Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - WTG on the size 16 i am sure you are rocking it :smile:
    Momma - I am soo happy that ry is doing soo good.

    I am about done with the day, i am thinking i am going to take a bath my legs are soo sore, thinking a hot bath may help.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- what great news!!!

    Checking in 1/11:
    calories- between 1200-1300 I think
    water- yup and still drinking
    sodium- I think Im over but not by much
    excercise- shred
    proud- I was going to use being home with the baby as an excuse to skip a workout but since he was napping decided to get off my bum instead of relax..it was worth it! Im also proud I didnt overeat being at home!

    be back tomorrow! gnight sisters!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma - I am SO happy for you and Ry! God is so good!
    Jess - Woohooo 16!!!
    deb - hoping that bath made you feel a bit better!
    cris - good job working out! And I planned my meals today and it went really well! :bigsmile:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 100
    exercise: cleaning house and 30 min elliptical - I made it through!
    proud: I planned my meals today and stuck to it! Success!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok I will show you guys the pic of the tattoo I want but I don't know how to post pics to the thread.Can someone helps me?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma I just looked at your ticker and we have lost the same amount of weight so far this year YAY US!!!
    By the way everyone my mom is out of surgery and in recovery and the doc said the surgery went well.Thanks for your prayers but continue them please because she is not cleared yet and she is going to be in alot of pain for awhile.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ann that is good to hear about the surgery going well. As for posting a pic you take the IMG and you make them img . I took the IMG at the beginning and end and changed them to lower case and now I have the actual pic (any excuse to show a pic of my baby)

  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Gosh, is it only Wednesday?? I feel like this week is taking forever.

    Still trying to shake the crappy feeling from yesterday... thank goodness for this:


    I give up trying to really post the picture, I can't get it to work. But here's the link!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under
    water: really need to get back on this
    exercise: i didn't count any officially, but there was lots of running around with the puppy
    proud: of the little guy for only peeing in the house twice all day :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - glad to hear your moms surgery went well , hoping for her quick recovery and that you get good news that the cancer is all gone.

    So now my other freaking eye hurts ..ugg...there is no bump but it is swollen and tender, i am going to put the drops he had me put in the other eye and the warm compress and hopefully it will feel better.

    So i got email back from our mortgage company, there is no way we can afford to do a 90 day lock on our interest rate :sad: it would be around 600 $$ we are barely going to manage getting the downpayment and closing stuff so we will just have to ride it out...so really the only thing we are waiting is for them to approve the 1 more month of rent..I am hoping to hear something tomorrow.

    Very disappointed in the scale this morning 1 lbs up :sad: I was like 1 lb down from last friday yesterday afternoon , so i am 2 lbs up from yesterday faternooon...i am sure that ham i had was part of it...i didn't drink water hardly at all yesterday so i am guessing that is part of it too ...i still don't like it :sad:

    Check in -

    Calories - 30 under
    Water = See above
    Exercise - 46 min 400 cal on arc trainer
    Proud - I am not giving up ...
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    My mom just called to tell me my uncle died early this morning... please keep my aunt/cousins in your prayers.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Teresa -I am soo sorry to hear about your uncle. YOur family is in my thoughts.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    teresa, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle...my condolences goes out to you and your family

    Nancy, Hugs to you. the weight will come off..because I know it's not actual (real) weight gain...stay positive

    Deb, sending positive vibes your way..hopefully alll the morgage stuff will resolve soon. and sorry to hear your other eye hurts..((hugs to you too))

    Cris, glad your son is doing great..and you go girl attempting to do shred again..awesome gir!!

    jess, congrats on the size 16 swimsuit...You rock sista!!!

    Momma, I am so happy for you and Ryan. He is doing awesome :) and so are you!!!

    Ann, praying for your mother and her speedy (and healthy) recovery

    check in
    calories: a little over ( I had 3 home made falafel) well worth the calories
    water; about 80 oz
    exercise, nada
    proud, TOM payed me a visit and I didn't go overboard wiht my eating...I planned it all out and stuck wiht it :)

    Philly got 9 inches of snow and now it's time for me to clean the front of the house and my car..what fun! And my kids are home..ssso not sure if I will be on later today...if not, Have a great hump-day!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: Please accept my sympathy regarding your uncle. I will keep your family in my thoughts. Just hug the adorable Gunner in moments of sadness. Nothing helps tears better than puppy kisses.

    Laila: So glad your son's hearing is fine.

    Deb: Yay for your tenant renewing his lease.

    Jess: Congrats on the size 16 swimsuit!

    Momma: Hugs to Ryan for doing so great!

