Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support, I sure do appreciate it. After I posted last night, I couldn't believe how much better I felt. I didn't realize that I was angry until I typed the words. Today the surgery center called to schedule the time. We have to be there by 7:00 AM, surgery will take place at 8:00 and they told me since I was having both knees done surgery would take a couple of hours. I told the nurse that we had discussed both but I thought I was just having the worst one done now. She told me I could discuss it with the doctor but that they had me down for both. After discussing it with my husband, we decided maybe I should just go ahead and get it over with and have both done. So, it looks like that's what we will do. I'm glad I only had one day to think about that little glitch! Again, thanks everyone for your support and especially to the two special friends that messaged me personally, God Bless you both!

    Marie, sure hope you feel better soon, I absolutely LOVE your posts! Also hope your hubby's throat isn't anything serious.

    I also loved all the pictures, the beautiful white rose, the house, the pretty girl and the horse, they are all so enjoyable. Someday,
    I will learn how to post pictures. Right now I can't concentrate until this is all over. So, until later my friends, God Bless you all, I

    know I will be just fine. JoAn :flowerforyou:

    JoAn you uill be in my prayerrs. My husband will have surgery the 28 th of January They found something in his throat. They told him it could have lead to something more severe He goes in Monday to get prep for it. Since I can't drive anymore My daughter is taking the day of to take him to the hospital. I still have pain around my rib cage.. I am thinking about calling my ddiabetic doctor to see if she knows wha it is. tyenol seem to keep the pain away for 4 hours . Even have to get up duing the night to take some. Best of luck with tour surgery. And do what the the doc says :heart: :heart: Marie
  • viliberty1957
    Hello, everyone!! I am changing internet providers and I may not be around for a few days. But I will be thinking of all of you. God Bless.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Wow and may I say WOW! I was looking at the regular vs low fat, as suggested by my friends here and what a difference in the sodium!!! Pisses me off (if I may say that). The only low fat food I use is milk and cheese and the cheese really took me by surprise. The difference in calories is not enough to continue with the 2%. I will now be checking all of the labels better!!! Gracias :noway:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    Wow and may I say WOW! I was looking at the regular vs low fat, as suggested by my friends here and what a difference in the sodium!!! Pisses me off (if I may say that). The only low fat food I use is milk and cheese and the cheese really took me by surprise. The difference in calories is not enough to continue with the 2%. I will now be checking all of the labels better!!! Gracias :noway:

    When I saw the calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium in cheese, I decided to give it up and I'm so glad that I did.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Happy Thursday!! I won $75 at bingo, so it was a good night!! :bigsmile:

    JoAn, thinking and saying a prayer for you today that all goes well in your surgery. :love: Two knees at one time seems like it would be hard, but at least it will be done. :tongue:

    Maddie, I myself watch labels for sugar and not for salt. I guess because I don't have a problem with my blood pressure but read an article that said if you cut down on sugar you can lose 30 pounds in one year, so I look for calories and sugar. :noway: My son who used to be a trainer always told me to stop eating low fat foods (I was obsessed) because they are not good for you. I also read another article that said if you eat too much low fat foods your body starts to make it's own fat since it requires some to function. :wink:

    Marie, sorry about your husband having surgery, I hope it is nothing serious. :noway: I hope you are feeling better as well. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barb, your story was so funny, the image of 700 pounds of ice in your little car is hilarious. Did it start melting since it was so hot. :laugh: I miss your stories and hearing about your little piggies, your job is interfering with your social life. :laugh: :laugh:

    I am glad Gayla is finally getting a little R&R, I hope she is having a good time.

    Connie, we are still friends aren't we and will be after the Bears win????? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbie, I bet you are happy your friend is back so you can get in those long walks with her. I enjoy when I walk with my hubby, but not in freezing weather. :noway:

    Have my meeting today, so will check in later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Wow and may I say WOW! I was looking at the regular vs low fat, as suggested by my friends here and what a difference in the sodium!!! Pisses me off (if I may say that). The only low fat food I use is milk and cheese and the cheese really took me by surprise. The difference in calories is not enough to continue with the 2%. I will now be checking all of the labels better!!! Gracias :noway:

    When I saw the calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium in cheese, I decided to give it up and I'm so glad that I did.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am with you Barbie, I rarely eat cheese except for laughing cow which is only 35 calories. :laugh:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Did something this morning I never thought I would need to do again - I spent 90 minutes shoveling snow. The only good thing about that is the calorie burn. I'm gonna have have a tough time today eating all the calories I'm allowed now. So far we've gotten about four inches and I really could have left the stuff right where it fell as we have no need of leaving the house for the rest of the week and by Thursday the sun will be back and the temps will be in the high 30s/low 40s. I really enjoyed spending the time outdoors. Our mail carrier zipped right up the driveway with our mail so I wouldn't have to walk out to the box. People here in the Ozarks are so neighborly. He said, "looks like you've got enough to do without walking to the mail box." Sweet guy.


