*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* : Discussion Week #1



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member

    One of my other friends posted this on her page. Check it out has a lot of great ideas.
  • eff8710
    eff8710 Posts: 14 Member
    Ladies...thank you. I just wanted to skip my workout for the night because I was exhausted from my first day back at work after vacation....but knowing that you were all counting on me, and that you had all worked out made me get my workout in anyway, and i feel great!!!!

    Does anyone else LOVE seeing the "you'll weight ____ in 5 weeks if you keep this up" at the end of the food diary? That is so motivating to me!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!

    Loving this challenge. I was sitting here at the end of a long day feeling HUNGRY. (a rare state I haven't felt in quite awhile). So I read each & every post, drank a glass of water, and now I feel just fine!

    This challenge is so far so good - I've made my way successfully thru a birthday party (with ice cream cake)...and a lunch in a restaurant. I planned ahead for both, made good choices - and had a great time made even better by going home with no "food guilt"! Yay!

    Things are going well on the food front, and I am gradually increasing my workouts. I am dusting off quite a few things...

    I busted out my "Jillian Michaels 30 day shred" DVD yesterday (LOVE that one - although I am sort of chicken and always do Level 1 - plan to work myself up the levels this go round)

    I own Wii Fit, and the Biggest Loser for Wii - I should really actually make use of these purchases (:embarassed:

    Zumba for Wii sounds fun (as do the "Just Dance" items) - I think I will save one of those as a reward for losing weight, and making use of what I already own.

    Plan to rejoin the YMCA tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day!

    Hugs, Amy :0)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I'm glad everyone is doing well! The true test will be when we hit weeks 3 and 4...for some reason, there is something about those weeks where people, including me, taper off. But that is NOT going to be us! We are going to ALL see this through to the end.

    There are so many times in the past where I started a "diet" and didn't finish. I know the disappointment and sense of failure that brings to you and I don't want any of us to ever feel that feeling. So anytime you are feeling down or frustrated...hop on the post and vent! After you vent and get advice...let it go and keep working towards your goal!

    Goodnight all! Tomorrow, another opportunity to increase your happiness!

  • jewels68
    SW: 278 lbs 11.28.08
    CW: 177 lbs
    Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    Mini Goal: 162 by 3/31/2011
    Long Term Goal: 140 by 12/31/2011
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    I am doing pretty good with exercise and eating. Doing great on the water intake. I have avoided that chocolate cake all day long. Does anyone sometimes just take a bite of something to curb your craving? I won't tonight, even though I want to.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    WOW! We are going to keep each other busy reading for the next 5 mos. LOL

    My struggle is not having the right food on hand $ was tight this week to get everything that I need. I think I'm going to look back at my old food diaries and see what I was eating in the past year. I have been hungry the past few days. I'm also trying to get my sodium back in check. I did a lot better today with it. I have been better at drinking water too. I was struggling with this before we started.

    I know that losing 40 lbs is doable considering that I lost half of the weight I need to in May 2010. So by June I should be almost to goal weight.

    I think it is great that everyone is doing this. As we go on we will remember everyone. The only thing I'm finding hard is keeping track of the posts. Just a suggestion but do you think it would be better if we just had 1 discussion board going instead of change every week. We could have the Week weigh in # so it is easier for Krys_T to keep track of? It is hard to go back and find something that you are looking for when you can't remember what posted it was on. I think it takes like 500 posts before a discussion board is locked and an new one is then automatically start a new post part 2. Just a thought Krys_T what do you think this is your baby! :wink:

    Off to go read the boy a book, get the reach of my exercise in, make the kids lunch, finish laundry and get ready for bed. Night all!

    I think this is a good recommendation!

    Have a good day today all. I did not work out yesterday. I will be glad when I am back at work on Wednesday. I am going to work out today for sure!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am doing pretty good with exercise and eating. Doing great on the water intake. I have avoided that chocolate cake all day long. Does anyone sometimes just take a bite of something to curb your craving? I won't tonight, even though I want to.

