The Randoms - January 2011



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well this weekend I am starting my vacation on sunday so saturday is going to be busy running around and getting a training session in with the trainer.

    QOTD: I guess one of the things I am most proud of is having the courage to move across the country by myself. I may want to move back now but I do not regret the life experiences I had while living in a different area in the US.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: What is one thing you are proud of that you've accomplished other then weight loss?

    I've been working on letting go. I have serious control issues and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind if things don't go my way. I can't even let someone else drive unless I have too. All things concerning my son are the hardest for me! In the last 6 months things have changed quite a bit and there are things I just have to rely on others to handle. I'm nowhere near good at it yet but I'm trying and I'm learning- that's HUGE for me!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    QOTD: I am most proud of my son and how he has matured (24yrs old), also proud of getting my BSN/RN and the work I do helping others. I grew up in a family that is medically needy and saw what a difference the 'right' nurse could make and aspired to be one of those 'right ' nurses. :smile:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    You all have such awesome things to be proud of!!! :o) I'm so happy for all of you! :o)

    QOTD: I am most proud of my son. And everything we go through with him. Its amazing what can happen in one day with my little guy and he just grow by leaps and bounds. He is my inspiration. Nothing else matters or compares! :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: Do you have any special trips or vacations you are taking in 2011?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: Do you have any special trips or vacations you are taking in 2011?

    So far have 2 vacations planned. The one that starts tomorrow to Tybee Island and a side trip to Daytona Beach and then in July back to MN for the warrior dash.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: Do you have any special trips or vacations you are taking in 2011?

    Sadly, at this point, we do not have any vacations planned for this year. We are quite poor & are just trying to get me through the last leg of school without going into any debt [other than student loans of course]. We will probably take a trip up the north shore of superior this summer like always & go on some camping trips around the state, but nothing huge.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: We have a few camping trips planned this year that I'm very excited about! My little guy has some sleeping issues so our first trip won't be too far from home just so we can experiment and see how things go! I'm hoping we will wear him out completely during the day running around and having fun and then he will just drop from exhaustion at night! I'm sure Floyd and I will want to! We haven't been on an actual vacation since our honey moon 5 years ago and the beginning of May we are! I'm so excited! I keep praying that everything go according to plan because we are going to several places with more then just vacation in mind and it will be a little stressful. Our first stop will be a huge convention and it will actually take up the first four days of the trip. But I'm pumped about it. I'm just excited to be going somewhere warm with my boys! :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    We usually go to Minneapolis 2x a summer for a few Twins games with my dad so we'll do that again. We're doing the Warrior Dash there this year too. We're looking into taking the family to the Wisconsin Dells sometime this summer and hopefully making a trip to Chicago at some point. I've been there in the winter, but would REALLY love to go in the summer. Hopefully we'll do some camping as well. I love being a teacher as I have my whole summer off. We really try to live it up when I get out of school. I love making memories!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    QOTD: Any planned vacations?
    Not really. I will be saving my Earned time to use next year when I will need hand/wrist surgery....currently doing cortisone shots for it. Insurance wise can not afford until after Jan. 2012.
    Hopefully will keep current schedule for a LONG time and have 4 days off in a row each week so can take a day trip somewhere to relax.
    Each summer a couple friends and sometimes our kids (now grown) will take day trips to the coast, have seafood, and enjoy our coastline.

    Ding: I hear you about finances, I was out of work 16 weeks with my hand this summer/fall with no disability coverage. Used entire savings PLUS.

    MandiJo Enjoy making those memories with your Dad. I have always wanted to go to Chicago and see Oprah , but will prob. never happen...Dream on!

    MissingMN: Enjoy your visit home.

    Tara: We used to camp every summer when I was growing up and they are some of my best memories. I am sure your little guy will love it. Maybe get some books about camping or the place you will be going to prepare him for it.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: Do you have any special trips or vacations you are taking in 2011?

    At this point, I don't have concrete booked vacations. But I've been saving money every paycheck for my "vacation fund" so I'm hoping to take a few. I want to visit my friends in Phoenix and Boston at some point by summertime, perhaps another trip out to Stanford in NorCal. I really want to take a cruise with my sister and her boyfriend (and bring Randy along.... hehe), but that can't happen til Krissi turns 21 and that's not til October. I'll probably do a few small trips once it gets warm again. Randy wants to go to Williamsburg and I want to take him to the Jersey Shore... hehe. I love to travel, hopefully my new JetBlue card will help earn some free flights to help with traveling :D
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: Do you have any special trips or vacations you are taking in 2011?
    Other than my annual girls weekend and a few overnights for "just little too far away" races I don't have anything planned yet. I would really like to get something in the works for a week-ish in August just in case my boyfriend really deploys in September (its a case of we'll believe it when he gets on a plane).
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    We need to get this forum pumped up! It's so quiet!!!!!! Come on people!!!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Hello. Hello? HELLO!
    Is this thing on?
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: what toy (your children's, nieces, nephews, etc) or character/group of characters irritates you beyond all reason?

    Anything that requires me to transform it into something else. No, I cannot make this a man or truck or whatever it's supposed to be! Mommy is really just incapable. I don't mind noisy toys, talking toys or really anything else- but the stuff that requires me to make it something else frustrates the daylights out of me!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Haha, my daughter was so obsessed with Dora as a toddler. I'm so glad that phase is over. I don't know if you've seen them, but right now we have those stupid snowmen you can get from hallmark and when you push a button they sing a song, a very fast song, a very irritating song--and they bounce, so my kids (ALL 3 of them) find it hilarious and constantly push this button. I've tried to hide him, but I swear, they just know where he is. They find him every single time. AAAAAHHH!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Ok, for real here people. There has been NOTHING GOING ON!!!! Where the heck IS everybody? QOTD: Life is busy. What have you been doing in the last week that makes everyone so busy? I for one have been sick, had meetings, husband's leaving for Haiti in a week so spending time with him, 13 loads of laundry. That's where I've been. Can't wait to hear from ya'll!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: Life is busy. What have you been doing in the last week that makes everyone so busy?

    I STARTED CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have written 11 papers already since Monday the 10th :noway: I love being a psych major but really, these profs need to realize that some of us have lives OUTSIDE of classes. sheesh. Otherwise, I've just been hanging out with Drew when he's not at work & I'm not drowning in papers. Oh and of course I've been WORKING OUT :laugh: