Day by Day Challenge- January part 5



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesdays Goals

    1. Water! - Closer but still not there!
    2. Walk & at least 30 mins of something else - I did the walk, sadly nothing else.
    3. Under on calories - Yes

    Its pretty late to post goals for Thursday but this is what i've been going for today:

    1. Under on calories- Yes
    2. Walk- Yes (got in 2!)
    3. Do some painting. - This is one for after supper.

    Hope you're all doing really well.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Thursday:
    1. Another early start but no excuse to forget breakfast. GOT UP EXTRA EARLY TO HAVE BREKKIE
    2. Stay under cals. CHECK
    3. No Starbucks! FAIL
    4. Try and make it to body combat after work but if not at least go to body balance. WENT TO BOTH

    Welcome back shnnd19!

    Mad day today and quite relieved it's pretty much over. I caved and had starbucks for the second day in a row today! I just couldn't resist!

    1. Lots of water.
    2. Stay under cals with healthy food.
    3. Be productive at work. Too much to do to be slacking off!!

    Can't wait for the weekend!! Anyone doing anything fun?
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I don't really have time to check in on how everyone's doing but I wanted to check in and get back in the groove. It's been a week full of comfort food due to a death in the family and the stress that came with missing that one day of school but I'm hoping to get back on track today. (At least I've continued a little bit with water.)

    Since I'm already about to eat my second breakfast and am drinking my fourth cup of coffee my goals for the day are...

    1. Water! Water! Water!
    2. Healthy lunch at least.
    3. To bed early tonight.

    I was up at 4am to hang balloons downtown for Teach for America!! If you know any college seniors ... fill them in that the deadline to apply is February 4th and it truly is a great program!

    Hope you are all doing well!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thursday's recap:
    Okay, tomorrow's a new day. That's what I love abou this challenge. If you fall off one day, you just get back on the next.
    1. shred in the morning. I DID 6 PACK IN 6 WEEKS INSTEAD.
    2. zumba in the evening. YES
    3. water all day. IT WAS HARD, BUT I GOT TO 64 OZ
    4. plan all meals in advance. YES, THIS WAS A BIG HELP
    5. sweep floors. NO :(
    Friday's goals:
    1. workout early.
    2. drink more water, add lemon if needed.
    3. stay under my calories.
    non-fitness related goals.
    1. run errands.
    2. sweep the floor
    3. get a jump on laundry so I won't be stuck doing it all weekend.

    I hope to have more time to catch up later!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 27:
    1. NO NIGHTTIME SNACKING!!!--No, but dinner was very late so I am not counting it a success.
    2. Water.--Yes.
    3. Exercise.--Some, not enough.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    It was one of those 'constantly being interrupted' days yesterday. I am not sleeping well because the baby is not sleeping and even though his parents take care of him, I still wake up when he cries so I feel tired in the mornings instead of rested. He is going through a growth spurt and has just started crawling so I hope this waking up every hour or so is a temporary thing!

    Goals for Jan. 28:
    1. No nighttime snacking!! Healthy foods!!
    2. Water.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate.

    Nicole--I am sorry to hear about a death in your family. I hope you are all doing well in spite of it.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Under on calories- Yes
    2. Walk- Yes (got in 2!)
    3. Do some painting. - /yes

    Sorry I'm only posting Fridays so late, i meant to post earlier but time just got away from me.

    Fridays are/were:

    1. Walk - Done
    2. Under on calories - Looking good so far
    3. Housework :grumble: - Plan to turn up the headphones and get it done.

    Hope you all have a brilliant day especially Jess, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Friday's recap:
    Friday's goals:
    1. workout early. YES
    2. drink more water, add lemon if needed. NOT REALLY
    3. stay under my calories. YES, BARELY
    non-fitness related goals.
    1. run errands. YES
    2. sweep the floor NO, BUT IT MUST GET DONE SOON
    3. get a jump on laundry so I won't be stuck doing it all weekend. YES

    I hope to have more time to catch up later!

    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before noon.
    2 keep eating simple despite it being the weekend.
    3. keep drinking water, every hour.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Lots of water. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    2. Stay under cals with healthy food. DID WELL UNTIL DINNER
    3. Be productive at work. Too much to do to be slacking off!! GOT A LOT DONE

    Nicole I'm so sorry to hear about your news. Hope you are doing ok.

    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Drastic haircut and colour today so don't chicken out!
    2. Water throughout the day.
    3. No proper training today so try an get a walk in.
    4. Going out for dinner so make healthy choices.

    Have a great weekend!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    todays goals
    bikram yoga / water / no overboozing
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    not doing so well, need some help:( I think that my scales or broken or I wish they were, I keep gaining. I think part of it is from me not drinking my water & too much dt pepsi. It's just that I've been feeling crappy all week w/ sinus headache, did pretty good most of the week.

    today I'm going to focus on water,water,water & only 2 dt pepsi, oh hope to god that I can stay within my calorie goal.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 28:
    1. No nighttime snacking!! Healthy foods!!--Not too bad. Had a healthy snack.
    2. Water.--Yes
    3. Exercise.--No, only my strength training.
    4. Meditate.--Yes

    Goals for Jan. 29:
    1. No nighttime snacking!
    2. Water.
    3. EXERCISE!!!
    4. Meditate.

