Day by Day Challenge- January part 5



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Thursdays goals:
    1. Drink some water for crying out loud! Better still not there though
    2. Under on calories- No
    3. Walk- Yes
    4. Early night. Yes

    I’ve been working late every day this week and last night got home after a stressful day and ate just about everything I could lay my hands on. It wasn’t pretty. When the dust settled I went online and have ordered myself a pair of jeans in my goal size. I’m going to hang them on the back of my bedroom door so I can see them every morning and so I can remind myself what I’m aiming for. I’m going to be wearing those jeans in two months time.

    Fridays Goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. Walk
    3. Water
    4. Get out the office early and relax

    Have lovely day everyone! See you later.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.20.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - 1.5 Liters
    2) Power 90 W3D5 - FAIL
    3) Cook dinner and make extra meals for the weekend. - FAIL

    I basically watched TV all night. So I will be doubling up on my workouts tomorrow to make up for it. However, really sore today. Not sure why it took another day to feel the strength training.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Afternoon all!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Haven't posted in a couple of days so time to get back to it!

    Had a busy day today so far. I was volunteering this morning for a charity (Ronald McDonald House) that provides accomodation to the parents of sick children who are at St Thomas' hospital in London. Myself and a few friends bought all the breakfast food and cooked for all the families this morning. It was so worth getting up at 5.30 this morning! Finally back home and chilling out for a while before considering letting Jillian Michaels kick my backside!!

    Goals for Monday...
    1. Training in the morning before work.
    2. Water throughout the day.
    3. Healthy food and not just rubbish calories that still keep me within my goal.

    Kim great idea with your goal jeans! It will give you such great motivation. AND just wanted to congratulate you on doing so well with all of this even though you've been so unwell for what seems like weeks now!

    Steph sometimes we all need to veg on the sofa and chill out!! It often takes a day and sometimes more for the aches and pains to really kick in after a hard workout!

    Lee you're killing the exercise at the moment and really mixing it it up which is fantastic! Keep it up!!!!

    Now it's my turn to veg out for a while before getting the energy to work out! Catch you all later! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I haven't posted for a few days and, you know what? I slid backward really quickly! Had a BAD day yesterday but I am starting over fresh today. So...

    Goals for Jan. 23:
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Healthy food choices!
    4. Meditate.

    I haven't put exercise down as I am achy and I'm not sure why. I plan on exercise just don't know how much yet.

    Nam--What a wonderful thing for you and your friends to do! My niece has used the Ronald McDonald House while staying with her young son (who had a brain tumor and is doing very well now) and it was SUCH a blessing for her to be able to do so.

    I hope all of you have a good day and I plan in the same!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi Everyone!

    Last week was really bad i just kept craving junk food and half giving by over eating eating healthy stuff and but feeling really guilty but not really sorting it so i went out on Saturday and did it. I had a burger with all sorts of badness in it. I decided I wasn't going to feel guilty about it I would just enjoy it and you know what it worked! All the cravings were gone I made healthy choices all the rest of the weekend. It all feels much easier again. I also went swimming which was wonderful, I always forget just how much I enjoy it.

    Nam thats such a great way to help people. I can only imagine what those parents must go through while their children are sick.

    So Mondays goals
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water - I've been so bad about water recently
    3. Walk
    4. Laundry

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Fantastic Nam! I love volunteering, but really don't understand why they always require me to wake up at 4-5am!?!?!? :wink:

    Kim - Good for you. I think it only gets worse if you don't "get over" what it is you're wanting. I went to Joe's crabshack myself yesterday. I didn't dip the crab in butter and tried to be health conscience, but overall, it probably wasn't as good as I'd like to think it was. Either way, I took my rooommate and my grandpa out and it was a good time.'s a win! :happy:

    1.24.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) P90 W4D3
    3) Grocery shopping!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 23:
    1. WATER!!!!--Yes
    2. Healthy food choices!--Mostly--did really well until evening, then , when I realized what i was doing--I went to bed!
    3. STAY IN MY CALORIES!!!--Over a little.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    I ended up doing all 4 miles of The BL Power Walk. It felt good, too. I did it in my newly rearranged room--I get interrupted a lot when I exercise downstairs on the weekends!

    Goals for Jan. 24:
    1. Water.
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes (20 are done already).
    4. Meditate.

    I agree, Kim. If I am really craving something its better if I have some or--like you--I end up overeating 'healthy' foods.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goal for Monday...
    1. Training in the morning before work.
    2. Water throughout the day.
    3. Healthy food and not just rubbish calories that still keep me within my goal.

    Finally a day when I accomplished all three!!

    Goals for tues:
    1. Go to the gym after work and do some form of training.
    2. Loadsa water!!!
    3. More veggies.
    4. Iron work shirts. I'm running out!

    Have a great day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Mondays goals
    1. Under on calories – Yes!
    2. Water – Still just a little short
    3. Walk – Yes
    4. Laundry- Yes

    Hi Everyone!

    Yesterday could have been better on the water, but that’s for today. Work was a bit stressful & my family too but I got home and there were my boyfriend, my cats and my drawing board. I’m a very lucky girl.

