The Randoms - January 2011



  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm a mom to two beautiful boys.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Mandijo I wish I could but I own this thing called a house that isn't as worth as much as I owe.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Ruth I am so freaking impressed with you FYI...Seriously...WTG!!!! How did you loose that weight over the holidays??
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    QOTD: I'm always curious to know what people do for a living? Do you work, Stay at home and love up on babies, go to school? Let's get to know each other!

    I work for a nuclear utility here in Raleigh, NC. I work in the corporate office and for the moment, I am in charge of reactor services and turbine maintenance during our refueling outages. In the near future (i.e. < 2 weeks), I will have a new job. But I can't say right's a big secret.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Mandijo I wish I could but I own this thing called a house that isn't as worth as much as I owe.

    Well Balls.

    It's been nice to hear what all of you do :)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    What will the QOTD be tomorrow? I like the questions where we get to know each other...I mean, we are all awesome afterall!

    Random fact: Tomorrow is Wednesday. This makes me happy. Half way through this week, closer to the weekend! Gym date with the hubbo tomorrow night AND girl's night with my family! I'm pumped!!! :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ruth I am so freaking impressed with you FYI...Seriously...WTG!!!! How did you loose that weight over the holidays??

    Well 2 lbs of it what the water weight/excess food in stomach from Christmas gain that well just worked its way out and then I worked my *kitten* off and didn't splurge at New Years. Worked out New Years Eve and took New Years off but spent that day running around an outlet mall shopping so I wasn't eating out of boredom which is a big issue for me.
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: What gets you most pumped up during a workout? Type of music, thoughts, etc.?

    For me, it's always hard rock/heavy metal. Any other metal fans in here?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What gets you most pumped up during a workout? Type of music, thoughts, etc.?

    For me, it's always hard rock/heavy metal. Any other metal fans in here?

    Well if I want to burn off steam and I am angry for the day I go for hard rock, such as AC/DC, Linkin Park, Violent Femmes, NIN etc but when I am in a light happy want to move my booty mood I go for pop/dance music such as, Ciera, Rhionna, Black Eye Peas, OutKast etc.

    I also love to work out while watching glee, a football game, or a good movie.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD- What gets me pumped up?

    Well most of the time I loathe the idea of exercise, so it just depends on what I'm doing. I LOVE to zumba, so the music and the rhythm get me pumped up. When I'm at home on the treadmill or on the arc trainer at the gym, I have to be watching something I really enjoy on TV or take my book along to read to take my mind off of the fact that I'm working out. It works like a charm, so it's awesome! I also hate workout dvd's, but I love working out on my kinect which I find very weird. It really is almost the exact same thing. Eh who knows?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD- What gets me pumped up?

    I definitely need music to workout, which I why I think I like Turbo Fire so much. It's not just some cheesy instrumental music in the background, it's actually fun songs to move to. Otherwise I have my iPod on with my "Workout Mix" playing. It's got such a variety of stuff on it, I can't really pick a type. I LOVE the music from Glee, I think i have like every song on that show and quite a few are in the playlist. I have some classic rock, stuff playing on the radio now, 90s music, Beatles... anything upbeat that I can workout to.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD- What gets me pumped up?

    DEFINITELY need to have my ipod with my workout playlist on!!! The faster the beat, the harder I work & the faster I move. I have alot of rock & techno & rap :happy: ...There are alot of machines at our gym that have televisions on them, but I find that if I use those I workout slower & my heart-rate doesn't get in the zone/stay in the zone as I have stopped using them!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: Well I love my music! Its pretty random! The Killers, My Chemical Romance, Fallout Boy, Brittany Spears, Katy Perry, Linkin Park, Owl City, Black Eyed Peas...I love it! I've got enough songs to keep me running for 45 minutes. I need to add more as I amp up training! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE running when a good tv show is! I know that is so lame....but when I'm at the gym and How I Met Your Mother comes on I'm like YES! I can run for the whole hour its on and then be like awww, its over? I also love running when COPS is on...Hehehe...then I'm all like chasing the badies... :o) I'm a dork! :o)
  • stampede55
    I love music, and it pumps me up for sure, but for some reason I just can't listen to headphones when I work out. I try to focus a lot on my breathing and my form, so with music playing it seems like it's harder for me to concentrate. I also have trouble with the "muffled" yet amplified sound of my breathing with my headphones in my's like it throws my whole body out of rythm. Now boomboxes are a different matter altogether. If there is music playing out loud then it's all good....although my tastes are probably a little more aggressive than most. I like my gangsta rap and heavy metal when I'm working out.

    QOTD: I would have to say that what really pumps me up is the anticipation of my workout, and the complete fatigue that your body goes through when you push it to it's limit. I love hitting that peak where you don't think there is any possible way to continue, but you take a deep breath and smash through the barrier. That's what keeps me coming back for more day in and day out.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    QOTD: What gets you most pumped up during a workout? Type of music, thoughts, etc.?

    My iPod is a must. Usually it is something hard and kicking. My favorite is Motley Crue! 1st runner up is AC/DC.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: What is your absolutely favorite TV show?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What is your absolutely favorite TV show?

    Currently Big Bang Theroy. I can sooooo relate to those guys. I can not watch it at the gym since I will usually try to laugh and clap at the same time and that is just hard to to while running on the treadmill. :happy:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What is your absolutely favorite TV show?

    I love Big Bang Theory too! I can totally relate to both the nerds and Penny... haha. I actually have a former friend like Sheldon (one of the many reasons he's a FORMER friend... lol). I watch a lot of TV shows, Gossip Girl, Biggest Loser, The Office, Mythbusters (LOVE THAT SHOW), and a bunch of other ones. Not gonna lie, I am disgustingly hooked on Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC... haha