    I've taken the advice of my friends here on the board and added Greek Yogurt to my diet. Found it at Walmart of all places. And, I bought a bag of milled flax seed - no sugar, no sodium but lots of good fiber and protein. And - surprise - it tastes good.

    And I'm thrilled to report the loss of another pound. The scale flickered on 169 (a number I haven't seen in many years) before settling on 170. It'll be 169 by my weigh in on Monday, I'm sure of that.

    You guys are the best. And Buzz - thank you for the nutrition sheet. I'm using it as a guide when selecting foods to eat and it is so helpful. Wonder if we should share with everyone???

    I've found a few more of our Golden Sneakers on Facebook and am enjoying that connection.

    And Sandy - there is no way a bunch of muscle-bound football players are going to get in the way of our friendship. They are both exceptional teams and it's going to be an outstanding game. Both teams deserve to win and the best team on that particular day will.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Barb, your story was so funny, the image of 700 pounds of ice in your little car is hilarious. Did it start melting since it was so hot. :laugh: I miss your stories and hearing about your little piggies, your job is interfering with your social life. :laugh: :laugh:

    I HATE when that happens!! LOL Glad you enjoyed my story. It only took me about 15 minutes to arrive at my destination, so not much had melted. I had placed some layers of newspaper underneath all the ice to soak up any drippage.

    BTW, Congrats on the win at bingo!!

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Irene - hurry back:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie--enjoyed your story...I could just see your Honda!!:laugh: :laugh:

    There is so much humor to be found in life...and I enjoy it...humor is what has got me to this point in my life. I sing a lot and I still like the little song...that's -Don't worry be happy....

    Am recovering from a Migraine so I'm not lingering very long at a time..just hittin' and missin' :wink:

    By the way, we have 3 inches and still coming down. It started about 10 and was a little warm so it snowed hard for about an hour before it started accumulating.

    Talking about California girls...I love that you're having beautiful sunshine...I've been eating your strawberries and carrots and all kinds of other California goodies... Go California and Florida!!!:laugh:

    Love to all!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :heart: :heart: On a more serious note: JoAn I hope things are going well for you today...Marie, you and your hubby are in our prayers...:heart: Please take care {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    It's going to snow here again tonight. Only 2-5 inches but it's like the never ending dark, wet winter. You see my ticker has a picture of one of the views from our boat when we park to swim. That's what I'm waiting for and counting down to. :huh:

    Marie: I hope that both you and your husband are well today. I don't see any additional word from you. I worry....:frown: :heart:

    Lynn: I hope your headache is better. I still buy the plastic party balls to keep in the freezer because I can keep them in socks for when I need them. I know it doesn't sound like much but I used to take one aspirin and a sock of ice and go lay on it so that the pressure was right on the worst spot. It helped me to fall asleep. Then I actually started sleeping with it every night to keep the headaches away and you know, it actually worked. Now I only use the sock if I need it. I was almost a sock addict!!! Is there rehab for that???? :ohwell: :heart:

    Guys: I love cheese!!! I can't give it up...what about the benefits??? Isn't it good for you somehow??? :cry:

    Connie: Could you send some 30's 40's our way!!! Wouldn't it have been cool if the mailman had come just a little earlier and shoveled that snow! :wink:

    I hope JoAn is ok. Two knees! What was she trying to pull with that scaredy cat routine yesterday....I'll bet she had a tummy tuck, too or maybe implants.....:happy: HURRY BACK!!:blushing:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I don't eat a lot of dairy but when I do I use the Sargento Swiss cheese slices. One only has 40. You are talking about sodium, right? The Laughing Cow isn't too bad either.
    Thanks, for asking:smile: by being careful, it's better. If you have migraines, you know what I mean. You can just feel back there waiting to grab you and put you down...sort of like a wrestler in a choke-hold.:tongue:

    Just gentle stretching and small weights.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Kind of late for me. but did want to drop in and let you guys know I am still about the same and about Jerry. He goes in Next friday for his surgery. I sure hope his voice is better.Don't know what it consent of yet Alice is taking the day off to take him to the hospital., I will be going with them for it has been weel over a year since I have driven My eye site I don't trust also the danger of a low blood sugar. I goo for a ekg tomorrow afternoon. I still have not pick up an appetite. Thinking of you all.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Thinking of you too, Marie, a lot. Let us know how the ekg goes.....:heart:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Happy very cold Friday, it is minus 2 degrees. :noway: :noway: :angry: :angry: :angry: Hurry up spring, I need you!!!! :laugh:

    I hope Marie is able to check in and let us know how her EKG went and that JoAn is not in too much pain. :sad:

    Lynn, I used to get terrible headaches, but I hardly get any now. I am not really sure why although drinking a lot of water helps and relieving stress. I have learned to let go and let God take care of others, I have no control over anyone and by taking care of myself my life is more simple. :heart: That being said my DIL has suffered with migraines all her life. She has had every kind of test but if she gets
    a migraine it stops her cold and she is confined to bed and darkness. I feel so bad for her when this happens.

    Maddie, your picture is great, can't wait for it to be summer. :flowerforyou:

    I did not exercise yesterday and did poor on my calories because of that. Today is a new day and time to start over. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is well and happy!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Now Sandy that is way to cold. I love all the pictures the girls are posting. Even your Bears My Cowboys shall return..
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I havent been around much lately I missed you all so much.
    Gayla I hope your trip was south. and it is warm where you are at.

    No Phoebe what are you going to do with the deers? Was this in you Driveway?

    What are you gals going have for The big game Sunday?

    I got my ekg done today but wont know anythin till next week. he nurse weigh me Jan 17 This past Monday and she weigh me again this Friday. And I have lost 7 lbs on her scales in the 5 days. So you know I have been sick and had no appetite.I am drinking a cup of hot water with 1 t. of honey and 1 t of cinnamin. I read where Honey is one food that never spoil. and I thou maybe that is what I need. it is surpose to help a lot of things. I just started today I had some in my greek yogurt

    I found this recipe on the internet I could not get it copy So I will post the link Don't know if this will work But will give it a try/
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: I've been reading but not posting....all is well here....we had the carpet in the living room replaced yesterday and the house is in major disarray......I started working on the income tax so I haven't been doing much about getting the house tidied up again......we're going to be gone all day tomorrow so not much will get done.

    :bigsmile: I found a turkey breast at Costco today so we had a fabulous dinner of turkey, baked acorn squash, and cauliflower :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I'm thinking healing thoughts for Marie and Jerry and for Lynn and her knee surgery

    :bigsmile: Sandy, we don't have cold weather now.......just a lot of mud so it's been a challenge to make sure the dogs don't track mud onto the new carpet:laugh:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Where is everyone???? Helllllooooooo????? Kinda scary here in the dark by myself!!!! :sad:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Don't be afraid Maddie, I am here!!! Another snowy day here, glad I have no where to go. :explode: The weekends are always kind of slow around here, people are either busy or lazy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I seem to be at a stand still in my weight again, I think the problem is not changing up my exercise. The bike feels the best on my back and knees but my body must be too used to that movement. :noway: I think I will do the elliptical today even though I can't burn the same amount of calories. :sad: Or maybe I will try my Wii fit plus and see if I can burn some calories that way, the stepper is always good. :tongue: I will let you know later which I decided to do. :wink:

    :heart: Marie, hope you are feeling better and getting your appetite back.

    :heart: Connie, I love our friendly rivalry over the game tomorrow.

    :heart: Mary Ellen , where are you?

    :heart: Pam, I see you on Face Book but how are you doing with MFP?

    :heart: Janette, where are you?

    :heart: Buzz, hope you got your new internet service up and running, which did you convert?

    :heart: Barbie, I would rather have snow or cold than mud, but summer would be best. Thanks for all the encouragement!!

    :heart: Barb, we need a funny story or pun from you.

    :heart: Jeffrey, you are all over the place according to twitter.

    :heart: Gayla, hope your trip is wonderful. I bet Neil is missing his mommy.

    :heart: Phoebe, are you still in the land of sunshine?

    :heart: Beth, you are the marathon queen. Check in with us here please.

    :heart: Irene, your wonderful attitude is contagious, which is a good thing. Thank you.

    :heart: Lynn, another of your funny stories would be welcome also.

    :heart: JoAn, hope the pain is not too bad and your family is spoiling you rotten.

    :heart: Mada, where are you?

    :heart: Attack, where are you?

    :heart: Viki, where are you?

    :heart: Anyone I missed, where are you?

    Have a great Saturday everyone!!