Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I was very busy yesterday. My hubby, the kids, and I went out of town for the day. I stayed within the amount of calories I was susposed to eat and I even got some walking in even though it was my day off.

    Staci, I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and let me tell you they keep me busy. I want 2 more. My hubby asked me am I nuts!! I told him no I love babies and kids.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good Mornning My Monday Mavens of Madness and Mayhem. Let me tell you, I am not the Biggest Loser. I did lose 4 pounds this week and 33 pounds during the contest at work but I lost by less than 1%. I tell myself that it is okay, we can't always win but, I really hate to lose darn it! :grumble: So, I need to pick myself up, dust myself off and kick some booty on the next round.:laugh:

    Welcome to the people just joining us!

    I'll check in for real a little later, for now, happy losing,
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Welcome milaxx and ShrinkinMel.

    So, I did it. I quit the gym I was at (YMCA) and am joining Curves on my way home today. Curves is closer and since I can go a little more at my own convenience instead of waiting for a class time, it really makes sense for me. Also when the weather gets better I can walk to and from which is a bonus. I think I will end up going more often this way.

    Okay, enough of my rattling on. This morning I was going to give everyone a reminder to make sure to get all of your water in this week but I forgot so.......Hey all don't forget how important getting your water in is. Lets make it our goal to get all 8 servings in each day this week.

    I'll try to check in later and let you all know how my first Curves session went.

    Happy losing, Staci

  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    awwww dang it Staci, I was rooting for you to win that!
    Well, like you said, you cant win them all.

    Im curious about Curves, my SIL used to go and she loved it and I know that they offer even more now.
    let us know please!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Well, tonight was kind of an orientation at curves but it was really good. I can't wait until tomorrow to do it for real.

    I will admit, I was REALLY disappointed about the biggest loser thing but...I will do it again and put even more into it and hope for the best again.
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    Staci - Even if you didn't win, look at it this way... You were less than 1% away from winning which means you came in second place! SECOND PLACE at the olympics thats a Silver Medal! Also 33 lbs is a huge accomplishment don't beat yourself up. It sounds like your not going to do which is good. :)

    My own accomplishment, I am now on day 4 of Power 90 but yesterday was a very hard day for me. I didn't have much time to work out and then when i finally found some time i hurt, a lot. I didn't want to move since i've been working out but i told myself that i would feel worse if i didn't do it and coun't move my ticker to day 3. So i got up, pains and all, and worked out. I feel fantastic! No muscles hurt this morning. None, Nada, Zip, Zilch! I can't wait for the day when i feel ready to start something at extreme as P90X. So to anyone else, if you hurt, keep going, you can do it and maybe just maybe there will be a reward for persistance.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Staci, sorry you didn't win the contest but great job on your weight loss!! And 1% is a very close second!!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I really feel like I am on the run a lot and don't get to chat on the message boards a lot. I was reflecting this morning about the past month and the progress made and actually am a little disappointed that I only lost 8 pounds for the month. My husband told me 2 pounds a week is a very healthy rate to lose but it still doesn't change the fact that I have a lot to lose. So I was looking over my food journal and just trying to see where my wasted or empty calories are and am focusing more on that for the month of February and trying to intensify my workouts.

    Good luck to everyone for this month!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning everyone!! Staci, I am sorry to hear that you didn't win the biggest loser. You are doing an awesome job and 33 pounds lost is an awesome amount of weight!! I can't wait to get there. It's not too far away for me and I will love it when I do make it.

    I have been really busy and been able to get on here like I want to. I hope you all don't mind. We went and had our taxes filled out yesterday and I thought we weren't going to the that much back b/c my hubby changed from filling Single 0 to filling Married with 3 dependants. We are getting back almost as much as we got back last year!! I am getting my treadmill that I have wanted for quite some time. I wanted a treadmill when I got my bike but don't get me wrong I loved my bike but I have always wanted a treadmill. I will try to check back later on in the day.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning and thanks gals. I have put yesterday behind me and am just focused on this next round. I am determined to do my best and make sure that if someone else wins this time they've had to work really hard at it.:laugh:

    I really liked curves last night but am not going to be able to get there tonight. I forgot about a late work meeting.

    Laura- very cool to be able to get a treadmill. Will you keep your bike as well? I find I get really bored if I can't switch up my exercise and then start not doing it. Oh I forgot your bike was breaking, did you ever get it fixed?

    Blueeyed- great job on the power90. I too am looking forward to being "fit enough" to start P90X or Insanity. I think if I win the next biggest loser I will buy it.

    Ha, look at me I am already planning on winning the next BL.

    I better sign off and actually do some work now. Happy losing,
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good morning and thanks gals. I have put yesterday behind me and am just focused on this next round. I am determined to do my best and make sure that if someone else wins this time they've had to work really hard at it.:laugh:

    I really liked curves last night but am not going to be able to get there tonight. I forgot about a late work meeting.

    Laura- very cool to be able to get a treadmill. Will you keep your bike as well? I find I get really bored if I can't switch up my exercise and then start not doing it. Oh I forgot your bike was breaking, did you ever get it fixed?

    Blueeyed- great job on the power90. I too am looking forward to being "fit enough" to start P90X or Insanity. I think if I win the next biggest loser I will buy it.

    Ha, look at me I am already planning on winning the next BL.

