Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome, new ladies. PirateJenny, it is hard to break free from the control that food has over us. I think as you get more comfortable with tracking your calories and measuring food it will become more habit and won't seem so obsessive.

    Girlofsun, my husband is also at a healthy weight and he tries to be supportive and understanding but he is able to drop weight in a flash when he puts his mind to it so that is why I need the support from sites like this.

    Dona, I may be wrong but wouldn't you include your work in your activity level as opposed to your daily exercise and then it will be calculated in your daily calorie goal?
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    ohhhh, Ovrit, I think youre right!
    Its been extra work in the snowstorm, so i was thinking it counted extra. hmmmm
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, I think I love my curves circuits almost as much as I love my zumba. I had a blast this evening. When Ifirst got there, there were a few other ladies but after about 10 minutes they were done. all that was left was me and the young gal working there and she asked what my choice of music was. It was great I got to work out and listen to some great music. the owrker gal said Thursday nights are pretty slow. Hmmm, Thursday nights might become my favorite. And now I get to go raid the icebox to see if I have any weight watchers ice cream left. Have a great night and happy losing,
  • PirateJenny
    Thanks to all of those who replied. While I knew intellectually that I was not alone in obsessing about keeping within (or below) a calorie count it is very helpful to hear other people's stories. I just need to remind myself that this is a process and I am not going to go about it perfectly from day one.

    I am going to try the suggestion about planning my meals on Sunday and then following through for the rest of the week. One of the problems I have had with keeping my calorie count high enough is being vegetarian and allergic to many foods. I eat vegetables and fruits for most meals not being able to add most dairy and some grains makes it hard to tip the calorie count higher without feeling like you've consumed an entire garden. Planning my meals will help me add beneficial fats and small amounts of higher calorie items and to stay conscious of skipping meals.

    I have been keeping up with my water consumption, along with a variety of green and herbal teas water is all I drink. Unfortunately, due to that I feel like I have to pee every 5 minutes. Hopefully my body will reach an equilibrium and I can stop the mad dashes to the loo.

    I have also been good about going to the gym, sticking to a 600 calorie per workout goal and adding small additional activities (stairs instead of elevator, walking the dog daily etc.) to boost daily caloric expenditure. After being unable to go to the gym for so long I had forgotten how good a workout can make you feel. I just need to get over my embarrassment of being the largest woman there, I live in a small college community and the majority of my fellow gym patrons are very young, slender and fit.

    This is really hard for me to share, but here goes:

    CW: 273
    Height: 5' 7"
    GW: 125-130
    I hope with my current plan to lose about 1-2 pounds a week, keeping into account natural peaks and valleys in conventional weight loss through better diet and increased exercise.

    I have not started to weigh myself regularly, but will soon. I just did not want to derail myself over disappointment if I did not drop weight in the first two weeks. When I start I will share.

    Kind thoughts to you all.

    Additional thanks for letting me get this out in a forum, I am not always this "me" oriented, I promise!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Jenny, I wish you luck. i hope the meal planning is helpful to you. I know I tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch most days and that helps, especially when you can just click copy yesterday. I live on an Army base and let me tell you, I am one of the biggest people in the gym and I just look at it as I am here because I need to be and I want to change myself for the better. You never know, you may meet a workout buddy there. Those are great help. Have you done your measurements? Maybe that will help more than the scale.

    I have had an awesome week with a 4.6 loss and am very excited to say that I have hit double digits with my total loss. I am so excited and feel super motivated! Hopefully that will help me stick to my calories through the weekend. I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! PirateJenny, sounds like you have a really great plan. I know you will succeed on your weight loss journey. Yes, this is a process and it will take time. I have to remind myself of that constantly. I always tell myself that I didn't gain the weight overnight and I will not lose it that way either. You have such a great attitude.

    I went over on my calories yesterday and ate awful, but today is a new day and I will do great. I am getting ready to strap on my HRM and get busy doing my walking. I am going to try to burn at least 400 calories today. Well, I will be checking back later.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning and happy fitness friday. I just came from curves again this morning and feel great. Why oh why did I not exercise so much before? I really love it.

    PirateJenny, it sounds like you are getting an eating plan in place. That is great. Remember no one here expects you to be perfect, when you have trouble we will be here to help or make suggestions.

    Overit, 4.6 this week?! You get the Super-D-Duper award for that!

    Laura, everybody has a little stumble now and then. Way to go for not letting it ruin your whole week or even derail your whole weight loss program. You are doing a great job just by getting back on track today.

    I am not heading to my cabin this weekend so I will be able to check in a little more.

    Does anybody have any great "snack foods" that I can get or prepare for the Super bowl game on Sunday? (We are big football fans at my house) I am open to all suggestions and recipes.

    I'll check back later. for now, happy losing,
  • PirateJenny
    overit, Ready2lose4ever and StaciO:

    Warmest thanks for your words. You all sound like amazing, strong and beautiful women; just the kind our community needs!

    overit: Special congratulations on your great week!

    Ready2lose4ever: I have the same mantra going through my head when I am red-faced and sweating away on the elliptical in my baggy sweats and ponytail surrounded by skinny (not hating, more power to them) women with inexplicably perfect make-up. Did I mention this is a college town? The gym has a tendency to look like a singles bar, which makes me giggle and probably look insane as well as overweight.