    Last night, I weighed in at 2.2 lbs. less than the week before at Weight Watchers, so that's good. I wasn't sure how it was going to look considering I went WAY over my points for last week. I'm excited to see how I do once I start staying in my weekly points. After my meeting, I met an ex coworker for dinner at Wendy's, but I pre-planned and stuck with it. I would have been seven points over for the night, but I did Level 1 of 30 Day Shred, which gained back the 7 points (how convenient, right?). Complete coincidence on the numbers. It felt good to workout hard again, even if I did struggle a little. Too much time off is not a good thing!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Right on target!
    Water: 57 oz...better but not there yet.
    Exercise: Level 1 of 30 Day Shred
    Proud: That I exercised even though it was 9:00pm.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi wonderfuly MFP ladies! I'm so glad you are still here and so supportive. I'm starting over ... had my first nutrition 4 weightloss class last night. It was what I was expecting and it isn't going to be easy, but I think it is necessary. The first thing I have to do is quit my diet pepsi. So today I am switching to tea. No more (or very little) processed foods... that is going to be a challenge. I'm going to have to do a lot more planning for meals. I'm supposed to have a protein, carb (fruit, vegetables, some grains), and a healthy fat every time I eat. I have always had a problem not getting enough protein so I'm really going to have to work on that as well as the change in carbs. I will be shopping at lunchtime today to stock up on the things I can eat. I would say that I am 'grudgingly committed' to doing this. It isn't quite the best attitude - but at least I am committed. I felt more motivated once I logged onto MFP and read the last couple of days of posts from you all ... hopefully getting re-connected at MFP will help me to follow my new nutrition plans.
    I'm happy to be back! :flowerforyou:

    Theresa: I'm sorry about your Uncle and will be thinking of you and your family.
    Ann: I'm also sorry about your Aunt-in-law but glad that your mother's surgery went well, and will be thinking of you as well.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Teresa, sorry to hear about your uncle. Your family is in my thoughts.
    Ann, glad to hear the surgery went well!
    lstpaul, good to see you!
    Jess, way to be a hot mamacita in your size 16 swimsuit!
    Heather and Cris, way to go with your Shred yesterday!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Under w/exercise (-73) = 1652
    Water - 64 oz (a weak day for me!)
    Exercise - 55 min of Jazzercise = 525 cals burned
    Proud - I pretty much stuck to what I had planned out at the beginning of the day. Switched out an apple for some crackers, added in some wine with dinner because I had the cals to spare. So while it wasn't a perfect planning day, it was pretty close.

    NYC got hit by the snowstorm and many people are working from home today. I decided to come in because I'll be out for the next two days. It's vacation time! Hubby and I are headed to Los Angeles tomorrow morning for 5 days! I am super super excited. I'll be logging my food, but I'm probably going to be closer to maintenance cals than losing cals. Hopefully I won't go totally crazy!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Teresa -- so sorry to hear about your uncle.

    I had to come into work this morning. :frown: At least I got to sleep in until 9.30. And at leat I only have 2.5 days to work until a 3 day weekend! It's going to be a major shock when I finally have to work 5 full days in a week again. :laugh: Haven't done that since December 13-17. Won't do it again until Feb 7-11 because of the way my OB appointments are lined up & holidays.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I have no idea how to post pics to the thread but if you click on my profile they are there.The one tattoo of the flowers and the buds are to represent each of my children.The three flowers represent my girls and then I was going to have 2 buds for my miscarriage.The one I like for Breast Cancer the best is the one on the ankle but I want it on my foot and I want inside the ribbon to say COURAGE!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    teresa your family will be in my thoughts and prayers
    Thanks for all the prayers.I talked to my mom this morning and she sounds great
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heyo!! I just realized the baby on my ticker moved up into a new box! Looks like it happened a couple of days ago and I just noticed. Bad mom. :laugh: My supervisor offered me a ton of awesome stuff this morning. A pac n play, boppies, a heart monitor, 2 diaper bags that were "manly" enough for dad to carry, and a ton of clothes (if we have a boy)!! That will save us a ton of money! And you guys know how cheap I am so you have to know how excited I must be about this. :tongue:

    Ann -- so glad your mom is doing well!! Your family is in my thoughts.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Ann - I love the tattoo idea! I have a similar one on my shoulder... there are flowers for all for grandparents, parents, sister, Adam, and one of my uncles that died in 2000. Whenever I have kids, I'm going to have flowers for them added, and for Adam's two girls, too. I'll try and post a picture :)

    Just posted one to my profile!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I wore my HRM while I shoveled snow and it said 400 cals!! whoop whoop!

    My son is def feeling better so back to school tomorrow! I still wish I could take him out to play in the snow but hes still coughing and has a slight runny nose so I dont want to risk taking him in the cold while his immune system is still recovering.

    Im off to put the last of the christmas decor away! yay!!!

    We are getting our house painted prob next week then we can finally hang up pictures (we've lived here for a year and havent hung anything up because we have been waiting to paint..it doesnt feel too homey)

    bbl the lil one wants me