    I have dark chocolate in the house.. the good stuff. The stuff I buy is 60% coca so I don't crave it for the sugar content, just the yummy chocolate.
  • rshellb
    rshellb Posts: 24
    from what I was told you take your weight divdie it by 2 and then take that number and divide it by 8 and that is how many glasses of water you should be drinking. I have been trying really hard to get close to that. I have found when I do get close my weight loss is better and I feel better all over! Good luck!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Snowflakes!
    Well... I had my husband take a before picture of me on New Years Eve, getting ready for the big reveal. I normally do not let people take pictures of me that are whole body shots- just chest up. Thank God it is a digital camera and did not have to have the photo printed off to be horrified by my profile. Didn't realize that I was actually as big as I was. Wow, an introduction to reality.
    I have committed myself to being active everyday- for at least 30 minutes a day. So far so good. I have been working out with the EA Sport Active 2 and love it! I even did a second workout right after finishing one. Unfortunately my knees aren't quite so happy, so I have been using a magic bag to relieve the stiffness and pain.
    I am excited that there are a lot of people in this challenge- it shows me that I am not alone in my struggle, that I have support. I am gaining motivation by reading the posts and hope that I can motivate some at the same time.
    Krys is correct about weeks 3 and 4. I hope that our momentum and excitement for this journey will not wain.
    I am in Ottawa,Canada, seems to be one of the only places in Ontario with out snow and the days are dreary so knowing that by the time it is sunny again I will not want to hide behind bulky clothing.
    Let's do this, I know we can.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    Alpha2Eyes the Micheal Jackson Experience is a great game for the Wii! I have it and didn't even realized I was working out until I was sore the next morning.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    For the girls I saw posted that they do insanity ... how do ya'll like it?
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am doing pretty good with exercise and eating. Doing great on the water intake. I have avoided that chocolate cake all day long. Does anyone sometimes just take a bite of something to curb your craving? I won't tonight, even though I want to.

    Yes you need to allow yourself this. Even if it is only a bite. Or more if you are willing to work out for it. It is all about moderation.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Please friend request me. I would like to be friends with you all. ( I think I have room. But I can't remember what the max is.) Have a great day.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Team!

    I am so excited to keep this thing going. I know its only a few days in, but man I am pumped!! Today I did a 45 minute spin class and burned 646 calories! WOOHOOO! I have been working really hard at making sure that I have my meals planned and packed for work the night before that way in the morning when I am forcing myself out of bed and to the gym I don't say to myself, "oh just eat at the cafeteria." While the cafeteria has some good options making my own food and coming prepared with snacks and all makes a huge difference. My coworkers and I are also on a 8 week challenge, $20 entry fee and winner takes all, so i am hoping that I can use that to get me over the 3 week hump that everyone talks about. If I lose the most % of weight then I win $160! Not to shabby and pretty good motivation for a reward. It will probably end up being some new clothes if my weight loss goes as planned!

    I hope everyone is doing great- wait I don't hope, I know everyone is doing great!! Keep up the fantastic work!!

    here we come summer!!!!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning Snowflakes!

    I think the stars and moons are lining up nicely for me. This morning, my favorite yoga program was gone from exerciseTV on demand :( I decided I would just go for a walk in the warmer part of the day. Lo and behold, my new heart rate monitor/calorie counter is out for a morning delivery, according to UPS's records. Might I get that in time for my afternoon walk? It doesn't matter because I'm going to walk anyhow but I'm excited that the timing is working out. Turn a bad into good and I'm going to strength train today too because I just found some 5 lb. weighs underneath the couch at my mom's! Being away from home isn't keeping me away from my workout
  • forgiven4life
    Alpha2Eyes the Micheal Jackson Experience is a great game for the Wii! I have it and didn't even realized I was working out until I was sore the next morning.

    Yes, this game is awesome! My MIL bought it for NY day get together and we played it for awhile and I was sweating! Next day I was sore. It's so fun you don't realize you are indeed getting a workout. I love it and want to buy it for myself.
  • AmandaR910
    Only .8lbs from my February 1st goal!!!
  • forgiven4life
    Good Morning Snowflakes!!

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. I drank my 8 glasses of water which is a real challenge for me. I've already got 1 bottle down this morning too. I exercised a little using the Wii fit yesterday, but not nearly enough.
    I've got a challenge this evening. We are going out to eat for our belated Christmas work party tonight. Luckily the place we are going (Red Lobster) has nice fresh fish dishes and I can get veggies as the side item along with a nice salad. My biggest hurdle is going to be the cheddar bay biscuits. I love those things. But I am going to limit myself to only 1. I will try to make sure I get in a workout when I get home.

    Glad to see so many people doing so well. I can't wait for our first weigh in on Friday. I am sure we are going to have lots of great losses.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Please friend request me. I would like to be friends with you all. ( I think I have room. But I can't remember what the max is.) Have a great day.

    The max is 250 or 249.