    StaciO: I know this sounds odd, but I just tried kale chips and they are really tasty. There are tons of recipes on the web right now but here is the basic gist:

    One large bunch of kale with center stem removed cut or torn into uniform pieces. It is also okay to use bagged, pre-washed and cut kale, one pound bag.
    Small amount of olive oil (just enough to coat, about one scant tablespoon, it's okay to use less, I have and they still come out great).
    Do not salt until they are baked.

    325 degree oven
    Make sure the kale is VERY dry, place single layer on a baking pan or silicone pat.
    Cook about 15-20 minutes or until crisp, just test with a fork or finger. The kale will still be bright green. If it browns entirely it will be slightly bitter.

    Toss with whatever savory ingredients taste good to you. Small amounts of finely grated Parmesan or asiago cheese, sea salt mixed with chili powder, garlic salt etc.

    You can also crunch it up into flakes and use it as a topping for popcorn, boosting the nutrients but adding very little to the calories.

    They are VERY crisp and just salty enough to satisfy a potato chip craving. Kale is also very low calorie and packed with nutrients. One packed cup (100 g) of raw kale is about 40 calories, slight less or more depending on the variety. The total calories for the chips is dependent on the amount of oil and type of flavoring.

    Happy Friday to all.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning and happy fitness friday. I just came from curves again this morning and feel great. Why oh why did I not exercise so much before? I really love it.

    PirateJenny, it sounds like you are getting an eating plan in place. That is great. Remember no one here expects you to be perfect, when you have trouble we will be here to help or make suggestions.

    Overit, 4.6 this week?! You get the Super-D-Duper award for that!

    Laura, everybody has a little stumble now and then. Way to go for not letting it ruin your whole week or even derail your whole weight loss program. You are doing a great job just by getting back on track today.

    I am not heading to my cabin this weekend so I will be able to check in a little more.

    Does anybody have any great "snack foods" that I can get or prepare for the Super bowl game on Sunday? (We are big football fans at my house) I am open to all suggestions and recipes.

    I'll check back later. for now, happy losing,

    Thank you Staci. You know that is where I have changed b/c I would have an off day before and I would let it just ruin my weight loss and It would be months until I got straightened out and got back on my weight loss. That is where I have changed. I am so glad for that.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Afternoon everyone, I have done so good today but I went over on sodium. I think that stuff is evil. I am waiting to go grocery shopping on Monday so I am kinda having to eat whatever there is to eat. I mean it's all good food and not junk food but I am having a hard time staying within the sodium range on here. I got in 65 minutes of exercise and burned 406 calories. So, for that I am very proud of myself.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi I'm Lexie. I have more than 100 pounds to lose and more than 100 friends to gain :happy:
  • kbradley3790
    kbradley3790 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm glad you posted this I'm new as well and I want to lose 125 lbs I have lost 11 lbs so far but I weigh in tomorrow so that'll change  this site has really helped so far seeing all the people who have succeeded is really motivational! Best of luck ! We can do it!

      Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Welcome Lexie & kbradley. We are glad to have you join us. Jenny, the kale chips sound like they could be tastey. I'll give a them a try tomorrow. For now though I better hit the sack. Good night & happy losing,
  • free2bfit
    My name is Patti and I have 143 lbs to lose and I am going to be successful this time. Any tips and support would be really appreciated.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hi I'm Lexie. I have more than 100 pounds to lose and more than 100 friends to gain :happy:

    Hi and welcome Lexie!!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I'm glad you posted this I'm new as well and I want to lose 125 lbs I have lost 11 lbs so far but I weigh in tomorrow so that'll change  this site has really helped so far seeing all the people who have succeeded is really motivational! Best of luck ! We can do it!

      Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome, glad to have you here in this group.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    My name is Patti and I have 143 lbs to lose and I am going to be successful this time. Any tips and support would be really appreciated.

    Hi Patti, welcome!! Tips- make sure you don't go over on your sodium. On here it's 2500 that you are allowed to have. I have been battling with this. It's hard to stay within it sometimes. If you go over it will make you retain water. Be patient it will come off. I always tell myself that I didn't gain this weight overnight and it will come off that way either.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am a little disappointed with my weigh in this morning. I am up 2 pounds. However, I will not let it get me down. I have been over on my sodium pretty much every day this week and Thursday I went over on my calories. So I expected it. I am working really hard and I will not give up just b/c the evil scales say I am up 2 pounds. I will do this if it takes me forever.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    I am proud I finally made it back to the gym yesterday! That is my biggest struggle overall. I work out hard when I go, but fitting it in is terrible.

    Yesterday I knew I was having pizza for dinner since I'd promised the kids, but I still made it under my calorie goal, especially with the workout. But I was also up 3#. It makes sense, I worked out and stressed unused muscles, ate a processed dinner, and I'm sure it's all water weight. I'm going to try to drink extra water today, and hopefully will get back to the gym tonight too.
  • PirateJenny

    It sounds like the weight gain might be temporary due to fluid retention. If that is the case, don't beat yourself up. I know how disheartening the little setbacks at the scale can be, but it sounds like you have a good plan, a lot of knowledge and the dedication to make it work.

    Just to share a small struggle: My partner and I got invited to a Super Bowl party by one of his co-workers. I have decided not to go because I have work to do (I am in the middle of a large research project) but also because I am not ready for bowls of chips and dip, beer, high-fat hors d’oeuvres and desserts. He know I am busy and does not mind going alone, but I am really looking forward to a point where these situations don't scare the bejeebers out of me.

    Hi Lexie and Patti!

    Congratulations for getting off to a great start!

    It's finally warming up today and a little sunny so I am going to take the dog out for a nice long hike in the hills.

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!