    No surprises for Tuesday’s Goals:
    1. Water, water, water!
    2. Walk
    3. Under on calories
    4. Finish the last of the laundry.
    5. Be patient

    Kathy & Steph I'm so glad I’m not alone with the over doing the healthy stuff when I want junk. I love that about MFP you realize that everyone's in the same boat.

    Steph the crab shack sounds AMAZING! The UK could really do with a few more seafood places (weirdly for an island). Probably just as well for me they don't though, I wouldn't be able to resist. :blushing:

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 24:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes (20 are done already).--No.
    4. Meditate.--No.

    Turned out to be not the best day for me. I only went over my calories by a little and that was mainly because I didn't get the rest of my workout in. I had so much paperwork to finish for my job that it ate up most of the morning! It is done now, though, and I plan on making up for it today and tomorrow..

    Goals for Jan. 25:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes +.
    4. Meditate.

    Well, on to my day. Hope we ALL have a good one!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.25.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Bowling

    Lately my eating has been really off. I will have nothing most days (just protein shakes), then binge, then eat normal. Not sure what's up with that. I think I need to work on planning weekly menus again.

    @ Kim - Seafood restaurants are my fave! I always found it funny how things are different on an island. For instance, my mom grew up on an island but can't swim. I don't get that.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for tues:
    1. Go to the gym after work and do some form of training. *DIDN'T MAKE IT*
    2. Loadsa water!!! *AROUND 7 CUPS*
    3. More veggies. *LOADS*
    4. Iron work shirts. I'm running out! *ALL DONE*

    Crazy at work today and think I am suffering with the January blues! Can't be bothered with work at the moment but it's so busy so have to plough on!

    Goals for Weds:
    1. Get up super early to get to Court and remember to eat breakfast.
    2. Legs bums and tums after work.
    3. Water water water.
    4. Stay under calories.

    Am trying really hard this week to get my food sorted. I seem to have had a few weeks when I was just about staying under my calories but eating food that was just enough to keep me under but not that great nutritionally. I oven roasted some vegetables tonight so that's an improvement! It is so much easier usually to get pre-packed food which already has the calories etc on the packet and stick it in the microwave or the oven but they must be full of who knows what that is not good! Does anyone else do this as well?

    Hope you're having a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I know its been a while since I've posted. My apologies!

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. zumba plus 30 minutes of cardio.
    2. level 2 shred.
    3. no snacks, all clean, healthy food!
    4. water, water, water!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    I better write down the goals I set myself today so there now wriggle room when the chocolate is calling my name tonight! Yesterday wasn’t terribly impressive, work was manic so I didn’t get the chance to go for a walk and then over did it on the calories. The non weight loss stuff went very well though so it wasn’t a complete loss.

    Wednesdays Goals

    1. Water!
    2. Walk & at least 30 mins of something else
    3. Under on calories

    Hope you’re all having a lovely day!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.25.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - FAIL, maybe one bottle if that
    2) Bowling - Went bowling, didn't have an awesome night in scores, but it was fair. Fun times regardless.

    @ Nam - Yes, I do the same thing. I buy frozen meals for my lunches at work. In fact I just bought four this morning. It does make things easier, I just don't drink enough water to balance out all the sodium in them I'm sure. I need to cook more myself so that I can get into the routine and save some money. It would be a nice improvement in 2011 if I can get this squared away.

    1.26.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) P90 Sweat 3-4
    3) Cook the chicken I bought
    4) Load of laundry
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 25:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calories.--No.
    3. Exercise for 60 minutes +.--Just 60 minutes, no extra.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    As usual, I did really well until nighttime. then I ate instead of going to bed when I got tired. :grumble: I will try again today, though.

    I did get my usual amount of exercise in but I really wanted to do a bit more. :ohwell: We have sunshine today so I plan on walking outside later.

    Goals for Jan. 26:
    1 Water.
    2. Stay in my calories. (NO nighttime eating just because I am tired!)
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Weds:
    1. Get up super early to get to Court and remember to eat breakfast.
    2. Legs bums and tums after work.
    3. Water water water.
    4. Stay under calories.

    Managed to get all 4 done today but probably could have had some more water.

    Goals for Thursday:
    1. Another early start but no excuse to forget breakfast.
    2. Stay under cals.
    3. No Starbucks!
    4. Try and make it to body combat after work but if not at least go to body balance.

    Happy hump day!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wednesday's recap:
    I know its been a while since I've posted. My apologies!

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. zumba plus 30 minutes of cardio. yes and yes
    2. level 2 shred. no, but I met with my trainer today for 45 minutes, so I didn't have the energy or strength to shred.
    3. no snacks, all clean, healthy food! no and no
    4. water, water, water! yes, yes, no! lol

    Okay, tomorrow's a new day. That's what I love abou this challenge. If you fall off one day, you just get back on the next.
    1. shred in the morning.
    2. zumba in the evening.
    3. water all day.
    4. plan all meals in advance.
    5. sweep floors.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan. 26:
    1 Water.--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calories. (NO nighttime eating just because I am tired!)--No, but not as bad as the night before!
    3. Exercise.--Yes. Weight training and a LONG walk outside.
    4. Meditate.--Yes.

    A new day is right, Leela! A new chance to form better habits! Here we go! LOL!

    Goals for Jan. 27:
    2. Water.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm back.

    Thursday Goals:
    1. 8cups of water
    2. stay in my calorie goal
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