Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Staci, I do have issues with the water, but mine are a lot different. Because of my job, I have to drink as little as possible because I am on the road and have VERY FEW bathrooms avaiable and sometimes have to wait hours to go. It really stinks but I cant do much about it. My Dr.suggested taking a coffee can with me and going in my delivery truck but I dont know about that. I am pretty parched when Im on the computer at night. This is an on going problem! I wont even get into the eating issues.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Hello and happy Tuesday! Welcome new posters. We love to have you.

    Yesterday, was the first time that I intentionally went over my calories for the day. Well maybe not intentionally but I knew that if I ate the cupcake instead of fruit after dinner that I was going to be over but not by too much. I had been craving red velvet cake for 3 days and tried eating other things instead but it just wasn't cutting it. So, last night I went down to Starbuck's and bought one (no latte, no hot chocolate, no nothing else). You know what? It was good. And my craving is gone. So today, I will put a little extra oomph in my workout to try to make up for it a little. So has anybody else had any cravings? What did you do?

    I'll check back in when I log my lunch. Happy losing.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hello and happy Tuesday! Welcome new posters. We love to have you.

    Yesterday, was the first time that I intentionally went over my calories for the day. Well maybe not intentionally but I knew that if I ate the cupcake instead of fruit after dinner that I was going to be over but not by too much. I had been craving red velvet cake for 3 days and tried eating other things instead but it just wasn't cutting it. So, last night I went down to Starbuck's and bought one (no latte, no hot chocolate, no nothing else). You know what? It was good. And my craving is gone. So today, I will put a little extra oomph in my workout to try to make up for it a little. So has anybody else had any cravings? What did you do?

    I'll check back in when I log my lunch. Happy losing.

    Good job Staci for having a cupcake. You know there are times when we all have to have something we are wanting or craving. That is good that you didn't go over on your calories too bad. It should be fine and you should still have a loss this week. I have had a good day. Got in 61 minutes of exercise and burned 400 calories.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Laura great job on your committment to exercise. I am so proud of you.

    So I have some great news, I just had a meeting with the campus administrator of the hospital where I work. It seems that he has heard about our biggest loser contest (which ends on Monday) and asked if I would be interested in mentoring other departments in how we have been doing it and then organize a challenge between departments. It sounds like fun but I am a little nervous that it could become a much bigger task than I can fit into my already busy day. Oh who am I kidding? Of course I'll take it on.

    Until tomorrow, happy losing.

  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hi, ladies! I hope you are all doing well! I have been busy the last few days and haven't really felt like I have been able to keep up with the board but I have been logging my food and calories.
  • billdo68
    billdo68 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey guys I'm relatively new to the site and I am also looking to lose 100+ lbs. I weighed 348 lbs 2 weeks ago. I currently weigh 340 and would like to eventually get down to the 200 lbs range. Another mini goal for me is to lose weigh and try to be under 300 lbs by my wedding which is June 4 of this year. If anybody would like to add me as a friend and help me by encouraging me it would be greatly appreciated.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hey to everyone in this thread. I've lost 124 lbs and counting since I was at 303 last April. At my heaviest, I was 320 in October of 2009, but I didn't start doing anything about it until April '10.

    I'm just checking in to let everyone here know that you're all starting off perfectly by wanting to actively track your calories. It truly is a lifestyle change, not just in diet, but with everything. If anyone needs advice, feel free to ask, as the community is helpful, and I like to think I am too. Heh.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hey to everyone in this thread. I've lost 124 lbs and counting since I was at 303 last April. At my heaviest, I was 320 in October of 2009, but I didn't start doing anything about it until April '10.

    I'm just checking in to let everyone here know that you're all starting off perfectly by wanting to actively track your calories. It truly is a lifestyle change, not just in diet, but with everything. If anyone needs advice, feel free to ask, as the community is helpful, and I like to think I am too. Heh.

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. It's very inspirational and defintly motivational. I love this Site!! It's the best thing I could have found.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hey guys I'm relatively new to the site and I am also looking to lose 100+ lbs. I weighed 348 lbs 2 weeks ago. I currently weigh 340 and would like to eventually get down to the 200 lbs range. Another mini goal for me is to lose weigh and try to be under 300 lbs by my wedding which is June 4 of this year. If anybody would like to add me as a friend and help me by encouraging me it would be greatly appreciated.

    Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Laura great job on your committment to exercise. I am so proud of you.

    So I have some great news, I just had a meeting with the campus administrator of the hospital where I work. It seems that he has heard about our biggest loser contest (which ends on Monday) and asked if I would be interested in mentoring other departments in how we have been doing it and then organize a challenge between departments. It sounds like fun but I am a little nervous that it could become a much bigger task than I can fit into my already busy day. Oh who am I kidding? Of course I'll take it on.

