice? What machines do you use, or are you getting your exercises without mechanical help? I see where many women are using the Wii Fit system, but that's a bit pricey for me. Currently I'm using a treadmill which is great when it's only 8 degrees outside (like now) and hand weights. I'm looking for good stretching exercises and found a pilates program with flash cards that I may try.

    How are you all doing it?


    Speaking only for myself here. I'm not on any special or "book" diet. I restrict my caloric intake to the 1200 I'm allowed each day plus the calories I gain through exercise. Most days I don't reach the maximum level. I've also lowered my sodium intake to the 1500 mg newly recommended by health experts rather than the 2500 mg MFP allows. I use a stationary bike a few times a week for 15-20 minutes at a time and walk anywhere from one to two miles per day. You can see in my profile picture that I have two walking companions. I have to take them one at a time because I can't hang on to them both if a bunny or a deer crosses our path.

    My loss is slow but steady. Each time I hit a new low weight I rebound a pound or two for a day or two before it drops back and stays steady, then drops another pound. I've averaging 3 pounds every two weeks - about what MFP said it would.

    Somewhere there is a thread called Senior Golden Sneakers recipes to which some of us have contributed. May be helpful.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think Connie has the best plan. count them calories. I am having a hard time with my sodium tho, today I had to go back and change my menu for It was up to 1800. I got it back down to1490. A lot of the time i have Tv dinners at night. for I don't feel like cooking so I am keeping a close eye on that. than goodness fruit does not have any sodium or not much. Today I cooked some chicken and green beans in a foil pkg for tomorrow No mess to clean up. I love cooking in foil.

    We just got to keep on working on it till we get it right.

    Have a honey of a good evening[ Wish I could have a hot biscuit and some honey. Yummy Will have to work that in one day.Gayla are you home yet?

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie, any food that comes in a package is high in sodium......your idea about cooking chicken and green beans in a foil packet is a good one.......most of our big meals are chicken or fish cooked with sliced onion and red pepper cooked in an oven safe covered casserole with one or two packages of frozen vegetables cooked in the microwave....spinach is pretty high in sodium but the rest aren't....I keep my sodium level at 1600 and go over only when we have turkey ham as a meat with our main meal...bread can also be somewhat high in sodium so I don't eat much bread.......applesauce and oatmeal is a favorite snack because it has almost no sodium:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Viki, welcome to the group. You asked about diet plan and exercise. My food diary is public so you can look at it....I am maintaining my weight now so I consume more calories than I did when I was losing......I started on MFP almost two years ago and lost weight 4-8 pounds a month at first and then slowed to 3-4 pounds a month as I approached my goal . I have used the Isagenix nutritional cleansing program that includes "clean eating"......I look for foods that are high nutrition and low calories (nutrition dense) and stay away from empty calories (sauces, condiments, desserts, chips, etc.)

    :flowerforyou: we have a stationery bike that sits in the living room so it can be ridden while watching TV.....we do yoga (Rodney Yee DVDs are the ones we have). I take my dogs to the dog park every day and walk while they play.....they are standard poodles and I have a warm jacket and warm clothes so we have been out in temperatures as low as 11 degrees F. i like to walk and we live near the Olympic Discovery Trail which is a great paved trail......when it is cold. icy. or rainy, I dance and jog in front of the TV....i started with Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs but they got boring so I make up my own jog and dance and walk routines and watch DVD movies or TV......i go to line dance classes three days a week to exercise my brain as well as my body

    :flowerforyou: I didn't start like this.....i took baby steps and added new things a little at a healthy eating and exercise are a way of life for me.

