*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* : Discussion Week #1



  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I did the first DVD from P90X (Lean Version) and OMG! I did the first 30 days really early last year, and you totally forgot how it totally kicks your butt. My core is killing me today, but it is that really great pain that makes you realize how hard you worked the day before. I can't wait for the pain tomorrow from my Cardio X workout tonight!!

    I am also patting myself on the back for my willpower yesterday. My husband brought donuts home (and I LOVE donuts) and I took a look and then walked away and didn't even regret it. I feel so empowered. :)
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i had a great day yesterday. i was under my calories & i tried a new work out- the biggest loser power walk dvd. i did the first two miles on that and then hopped on the elliptical for 30 mins. feeling really good today. looking forward to another successful day!

    good luck to you all! have a great day!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I also had a successful day!!! I was under my calories and had a GREAT burn yesterday at the gym!!! Feeling excited and hopeful that this can continue!!! I will lose the pounds!!! :)) Today its double Zumba and so far my calories look good!!!! :))
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! :) Happy Tuesday everyone!! I am feeling great today!!! Although I overslept LOL I was planning on getting up at 8 to try to get back on a good schedule that includes a workout in the morning before class but I didnt get up until 11 :( but I did work out!! 20 minute Zumba class on the Wii and 45 Minutes of Just Dance 2!!!Definately reccommend both of these for ladies who dont really like working out!!! By the time I am done I am Sweaty and feeling energized and ready for the day!! I love it :) Remember ladies the Biggest Loser comes premieres tonight at 8pm :) always room for more inspiration!!! Good Luck ladies and Talk to you soon!! And for those of you who can't find the Zumba game for the Wii try a Game Stop....thats where I found mine!!
  • Daisy_Chick
    Daisy_Chick Posts: 14 Member
    A great couple of days food wise for me, and feeling upbeat and motivated.

    I do need to get my backside in gear with the exercise though. I don't go back to work till tomorrow so I've been a bit lazy lounging about the house so that's my challenge for the upcoming week.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello all! :)

    I rejoined the gym today and was able to get in a 1 hour workout & burned 610 calories. It felt fabulous!

    Food is on track.

    I love feeling back in control of my life again. I find having food & exercise back in balance - I am just calmer in general.

    Krystle - I agree - if we keep motivating each other we can set ourselves up to bypass that 3-4 week slump

    Maeflower 1234 - I would have a small portion of the chocolate cake. Put it on a plate - go somewhere separate (ie: don't take a forkfull standing over the cake lest you be tempted to take a 2nd unplanned forkfull)

    Mollie - enjoy your workout today!

    Kkmama - I have only seen my photo on our cameras small screen. I'm sure it may be more eyeopening if I upload it to the computer screen!

    Ten10 - oooh I am putting the Michael Jackson experience on my "want" list! Love MJ! I still remember one birthday where almost all my gifts were Michael related - among my favorites was a folder for school with Michael in a yellow sweater vest. Ah, the 80's!

    Mkingraham - Great work on spin class! That co-worker challenge sounds like great motivation!

    leadread - sounds like you are doing great modifying your plan when needed. Some would use it as an excuse to not exercise - good for you for pushing thru! A great attribute toward your future success!

    Brandy - thanks for the MJ Experience review - it's on my list! Great job planning ahead for Red Lobster. Stick to your plan & stay strong around those biscuits! (and have fun!) :)

    AmandaR910 - You could hit that 0.8 goal by our next weigh in! Yay!

    Cdngrl81 - great willpower in the face of the donut!

    Miss_Amy - great job trying out a new workout! I really need to dust off my workout dvd's & games I haven't used in awhile!

    Julie Sue - good luck with double zumba! Sounds like you'll be getting a great workout!

    cutemommy88 (Amanda) - great job getting in your workout even though you overslept

    Daisy-Chick - So, do you have a workout planned? I know I am much better if I put a workout on the calendar as if it was an appointment.

    Ok all - back to mommyland for some play time with my 4 year old!

    Hugs to all,


    Mkingraham -
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I re-entered real life today, after 2 weeks off. Ugh. My workout wasn't great this AM, so I'll have to do something tonight to make up for it. I feel really draggy ater lunch, but my schedule doesn't really allow for an exercise time now, which would help. What do others do when they just feel spent?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I too, like CuteMommy, overslept...those 3 days off killed me! LOL But I will be getting in my workout after work today, before The Biggest Loser. Trying to figure out if I just want to crank up the music and dance or get some 30 Day Shred in! Good news is...my Zumba should be here tomorrow! Yeeeaaaahhhh I am so excited about that!

