Over 200 New Year New me Part 42

I am here I have just been busy with my mom having her biopsy and her upcoming surgery.So I spent the weekend with her and cleaned her house up for her,called and checked on her today and she was doing a bit better than last night she has stitches under her arm from her biopsy and she should get the results from that sometime this week.Her surgery is the 11th of this month and thats why I went over and cleaned for her before she left Monday to go for her biopsy and I will probably go and clean again this weekend if we don't get a snow storm like they are predicting.My oldest had to have a root canal Monday and then I have been broke out in hives from a mysterious allergic reaction that is unknown to me still but it is finally starting to clear up after 4 days of hives and itching lol.I have been doing my new game Just Dance 2 for the Wii everyday with my youngest Amelia and I think I love this game and all the sweat it produces.I will meet my goals this year NO EXCUSES and NO QUITTING or FALLING OFF THE WAGON .I will do this!!Thanks to all of you who checked up on me love you gals


  • bounce0033
    I will have to check that out. I am wondering what it woudl be like it if one was to do it "extreme" style (with ankle weights and sweat suit) :happy:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Ann, so good to see you and I love the new profile pic! Between you, Meokk, and Teresa - we've got some lovely ladies here!

    I got back about 20 min ago from the gym. It was crowded (I was there 7:30-8:30), but not so bad that I couldn't get on a treadmill and ellipitcal when I wanted to. Burned 310 cals running/walking for 30 min and 235 on the ellitipcal for 20 min. Not too shabby! This is a good thing because hubby made chili tonight and it's so much better doctored with sour cream, cheese, and tortilla chips!! :laugh:

    Oh, to follow up on the lasagna story, I didn't see it, but this morning he sent a text: Thanks for fixing my lunch. I love you. Guess it's a good thing the whole, "You're aren't spending $10 b/c you don't have time!" was an internal monologue, huh? This morning could have been very different! He also let me know tonight that he's not going to go out for lunch because a colleague just got her MFA and they are celebrating. I love that he's warning me about the fact that he's spending money! :laugh:

    I'll try to check in later tonight. If not, see you tomorrow!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    check in

    Calories.. 76 to spare
    Water.. yep a lil over a gallon
    exercise.. WII Dance Party 2 (25 mins) Love it.. although I am so uncoordinated its comical
    Proud... Even though I had some bourbon balls today I still stayed within my calories!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- Thanks for the new thread. Your mom is in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    Calories: 1733 -- Under by a couple hundred cals since I exercised today. But I'm not going to force myself to eat more as long as this doesn't become a habit.
    Exercise: 40 minute brisk walk
    Water: About 8 cups -- need a little more
    Proud: I exercised today for the first time in about 3 weeks. Felt good. I made a pretty healthy chicken veggie stir fry with brown rice for dinner & let myself have strawberry honey bunches of oats for dessert. Yum!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I am here I have just been busy with my mom having her biopsy and her upcoming surgery.So I spent the weekend with her and cleaned her house up for her,called and checked on her today and she was doing a bit better than last night she has stitches under her arm from her biopsy and she should get the results from that sometime this week.Her surgery is the 11th of this month and thats why I went over and cleaned for her before she left Monday to go for her biopsy and I will probably go and clean again this weekend if we don't get a snow storm like they are predicting.My oldest had to have a root canal Monday and then I have been broke out in hives from a mysterious allergic reaction that is unknown to me still but it is finally starting to clear up after 4 days of hives and itching lol.I have been doing my new game Just Dance 2 for the Wii everyday with my youngest Amelia and I think I love this game and all the sweat it produces.I will meet my goals this year NO EXCUSES and NO QUITTING or FALLING OFF THE WAGON .I will do this!!Thanks to all of you who checked up on me love you gals

    Hey Ann glad to you see you on here. Your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. We can do this!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hi everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that I love this group but it's too much for me to keep up with. I am spending more time on it than I should so I will be leaving the group. However, I will still be on the site. I have to get this weight off. If anyone wants to stay in touch with me feel free to send a friend request. I think I am friends with most of you already though.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sorry to see Tart and Laura leave, but I completely understand. This is a fast-paced group, you're right! Good luck on your journeys! Stop by and see us once in a while!