    :flowerforyou: I carry a pedometer in my pocket and try to get 10,000 steps every day....some days I have to walk up and down the hall at bedtime to get enough steps :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    This is a very welcoming group. I thought that "Golden Sneakers" may be a bad idea, like saying I want to join an old people group. BUT, that's not what I find. I'm finding a group of fabulous young women with many of the same problems, thoughts, desires and goals as myself. I'm a little older than I'd like, especially when I see that strange women in the mirror but I feel younger and so be it!!! My birthday is Feb 13th. It is the unluckiest day ever! I would need a page to list what happens to me every year. Brief synopsis: Father died; had 3 asthma attacks/resp failure that almost killed me. Had heart stent put in and last year I tried roller skating and broke my wrist. Pray for me this year....I need all the help I can get!!

    Maddy, my birthday is Feb 19th, so we'll celebrate together. I think you should stay home, no exercising, just veg in front of the TV to reduce your chances of anything bad happening. Eat cake. If it makes you feel any better, I had my very first colonoscopy on my birthday. I sure know how to party!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone!! Sorry, Marie, for not letting you know I was home and fine but I sat in my big comfy chair and slept for a few hours. I felt good when I woke up so made some bean soup for dinner and then sat in my chair some more. The colonoscopy went well, the prep was not nice but I did manage to drink all 4 litres of that awful stuff (the last cup I just couldn't face) but I was plenty clean by that time!! TMI, sorry! They gave me the happy drugs but they didn't put me to sleep. I guess that is why I did the sleeping at home. The Dr. removed 4 polyps but doesn't think they were anything to be worried about. He did biopsy them but I will just hope he is right. This was not my first rodeo and all but one time they have removed innocent polyps. That is why I have had so many. Back again in 3 years. One of my boys teachers (grade 1) was in the bed next to me so we had a little visit which was nice. I will be thinking of you, Barbie. I know it will go well.

    Welcome to the new girls, Viki, Maddie, Attack. I look forward to getting to know you. I am sure you will love this group. My diet fell apart long ago but I continue to get support from these wonderful people. My cholesterol is somewhat elevated so my Dr. has given me 6 months to lower it with diet. If not, it is pills which I really don't want. The motivation is strong. I have pulled out my low fat, choesterol diet information and tomorrow will start making a plan to get back on track. I bought the book, 'Controlling Cholesterol for Dummies' and it looks doable. For exercise, like others I have my stationary bike in front of the TV. I have not used it for awhile so I will have to build up my time again.

    Take care all and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I got the hint! LOL I have working a lot setting up 2 new production lines here at our building. I have been training and have lost about 7 pounds of what I put on since the knee issue. I am swimming 2-3 times a week for about 1/2 mile each time, doing the P90X daily, and running on the eliptical and riding the spinner bike.

    Sam and Amanda are fine. Amanda is working on the wedding and our church had a shower for her over Christmas. Sam is all done with college now and trying to find a teaching position. Day is fine but dogging it on her working out. LOL I entered us in a race in April so she had better get busy. We are going to Muncie to see the mothers this weekend and deal with all that. It was kind of a sad day yesterday, Remember Diane, my sister in law that died? Yesterday was her birthday. I miss her.

    I have entered a triathlon in August in North Carolina and one in Ohio in May. I think I will be ready but the knee is not back to normal yet and it is starting to concern me. It wants to swell up and ache a little. Walking on the snow and ice does not help either. I have really been working on my yoga for strengthening it.

    I tried to catch up on all the post. It looks like you are all doing pretty well! That makes me smile.

    Welcome to all the new folks! I have been here with Calie from the start but not posting regularly in a few weeks. If I can offer any assistance just let me know. I have been on the same "journey" that you are on and it can be done! This group is a wonderful support family!

    Take care everyone! I promise I will do better on my post! Follow me on Twitter. jeff1598 is my address there. Sandy does!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is a very welcoming group. I thought that "Golden Sneakers" may be a bad idea, like saying I want to join an old people group. BUT, that's not what I find. I'm finding a group of fabulous young women with many of the same problems, thoughts, desires and goals as myself. I'm a little older than I'd like, especially when I see that strange women in the mirror but I feel younger and so be it!!! My birthday is Feb 13th. It is the unluckiest day ever! I would need a page to list what happens to me every year. Brief synopsis: Father died; had 3 asthma attacks/resp failure that almost killed me. Had heart stent put in and last year I tried roller skating and broke my wrist. Pray for me this year....I need all the help I can get!!