    Until tomorrow, happy losing.


    Thank you Staci, I have been working my behind off with my exercise. Wow, that is some great news. Congrats on the great Chance to take it on.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    me., me!!! i have about 185 to lose. i will friend request you.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Hey! I am looking to lose 100 pounds..not all at once but in small doses. Would be happy to help in whatever way I can. Nice to meet you!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Hello my Wonderful Wednesday Wonders of Weight loss. I kept getting an error message when I tried logging in this morning so I am a little late with my greeting today. Welcome to the new posters!

    I just have to say I love this website. My hubby had used a different one in the past and just started tracking again on Monday. So we were sitting down after dinner last night and I put my dinner in in just a minute or two and he kept asking me how I got done so fast. So today while at work I got an email from him asking the name of the website I use because it seemed much simpler than his.

    I made a discovery today. I found a "new to me" bagel in my gorcers bakery. They are Thomas Bagel Thins. 110 calories per bagel. They are about the size of a regular bagel sliced in half (like you would for putting cream cheese & lox on it). So they are thinner than a regular bagel. But of course my reason for eating the bagel os just for the good stuff I put on it so thinner is fine by me. I made a turkey, cranberry, light cream cheese sandwich on one for lunch today. Delicious!

    I will try to check in again at dinner time, in the mean time happy losing.

  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    I will be your friend on this journey together, you are not alone!!!!:wink:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hello my Wonderful Wednesday Wonders of Weight loss. I kept getting an error message when I tried logging in this morning so I am a little late with my greeting today. Welcome to the new posters!

    I just have to say I love this website. My hubby had used a different one in the past and just started tracking again on Monday. So we were sitting down after dinner last night and I put my dinner in in just a minute or two and he kept asking me how I got done so fast. So today while at work I got an email from him asking the name of the website I use because it seemed much simpler than his.

    I made a discovery today. I found a "new to me" bagel in my gorcers bakery. They are Thomas Bagel Thins. 110 calories per bagel. They are about the size of a regular bagel sliced in half (like you would for putting cream cheese & lox on it). So they are thinner than a regular bagel. But of course my reason for eating the bagel os just for the good stuff I put on it so thinner is fine by me. I made a turkey, cranberry, light cream cheese sandwich on one for lunch today. Delicious!

    I will try to check in again at dinner time, in the mean time happy losing.


    Thanks for letting us know about the bagels. I love bagels but I don't buy them too much. I will have to check them out. I can't wait to go grocery shopping again so I can get some.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening! I finally got back to my Wednesday Zumba class. I didn't realize how much I missed it. If any of you are thinking about it. I say try it! You'll like it!
  • robinc77
    Hi everyone! I have been on this site for a while, but just started to activelyuse the site this week. I want to lose about 130 pounds, just looking for some people who are in the same situation. Just trying to take it one day at a time. I have been doing P90X for about 2 weeks now, lost 2 pounds and 5 inches, so really happy with my progress so far. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Good evening! I finally got back to my Wednesday Zumba class. I didn't realize how much I missed it. If any of you are thinking about it. I say try it! You'll like it!

    Good for you, Staci! I actually went to a zumba class this week and loved it! It was my second class but have been doing Wii Zumba.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hi everyone! I have been on this site for a while, but just started to activelyuse the site this week. I want to lose about 130 pounds, just looking for some people who are in the same situation. Just trying to take it one day at a time. I have been doing P90X for about 2 weeks now, lost 2 pounds and 5 inches, so really happy with my progress so far. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Welcome, Robin!! Wow! Great job with P90X! That is one of my goals to be able to do but I am afraid I am not ready for it. It seems very intimidating to me. I hope you have can find some great support here on your journey.

    Question for everyone and I know this is a big topic on this site, but do you eat your exercise calories? I have been up until this week and am going to stop. A registered dietician and a personal trainer told me I should not be eating them. The trainer looked at me like I was crazy. So we will see how the weight loss goes from here on out.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! Welcome Robin, I am also impressed. I've checked out both p90x and insanity. I am not quite ready for them but hope to be soon.

    overit- I also have wii zumba and enjoy it . To answer your question I never eat all of my exercise calories. I sometimes eat some of them. For example, last night I earned 497 and I only ate 130 of them. My trainer says as long as I eat a net of 1200 I don't have to eat them. I confirmed it with the nutritionist where I work ( she actually said 1000 as long as I was getting all of my protein) I don't know if that would work for everybody but it works for me (the 1200)

    I will check in later & happy losing.