    Day Three of Teacher of the Year: Told the first grade I changed my name from Ms. K. to Ms. Teacher of the Year and that from this moment forward they must call me by my new name. :wink: They did! :laugh:

    check in:
    calories: over - WAAAAAYYYYY too much guyere!!! :grumble: Who knew it was so high in calories?!?!?!!??! :noway:
    water: 100
    exercise: dancing with my students
    proud: I've been doing pretty well this week, food-wise.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well here it is almost 3 am and I can't sleep. What the heck!? I finished Biggest Loser and I watched the Where Are They Now episode and I'm so motivated? Its 3 am and I'm ready for a workout haha...so thought I would read the posts. So sorry to see Julie-Tart leaving us. Please do drop in from time to time and let us know how you are doing.

    Cris-Doesn't it feel great to know you motivated someone to start c25k? And congrats on the 6mph run for 60 seconds! That's amazing! I attempted the same thing the other day at the gym. Feels great huh?

    Ann-Your mom is my thoughts and prayers. I know how overwhelming the whole process is for your whole family. Glad you are taking care of yourself and her.

    Blue-I love that you are having your kids call you Ms. Teacher Of The Year!

    Lauren-Great calorie burn! I can't wait till the gym isn't so crowded again. Is that mean to say? haha..I love that people are so motivated but I don't like having to fight and wait for a piece of cardio equipment.

    CoGirl-Yay for exercise today and staying within calories!

    Julie-Glad to see you are back in the swing of things. Are you having less nausea now?

    Okay...I need to try and get some sleep. I do get to sleep in though. Dr appointment in the morning. UGH! Stupid dr just wants his co pay to refill a rx. Silly nonsense!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning!! I can't decide if it's already Thursday or only Thursday. Such a weird week!

    I have a feeling today is going to be a long one... The house is super clean, no homework yet, Adam won't be home until late (sounds like all good excuses to get in a workout!).

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories: Under!
    Exercise: Heck yeah! Lots of cleaning plus three rounds of the circuit I've been working on
    Water: Lots!
    Proud: Still rolling and feeling good!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Check in for yesterday:
    Calories - good over by 6
    Water - 90ish
    Exercise- just some walking
    Proud - I'm back on track

    Ann - good to see you and sorry about all your current trials. Hope your mom does well.
    Elmox - ha ha you told him !!! I get so mad at hubby when he wastes leftovers too !!
    Jess - I feel your pain. It's hateful shopping for bathing suits even when ur not a large girl and just torture for us. Like heather I've had a few good suits from lands end. But they are pricey. You can sometimes find deals in their online clearance section.
    Cris- WTG you are rockin the exercise. I need to do that.
    Blue - love the PM story. So tragically funny
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Tart and ready2loose - Sorry see to you got but we understand.

    Girls i am freaking sore...We only did 2 rotations of the stuff yesterday (I am supposed to be doing three when i do it on my own) and my arms and shouldars are sore...i am going to wait a few days before i try it again...

    good news i got on the scale and down 3 lbs so far from last Friday...it is a good feeling to see the scale going down again !!

    Spend the last 20 minutes filing a stupid claim with the usps. of course it wasn't as simple as saying you lost my package, i insured it for 100.00 give me my 100.00 ...i had to fill this stuff on line (luckily they just added this before you had to mail it all in). So i had to scan in all my receipts. Luckily i kept them all. So now hopefully they will be snappy so i can go re-shopping for them.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I am suppose to do c25k today, but my muscles are still aching from my workout yesterday :( I think I might just try to walk on the treadmill today and do a little stretching.

    checking in for yesterday

    calories: about 100 under
    exercise: 25 mins of a Jillian Micheals workout dvd, and then 10 mins of cleaning
    water: 11 glasses
    proud: wasn't craving sugar all day like I usually do, so I am doing something right
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks for the sweet comment Elmox!! I think all the ladies here are beautiful and we are strong and we will reach our goals this year .
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    thanks for the sweet comment Elmox!! I think all the ladies here are beautiful and we are strong and we will reach our goals this year .


    Lauren - you should definitely include yourself in that group :) Thank you for the lovely compliment! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laura and Julie-Tart: So sad to see you go, but glad you'll still be working on your journeys and using MFP. Hopefully you'll stop in and let us know how you're doing. Don't ever feel bad about giving us a quick update! Make sure I'm on your friends list and I'll be happy to still be here as support for you.

    Frozenmango and Madagooga: Welcome!

    Cris: I love that you inspired one of your friends to start C25k! Congrats on 60 seconds at 6.0!

    Ann: Glad you haven't disappeared on us! Your mom is in my thoughts.

    Nancy: I love the new name, Ms. Teacher of the Year! Can I call you Ms. T-O-Y for short?

