Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    WOW we have a lot in common!! Im 26 and a stay at home mommy to Alex (almost 6) and Cheyenne (3). Im also hoping to lose over 100lb.. I requested ya :)
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! Welcome to the all the new people. I still am not feeling the greatest today. However, I am going to try to get in some walking today. I didn't do anything yesterday. I don't think I am going to meet the challenge this week, but that's okay. I will try again.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone!

    Laura- Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better today. It is definitely harder to focus on nutrition & exercise when you aren't feeling well.

    Merryxmas- great job on almost getting all of your exercise challenge done and its only Thursday.

    To everyone new- Welcome! So glad to have you. Together we can do this.

    I have to confess I am a big one for preaching only weigh once a week and I got on the scale this morning (midweek) and was disappointed :grumble: because it hadn't moved. I am trying not to let it affect my day and attitude. I mean really! Two people have told me this week that I look thinner and I feel good, so why should I let that darn number on the scale get to me?! Okay, maybe I need a swift kick in the booty. Just tell me "Stac (you can call me that), enough of the complaining. Pull your self up by the seat of the pants and focus on what you can do today."

    I'll check in later.

    Happy losing,
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Staci, thanks. I am not feeling the best still and therefore I took today off from tracking my food and exercise for today but will be right back to it tomorrow.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    That is the key.....to just stick with it. Don't give up when you don't track or have a splurge, you just pick it right back up.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning Everyone!! I got my daughter Anna Grace off to school and now I am home with Jacob. I am going to try to fix my bike but if I can't I will do some kind of exercise. I am right back on it today and for that I am proud b/c I know what to do and I know that I can do it.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Happy Friday my Fantastic Fitness Friends.

    Laura- I am glad you are feeling better. I'll pray that you can fix your bike.

    I have just committed to starting a team for a Relay forLife event in June. I am a little nervous as it is my first time doing this event and also taking it on as a team captain. However I am not new to participating in walking type cancer events (I have walked the breast cancer 3 day twice. I figure if I can go 60 miles in a weekend then surely I can go with a relay team for 24 hours right!?:huh:
    My daughter convinced my hubby to do it with us and my older son and his girlfriend say that they will as well. My biggest surprise is that last night my mom said she would too. She said she may not be able to walk her whole shift at once but she would do her best. My Hubby and I told her that we will take over for her if she can't make it or just needs a break. I am so looking forward to this. I am so excited about it.

    So, its time for me to get off my fanny and either head to the gym or start cleaning my messy house.

    Have a great day and happy losing,
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Thanks Staci. Well, I was not able to fix my bike so I guess I will be getting a new one next month. UGH, I hate that but I do have lots of exercise DVD's and it's going to be getting warmer here so I can get outside and go walking. I just hope and pray that we don't get any more snow Monday and Tuesday. The 8 inches we got are all gone now and I don't want any more. We couldn't get out of our driveway for 2 days. My hubby had to ride to his job with my dad. We are going to take our kids to the park this afternoon if my daughter was good in school and doesn't get a note sent home today. I am going to run and play with my kids if we get to go.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I hope you all are doing well. I have been pre-occupied the last day or so and haven't been able to catch up with all the posts.

    I have reached my workout goal for the week. Today I am taking the day off since I didn't take one last week and was able to feel it the last day or so.

    Sunday: 3500-671=2829 to go
    Monday: 2829-1028=1801 to go
    Tuesday: 1801-863=938 to go
    Wednesday: 938-577=361
    Thursday: 361-483=-122
  • klininger
    44 pounds down, 76 to go for my goal weight loss of 120. 1 pound at a time.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    44 pounds down, 76 to go for my goal weight loss of 120. 1 pound at a time.

    welcome!! good job on the 44 pounds gone forever!!! That's awesome!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Sunday 3500-0= 3500
    Monday 3500-220= 3280
    Tuesday 3280-200= 3080
    Wednesday 3080-0= 3080
    Thursday 3080-0= 3080
    Friday 3080-353= 2727
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
    Wednesday 1712-1229=483
    Thursday 483-0=483 (rest day)
    Friday 483-981=-498
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am so sore from my exercise yesterday. I walked for 66 minutes and burned 353 calories. So this weekend I may not be doing anything. I will be right back to it Monday though if I don't do any exercise. Who knows though, we are going to take the kids to the park this afternoon maybe and so I might get some walking in there. I hate that my bike is tore up and I can't wait to get another one. I hope you all have a great day!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
    Wednesday 1712-1229=483
    Thursday 483-0=483 (rest day)
    Friday 483-981=-498

    Look at you go!! You are doing so awesome!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Sunday: 3500-0= 3500
    Monday: 3500-220= 3280
    Tuesday: 3280-200= 3080
    Wednesday: 3080-0= 3080
    Thursday: 3080-0= 3080
    Friday: 3080-353= 2727
    Saturday: 2727-183= 2544

    Okay so I so didn't make it to burn 3500 calories this week, but I will defintly be working on it.
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
    Wednesday 1712-1229=483
    Thursday 483-0=483 (rest day)
    Friday 483-981=-498

    Look at you go!! You are doing so awesome!!

    Thanks! I just wish I was losing some weight to show for all the calories I'm burning.

    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
    Wednesday 1712-1229=483
    Thursday 483-0=483 (rest day)
    Friday 483-981=-498
    Saturday -498-987=-1485
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go. I will not be exercising today b/c it's my day off. I wll be eating great in fact I logged all my food for today last night. I will stick with what it says on there like I always do. I hope you all have a great day!!
  • suzannemc
    Hi! You are all inspiring me SO MUCH! I lost 100 lbs. 10 years ago. For the most part, I have kept it off but these 10-15 lbs. keep sneaking back up on me. I am determined to not let them continue to grow. It's not easy, but so worth it. I want to encourage each and every one of you has 100 lbs. to go....If I can do it, you can do it. 11 years ago I was a two pack a day smoker, couch potato. With determination, a will of steel and some encouragement I accomplished many great things.

    Thanks for being here you guys and hats off to you.....
  • Dubois2
    My name is Andrea. I have always had a weight problem. ... Due to anorexia in junior high till i was 22 i lost a gross amount of weight.... was very unhealthy. My mother got sick with cancer, I broke free from addiction and was pregnant with my first child @ 23...... and for the next 3 years i ate well now 5yrs.... I gained 100 lbs in my pregnancy and lost 30 of it after the baby. but now i am back to my full preg weight. I have 3 herniated disks in my back that make it very hard to workout without pain. but i have to lose weight if i want to have another child......and to be useful around the house agian and to be pain free. well less pain. so im in the struggle club. this web site looks pretty promising. be my friend and we can keep at eachother to stay on task. i hope they make this for the bb phone soon. so much harder to boot the laptop and track. gotta get a note book...... then enter. <3 thanks for your post.