Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: JoAn, someone commented to me that they couldn't believe that I'd walked over 13,000 steps in the house on the day before my colonoscopy, but the reason I did that was that I was so nervous and anxious about it that I couldn't sit still to do anything.......any feelings that you are having before your knee surgery make perfect sense to me....unfortunately, since it's your knee that is the problem, walking up and down and back and forth in your house probably aren't the best solution for you to alleviate your stress.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: and one of the things we do for each other here is listen to one another vent about things that we can't share with family or home town friends........we have big shoulders and we offer them to you.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I think we are warming up a bit although the wind felt brutal today. I got the last of my walls washed today and my suitcases are packed!! Now it is time to go to bed as we have an early plane tomorrow.

    JoAn -- I hope that all goes well with your surgery and that the depression goes away when the procedure is done. I think it is very normal to feel anxious and somewhat depressed. These wonderful people have listened to me time after time and I can't thank them enough. We will be so happy to listen to you vent your anxiety. Please stay in touch.

    Barbie -- Glad it all went well. Yahoo for 10 years.

    Everyone else -- Have a wonderful week. I will be back next week!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :happy: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Happy Bingo Night!!!:laugh:

    JoAn :flowerforyou: This is the place to get all those feelings out, just writing about them sometimes just helps. :love: I agree with Barbie that when something stressful is going to happen the best thing to do is keep busy. Maybe treat yourself to a mani/pedi before surgery or something fun you like to do. Any surgery is stressful and you have every right to feel the way you do, no matter what the reason. :love: Be sure to let us know how the surgery went when you are up and about. Good luck and prayers are with you. :bigsmile:

    Gayla, have a wonderful trip!!:heart:

    Marie, I hope you are feeling much better this morning. :heart:

    The cleaning girl is here and I must vacate to the basement, will check in with you later.

    Another day that I can exercise and hopefully watch my calories. Another pound has been lost but not ready to post it until I am sure.

    Have a great one!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I said I would report on the Ladies First Heart to Heart dinner I went to last night. Sure wish I had better things to say. The meal served was an example of a line of prepackaged "diet" foods a doctor from a local clinic was trying to sell to folks. At $14 a day plus the cost of fruits and vegetables it was well out of the reach of most of the women at the gathering. I'd estimate at least 80% were 60+ and probably living on tight, fixed incomes. In my opinion the hospital missed a golden opportunity to teach women how to assess their risk for heart disease and make positive changes in their life styles that would lead them toward a healthier life.

    A physical therapist demonstrated some exercises that could be worked into a daily living routine and handed out a VERY complicated formula for calculating your maximum heart rate zone. Again, I think most women looked at the calculations and shuffled the paper to the bottom of the stack.

    Their wellness coordinator did another demonstration with weighted vests. I was one of the participants and had to wear a 20# vest, then sit and rise from a chair a dozen times. The next time I get down about only loosing 25 pounds to date, I'm going to remember that exercise. That vest was heavy and it took a lot of effort to complete the 12 rounds. I can't believe I was carrying around that much and five pounds more just this past fall.

    On the bright side I raised my hand and spoke about My Fitness Pal and one of the hospital administrators spoke up and said he uses the Smart Phone app every day and just loves it. I also met four lovely area women who were sitting at my table and one plans on joining MFP. When she does, I'll invite her to participate in our thread. All four of them had a terrific sense of humor and we laughed our way through the dinner.

