The Randoms - January 2011



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Mandi - We have an Uno's here in Peoria...probably not the same as being IN Chicago but still, really good!!! AND you could come and visit me...hehehe.There is this pizza place a little ways north of us that is my FAVORITE pizza ever. Its not anywhere near Chicago but I just love it! I just can't think of a reason to justify driving up there! Ha ha! I really want to go though, but I really feel like I need an excuse to drive an hour for pizza! Ha ha! Anyone want to meet me? LOL! Have an AMAZING time on your date darling!!!! What movie are you going to go see? you have fun at the car show? Or is it a manly thing? I look at cars and I either think OO! I want that one! this is boring! Ha ha!

    Mandie - I'm so glad you are feeling better! You are such a bright spot on the boards, on my newsfeeds and on MFP...Its so good to know that you are up and at 'um again! Any time you need love obviously you know where to find it! :o)

    Bryan - Awesome choice...though I have a bad habit of picking up accents! LOL! I dated a guy from Virgina for a while and after two weeks I totally had a southern accent. LOL! It would be even worse if I went to Australia!

    Sara - I'm almost 100% Irish! My mom is but my dad messed things up with being half Irish and half Austrian. Ha ha! I would love to go to Ireland too!

    QOTD: Okay...I would LOVVE to go to Europe. I know that is super broad but I want to go to Italy...and France...and Greece. I remember I used to have zero interest in it. But as I got older and my love for antiques and older cultures grew, my yearning to visit there grew. Right now my priorities lie in different directions but by the time I'm 30 I plan on beginning to save to visit over there. I'm also interested in knowing more about Autism in foreign countries like this. They say that Autism is more prevalent in Britain and America then in Europe. What is the difference? I would love to talk to doctors, would be interesting!

    Okay, I'm good now! :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I've been a little out of touch the past few days, nasty migraine and then my parents came into town.
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    I want to go on a Mediterranean cruise. When I dream of vacations I think of the Greece with the white houses and blue roofs.
    My maternal grandfather is Greek (been on the island his entire life), we were supposed to go visit him on my honeymoon but I got pregnant right before my wedding and changed some plans.
    I'm hoping summer 2012 (when bf gets back from overseas) we can head out there.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    I want to go on a Mediterranean cruise. When I dream of vacations I think of the Greece with the white houses and blue roofs.

    Ooo... Yeah that would be awesome!

    I would love to go on a Mediterranean cruise also, or Alaskan....but the cruise would have be set up with one dining area for "healthy" living... too much temptation otherwise.
    Or maybe the Alps, have always thought they were beautiful.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? & of course...WHY???

    At the moment, I've been DYING to go to Hawaii. I love all the beautiful beaches and the volcanoes and mountains to explore. And I could rock a bikini... lol. I also really want to explore Ireland, since that's where my family is originally from.

    Sara - I have been to Hawaii [sorry, not trying to brag...just help you visualize] & it is definitely all that it is cracked up to be :happy: The beaches are gorgeous & the ocean is warm & the mountain side of the big island was gorgeous...

    QOTD - In order to answer my own question, I needed some time to think. When I was younger I always wanted to go to India because "A little Princess" was my favorite movie...but now that i'm older I think I would have to choose the Cook Islands which is near New Zealand. It looks so gorgeous & definitely defines paradise to me!!!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?

    For me, hands down has to be MFP. How easy it makes everything by simply telling you how many calories to consume/burn and how easy it is to log foods. It's been even easier since they put the barcode scanner in the Android app. The support network provided is second to none, it wouldn't be possible without you Randoms!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?

    Really and don't hurt me I have only really tried dieting once before now. That time I tried the south beach diet and I did lose a bunch of weight but the minute the holidays rolled around and everyone stared at what I was eating and asking can I eat this can I eat that I fell off it.

    This time I had 2 good friends that both lost a lot of weight through weight watchers and exercise so I thought I could do that if they could. I just didn't want to spend the money on weight watchers and found MFP and decided to try it and I hired a personal trainer. I think both as tools to keep me motivated and going. I know with out my trainer I probably would have given up exercising in May when I was sick for a week. I also have a ton of support. I hear these stories of people trying to sabatoge their diets and think why do these people keep these people around. No one in my life wants me to be unhealthy and unhappy so they support me in them.

    I love my support network and you all part of it. Thank you.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Haha, I won't hurt you. Good for you! I guess I never really wanted it bad enough until now.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: This reminds me of a thread question I just saw: What day was your AHA moment? I've been dieting on and off again since I was young. I think because my mom was always trying some new fangled diet. I tried Weight Watchers before my wedding in 2005 but really didn't devote myself to it. After I had my son I desperately WANTED to loose weight but I didn't necessarily apply the right tools or habits to do so. Finally, November 18th, 2009 I decided it was time gosh darn it. I was doing what I needed to do to loose the weight. I'd say physically I wasn't able to start doing it until after the New Year but my heart and soul were in the right place. I just knew that if I was going to do something like a hysterectomy on Nov 18th, I better be willing to make a life change. I want to play with my son, be a wife for my husband and have some semblance of normalcy. So I guess what made it stick was sheer anger and determination because the weight did not fall off very easily. :o)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?

