Like Minded Lushes - January 2011



  • kvultaggio
    Hello all! I was in a wine-of-the-week habit (my goal - try every riesling that exists...) but started on Adipex a couple of weeks ago, so I can't have any alcohol..:grumble:

    So far I'm doing well... though it was painful to toss out the 2nd half of my Chateau St. Michelle bottle...

    I had gotten to wondering how I could factor alcohol into my calorie count, once I'm done with the meds. I think maybe as a 'treat' I'll let myself enjoy a drink on weekends, as long as I've been good.

    I hope once I get to maintenance phase, alcohol won't ruin my results!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    I'm attending a dry wedding in a month or I consider it a blessing in disguise or do I go with my preweight watching plan and pack a flask?

    Some liquor stores sell the mini bottles (like the airlines offer) for your purse, like a small Coconut Parrot Bay to add to your diet coke, or a flavored vodka, or mine sells some awesome mini chocolate vodkas, just great by itself over ice...................sorry, got carried away.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    I've only had a small glass of wine, trouble is I topped it up 3 times whilst I was cooking dinner! :blushing:

    I think that should stil count as only one!
  • You guys are awesome and just the folks I need for this diet!!!

    Me and my guy were BIG time drinkers. It was nothing for us to get home for the evening and split a fifth of whiskey or vodka between us, so you can imagine the beer we could put back! (bear in mind our scheduled is odd so sometimes we will go a week staying up till 3 am, we would start around 8...yea...we were drunks lol). Since I started my diet on new years day we have only had light beer (and my 6 to 8 a night are now 3 or 4 max) and we cut back a ton on the liquor we drink, we may get a bottle on Friday but it lasts a lot longer.

    My biggest motivation was this site, I had NO idea how many calories were in each one of the drinks I had. Since cutting back all around I've seen results already but would be lying if I said I have kept track of every drink I have had,

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one who makes sure to incorporate my alcohol into my diet.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sunday=0 drinks
    But it might be a lushy week. Still I am going to try and keep it under cals for the 18 days before I go to Dominican Republic.
  • BrittBrat78
    had 2 beers last night and didnt finish the second one. i had to have one while making dinner since i was trying out a new recipe. the week has just begun so we will see how i do.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, another lushy week for me...probably not much better then the week before...must be better this week...I've gained 10 lbs from Thanksgiving...must be stopped...UGH:sad:

    booze is evil, booze is the devil, booze is delicious
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I had a redbull and vodka (not quite a triple) on the way to my parents house and then one glass of wine. So, for me...that's pretty good!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I did it! Well, almost - if I can make it through tonight, I'll have gone for one month with no alcohol what so ever!!!

    Must be the first time in 15 years I've been sober this long. Two weeks to go to reach my goal now...
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    what a great topic. i must bookmark this one!!!
  • jeeping_mom
    So glad to see other people like me. I need to cut back on drinking - hopefully I can get some motivation from you guys.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    I saw this on a thread and found it through the search. Thank goodness I found some like minded people. I think alcohol is inhibiting my weight loss; I mean I hope it is cuz I'm feeling like I'm doing most things right and other than I've had this weight on my body all my life and I'm over 50 and I love cheese, I should be losing weight. I've cut my alcohol quite a bit, shooting for none during the week and light on the weekends if at all.

    I'm tired of talking about losing weight and just want to get it done. Cheers to all of us for our efforts!:drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that I will start a new threadf tomorrow when I get home. For February.
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    3 buckets of beer later and my Saturday night was over, but had a good time. I see so many on here who are trying to stop drinking completely, that's not my goal. I just wanted a forum where other people drank and it wasn't "dirty secret", lol.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    3 buckets of beer later and my Saturday night was over, but had a good time. I see so many on here who are trying to stop drinking completely, that's not my goal. I just wanted a forum where other people drank and it wasn't "dirty secret", lol.
    you found it.
  • antisocialista
    Oh HALLELUJAH. Thank god I found this lush-friendly forum. I love you people already. :drinker:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome back RJ!

    Well I was all set to have a dry week but then my husband came home with a fantastic bottle of wine that a friend had brought back from the vineyard and how ungracious would I have been to turn my nose up. I mean really.

    How could I face myself in the mirror if I chose weight loss over manners.

    Dilemmas, dilemmas.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    SNOW DAY!!!! (And the kids are at my parents for the night...)

    So, I made chicken chili, queso, and just had a gi-frelling-normous red bull and vodka. :drinker: I plan on having some hot chocolate and Irish cream later as well. They're calling for -20* tonight.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did it! Well, almost - if I can make it through tonight, I'll have gone for one month with no alcohol what so ever!!!

    Must be the first time in 15 years I've been sober this long. Two weeks to go to reach my goal now...
    wow! congrats!
    I have no idea the longest time without alcohol, must not be very long for me:tongue:
    Tonight I started out so good, I entered everything to eat for the day, knowing I was meeting friends for happy hour but it just went out of control from the time I started drinking, intending to stick to two vodke-sodas and nachos, but then my friend ordered fries and ranch, then I came home and had a red wine and dark chocolate-telling myself I needed dessert! oh, and my hour of yoga/pilates turned into 10 minutes because of the weather and my plans.
    The other Colorado Amy knows what I am talking about-really cold here!
  • BrittBrat78
    found me a new friendly drink yesterday!! diet iced tea peach with peach flavored vodka!!! i am so excited. was just very disappointed in not being able to excerise since i wasnt home:-(