The Randoms - January 2011



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: What are you plans for this weekend?

    My plans this weekend are to relax at home with Andrew, get all of my semester assignments organized in my planner [I know, i'm a nerd], so i'm ready to go on monday when classes start, go to the gym ALL 3 evenings to kick my *kitten* into shape & go shopping for new bras & undies because mine are literally falling off of me :noway:

    ~ On a side note, I had a terrible night last night... I was feelling really down on myself & was literally weighing myself every 20 minutes to see if the scale could possibly be wrong :indifferent: I think I need to see someone about this obsession! lol I am less than 2 lbs away from my original goal of a healthy BMI & I think that I might need to take a slight sabatical from all this stress & worrying about my weight. I need to be able to control my own thoughts & not believe those little voices in my head [okay, i'm not a psycho, I don't literally hear voices...hopefully you know what I mean] that are constantly telling me that i'm ugly & worthless...
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    <---- Definitely random. *waves* Hi all. :flowerforyou:

    QOTD: What are your plans for the weekend?

    Homework. Homework. Have company coming to town the end of next week for 10 days so I have to get ahead in my classes so I don't have to scramble after. Also going to sleep. A lot. :tongue:
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    QOTD: What are your plans for the weekend?

    Well lets see, I have a Chuck -E - Cheese party to attend with my son tomorrow .... then there is a pole party I would like to attend tomorrow night.

    I need to hit the gym first thing in the morning and Sunday morning as well. Sunday, hopefully will be a day to relax, clean, and mentally prepare myself for Monday.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What are you plans for this weekend?

    My plans this weekend are to relax at home with Andrew, get all of my semester assignments organized in my planner [I know, i'm a nerd], so i'm ready to go on monday when classes start, go to the gym ALL 3 evenings to kick my *kitten* into shape & go shopping for new bras & undies because mine are literally falling off of me :noway:

    ~ On a side note, I had a terrible night last night... I was feelling really down on myself & was literally weighing myself every 20 minutes to see if the scale could possibly be wrong :indifferent: I think I need to see someone about this obsession! lol I am less than 2 lbs away from my original goal of a healthy BMI & I think that I might need to take a slight sabatical from all this stress & worrying about my weight. I need to be able to control my own thoughts & not believe those little voices in my head [okay, i'm not a psycho, I don't literally hear voices...hopefully you know what I mean] that are constantly telling me that i'm ugly & worthless...

    Hugs Mandie. Do you have progress pictures of your weight loss? I know when I am feeling down and think I am stuck and it is going slow I look at those and realize where I have been and where I am now and know I accomplished a lot. Or remember you are going shopping for new bras and undies because of all you have done.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: What are you plans for this weekend?

    My plans this weekend are to relax at home with Andrew, get all of my semester assignments organized in my planner [I know, i'm a nerd], so i'm ready to go on monday when classes start, go to the gym ALL 3 evenings to kick my *kitten* into shape & go shopping for new bras & undies because mine are literally falling off of me :noway:

    ~ On a side note, I had a terrible night last night... I was feelling really down on myself & was literally weighing myself every 20 minutes to see if the scale could possibly be wrong :indifferent: I think I need to see someone about this obsession! lol I am less than 2 lbs away from my original goal of a healthy BMI & I think that I might need to take a slight sabatical from all this stress & worrying about my weight. I need to be able to control my own thoughts & not believe those little voices in my head [okay, i'm not a psycho, I don't literally hear voices...hopefully you know what I mean] that are constantly telling me that i'm ugly & worthless...

    I'm so sorry you are feeling this way! I agree with you in that you need to take a break from the scale. I wrote this on your status as well, but you need to remember that it is only a number. A number can't define you or take away your successes or make you a failure. It's just. a. number. You have a wonderful personality from what we've all seen her. You are supportive, encouraging, uplifting, and DOWNRIGHT GORGEOUS. We are our own worst critics and so I know by telling you this, you won't magically feel better, but I suggest you stand in front of that mirror as many times a day as you need to and say. I am beautiful. God made me perfect in his eyes. HUGS HUGS HUGS

    I'm a little frustrated myself. I feel like I've finally put the pieces together. Eating right AND exercising consistently. I stepped on the scale today expecting to see the 1.5 loss that I indicated I desired on MFP and no such luck. I'm stuck at the exact same weight. 195 and it won't go ANYWHERE. I'm trying to evaluate my week but so far I just don't know where I went wrong.

    QOTD: Plans for the weekend?

    We are having my brother and sister in law and my step brother and his fiance over for supper tonight and playing a little Kinect. Maybe some cards later. Tomorrow I have zumba class in the AM, babysitting my nieces in the afternoon, maybe some hubby time at night. Sunday my brother makes profession of faith at church so we'll be going there and hopefully just relaxing.

    Have a great day everybody!
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: What are you plans for this weekend?

    My plans this weekend are to relax at home with Andrew, get all of my semester assignments organized in my planner [I know, i'm a nerd], so i'm ready to go on monday when classes start, go to the gym ALL 3 evenings to kick my *kitten* into shape & go shopping for new bras & undies because mine are literally falling off of me :noway:

    ~ On a side note, I had a terrible night last night... I was feelling really down on myself & was literally weighing myself every 20 minutes to see if the scale could possibly be wrong :indifferent: I think I need to see someone about this obsession! lol I am less than 2 lbs away from my original goal of a healthy BMI & I think that I might need to take a slight sabatical from all this stress & worrying about my weight. I need to be able to control my own thoughts & not believe those little voices in my head [okay, i'm not a psycho, I don't literally hear voices...hopefully you know what I mean] that are constantly telling me that i'm ugly & worthless...