    Doing well eating wise, now that I am at work. Going to eat lunch in a second and have my yogurt ready for a snack...and turkey lasgna for dinner!

    GO US!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey ladies!! just wanted to let you all in on some recipes!! I love Hungry Girl---search "Hungry Girl New Love" on here and you will find my thread with the recipes I have tried and love---I add to it everyime I find something delicious!! Plus most of the recipes are super easy!! So check it out!!!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Well, I see that I am not doing as great as I can/should be doing. I have went over my calories yesterday and today! Grr! I have done well at exercising though! I am still doing baby steps-but really, I have been at this 8 weeks now-you would think I could stop eating sometimes! However, yesterday and today have been emotionally stressful-and unfortuantly, that is when I eat.
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    I am motivated for now and have done well the past two days. I am worried that I will lose motivation and that scares me. I have been repeating the Nike slogan "just do it!" to try and keep me motivated. And trying to really vary my diet with lots of fruits and veggies. My new years resolution is balance in all aspects of my life, so I also ask myself if what I am going to eat or do will help me in this goal. So far it's been helpful. Good luck to all of you!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I had a GREAT day today. I have seriously decreased muffin top in the jeans that used to be way too tight, I dropped 3 lbs this week!! and I just feel awesome.

    I'm headed to workout with my personal trainer and get measured. I can't wait. I love to see the changes in my body fat and measurements!!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Would love to join the group. I have used other sites before to help me lose weigh and in 09' I lost 35 pounds. Unfortunately I have gained them back. This time around I know I have to be willing to do it in a way that does no compromise meals with my family. Before I cooked two meals at each meal time, my meal and their meal. This time they are going to have to eat what I eat to some extent in that I now know I do not want to do that for life. So here I am in 2011 starting again to get my body back on track!!

    I have been working out at our local fitness center and am taking 6 classes each week. Will try to get something in one Wednesdays since this is the only day with no class.

    Stumbling blocks so far ~ knowing what is a healthy snack and what is not!!

    Good luck ladies!!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    For the last two days I've been close to my calorie goal. When I am hungry at night, I go on to the computer and read the recent posts. They seem to distract me from the fridge!!!!

    That is a great idea!!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    How do you like the wii games/workouts? I am trying to think of things I can do when I can't get to Curves...like I walk the stairs in my house sometimes and I have looked at the fitness choices on demand...
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Well, I see that I am not doing as great as I can/should be doing. I have went over my calories yesterday and today! Grr! I have done well at exercising though! I am still doing baby steps-but really, I have been at this 8 weeks now-you would think I could stop eating sometimes! However, yesterday and today have been emotionally stressful-and unfortuantly, that is when I eat.

    I was premenstrual last week and kept wanting more to eat--and the carbier the better! Don't give up...you will find a happy balance of calories and exercise...
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    OMG!! I lost1" off my hips and 1.5" off my waist this week!! No wonder my pants are fitting so much better!!!

    I feel on top of the world. AND I'm only 4.6 more lbs from being under 200. AMAZING.
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I am motivated for now and have done well the past two days. I am worried that I will lose motivation and that scares me. I have been repeating the Nike slogan "just do it!" to try and keep me motivated. And trying to really vary my diet with lots of fruits and veggies. My new years resolution is balance in all aspects of my life, so I also ask myself if what I am going to eat or do will help me in this goal. So far it's been helpful. Good luck to all of you!

    Remember it's just one meal and one day at a time! I love the quote: "Worry is like a rocking chair...it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere!" Keep up the good work.:smile:
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I appreciate having this challenge. It's so motivating to hear everyone's progress and even struggles. Although I have been losing weight since this summer (@ 40 pounds pre-MFP), my activity level has been almost nothing. I have some back and hip issues that can flare up but it's like a vicious cycle...the weaker my core the more problems I will continue to have. I am upping my activity level to 30 - 45 minutes daily (goal is 5 of 7 days) for this challenge. I reactivated my Wii fit (my Mii had actually trimmed down w/my most recent weighin...it had been 481 days since I last signed in!) and today took advantage of the Michigan snow and shoveled the boardwalks and sidewalks at work for 40 minutes! After reading others entries, I'm definitely going to look for the Wii Zumba.

    I'm working w/a registered dietitian using another site but I happened onto this site and really liked it so I'm actually double logging all of my food and exercise. I really think twice about what I eat knowing I need to input it twice!

    I know at work I'm having some success in avoiding temptations, because co-workers are starting to hide cookies they are eating under napkins so I don't see them and they don't offer sweets to me.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Only .8lbs from my February 1st goal!!!