    After two days of "eating right" again, the extra couple of pounds that had snuck on are gone and the 25 pounds lost ticker is again accurate. Had a very hearty breakfast this morning following Buzz's nutrition plan so will need to get some exercise today. It's supposed to get up into the high end of the 30s so am planing a walk with the dogs.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • viliberty1957

    Hooray! I finally posted a photo. I tried a very old one to try. This is me with my sister's horse. I never got the knack of riding him. :grumble:
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member

    What a beautiful young girl you are! Without a doubt one can tell it's you. It reminds me of a photo of my grandmother, taken MANY moons ago, with her horse. I love that you took the time to post it.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Wonderful photo! It looks like you are best friends! Glad you posted irt. Still in ca. Sunny and warm. Be safe eveeyone
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good rmorming every body. Fixing to go bzck to bed. Jerru is gping in for hi sthroat scrope this afternoon. I hope it turns out good.

    ok on my way back to bed. See you al later/

    Hurray for Irene. Lovly Lady nnd horse too.:heart:

    Hello Sandy, Hello to phoebe. is the sun shinning in CA. Hello to Gayla. Be carefull on you trip.
    Love all the rest of you:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Irene, I agree with Viki, Phoebe and Marie, what a beautiful picture you and the horse are both so beautiful. You of course still are beautiful with more experience in life. :heart:

    Phoebe, quit rubbing it in, it is freezing here in Itasca, Illinois!! :explode:

    Marie, are you sure you shouldn't be going to the doctor with your hubby? You haven't felt well for a few days. :sad:

    Did my exercise, time to shower and head to attorney to sign revised wills.

    Keep smiling as Gayla would say!!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Irene: that is a beautiful picture, I especially love your hair. You haven't aged a day!! :happy: And, we're never to old to learn something new.....:wink:

    Marie: Please go to the doctor. We are all worried about you...:frown:

    Sandy: It's so early and you're done!! I'm jealous!:devil:

    Phoebe: It's not nice to torture people who are freezing!!! :huh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maddie I went to the doctor just this past Monday and she has A slew of test appt. for me. I go in friday for a ekg and echo. And one for a physsical. It just take longer fror this old body to heal.

    My youngest daughter came bt this morning It is her 54th birthday. Don't seems possible.

    I am taking advantage of my husband taking care of me.SSHSH don't tell him. though !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am waiting for him to come home from his appt with the throat spcalist. I do hope they find out what is wron with his voice. Take care everybody Marie
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Thanks for the update. I will be praying for you both!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How cute., Maddie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Love it Maddie!!!! Thanks for sharing!! :bigsmile:

    Marie, it is great to be spoiled, just get well soon!! :heart:
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    Checking in to see where everyone sneaked off too..... I got the pleasure of talking to someone from my hometown that was real nice and made me feel right at home. I am trying to fight this battle AGAIN so will check in now and then. Good luck everyone and hope all of you meet your goal............:drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I am losing the sodium battle. Everything that I like is full of the stuff. I ate the ham and cheese today because I made a big meat loaf and scalloped potato meal for my husband. He loves it and so do I but there was no way I could eat it. It would blow a whole week's worth. Why is there so much sodium in everything?????? :mad:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Maddie, it takes practice to find and get used to foods that are lower in sodium....keep trying

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congrats to you on finishing your wills.....I know how good we felt when we finished ours

    :flowerforyou: Marie, keep us posted about your health and enjoy the pampering.....i hope there is good news from Jerry's visit to the throat doctor.

    :flowerforyou: jsavy, glad you checked in with us.....feeling like part of a community has helped me so much on this weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have a turkey breast roast in the oven and can hardly wait for it to be ready.

    :flowerforyou: I am back to my old routine today....line dance in the walking partner is back from three week trip to Australia and New Zealand and the weather is beautiful today so we had a great walk for almost two hours.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Irene, that is a beautiful picture....thanks for sharing it.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support, I sure do appreciate it. After I posted last night, I couldn't believe how much better I felt. I didn't realize that I was angry until I typed the words. Today the surgery center called to schedule the time. We have to be there by 7:00 AM, surgery will take place at 8:00 and they told me since I was having both knees done surgery would take a couple of hours. I told the nurse that we had discussed both but I thought I was just having the worst one done now. She told me I could discuss it with the doctor but that they had me down for both. After discussing it with my husband, we decided maybe I should just go ahead and get it over with and have both done. So, it looks like that's what we will do. I'm glad I only had one day to think about that little glitch! Again, thanks everyone for your support and especially to the two special friends that messaged me personally, God Bless you both!