    QOTD: My plans for this weekend most likely buying books for the upcoming semester, classes start the day after MLK day. Also chilling with a lot of friends before they go back to school. Lots of sleeping too, of course...

    Mandie, *hugs*. If you're just two lbs away from your goal think about how close you are! You're almost there, you can do it. The scale is just a number. While the number is definitely important, it's not the only thing. Think of how much progress you've made, the good habits you've gained, and the positive changes to your lifestyle. Those are all important things that can't be quantified by a simple scale. I'd suggest what I do, limit yourself to one weigh-in per week. The idea mentioned before of your husband hiding the scale is a good one. You can do it, all The Randoms are with you on this one!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Mandie! :o) First know you are not alone! So don't feel crazy! Or know that many of us belong in a crazy house with you! LOL! :o) I know that I had days like that for sure. One of my MFPal's last night just said she was going through the same thing and decided to stop concentrating on the scale and concentrate on inches. I did that for my last 5-10 pounds. Put weight loss out of my mind and put exercise forefront. I still counted calories and kept track of all of that, but exercise became more important. I lost the weight and my jeans fell off of me! :o) Also, whenever I hit a plateau, it ended up that for me? I was not eating enough calories. I would end up having to lower my expected weight loss. :o) Still would loose...but needed to eat more! :o)

    QOTD: This weekend is going to be fun! I'm very happy! Last week while I was running on the treadmill I saw a commercial for the blue man group. I've ALWAYS wanted to see them! And they were coming to town! This weekend! I couldn't believe it! So we got a couple of the few remaining tickets a week before the show, lol! Anyone else see them? We're going to have a date night: Dinner and a Blue Show! I'm also heading north for some shopping and possibly some pizza on Sunday. Have a real craving for some delicious pizza and I've been extra good lately with no cheating! :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Ooo pizza! Yummy! Sounds fabulous. I've never seen Blue man Group but I've always wanted to see them as well. My pineapple ham doesn't sound nearly as good as pizza, but my in laws own a Pizza Ranch, so I guess I can have pizza whenever I want. Nothing beats an Uno's Pizzeria Chicago style though. I would give my right foot to go back there!! :)
  • SarcasticManiac
    Ooo pizza! Yummy! Sounds fabulous. I've never seen Blue man Group but I've always wanted to see them as well. My pineapple ham doesn't sound nearly as good as pizza, but my in laws own a Pizza Ranch, so I guess I can have pizza whenever I want. Nothing beats an Uno's Pizzeria Chicago style though. I would give my right foot to go back there!! :)

    Chicago? It's soooo cold here right now! But the pizza is quite delicious. :)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks everyone for you kind words. I had a long night & just needed to vent. I am not going to step on my scale again until MONDAY [that's a huge deal for me!] & then ONLY once per day until I can get down to doing it only once per week. I am going to try to focus on being healthy & not just losing weight :smile: You randoms are the best!!!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I know it's freezing there, but I LOVE Uno's. We go to Chicago every February for the car show. I'd love to go back in the summer when it's warm :) But we live in Iowa, so one day it's 60 one day it's 10. Whatever. I like the 4 seasons! Just don't like to be outside. Hahaha!

    Way to go Mandie! I know you can do this. Mind over matter! Enjoy your weekend. SCALE FREE!
  • SarcasticManiac
    @ Mandijo - Well when you come to Chicago this February you be sure to stop by DeKalb and say hi! It's right along I-88, same town as NIU. Or maybe I'll even run into you there, as I've been meaning to get back there after not going the past few years.

    @ Mandie/Ding724 - Good to hear you're feeling better. Sounds like you're on the right track. I hope things continue to get better, and always remember that we're here for you!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Wow, that was a lot to catch up on, you Randoms have been busy.. Since I work 12-14 hr overnights 3 nights/wk. I am pretty useless Wed-Fri. each week.
    Just home from work.
    Favorite tv shows: 1) NCIS 2) CSI, 3)Grey's Anatomy, 4) Biggest Loser, 5) Medical Mysteries or Dr. G medical examiner
    Weekend plans: SLEEP and switch schedule back to days til Tues night. Sunday day will be sewing Quilts for Hospital closet with guild, at night celebrate Christmas with a cple friends and our children....we have been getting together every yr for over 30 yrs this yr. On Monday spending day with my Mom in celebration of my birthday and thank her for my life, at night spending with my son /his girlfriend and my grandson (2 1/2). Full schedules all around it looks like.

    Hope I do not gain with all the celebrations.

    Ding you can do it , we believe in you and support you!
    Mandijo...Hmmmm... giving your rt foot, well that is one way to lose weight, but I wouldn't suggest it! :laugh:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    Australia - I want to spend time in Sydney, go hiking in the outback, see a kangaroo, and of course hear all the awesome accents!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Sumdumbum- I would love to come visit you! I'll let you know if we go in February

    Mandi- I too, am glad you are feeling better!

    QOTD: If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Italy. It seems like such a beautiful place. A little more classy then me and the hubby, but we would totally rock it.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    I want to go on a Mediterranean cruise. When I dream of vacations I think of the Greece with the white houses and blue roofs.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    At the moment, I've been DYING to go to Hawaii. I love all the beautiful beaches and the volcanoes and mountains to explore. And I could rock a bikini... lol. I also really want to explore Ireland, since that's where my family is originally from.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    I want to go on a Mediterranean cruise. When I dream of vacations I think of the Greece with the white houses and blue roofs.

    Ooo... Yeah that would be awesome!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Going on a date with the hubby tonight. I'm so EXCITED! We don't go out much, can you tell? :) Dinner and a movie. Exercised before we leave so I can half a little chips and salsa. Yum! Hope you are all enjoying your weekends!