Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



  • viliberty1957
    This is the picture I was trying to post for a Christmas card to you all. I know it's late, but it took me this long to learn to post a picture. Merry Belated Christmas. Jared and Jamaal are 13 now. They're coming over today to teach "Granny" to use the wii. I have the "Walk it Out" program. I hope it works for me. God Bless!

  • viliberty1957
    Some of my other Grandchildren. Black, Caucasian, and Hispanic. I also have some Eskimos. My sister has Chinese. We are a rather varied group. Now that I have learned to post pictures, I will probably drive everyone nuts. What fun! (posting pictures, not driving you nuts.LOL) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: The boy sitting on the floor is one of the twins pictured above. The other is reclined on the back of the couch. The bigger girl, Sylvia, is my Great Granddaughter, Mariah's, mother. The smaller girl is serving our country in the Army. She has spent a year in Kuwait, but is in Georgia now. The bigger boy is Lionel, getting married in a few months. Aren't Gandkids fun??? These are the children of my daughter, Denise.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Beautiful Family Irene!! It must be fun to have so many different backgrounds in one family!! :heart: You forgot to mention the puppy on the couch with your great granddaughter, what is his/her name and how old? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Those little babies with Santa grew up to be big boys, do they all live near you??? Thanks for sharing. :love:

    Time to try and do some exercise and get some calories. :laugh: :laugh:
  • viliberty1957
    Yes, Sandy, they live within walking distance. (Not a short walk, but doable.) The dog, part chihuahua and dachsund (sp) is a couple of years old, He is Mariah and Sylvia's, his name is Desi. A yappy little thing, but loveable. My youngest son lives in Bethel,Alaska. His kids are 2 eskimo and 2white.. Middle son Jim is in Bethel, also. His Chidren are grown, all white, he has one brand new grandchild. Oldest son, Joe in is Beaverton, Oregon where he has a drywall business. His three children are all eskimo. I am so proud of all of them.

    I started the Dr. Oz 11 week challenge. I posted my breakfast on the site, then came here to post it as well. It was already here, so I guess the sites are linked up somehow. Cool!! I checked my charts this morning and was pleased to learn that I have left the "Morbidly Obese" category to merely "Obese." :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Hey!,....I take encouragement wherever I can get it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Take care....God Bless.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hey all! Hope you are having a sunny saturday, if not hope it is a warm one. Marie, I'm thinking of and praying for you and Jerry. Please know we are always here for you. My cousin cried and said knee surgery was her worst pain ever, so a special prayer for joann.
    Marie the deer are common here, they are so used to cars,they didnt move when I pulled into the driveway. When I got out of the car, they moved on.
    We have today at home and leave early in the morning. Sandy you are so kind to mention everyone in your post. I miss my wii, got to get back to it.
    irene, my silly phone didnt show your photos, but I will see them next time I am on my pc
    have a great week!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Irene, I can't wait to be "just obese".....sounds funny doesn't it?? :laugh: I have a mixture in my family, too....All good people!! I thought I started the Dr Oz thing but I must have done something wrong. Oh well, this is working ok all by itself.

    Grandson (6) is doing Tony Hawk Wii skateboarding in my living room I'd better go check on him.

    Thoughts with JoAn and Calie!!! :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    You do have mixture Irene and I do remember now that you mentioned your son in Beaverton, Oregon which is near where my son lives. His wife works for Intel and he is a Computer Troubleshooter which comes in handy for me. :laugh:

    Now girls, I don't like the word obese, can't we just using pleasingly plump?? :laugh: By this time next year you will both be trim and fit. :heart:

    Phoebe, I copied everyone's names to word (although I think some are missing) and just said a quick hello to everyone. Funny you mentioning deer, the other night coming home from bingo I was going to make a left hand turn and there four deer were standing. They did move when they saw the headlights but just off to the side of the road. They were so beautiful I tried to take a picture with my phone but it turned out too dark. They are such gorgeous creatures. :heart:

    So I ended up doing my Wii Fit Plus and burned 216 calories. I especially loved the stepper which I did for 20 minutes. I think I will go back and do more stepping later, what an easy way to get to 10,000 and still stay warm. :laugh: Not sure how many calories 10,000 steps would be, but Barbie might be able to tell me. I am going to put on my pedometer when I go back and see if it records the same as Wii Fit. Seems like a nice change of pace for me and I can also add some strength training when I feel like it.

    Keep working at it.
  • joany
    joany Posts: 24 Member
    Can I join your group? I need some "older friends" for support. I just cannot lose weight!::sad:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Can I join your group? I need some "older friends" for support. I just cannot lose weight!::sad:

    Of course Joany and welcome. Most of us are seniors some want to be. :laugh: We all support each other even if we have bad days. :grumble: The weekends are usually quiet because of being busy or just spending time with family but everyone checks in most of the time even if they are just reading the posts. Keep track of your calories, drink lots of water and do some sort of exercise and before you know it those unwanted pounds will be gone. If you feel like sharing we are happy to listen. Most of us are animal lovers as I am. I have an Old English Sheepdog with will be two in May and she is the apple of our eye, well that is after the grandkids which we have six.

    Enjoy your time with us and good luck on your new adventure.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Can I join your group? I need some "older friends" for support. I just cannot lose weight!::sad:

    Of course Joany and welcome. Most of us are seniors some want to be. :laugh: We all support each other even if we have bad days. :grumble: The weekends are usually quiet because of being busy or just spending time with family but everyone checks in most of the time even if they are just reading the posts. Keep track of your calories, drink lots of water and do some sort of exercise and before you know it those unwanted pounds will be gone. If you feel like sharing we are happy to listen. Most of us are animal lovers as I am. I have an Old English Sheepdog with will be two in May and she is the apple of our eye, well that is after the grandkids which we have six.