    As for me, I registered for the Warrior Dash this morning, so there's no turning back now. I'm committed! I also registered my sister (willingly) and bf (not-so-willingly). A few other friends may register as well. I'm busy recruiting people who can help me make it through. I have a loose training plan in place based on the obstacles that will be included.

    I've also been considering committing to one 5k per month for the year. It sounds crazy, yes, but I already researched which 5ks would be in my area and when. Of course, Warrior Dash would be the one for July and the Gobble Gait (8k) would be November. Any thoughts? The first one would be January 29th, so I have to get outside and practice running on the snow-packed trail with my snow traction things. For those of you not in cold climates, they look like spiraled wires that attached to the bottom of shoes for traction. One brand is Yak Trax.

    The other thing I'm planning on doing is taking an American Sign Language class through community education. I've always wanted to do it and it's $300 for the beginner level through the local colleges. The class through community ed is a basic ASL class, focusing on conversational ASL for $69. The best thing is that it end the week my volunteering (where ASL would be helpful) begins! Talk about perfect timing and the right price!

    This year is going to be all about improving myself without setting any number-related scale goals. In working on fitness goals, I'm hoping the numbers will follow. If I ever start whining about the scale, please remind me of this!!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On target
    Water: None! Drinking too much diet soda again!
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I signed up for the Warrior Dash!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning! Sad to see people leave, I understand, however one of the things I love about this group is you can be as active as you want to be! Having a slow day at work and feel like stalking? Lots of posts! Crazy-busy and can only check in once a week? No worries! Good to know they can be supported here.

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under w/exercise - 1515. Yup - ate the chili plus cheese, chips, and sour cream. YUM!
    Water - Call me a camel - 128 oz
    Exercise - Cardio for 50 min = 545 cals burned
    Proud - I've exercised three days in a row! All have been different types (yoga, jazzercise, treadmill/ellipitcal) which has been helpful. Last night I got how around 7 and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to fit the gym in. However, Jonathan was on his own timeline and hadn't even started dinner yet, so I had a good hour or so for the gym. It's great to know that he's so supportive. He also was flexible in our plans tonight so I can hit up jazzercise. Loving my hubby extra these days!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    thanks for the sweet comment Elmox!! I think all the ladies here are beautiful and we are strong and we will reach our goals this year .


    Lauren - you should definitely include yourself in that group :) Thank you for the lovely compliment! :flowerforyou:

    Oh honey, I KNOW I'm gorgeous!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :wink: :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Forgot my check in for yesterday

    checkin 1/5
    Cals - 1498 (under by 30 with exercise cals)
    Water - Not so good 16 oz
    Exercise - 45 min with personal trainer doing strength training
    Proud - That i am feeling good about 2011 , having a better attidude and a PLAN !!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had another OB appointment this morning (Monday was my pushed back "9 week" appointment for bloodwork, and ultrasound, & nurse stuff & today was my "12 week" appointment with the doc).

    Sorry, Jess, I had to step on the scale at the doc's office but YAY, I've lost 2 pounds since Monday! :drinker: I confirmed it on my scale when I got home just to be sure my clothes weren't 2 pounds lighter or something & I was 1.8 pounds down at home. I was very very surprised she didn't mention anything about my weight. Nothing at all. She didn't advise me to gain or not gain or anything. We got written info at our last appointment but I just expected to be reminded not to go hog wild on the eating front.

    Also, she couldn't find the heartbeat with her little doppler yet so I got to have another super quick ultrasound today! :bigsmile: Baby is SOOOOO very wiggly. I'm gonna have so much fun with the little wiggle worm constantly dancing around in there in a couple months. :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls,

    Ann, I am so glad to see you and I am praying for your mom.

    Laura and Julie-Tart, sorry to see you go.

    Jess, up a 3 am, I am just too old I need my sleep.

    Ms. Teacher of the Year, so glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, Okay, I have WONDERFUL NEWS, My son Ry went into Christmas break, NOT writing, ONLY knowing 13 uppercase letters and 4 lowercase letters. Well, yesterday he identified ALL 26 UPPERCASE LETTERS And told me what sound they made he also was able to identify 13 lower case letters. Then if that was not all wonderful enough he came home from church with a pc. of paper that he Ryan yes Ryan wrote all by himself. B R A Q T O P V M and something he is saying is a W not too sure about that but the other letters are CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a reminder he WAS NOT writing and when we forced him to write he would barely write his name and only I could tell it said Ryan (maybe others who knew him but man was it hard to decipher)