    Mattie We don;t think of ourself as old. Atho some times my body say difference. I had stents put in my legs a couple years ago. i still get cramps in my legs at night and cramps in my calfs if I stand on my toes. I have learm to not stretch in bed. or that old Charlie horse will take over I jump out o bed and get my feet flat on the floor and walk some and go back to bed. As Barbie says never give up. If you fall get up and try again. Never, never give up. One of these days you will wake up and be slimmer. I am still waiting. But have never given up.. I lost 4 lbs this weeks some of which I have I gain here lately So glad to have you here.
  • viliberty1957
    Options glad to have you back...and the report sounds are persisitent, aren't you....good luck and God Bless.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Miss a day and it is hard to keep up!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Happy Friday everyone!! Thursdays are always busy for me with my meeting and catching up on errands. I did manage to exercise for 45 minutes last night, so it wasn't a bad day. :blushing:

    Welcome to Maddie and Attack, I hope you like our little group and will stay with us through your journey!! We have so many different walks of life, some very similar and others very different. :love: We listen, we are patient, we encourage, we laugh. :laugh: We are always here for each other whether you check in everyday or once a month. :drinker: :drinker: Don't every get discouraged, do the best you can, one day at a time. :heart:

    Jeffrey, it is about time!!! Marie and I wanted to send the ransom but we spent all our money on Christmas presents. :noway: I do follow you on twitter and I am exhausted just reading about what you do on a daily basis. :laugh:

    Marie, you are so right!! We are not old, we are mature!!! :laugh: And Mattie, the secret is not to look at that person in the mirror, we are only as old as we feel. Yes, some days are worse than others, but who wants the alternative?? :sad:

    Irene, I wish other people I knew had your attitude and were as grateful as you are for a second chance at life. It is frustrating to hear people who just don't get it!!! :grumble:

    Gayla, are you saying you were awake through your test?? I am always out for my test, it is the only way I will have one done.
    I hope the happy drugs didn't let you remember any of the test. :tongue:

    Maddy, this is a new year and a lucky year, after all it has the number 11 in it, so your birthday this year will be very happy, after all you will be with us. :laugh:

    I know I am slacking in remembering all the posts, but for those of you new, WELCOME!! For those of you who have been here taking this journey with me, WELCOME!!

    Have a good day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everyone. Let this be a Happy day for all of us. food wise and exercise.. and Put on you Happy face.

    Sandy I didn't see JoAn on our birthday list it is Jan 24th. And Attack 11 i have seen hers / so she needs to let us know. Our birthday list if located here: Just click on the link

    Be sure and scroll down to the bottom to get the lasted update

    To get to the sneakers recipes go to and add your faverite Just click on the link

    Lets make the most of his day
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I won't give up! If y'all can do it, I can do it!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    I won't give up! If y'all can do it, I can do it!!!

    That'a way Maddy!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I feel the sme way Gloria. You are doing great.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome, Madagooga and Attack11! I'm new here, too, and have already found warm welcomes and support. I'm sure you will, too. I know we can all help each other reach our goals so we can have healthy, strong lives. I just happened upon this site on Monday and am thrilled I did. I'm finding lots of encouragement from other members to stay on track and the calorie-counters are great. It's amazing, when you start to add up everything going into your mouth, how quickly it adds up. I thought I was doing so well and was surprised at how many calories I was actually taking in. I eat very good food (no processed, no restaurants) but must learn portion control. Exercising is a bit tough...just starting out, but I'm sure I'll get better as I go along. I'm very stiff and need to learn some stretching exercises as well as my cardio and strength exercises. Right now my biggest problem is I'm so focused on all this that my laundry is piling up!!!