*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* : Discussion Week #1



  • I'm very interested in this group. The one thing I need is support and motivation. I'm sick of being the fat girl and I feel like my friends don't understand.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am definately motivated!! I would give anything to get into a bikini this summer!! on another note I weighed myself this morning(I know its not weigh in day) but i did anyway and I shouldnt have because I was up 2lbs from friday :( I dont even know how that is possible i mean I did take a two day break to eat over cals and no exercise to try to trick my body into losing more weight this week but I gained!? I mean I didnt go over calories yesterday and I worked out. Today I am waaaaay under calories and I worked out even more this morning. I am really hoping it was just water weight this morning!! Good luck everybody!! Keep on moving at counting those calories!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! :)
  • How is wii just dance? I wanted to get wii Zumba but couldn't find it. Can someone recommend a dance workout for the wii?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Everything going great !! I wanted to know if anyone know what I can do to curve my appetite? OTHER THAN taking a pill.

    Fiber!!! anything high in fiber will keep you full a lot longer after eating it!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I love the Zumba for the Wii it's so much fun! For those who have it and have not tried it yet you will too!

    I just started Zumba for the wii today :) I also do Just Dance 2--Its a lot more fun that the Zumba!! You should def get it too to have some variety!!
  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there,

    Any room for one more, sounds like somewhere I need to be....it is freezing outside and cannot wait for sunshine!

    What do I need to know?

  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    How is wii just dance? I wanted to get wii Zumba but couldn't find it. Can someone recommend a dance workout for the wii?

    Just Dance 2 is the most fun but you definately sweat a lot more with the Zumba fitness game....I have both!
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    Ok...here goes! Tonight I'm starting the Insanity workout to keep me on track with this challenge. I'm excited and scared, but I've pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do playing basketball, so I'm just going to have to do it again!

    I'm a caseworker with a pretty big caseload and I find it hard to think straight or stay friendly with irate clients when I'm not eating enough, so I'm going to go nuts with exercise so I can at least eat 1,400 calories a day.

    Thank you guys for sharing your stories. It really helps that we're not alone on this journey and that you guys keep posting tips and reminders. (Like drinking lots of water, I always forget to do that!)

    Stay strong everyone and let's look forward to a productive week! :-D
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I am officially starting today after being off for the holidays. I have decided to create some goals and little gifts for myself when I reach them to give myself a little more motivation:

    10 lbs: Facial @ SpaUtopia
    20 lbs: Massage @ Eccotique
    30 lbs: Pair of HOT shoes
    40 lbs (Final goal): Sweater from Lululemon

    Hope this keeps me on track.
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    So far, so good! I'm watching what I eat and I'm making an effort to get in a daily workout. Next week I begin my last semester of school and I'm worried about my eating habits. I'm surrounded by fast food but instead of taking that route, I plan to make a list of healthy food that I can pack for lunch. In the past when I have tried losing weight, I had a habit of getting on the scale at least two times a day and then I would get disappointed when seeing the results so that would throw me way of track. I don't plan to do the weekly weigh in, I'll weigh in at three weeks instead.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    For a long time I was trying to find something to motivate me......this WORKED!!!!! 3 lbs in just a few days. Woooo Hoooo. Now that I am on the right track I am motivated even more. The more pounds I lose, the more I am willing to work for it. We got this. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this journey!
  • I'm not exactly sure what the challenge is, but I'm guessing it is something like loseing 40 lbs in 5 months (I don't have snowflakes where I live, but I got the main jist). I'm in, and weighed this morning at 217. that makes 177 the goal for the end of the challenge. Okay, I'm on it!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I have a before picture from when I was much bigger but this one is from when I had gained back about 60 pounds of orginal weight lost of 300 pounds. I started not to join this challenge becasue I did not want do the before picture but I said nope I am going to make this picture and I am so glad I did it now. I needed to make that picture on Saturday.

    You will no longer be that person you see in the picture when it becomes reveal time. We will all be proud of each other and our own transform.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Everything going great !! I wanted to know if anyone know what I can do to curve my appetite? OTHER THAN taking a pill.

