Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    So mny posts that I wont try to keep up. Mrie, I know you are worried, I am right there with you, worrying too. I am also praying for your fmily. Tell Jerry we are wishing him good results.
    Welome June, I love GB, even though Ive never been there
    Great stories everyone, I love them
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Phoebe. That Gayla better pop in here and tell us about her trip.

    Gayla I heard over the news they sucessfully implanted a human voive box into a lady and she is Talking normal now. So Maybe there is still hope. . Well there is alway hope.Never give up,

    My granddughter and her friend well her live in guy. is comin in next week to work an an event for the super bowl. She works for espn In St Louis. Wanted to know what night I would like to go out and have dinner with them. WOO WOO Maybe I get to meet some of the pac.kers.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    One of my MFP friends, LJCannon has lost 174+ pounds. She has been in NYC taping for the Rachel Ray show...that will air January 31st. She goes to Curves all the time.

    Thought you might be interested.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Want to share something with you all....on my ticker is the weeping tree next to my sidewalk, my drive-way and a tree in the middle of my drive. I have an alarm on my drive that lets me know when someone or something is around. It went off so I went to the pc room(was my son's room until he married..has a 6'x6" window) pulled back the shade and peered out. There were 5 deer there eating off the trees, shrubs and ornamental grasses that edge my sidewalk. You can see basically the same scene from this window that is on the ticker except you can see more trees and drive to the left. These deer were within arms length part of the time if my window had been raised...I couldn't believe it:noway: Just had to share...:smile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone!! I got back early this morning after a wonderful 6 days in Victoria, British Columbia. We did lots of walking and sightseeing. The weather was mostly good, a light rain on a couple of days which is to be expected on the West Coast. We had our umbrellas and it didn't slow us down. The skating was very good and I think we are sending some good skaters off to the World Championships. The temperature here has been very nice the last few days and I am hoping it stays that way for awhile (I have been spoiled after only a few days).

    Neil missed coming home for the weekend but Dave was madly painting while I was away. He completed the entryway, hallways, family room and kitchen. I really like the colour. Now he wants to get going on the new flooring. What a lot of work. If I was clever enough to send a picture I would! Tomorrow we are taking Neil to get his new shoes!

    I am really disappointed. I am tired but stayed up to watch the Nadal tennis match and it never did come on. Guess I will go to bed. I know they will show some of it tomorrow.

    Marie -- I remember that you and Jerry were going for tests but after quickly looking at the posts I didn't see if you mentioned results. I hope all is well. Sorry if I missed the post about them.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    It's snowing here AGAIN today. We are right on the line that decides if we're getting a lot, the middle or a little. (Yeah, I'm a poet) :glasses:

    There are corn fields on two sides of our house and I wish we would see more deer. It's so open in the winter, that I think they may be afraid. But, the last year that we had a lot of snow, there were a hoof marks all over the yard like the deer had had a race or something. I can see why Lynn was so exited. :happy:

    I would also like to know if any of Marie's test results are in. Still worried about you and Jerry...Come on girl, how are you guys feeling? :flowerforyou:

    I'm wondering if JoAn is in a rehab facility working on her knees. Maybe that's why she hasn't popped in????? :flowerforyou:
    I was in rehab for several weeks...I'll tell you about it if anyone is interested but let me just tell you the first day, I was in such bad shape that they had two people lifting me under my arms and one lifting in the back by my underwear trying to weigh me. What a wedgie!! And you know that weight was correct, don'tcha......:laugh:

    British Columbia is a place I would like to visit. I'm sure it will never happen but a girl can always dream!!

    And, where are our new friends???? Come on in girls and sit a spell. :drinker:

    One more thing. ..... I've dipped under a number that has been a goal for awhile. I'm hoping it's still there tomorrow when I weigh in to post......please, please, please!!!!! :happy:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all. Marie husband Jerry goes in for surgery on Friday.
    joann will probably not visit for awhile,but it will be a good feeling to see all us asking about her while she is away.
    i think the south beach diet is a good one to follow, i guess the met.mirle works coz I am a junk food junkie, and I need to break that bad habit !
    I love watching deer grazing by our house. Try a bag of. Deer corn. We used to feed them in the winter but someone tried bowhunting them on our property so we stopped feeding them.
    see ya later
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    What is Jerry having surgery for????
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    My post must've run away, so here's aquick hello instead. Be safe!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    What is Jerry having surgery for????
    he has almost lost his voice and I believe there is something on his throat they want to remove and biopsy.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    What is Jerry having surgery for????
    he has almost lost his voice and I believe there is something on his throat they want to remove and biopsy.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    What is Jerry having surgery for????
    he has almost lost his voice and I believe there is something on his throat they want to remove and biopsy.
    Oh Lord, they must be a little scared. I will be praying for both of them!!!
  • californiagramma
    thanks for the welcome,this seems like a very good site, easy to follow.Why is it so hard to lose the last few pounds.I have managed to keep off most of the weight I lost last year but 4 or 5 pounds crept on over the holidays.We are leaving on our annual trip to Jamaica Feb 12 so I know if I don't do something to get on track before then, I will be in trouble.Trying to up the walking, hopefully you guys are my motivation.Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Mattie He is haveing throat susergy for he has been horse for the past 6 months. He has been going to the doctor with it and they have been haveing him gargle and been on antibolic But did not help. Fanally he went to another doctor and he sent him to a specilist . They put a tub down his throst and took pictures and found this growth on his throat so they are removing that Friday morning. The hospital called just now and said their should be an adult relative in the waiting room at all times. Which my daughters and I on doing anyway.That is all we know right now.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Mattie He is haveing throat susergy for he has been horse for the past 6 months. He has been going to the doctor with it and they have been haveing him gargle and been on antibolic But did not help. Fanally he went to another doctor and he sent him to a specilist . They put a tub down his throst and took pictures and found this growth on his throat so they are removing that Friday morning. The hospital called just now and said their should be an adult relative in the waiting room at all times. Which my daughters and I on doing anyway.That is all we know right now.
    I will be praying for him and you while you wait. Waiting is so very hard, too. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Matttie.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wanted to send this get well card to my Freind JO AN and let her know I am thinking of her If I don't get back on for a few days.


    GET WELL SOON. Hope you are not too much pain. Love Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! This will be short as I am on my iPad and it takes a little more time. Just the usual running around kind of day. I am checking for a WW meeting close to my work.

    Marie -- thinking about Jerry and, of course, you. I hope the surgery goes well. So glad Alice will be with you. Take care.

    Jo-an -- you are also in my thoughts. Get well soon.

    Take care everyone, glad to read your interesting posts.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Sandy - Did you watch American Idol last night? I believe Chris Medina, the last contestant whose story includes his devotion to his fiancee, Juliana Medina are from Itasca. At least the Laurus Foundation which has set up a fund to help pay for some of Juliana's medical expenses is from Itasca.

    The story of this young couple has really rocked me. His voice is equaled only by his integrity. I'm proud to walk the same earth with this man. I was also impressed with the gentle way rocker Steven Tyler interacted with her.

    When I see Juliana's struggle it puts my problems with my weight in perspective.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beutiful day here Gonna get up in the 70's tomorrow. Now that is my kind of weather Come on
    Mr. Weatherman put on a good show for all of our guest from Pittsburg and Green Bay. Walmart has got our stoes all deck out. I think I need to get dress an soak up some of this natural Vitamin D