    Marie, sure hope you feel better soon, I absolutely LOVE your posts! Also hope your hubby's throat isn't anything serious.

    I also loved all the pictures, the beautiful white rose, the house, the pretty girl and the horse, they are all so enjoyable. Someday, I will learn how to post pictures. Right now I can't concentrate until this is all over. So, until later my friends, God Bless you all, I know I will be just fine. JoAn :flowerforyou:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I am losing the sodium battle. Everything that I like is full of the stuff. I ate the ham and cheese today because I made a big meat loaf and scalloped potato meal for my husband. He loves it and so do I but there was no way I could eat it. It would blow a whole week's worth. Why is there so much sodium in everything?????? :mad:

    Maddie - you're not alone. It is so frustrating to see that they add sodium when they take calories out. For example, the new Tropicana 50 reduced calorie orange juice has sodium in it. Regular orange juice does not. I'm gonna take the extra calories, ignore the sugar because it is natural sugar and drink the real stuff.

    So here's my thinking. Forget the fat-free (extra sodium added) stuff and simply use just a bit less. Instead of a full slice of cheese, use 2/3rds of a slice. Save the other one third for another day. Instead of a third cup of something, use a quarter cup. Cut the serving size and you'll cut the calories and not have to deal with the devil sodium.

    Use only fresh or fresh frozen vegetables. If you have to use canned, drain and then rinse them under running water. The MFP database may record the sodium but YOU will know you washed most of it away. Use the "note" box on your diary page to make mention of it. To remind yourself that number DO lie.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to stop in and say..

    Marie, Hope you are feeling better and that Jerry's throat turns out to be nothing serious. Enjoy being spoiled. I wish I could train my "piglets" to wait on me, but they have ME trained to wait on THEM!!! What is wrong with this picture??? LOL

    JoAnn, Wishing you the best on your surgery. I had a fair amount of anxiety before my only major surgery. Though I didn't share my fears with anyone, I was convinced I was not going to wake up from the anesthetic!! Obviously, that didn't happen. You will be fine.

    Phoebe, Stay safe on the road.

    Lynn, Your story about the shopping trip and the stuffed automobile reminded me of the time I used a '79 Honda Civic Hatchback to pick up 770 lbs. of cocktail ice!! I worked for the owner of multiple locations of convenience stores, who usually picked up ice orders for his stores with his pickup truck. It was the Friday afternoon before a three day summer weekend, and the store next to a boat launch ramp had to have ice available for all those picnic coolers. Warm beer on a 90+ degree day is NOT a popular beverage in these parts!!

    When I showed up at the ice company, the guy at the loading dock looked at my car and at me, and asked how many trips I planned to make. I told him "one," and bet him the cost of our order that I could load all 100 of the 7 lb. bags and all 7 of the 10 lb. blocks into my little car at one time and still drive away!! Unfortunately for me, he didn't accept the challenge.

    I stacked all the little bags in layers behind my front seats, along with three of the blocks on top. The other 4 blocks went in the passenger side of the front seat--two on the floor, and two on the seat, itself. It was over 90 degrees, so I headed for the store immediately to make my delivery.

    I was stopped at a light, and the four wheel drive pickup in the next lane sat considerably higher than my little car. Two guys in it happened to look over and see all that ICE. They did a double-take and asked me where the "party" was. I told them "When I told the dealer I didn't want to pay extra for air conditioning, they told me this was my only solution!!"LOL After they stopped laughing, I told them what was really going on. They were amazed when I told them there was 770 lbs. of ice in the car.

    I was even more amazed when I looked at the specs for my car and discovered it was only supposed to carry a maximum of 700 lbs., including the driver!!! Oops! There were no damages or complications from its impersonation of an ice wagon. It was a great car, until the following summer, when an uninsured twit in a full size Ford made an illegal left turn in front of me, and the car was totalled.

    Well, now I really need to get, so bye for now.