    Enjoy your time with us and good luck on your new adventure.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    I second that emotion!!! :flowerforyou:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Ok Sandy smartie do you get the blue quote and your reply in one box???? :grumble:

    Joani: Come on in and sit a spell.....wait.....I mean move around a while.......Welcome (in case you didnt' see the other welcome) :glasses: :flowerforyou:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Joany: Sorry spelled wrong. What do you mean by "older" friends, hmmmmmm.....I see that you are 60......or do I need new trifocals???? :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon all of you nice people.

    Irene your pictures are such a delight. Keep them coming.

    Joany, Welcome to our group. What country are you from? i haven't seen s road sign like the one you are by.

    We have a birthday coming up/ Jan 24th Hopr you feel like celebrating Jo An Let us hear from you as soon as you feel like it, Take care Hving both knees done at once give me the creep. My thoughts are with you

    To all of my other wonderful friends here. Hello to all of you
    I am doing much better

    Connie is that a bigh Pecan tree in your back yard.? We have a big one in our front yard but did not get a Pecan this year. Nor did any of our neibers. Whick made my hubby happy for he did not have to pick them up Not enough rain. and so for look like more of the same.

    Phoebe Cannot post without saying a few words to you. This is one of the coldest year and snow. I thought you told me once your weather is a lot like Dallas. Well you ran off and left us this yeard/.

    Maddie has been a big cheery upper Thanks my friend . In fact you all are such wonderful freinds

    Barbiecat I think I have found out why I havn't lost any lbs jUST TOO MUCH FOOD , TO MANY BINGES

    Gayla enjoy your trip and have a safe trip home.

    Sondy bless your heart You are keeing us going.

    Barbs, Lynn need some more funny stories from you too.

    Jeffrey do miss you. Jake miss you dropping in too.

    I hope it warms up some this coming week so Sammy and I can get out of this house.

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: Marie
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Marie, I'm so glad you're feeling's your hubby doing? Is he alright.

    Jo An: Marie is right....check in as soon as you can!!

    I am sooooo tired today. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I think that I'll log off. No exercise today, just can't do it.

    :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Got a lot of bases to cover here....

    Joani - welcome to the group. We're all on the same journey and are glad to have you on the road with us.

    Marie - no pecans I'm afraid. That is a double Post Oak, one of about 40 different oaks of all kinds on our property. The forester with the conservation department estimated it at about 140 years old.

    Sandi - here is a link to a place where you can calculate how many calories you burn based on how many steps you've taken.

    The four inches of snow we got on Thursday is just about gone. Was warmer and very sunny today. Looks like that's a trend that's going to continue. Our weather station said it was 56, but it is in the sun so I'm sure that affected the reading. It's 7:00 PM, and it's still 36 degrees - a heat wave!!

    Take care Sneaker buddies. Big day tomorrow so I have to get some sleep. Gonna wear my Packer Jersey. It belonged to my late daughter-in-law. She wore it every time the Packers played. She had it on just two Sundays before she died to watch the Vikings in the play offs. She hoped it would bring them bad luck!! She never forgave Brett Farve for leaving her Pack. It has Kabeer GBaja Biamila's name on the back. He was her favorite player till he was released in 2008.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to Joany and anyone else who is new.

    We had a UFO in the sky today--it's called the "SUN" I think!! LOL Finally got rid of rain for a few days. To give you an idea of how much it rained around here, if "Noah" were still alive, he would have been on call!!!

    My piglets and I finally got out for a walk today, and tonight, everyone is sleeping like rocks, except me.

    I have spent the evening on the phone talking to a cousin up in BC (Canada), trying to figure the logistics of getting my mom's two remaining sisters to travel about 300 miles in March to attend the birthday party I am throwing. Her 95th birthday was last week, but she didn't want to plan anything in January because you never know about the weather. Plus, I think she was hoping I would forget about doing it!!! LOL

    Anyway, I was going over the guest list, and trying to convince her that people WILL want to attend. I plan to do all the food myself, with some help; from 2-3 friends. Trying to do simple things that don't require any cooking prep: so if anyone has any ideas, please pass them on. So far, the only thing I know for sure is I am doing veggie tray with ranch and hummus for dip. Also, their will be a birthday cake.

    I am fading fast, so good night to all. Hope anyone recovering from any medical procedure is doing well.

  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Good Morning, Sneakers~

    I'm still here. I've been hiding out, but lurking. Love all the posts this past week, as well as the family photos. Those were a treat! It's so nice to "see" the friendship between you warms the heart!

    I'm pleased to see that those who weren't feeling well are starting to come around. My prayers are with biggest wish for her is that her drugs are excellent and able to ease her pain as much as possible, because I can only imagine her pain is great.:sick: I also pray for Jerry and his upcoming procedure and hope the prognosis is good.

    I've been logging my meals and exercise daily, been staying within my goals, keeping up with the challenge I started the first of the year, and am pleased that I'm still at it. I've lost 8.4 pounds since January 3 which is 25% of my weight loss goal. I hope I can keep up the momemtum.

    Have a great day, everyone. Know that I will be keeping up with you through your posts!:smile:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Sunday wherever you are. Be safe warm and well,
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I had to change my nutrient counter by removing the sodium. It's driving me crazy. I have so many things in the house that have to be finished, I need to remove it temporarily. I am buying lower sodium items going forward.

    Today is a cold, long boring day. The one good thing is that we also have that UFO in the sky. I'm not a sports fan so I have been watching HGTV and falling asleep. I think I may have needed a little more to eat and so I treated myself to 2 oz cheese.

    I must exercise today even though I don't have the strength for it in my baby finger......WAH WAH WAH :sad:

    I hope everyone else is feeling more upbeat than I am. Later.......:ohwell: