Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    quansc- I am sure you will be able to post your success story. I for one will enjoy reading it as you go along.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Great job on the workouts so far ladies! Looks like we are off to a good start :)

    Quansc, that is great that you and your husband are doing this together! I wish you both luck and can't wait to read your success story!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning friends. Yesterday, I went over my calorie goal for the day. I knew I would be over when I ate dinner but had planned on going to the gym for step aerobics and zumba. Guess what? It was a holiday and the YMCA is closed on all holidays. Argh! Of course I didn't realize it until I got there, then had to turn around and go home. By then it was dark out so I didn't run either.:frown: I did get out my Wii fit and did the free step for a half hour but still I was over on my calories. I'll go tonight but they don't do the classes I wanted tonight so it will be elliptical instead.

    So, how are you all doing today? I have my meals all planned out and all my exercise calories will be "bonuses" today (no more counting my calories before they are earned). Lets all make sure we get our water in today and stay hydrated.

    I'll check in again later and happy losing,

  • anappi0325
    Hello, I too am looking to lose more than 100 pounds. It is so hard as my husband loves me at any size so I feel defeated in a way. I want to lose to improve my health but it's hard when I'm the only one in the house doing this. Any tips? I'd love to strike a friendship/partnership with anyone else trying to do this with so much weight to lose. It's seems easire when you have a strong support group. By the way, today is my day 1, YEAH!!!! :smile:
  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
    Day 1 is the first step in a long journey, one with ups and downs and ups again, but keep with it. You can do it. Take it one day at a time. Tell your husband exactly how important this is to you and get him to understand that you don't want to feel sabotaged at every turn. That if he loves you know, he'll love you when you lose the weight. But that YOU need to do this so that YOU can love yourself more which in turn will help you love him even more!

    My fiance and I joined a gym at the beginning of the January. He doesn't need to lose weight but knows that if he goes, I'll go so he is working on building muscle mass while I'm trying to lose fat mass, lol.

    I am also in the biggest loser challenge at work and today was our first weigh in. I lost 2.1 lbs from last week and was thrilled until I hear other people saying they lost 4, 5 and 6 lbs. :( I know that everyone is different and I need to focus on only me.

    We started weight training at the gym yesterday and once I get into a routine, I know I will feel (and hopefully look) better.

    Good luck. We can all do this!!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Sunday 3500-0= 3500
    Monday 3500-220= 3280
    Tuesday 3280-200= 3080
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Day 1 is the first step in a long journey, one with ups and downs and ups again, but keep with it. You can do it. Take it one day at a time. Tell your husband exactly how important this is to you and get him to understand that you don't want to feel sabotaged at every turn. That if he loves you know, he'll love you when you lose the weight. But that YOU need to do this so that YOU can love yourself more which in turn will help you love him even more!

    My fiance and I joined a gym at the beginning of the January. He doesn't need to lose weight but knows that if he goes, I'll go so he is working on building muscle mass while I'm trying to lose fat mass, lol.

    I am also in the biggest loser challenge at work and today was our first weigh in. I lost 2.1 lbs from last week and was thrilled until I hear other people saying they lost 4, 5 and 6 lbs. :( I know that everyone is different and I need to focus on only me.

    We started weight training at the gym yesterday and once I get into a routine, I know I will feel (and hopefully look) better.

    Good luck. We can all do this!!!

    I agree with every word that julsdolphin said. My hubby and kids eat whatever I eat and they go walking with me. You should sit down with your hubby and tell him that this is important to you. We can do this!! I sent you a friend request.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Well said juls. And congrats on your loss. We have a lady in our biggest loser at work that has lost 1 - 1.5 pounds every week and every week she complains that it isn't enough but she is currently in 3rd place & has lost 12 pounds so far. Consistancy is the key. Some of the other contestants will lose 4 1 week then les sthan a pound for the next week or 2. You just pay no nevermind to them and work your own program.

    anappi- I sent you a friend request.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hello, I too am looking to lose more than 100 pounds. It is so hard as my husband loves me at any size so I feel defeated in a way. I want to lose to improve my health but it's hard when I'm the only one in the house doing this. Any tips? I'd love to strike a friendship/partnership with anyone else trying to do this with so much weight to lose. It's seems easire when you have a strong support group. By the way, today is my day 1, YEAH!!!! :smile:

    Congratulations on starting this journey! You will find plenty of encouragement and support on this site!

    My workout update:

    Sunday: 3500-671=2829 to go
    Monday: 2829-1028=1801 to go
    Tuesday: 1801-863=938 to go
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Laura--I forgot to mention yesterday that I love the new profile pic.
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a 31 year old SAHM to 5 kids (4 biological & 1 that we are adopting). I was at my heaviest of 270lbs when I got pregnant with my last baby & didn't gain a pound thank goodness. lol I had gestational diabetes so I worked hard to eat healthy & exercise. I did water aerobics & walking. Since having the baby 8 months ago, I have lost 30-35lbs. I go up & down 5lbs. I was at 240 on Sunday. I have another 90lbs I want to lose. I am doing C25K and Chico Metrics. I did day 2 of C25K today & added an extra 2 minutes of running & a 1.5 mile walk. My husband has been working out with me. It's nice to have the support. I'd love some friends on here. I just joined the site on Sunday. I only have 1 friend so far.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Welcome, CCJ!! Congratulations on your loss thus far! Goodness, 5 kids, bless your heart :) I hope you can find the support and encouargement here that helps you meet your goals.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Laura--I forgot to mention yesterday that I love the new profile pic.

    thanks Staci!!

    Sunday 3500-0= 3500
    Monday 3500-220= 3280
    Tuesday 3280-200= 3080
    Wednesday 3080-0=3080

    No workout for me today, I am not feeling good at all. I went over on my calories yesterday but that was yesterday and yesterday is gone. So, I will not dwell on it, beat myself up over it or anything like that. Today I am back on my weight loss journey and I am proud that I picked myself up today and I am going to keep going. That is something I never used to do before. Before when I tried to lose weight I would have a day where I would go over on my calories and then I would be like oh well I blew it and then it would be months before I would get back to counting the calories. I am glad that I don't do that now. I know there will be days that are better or worse than others and I know there will some days that I will go over but I will not give up!! I know that this is a lifestyle change and that it takes time to break bad habits and replace them with good ones. I will keep trying and I will lose this weight if it takes me forever!! One day at a time and one step at a time!! We can and will do this!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hi everyone! I am a 31 year old SAHM to 5 kids (4 biological & 1 that we are adopting). I was at my heaviest of 270lbs when I got pregnant with my last baby & didn't gain a pound thank goodness. lol I had gestational diabetes so I worked hard to eat healthy & exercise. I did water aerobics & walking. Since having the baby 8 months ago, I have lost 30-35lbs. I go up & down 5lbs. I was at 240 on Sunday. I have another 90lbs I want to lose. I am doing C25K and Chico Metrics. I did day 2 of C25K today & added an extra 2 minutes of running & a 1.5 mile walk. My husband has been working out with me. It's nice to have the support. I'd love some friends on here. I just joined the site on Sunday. I only have 1 friend so far.

    Welcome!! I sent you a friend request.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    My workout update:

    Sunday: 3500-671=2829 to go
    Monday: 2829-1028=1801 to go
    Tuesday: 1801-863=938 to go
    Wednesday: 938-577=361

    This is the first week I have not taken a day off from exercising. I am very motivated to exercise still (YAY!)
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my Wednesday Wonders! How is everyone today? I am feeling fit. I stayed within my calories yesterday & actually I didn't eat all of my exercise calories. It was late, I wasn't hungry and it wasn't that many.

    Overit- excellent job on the exercise this week. I am feeling that I may not make it to my 3500 this week partly due to my YMCA fiasco on Monday and partly because I was feeling lazy. But, my biggest workout day is coming on Friday and I have Zumba class tonight. So I may squeek by. But next week I will make it my goal and try again.

    Today, I am going to try to get in at least 2 servings of dairy. Somehow, I seem to be not getting those in each day.
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    Sunday 3500-0=3500
    Monday 3500-851=2649
    Tuesday 2649-937=1712
    Wednesday 1712-1229=483
  • designer72
    Hi everyone I too would like to lose around 100 pounds. I am trying to eat clean, but I am finding I am having a hard time eating the calories I am supposed to eat in a day. After the calories are increased after exercise is what I have the most diffeculty with.
  • geminisam
    Hi im new here (joined 2 days ago) and im looking to lose 125lbs to reach my target of 175lbs. Good luck to all those who are looking to lose weighht no matter how much.xxx