    Had the baby all day yesterday so his parents could get some sleep. I am worn out! Babies are for young people!

    Nam--I hope we will be seeing a picture of the haircut and color soon!

    shnnd19--Hang in there! Dt. Pepsi does have a lot of sodium so it could be that. Have you tried one of the 'zero' cola drinks? They have 0 sodium. Water is still best, though!

    I am struggling. I think it is the time of year--gray days and not much going on. I start back to work on Monday so that will help a LOT!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Nicole I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi everyone,

    Yesterday was not a success. After a bad week at work I went a bit over board on having a relaxed day eating almost an extra days worth of calories over my goal. I realize though that I was making excuses to myself all day really and it wasn't good enough and could quickly become a habit. So with that in mind I am off to the sport centre today, for Body balance and swimming.

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Exercise: Body Balance then Swimming
    4. Paperwork
    5. Look up new interesting healthy food for the week.
    6. Achieve everything on this list.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 29:
    1. No nighttime snacking!--Yes.
    2. Water.--Should have been better.
    3. EXERCISE!!!--Also should have been better.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    Well, yesterday was NOT the best day ever but it certainly wasn't the worst, either. I plan on today being better--have food all planned out and will be working in my e-trike so it's to take to work in the morning.

    Goals for Jan. 30:
    1. Water!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise!!!
    4. Meditate before an earlier bedtime--work in the morning! YAY!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Saturday recap:
    Saturday's goals:
    1. workout before noon. NO, IT WAS 1, BUT I DID WORKOUT!
    2 keep eating simple despite it being the weekend. TRIED, BUT DIDN'T DO AS WELL AS I'D LIKE
    3. keep drinking water, every hour. :( NO

    Oh, I did finally get the floors swept! yay!

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Zumba @2:30 plus 30 minutes of cardio.
    2. come up with a workout and eating plan for February.
    3. Finish tidying up the house.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    I found you! LOL (Saying that because I had a bit of an issue finding this topic today.)

    When I first joined two weeks ago, I saw this group, but didn't post.... Now though, I'm finding myself in need of motivation, but feeling that I want to stay realistic and some of the other groups just seem a bit much to jump right into, so I figured this would be a good place to start. I especially like the idea of setting goals that might not be health/fitness related, because a lack of accountability can lead me to slack off on WAY too much in life.

    At any rate, seeing how it's after 4 PM, today's goals are going to be rather different than they might have been if I'd posted earlier or yesterday:

    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water
    2. Stay within all nutritional goals for the day
    3. Do handwashed dishes/clean kitchen
    4. Catch up on tracking finances
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Under on calories - Yes!
    2. Water - No!
    3. Exercise: Body Balance then Swimming- Yes and yes it was wonderful to be back
    4. Paperwork - Yes, such a relief to have it out the way.
    5. Look up new interesting healthy food for the week. - No
    6. Achieve everything on this list. - No

    Morning Hi Everyone,

    Welcome SKismet!

    Sunday was great, it was so good to get back to body balance yesterday that I've booked my self in to a class for tonight. Having said that I'm still getting no where near anough water in. I think i'm going to have to go back to setting an alarm to go off every hour until it becomes habit again. :frown:

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Water- I must drink 8 glasses.
    2. Under on calories
    3. 5 portions of fruit/veg
    4. Exercise: Walk, Body Balance and if I'm up to it (it'll be 9pm by this point) swimming also.
    5. 60mins house work

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Thanks for the welcome!
    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water - YES!
    2. Stay within all nutritional goals for the day - No such luck.... Went over a little on Fats and a good bit on sodium. :ohwell:
    3. Do handwashed dishes/clean kitchen - Started, not finished....
    4. Catch up on tracking finances - Nope. (Got unexpected evening company which cut down my time to do stuff.)

    Soooo.... Didn't do so well on my first day. :ohwell: Hopefully today will be better!

    1-31 goals:
    1. Stay within nutritional goals
    2. Get to the gym
    3. Do "initial test" for "200 sit-up challenge"
    4. Write letter of interest/career goals essay for grad school application
    5. Do those finances!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 30:
    1. Water!!--Yes
    2. Stay in my calories.--Yes
    3. Exercise!!!--Not enough.
    4. Meditate before an earlier bedtime--work in the morning! YAY!Yes.

    Back to work today!

    Goals for Jan. 31:
    1. WATER!!! (Remember to drink it at work!)
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes, at least.
    4. Meditate and early to bed.

    Since I have been slacking on the exercise lately I have decided to cut it back a little. My job tends to be very physical--lots of hauling, lifting and walking--I work in a Garden Center arranging the tree and plant deliveries, etc.--so I don't want to overdo it! Once I get used to the work again I will try to increase my regular exercises.

    Welcome SKismet! This is a good group!
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