    I better sign off and actually do some work now. Happy losing,

    Staci, We weren't able to fix my bike. I had my hubby look at it and try to fix it and it just was not possible to fix it. I had my hubby take it off to the garbage dump :cry: I miss that bike something awful. Maybe I can both a treadmill and a bike. We will have to see what happens.
  • lorisowers
    Good afternoon everyone. I was suppose to go to the gym today but I can't seem to find the motivation to leave my house. It is so cold here. I can't wait until it is spring. I guess I will be running around the house again today.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Hello and Happy Weightloss Wednesday! I did not get to curves last night as my work meeting just kept going and going. tonight I am stopping right after work though. Just thought I would check in real quick but I am off to lunch. I will check in later though.
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Hi eyone, have a question, maybe you can help me figure this out..I am a fedex delivery person and am trying to figure out calories burned while working. Its short bursts of a lot of energy. Would you count brisk walking for 2 minutes x 50 stops for instance? How about all of the climbing in and out of truck and what about while carrying boxes vs letters.
    This week has been killer walking all of those long driveways in the snow, and then in the 2"thick ice on top of the half foot of snow today..crunch crunch crunch! It was like doing leg lifts getting my heavily booted feet out from under that heavy ice!
    I also load and unload my truck and had quite a sweat going twice.
    I just count it as walking but Im pretty sure Im cheating myself out of calories.
    Ill tell you, my belt is getting loose!
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I would love to join this group!! I just started my new change in life to be happier and healthier on Friday! Its really sad to know that I'm the heaviest person I know. I don't want to be that person anymore. Its scary just thinking that. I weighed in on Friday at 297 lbs. I'm 5'9'' I would love to be back in the one hundreds! I'll even take 199 at this point! I have a great husband who supports me but he is at a healthy weight. I don't think he understands the frustration of being heavy and unhealthy. (although he tries to play it off as if he does) So I'm looking for others who do truly know how hard it can be. I've been looking at your trackers and I'm in amazement that it can be done! You all are my inspiration to move forward and to keep my head up even when at times I feel like there is no hope! So ty! For sharing your weight loss stories and giving me courage to battle this war that has gone on for far to long! Hope to make some great friends in my journey here.. :happy:
  • PirateJenny
    Hello everyone!

    I am just getting started back on the road to health after a long set-back due to severe health and subsequent emotional problems. I have a little under 150 pounds to lose, which, like many others is very hard for me to type.

    Right now my biggest problem is food fear. I find I am restricting too much and obsessing over every bite of food. This worries me because I do not want to tip my metabolism into slow motion AND I want to have a healthy relationship with food.

    Does anyone else have (or have had) this problem when getting started? I know that it's a mental stumble and there are no quick "cures" but any words of advice or support would be much appreciated. Being fearful of eating and overweight at the same time makes me feel like a freak.

    I am very glad all of you are out there offering each other support. Best thoughts to you all.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening and welcome new posters! We would love to have you here. Yes PirateJenny, I had trouble meeting my minimum calories when I first started because I obsessed about everything I put in my mouth. I double checked everything. It made it really hard to "live" my life. I really put food first in every thought. I was spending as much time thinking about food as I used to spen eating food which meant I was still letting food control my life. i decided I wasn't going to let food do that to me anymore. So, now I spend time on Sunday planning, and portioning 5 breakfasts and lunches and snacks that can be taken to work for the week. Also, 6 dinners for the week. I try to make all of the breakfasts between 250 to 350 calories. Lunches 300 to 400 and dinners about the same as lunches. that leaves room for some snacks and I don't have to think about it for the rest of the week.

    DonaGail- thats a tough one to call because I bet you are carrying heavy packages as well. I would maybe try to keep track of about how much time you are spending doing the walking, lifting and adding it as circuit training (I think I saw that in the exercise database).

    so, I have to take care of my cats food, water, litter (yuck) before bed.
    Happy losing,
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Welcome, new ladies. PirateJenny, it is hard to break free from the control that food has over us. I think as you get more comfortable with tracking your calories and measuring food it will become more habit and won't seem so obsessive.

    Girlofsun, my husband is also at a healthy weight and he tries to be supportive and understanding but he is able to drop weight in a flash when he puts his mind to it so that is why I need the support from sites like this.

    Dona, I may be wrong but wouldn't you include your work in your activity level as opposed to your daily exercise and then it will be calculated in your daily calorie goal?
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my Thursday Thin Thinkers.

    overit- you know I believe you are right. If Dona put in her job as active it should be calculated into her calorie goal.

    I really noticed how exercising affects me last night. I got home from my zumba class and the endorphins had kicked in so I had all the energy in the world. Of course the bad thing is that it was at 9pm. So there I was wide awake when I should have been thinking about going to bed. Maybe I need to reconsider going back to the earlier class.

    So how is everyone doing on their water consumption? Are we all getting all of our water in this week?

    I better get back to work. Happy losing,
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I have actually been struggling with my water at the beginning of this week but have been picking up the slack now at the end of the week.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good afternoon everyone! I have been totally slacking when it comes to posting here and for that I apologize. I have been really busy and I hate it when I can't check in here. Welcome to all the new ladies here. I like this group although I don't make it on it too much. I will defintly try harder to come on here at least once a day.

    I got a new haircut today and dyed my hair. I love it both. We went looking today at Treadmills and bikes and I am going to get both next Friday. I can't wait. I will have my own home gym. I have been wanting a treadmill for over 2 years and I am finally going to have one.