    This is my first "healthy" approach to losing weight. I always thought that I was a little heavy, but in reality I was right in the middle of the healthy BMI. I was just taller than everyone around me. ---> My freshmen year of college I starved myself & was able to lose about 30 lbs in 2 months & let me tell you that I looked sick nasty! I was all bony & gross. Anyways, then I went to counseling & gained the weight back. Enter my sexy husband at this point. We met,fell in love, got married after 1 year & week of being together, I started birth control and got a bit lazy. In just 11 months I gained a whopping 25lbs & that was when I joined MFP.

    For me, I just knew that I had to stick with it the healthy way to gain my confidence and prove to myself that I was WORTH taking care of, you know? I needed to prove to myself that I was worth the time & effort...and now I'm almost there!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?

    Good question! I think it was a lot of factors for me. I had just graduated from college and I was about to start a desk job. I was TERRIFIED that if I didn't change things, I'd end up even heavier than I already was (and I was at 215 pounds and 5'2.5" so it was already bad). I also was making huge changes in my life with this new job, adding exercise and healthier eating would be much easier since it was a fresh start. I was doing my own food shopping, my own food prep, and my own schedule for workout out. It finally "fit into my schedule" when it was nearly impossible in college. And finding MFP was a huge influence too. I found it within the first 2 weeks of starting a healthy change (thru the iPod app) and I don't know if I would have stuck with it this long without it. Once I got started, I really liked the changes I was seeing, new attention, finally feeling attractive, and finally getting guys to notice me that keeping up with it wasn't so hard anymore. I've never really made any effort to lose weight before, but if knew if I was going to do this, I had to go into it 100%!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what my wake up call was because I was always stopping or starting a diet. I think it was when I was finally able to say this is a LIFESTYLE change and not a diet that I actually took off. I've maintained my weight for 3 years. I was either exercising right and eating wrong or eating right and not exercising. My husband finally said,I'm not going to listen to you complain about your weight anymore- either do something about it or I don't want to hear it. I could tell that it was affecting my life in more ways than one and more people were being affected by my lack of motivation. I'm also not one to cut something I love completely out of my life, so when I started this lifestyle change, nothing was off limits. It made it much easier to stay on track that way. I know I haven't lost a lot, but the knowledge I've gained is priceless. I know I won't quit, and the more time it takes, the better chances I have to keep it off. That's my thought anyways!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: If you are like me, you've been "dieting" or trying to lose weight for years. For me, it's been multiple attempts. This is the longest I've ever stuck with something that was a lifestyle change. What was it that made it click for you this time? What made you jump on the wagon and stay there?
    In all honesty, I'm shallow. A good friend of mine started running and lost about 60lbs and she convinced me to start running with her. I HATED the way I looked when I was running, then I fell in love with running. The healthier I am, the faster/longer I can run.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ugh I am snow/iced in again.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Ugh I am snow/iced in again.

    Snowed in here again too. That means no Easter break for me. Bummer! Now I just have to get off my bum and have the same motivation to exercise today at home as I did yesterday!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I've been running around the house and haven't looked out a window yet...but I hear the snow yeah...great!

    QOTD: Who has been the most supportive of the changes in your life? Has there been anyone who has not been supportive?
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Ugh I am snow/iced in again.

    Still in SC right? that what was going through your mind? :laugh:
    Shoveling is good exercise :bigsmile:
    We are supposed to get the snow tonight thru Friday...Yah, just in time for me to travel to/from work!

    My son's girlfriend is being a fantastic support for me, she/my son started here then got me started .:happy:
    I am a single empty nester and find it difficult cooking/meal planning for just one and find myself either fixing Big meals or just non stop snacking. Also I flip schedule from days to 12 - 14 hr overnights 3 days in a row then flip to day schedule to live in "real" world .
    Currently have sinus infection and asthma acting up and being on antibiotics and Prednisone really drags on me , let alone the "munchies/hungries" from steroids.
    This week is hardest for me (worse than holidays...which I lost ea. week), it is birthday week and a lot of celebrating with family and friends...special meals and desserts that are "tradition". My 92 yr.old mother was hardest...she has always ( and will as long as she is able she says) made me "Thrifty Fudge Pudding" for my birthday. And yes, just as it sounds , not "diet" can gain weight just smelling it. . It is DECADENT! :ohwell:
    I will get back on track!!!!] The support here on MFP is great!
    TY Mae
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: For me, there hasn't been one person who has stuck out as the one that was the most supportive. Of course I had people who were encouraging, but nobody pushing me and consistently "there". My husband got me to the point where I was like, "You're right, I'm going to do this. I don't want to complain anymore". However, he is not great about saying things out loud. I think it was bittersweet for him. On the one hand, he was happy I was doing something about my unhappiness, but on the other hand, he realized that it meant a lot of focus on me, which meant a lot of time where he was Mr. Mom. We live in a very small town with about 700 people. Both of our jobs are 20 minutes away, which is where I do the majority of my exercise. That means when I get off work at 4:15 (He gets off typically at 3:15), I go to the gym, workout for 45 minutes, tan and come home. That means I don't usually get home until close to 6. On zumba days, I have to stay in town because my class doesn't start until 7:45, so I'm not usually home until 9:30. It is difficult, and I do feel guilty, but I have to do this for me. We've talked about it a lot and I've told him that I NEED his support or this will never work. He's been much better since the new year started and I'm glad that I've got him on board. Ultimately though, I am my own support. I have to rely on me. It's nice to get the compliments, but when I rely on everybody else, I don't take responsibility for my own well being!

    So in this rant, I think you could say my biggest support is ME. :) And you guys are pretty cool too :wink: