Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello everyone. I keep forgetting to check back in on this thread. I'm doing pretty good. Started P90 last week. I am also doing Zumba 1-2 nights a week. It is so much fun. I have a hard time eating back my exercise calories. There was one day I burned 1000 in one day & there was just no way I could eat them all. My clothes are all too big. My mom & aunt bought me size 18 pants for Christmas because my size 20's were too big. My size 18's are now falling off. Yay!!!! I wore a shirt to my mom's house today that I bought at Christmas & my mom said, "Wow! That shirt is huge on you!" I love that my clothes are all too big.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening.

    CCJ13 - I love when my clothes get baggy and people notice

    ocean rose - I hope your ankle heals quickly. If you have access to a pool you could swim for exercise. I started the c25k in January. Sometimes I struggle a little one the first day of a new week but usually by the 3rd workout I am doing okay. I did repeat week 2 though.

    free2bfit- congrats on your weight loss. You should be proud of that.

    My day today has not been great. My faimily and I were involved in a hit and run accident. A witness got a partial license plate # but the police said there is a whole lot of hope of finding the person. My car may be totalled. It de[ends on what the insurance says. It is really stupid because there really isn't that much damage to it but its the location of the damage. at least thats what I was told over the phone. Yes everyone is okay. My poor daughter was really shaken up though as she was the one driving. Totally not her fault though. So, I am really trying not to stress eat now. We did go out to lunch after but if I stick to the dinner plan I should still be okay.

    And how was your day? LOL

    Happy losing,
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Wow! I'm so glad you're OK StaciO - and that your family is OK. Moreover, I hope that by some freak accident of sorts, the driver who hit you gets caught. (I can't imagine how people DO that!!!)
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I don't understand how someone can hit you & leave. That's crazy! I really hope they get caught.

    I was doing C25K but I injured my knees. I pulled something. Got new shoes but my knees were still hurting. I just tried jogging the other day & did ok. I'm going to get back into running but I'm going to give it some more time.
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    So I am new to this thread. I need some serious help with the amount of calories I should be eating. I started at 233 and now I am at 220. I workout 3-4 times a week and burn about 600-700 a workout. I have only been eating a total of 1200 to 1300 calories a day, my net is way to low. I eat three meals a day and 2 healthy snacks. I am not loosing as much weight a week I am am expcecting for the amount of sweat I put it. Do you guys think I should eat more? I looked at some of your diaries and they are close to 2000 a day and you are loosing. A lot of the other threads out there are for people under 200.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    So I am new to this thread. I need some serious help with the amount of calories I should be eating. I started at 233 and now I am at 220. I workout 3-4 times a week and burn about 600-700 a workout. I have only been eating a total of 1200 to 1300 calories a day, my net is way to low. I eat three meals a day and 2 healthy snacks. I am not loosing as much weight a week I am am expcecting for the amount of sweat I put it. Do you guys think I should eat more? I looked at some of your diaries and they are close to 2000 a day and you are loosing. A lot of the other threads out there are for people under 200.

    I try to eat a net of 1200 per day. I think I have except for the day I burned over 1000 calories. So if your net calories aren't at least 1200 at the end of the day, I would say you need to eat more.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I also try to eat a net of 1200 each day. Except this last Friday I am almost always within 50 calories one way or the other.

    Everyone have a great night and happy losing,
  • kimmisatch

    I just joined yestrday - this is brilliant.
    I have more than 100 pounds to lose (if I have converted correctly hehe) so am very interested in this thread :)
    I lost 23kg on weight watchers but since it changed to propoints cant seem to lose so time to try something else.

    Im 28 and getting my head around the calorie side of this as not used to dealing with calories and pounds hehehe.

    Nice to read all your stories :flowerforyou:
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!!!!!!!!! So I am back after eating really horribly for 4 to 5 days. I gained 4 pounds back but so not stressing or beating myself up over it. It will be coming right back off. I had so much fun!!!!!!!! I got my treadmill and new exercise bike on Friday and Saturday we put it together. However I have not had a chance to use it yet. My hubby, the kids, my mom and dad, and I decided to take a spur of the moment trip to Helen, Georgia ( my most favorite town ever, it's only 1 hour from my house in S.C.) and we spent the night over there. I ate horribly all weekend but we did so much walking. That is all we did the whole time we were there.

    Staci, I am so glad that no one was hurt. That is awful that someone would hit you run. I had it happen to me and my family in 2009, someone followed him though and got the license plate number. He didn't have any insurance though so my insurance (unisured motorist) had to pay to have my van fixed. The guy is now having to pay my insurance company back because they got a lawyer and they are making him pay them back. I am so glad that someone followed him and that he is having to pay for his actions.

    Welcome to all the new people!!!!!!! Well, I am off to get on my treadmill and then I might try out my new exercise bike. I will be back later.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! I am really bummed. I've had my first gain since November. Its only 1.2 but I've gone back through my food and exercise diary for the week and I was really on point except. I did go over my sodium yesterday which I usually don't do. But I drank tons of water too. Oh well, I will just have to try harder this week.

    I gotta run weigh in some folks for our biggest loser contest. I'll be back a little later.

    Happy losing,
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, I feel better now. I took a brisk walk for my morning break at owrk. Okay, okay so it was down to the cupcake store, but I didn't eat any. I just picked up my order for tonight's dessert. And yes I did already plan it into my calorie count for today. I noticed on my walk that I could walk faster and I felt like my legs were stronger. I honestly never felt that way before. It felt good.

    Have a great Valentine's Day and happy losing,
  • kimmisatch
    :smile: Every week will be different
  • PirateJenny

    I was slammed all weekend with my work so I just logged my food and exercise and that was it. Had I known that you were out there typing away to an empty room I would have been on in a flash. I am so glad to hear that there were no serious injuries from your car accident and I hope they are able to nab the jerk who hit you.

    I know that any weight gains can be troubling, but 1.2 pounds could also just be part of a normal weight fluctuation. I know it won't trip you up either way since from reading your posts I can see you are a strong and dedicated person, but perhaps you should do another weigh-in before your regular schedule. When I was obsessive about weighing myself (I got a little crazy) I noticed weight fluctuations as high as 6 pounds in a single day, which didn't help my already O.C. behavior.

    I am nervously gearing up for my second weigh-in since going back to the gym and getting my food intake in line. I am also reaching that silly point where you feel you have been busting your butt and are seeing no results. Just a by-product of exposure to countless ads where people lose ridiculous amounts of weight in very short periods of time. Logically, I know the best way to drop weight (and have it stay off) is slow and steady, but I can't help but want it to drop off more quickly, like tomorrow. I think this is also partly a result of healthy actions feeling "new" and when they start to feel like my regular routine I think the impatience will get better.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating (or not) in a way that made them feel good.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Good Morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my treadmill and my bike. I will be getting off here in a bit and getting on with my exercise.

    Staci- I am sure it's the sodium that has your weight up a little. It will come back off. I hate sodium!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's evil and it's in everything.

    Well, I need to get off and go get busy. I have got to get this weight I have gained back off.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Mine was awesome! I got my favorite flowers from my hubby and some motorcycle parts LOL. I can't wait to go to our cabin this weekend and put them on. After being married almost 21 years I am surprized that he remembered the flowers. We had a nice romantic dinner by candle light. However it was because the power went out just as my daughter was done cooking dinner.

    Everyone have a great day and happy losing,
  • PirateJenny
    I woke up all ready to leash up the dog and go for a hike and...SNOW! Lots of it and it's still coming. Yesterday was gorgeous almost-spring weather, so I really wasn't expecting this. Anyone else in the Eastern Washington or Idaho panhandle area?

    Oh, well, switched to my own aerobics program and did some light strength training instead. So, the dog is still frustrated but I need to dig out my YakTrax before he gets his walk so I don't land on my face (or rear).

    For Valentine's Day my sweetie took a much needed personal day and I put my work on the back burner and we took our beast on a long hike. We're not so much a Valentine's Day present kind of couple so we just used the rare opportunity of having a weekday together and hung out with each other doing some stuff around the house then watching a movie, which was perfect.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Ahh, snow!?! They are predicting some snow flurries here on the west side of the state before the week is over too. My car drives like a champ in the snow (if it isn't in the shop because of the accident). So, for 3 days in a row now. I have made dinner at home. Two of those dinner's were new recipes from my old weight watcher's cookbook. I didn't tell my hubby that they were low fat, and he just keeps raving about tonight's dinner. Hee, hee. I'm not going to tell him.

    Have agreat night and happy losing,
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't think I posted here before. Anyway I never come close to my calorie allotment, I usually hit around 1600, but I never get the warning that I am eating too few calories. I try to get to the gym for water aerobics at least 3 times a week, but the snow and bad weather kinda threw me off my schedule So now I'm trying to work my way back up to that and then my next goal is meeting w a trainer at least once a week.

    I wanted to weigh myself this morning a t the gym, but they had moved the scale. I splurged to day on nuts and that put me over on my fats for today. Still overall I'm feeling good and hoping to see some results in my clothes soon.
  • emcclore

    I def. have alot to lose! I love MFP! It is almost the best app. created! I would love to work this out together! surrounding yourself with positivity is essential in your weightloss! I'd be delighted to be your friend and help encourage you along the way! we can def. do this, becasue our life depends on it!