    What are your calories set at? Can you make your diary public so we can see what you are eating? My only suggestion would be to plan your meals, Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Supper and Snack. Drink your water. Make sure you aren't eating empty calories that aren't making you full, carrot sticks, hummus, crackers, fruit, yogurt with granola, chicken, tuna, turkey, eggs, oatmeal, veggies. No pill need you just need to find what works for you! You can do it girl!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    How is wii just dance? I wanted to get wii Zumba but couldn't find it. Can someone recommend a dance workout for the wii?

    We have both Just Dance 1 and it is awesome, fun, and a great workout for your arms mainly unless you get good at doing the whole dance. It is a good laugh. They also have a Just Dance for Kids. I have heard a lot of other people say that they enjoy the Zumba one. I'm considering buying it.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    WOW! We are going to keep each other busy reading for the next 5 mos. LOL

    My struggle is not having the right food on hand $ was tight this week to get everything that I need. I think I'm going to look back at my old food diaries and see what I was eating in the past year. I have been hungry the past few days. I'm also trying to get my sodium back in check. I did a lot better today with it. I have been better at drinking water too. I was struggling with this before we started.

    I know that losing 40 lbs is doable considering that I lost half of the weight I need to in May 2010. So by June I should be almost to goal weight.

    I think it is great that everyone is doing this. As we go on we will remember everyone. The only thing I'm finding hard is keeping track of the posts. Just a suggestion but do you think it would be better if we just had 1 discussion board going instead of change every week. We could have the Week weigh in # so it is easier for Krys_T to keep track of? It is hard to go back and find something that you are looking for when you can't remember what posted it was on. I think it takes like 500 posts before a discussion board is locked and an new one is then automatically start a new post part 2. Just a thought Krys_T what do you think this is your baby! :wink:

    Off to go read the boy a book, get the reach of my exercise in, make the kids lunch, finish laundry and get ready for bed. Night all!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have a before picture from when I was much bigger but this one is from when I had gained back about 60 pounds of orginal weight lost of 300 pounds. I started not to join this challenge becasue I did not want do the before picture but I said nope I am going to make this picture and I am so glad I did it now. I needed to make that picture on Saturday.

    You will no longer be that person you see in the picture when it becomes reveal time. We will all be proud of each other and our own transform.

    Thanks Laura!
  • I'm feeling great! I think that tracking the food takes the place of eating more in some ways. After work was a little hard because I was so tired and hungry that I was tempted to order out. I got out my foods that I was supposed to eat, though, and a big salad with my meal helped. We can all do this! I'm really looking forward to being a few sizes smaller in the Spring!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Day 2 - Success! I met my calorie and carb goals, so I'm feeling great about that. I still need to drink a few more glasses of water before the night is over.

    I'm feeling good about this challange and this group because I think that support is key to reaching my goal of losing 60-70 pounds. Two of my close friends have lost more than 70 pounds each, so they are inspirational but I have no other friends that are on the path for weightloss.

    My doctor has me on 1100 calories and 100 carbs per day - no exercise until I'm down at least 20 pounds. Right now I need to get better at planning meals and eating through-out the day and not just at dinner.

    I'm working on getting photos up! I lost the cord to my digital camera so I can't upload my "before" pics or my face pic yet.

    Can't wait for the Sunshine! :flowerforyou:
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Everything going great !! I wanted to know if anyone know what I can do to curve my appetite? OTHER THAN taking a pill.

    1. Drinking lots of water (especially when that hunger strikes)
    2. Distracting yourself with an activity that keeps your hands occupied
    3. Brush your teeth
    4. Chew gum
    5. get on the message boards & read this thread for inspiration
    6. Go in the room of your home as far from the kitchen as possible
    7. keep vegetable soup on hand (the kind without starchy potatoes, peas, corn) - this can be low cal & filling
    8. Have a cup of herbal tea
    9. Call a friend for a chat - you can't eat while you're talking

    hmmm, those are the first ideas that came to mind
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