Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Great challenge Cris!! I do plan ahead anyways that way I don't veer far from my plan for the day.
    Deb and Laila I am doing the Dr. Oz program too so we are all going to rock this.I also have set a personal goal of at least 50 pounds gone by July 1st.I feel like this is going to be my year to shine and I will no longer let food control my life or the way I feel.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello! Sorry I didn't have a chance to hop on here this weekend, but I was thinking about all of you!

    Julie: Have fun "hooking."

    Deb: Wow, the house thing sounds a bit crazy right now. Great job on going to spinning this weekend.

    Cris: Love the planning challenge! I'll plan out tomorrow as one of my days because I already know where I'm eating for dinner and I have all my breakfast and lunch groceries at home.

    Jess: Yay for Warrior Dash training. I'd LOVE if you came up here for it, even if you can't get in the same wave. Keep me posted!!

    Laila: I signed up for the Dr. Oz thing, too, but haven't had time to play on the website. I'm shooting for 20 lbs.

    Lauren: I got the Groupon for Jazzercise in my email and might buy it tomorrow. Just need to re-check the schedule and if it works with my schedule, I'm doing it! I want to get my 80s workout on,too!

    Meokk: I haven't started the squat challenge yet because I completely forgot about it. I'll try to do the initial test tonight.

    Hope you all had a good weekend. I overate because I didn't plan ahead, but at least we did some snowshoeing so I don't feel as bad as I would have if we hadn't gone out. Saturday's outing burned 878 calories in 1.5 hours! Woot!

    Have a good evening!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Do people not know that i am a very very impatient person. I have a phone call into 1 person, and email into 2 different people and nada, no responses..

    I am know i am very anal about things, but still :smile: I like to have a plan and when i don't it seems to disrupt my well being
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do people not know that i am a very very impatient person. I have a phone call into 1 person, and email into 2 different people and nada, no responses..

    I am know i am very anal about things, but still :smile: I like to have a plan and when i don't it seems to disrupt my well being

    I'm the saaaaaame way!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Heather, I hope you're able to find a center with classes that work for you. I'm headed back again tonight. I actually forgot my sports bra at home, so I'm leaving work a bit early to stop by K-mart to get one. Yup, I'm buying a sports bra to work out - dedication! :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Do people not know that i am a very very impatient person. I have a phone call into 1 person, and email into 2 different people and nada, no responses..

    I am know i am very anal about things, but still :smile: I like to have a plan and when i don't it seems to disrupt my well being

    I'm the saaaaaame way!!


    So did anyone get back to me today NOOOOOOO. THe sales lady is out now till thursday (it is her weekend) so probably won't find anything out till the end of the week.

    They are "supposed" to do plumping this week so we will see if that happens, they said foundation like thursday, but with it being so freaking cold i am doubting that.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    staying home with my son tomorrow too....****sigh*** he hasnt eaten or drank too much the last 48 hrs and he has some kind of viral infection in his throat. Hopefully he will sleep tonight although its doubtful since he slept a lot during the day.

    Anyway, Ill have to run out and get some food because there is nothing in the house that I can eat...and he could use more fruit which is what he usually eats when he is sick, hopefully tomorrow he will have some (if you knew my son you'd know he NEVER refuses food- so its worrisome)

    Checking in 1/10:
    calories- 1110
    water- i think so hard to keep track
    sodium- eh prob ok
    excercise- none...booo was supposed to do wk2 today...guess ill do it tomorow?
    proud- i dont know..that i didnt use being stuck in a house full of non healthy food as an excuse to over eat and that i kept my cool today with bobbys antics
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris - thanks for the challenge. Gonna be a tough one for me but I am going to do it. I hope your li'l man gets better soon.
    laila - I would be nervous, too, but speaking as a teacher I can say that 90% of the time it's fluid in the ears or too much wax. I'll be sending positive thoughts!

    We're getting snow and I am PRAYING for a LOT so that school is canceled! :smokin:

    check in:
    cals: perfect
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min walk plus 15 min elliptical
    proud: I got on that elliptical even when I did NOT want to!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    CHeck in 01/10 -

    Cals - under by 30 woohoo
    Water - not good
    Exercise - 50 min with pt
    Proud - Week 2 going strong.

    My legs are sore this morning, i am sure it was from the pt yesterday...that means something is working or that is what i am telling myself.

    It is freaking 20 outside, this texas gal does not like the cold.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning gals!

    Rather rotten day yesterday... my uncle has been fighting cancer for a while and yesterday he took a turn for the worse. He probably won't make it through the next couple of days. And in addition to that, I have to forgo school until at least next spring... effing financial aid (read: stupid Teresa).


    Checking in for yesterday:
    Under calories
    Not enough water
    Workout circuit
    Proud: Not much to be proud of yesterday as far as myself goes... but Gunner managed to only pee in the house once. And it was on the linoleum floor!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Morning gals!

    Rather rotten day yesterday... my uncle has been fighting cancer for a while and yesterday he took a turn for the worse. He probably won't make it through the next couple of days. And in addition to that, I have to forgo school until at least next spring... effing financial aid (read: stupid Teresa).


    Checking in for yesterday:
    Under calories
    Not enough water
    Workout circuit
    Proud: Not much to be proud of yesterday as far as myself goes... but Gunner managed to only pee in the house once. And it was on the linoleum floor!

    Sorry to hear about your uncle.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Teresa -- ((hugs)) So sorry about your uncle. And that really sucks about school.
    Cris -- Hope your soon feels better soon.
    Nancy -- fingers crossed for a snow day!
    Deb -- Ugh, building a house must be so nerve-wracking! I can hardly stand to buy a house so I can't even imagine how much I'd freak in the process of actually having one built.

    I have another snow day today. I decided in the middle of the night that if we got the day off again I'd be super productive & work on clearing out the nursery. But now I'm feeling super lazy. :ohwell:
    I'm scheduled to drive at the pizza place tonight but if roads are so bad the governor closed offices then I probably shouldn't be driving around delivering pizzas either, especially since it's supposed to be super cold tonight (and I know my definition of "super cold" would make many of you laugh :laugh:). I hope they're closed because I called in sick last week and I really hate to call in again. I should quit.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning gals!

    Rather rotten day yesterday... my uncle has been fighting cancer for a while and yesterday he took a turn for the worse. He probably won't make it through the next couple of days. And in addition to that, I have to forgo school until at least next spring... effing financial aid (read: stupid Teresa).


    Checking in for yesterday:
    Under calories
    Not enough water
    Workout circuit
    Proud: Not much to be proud of yesterday as far as myself goes... but Gunner managed to only pee in the house once. And it was on the linoleum floor!
    Definitely sorry to hear about your uncle I will be praying for you and your family.Cancer is definitely an ugly thing.My mom is battling breast cancer and my husbands Aunt just passed away from a brain tumor that she battled for 2 years.I pray your uncle gets well and can recover from that awful disease
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning gals!

    I'm about to leave to the hospital...thanks for the positive vibes, everyone:heart:

    I am so nervous to what the hearing specialist has to say. I never realized he had a problem (he's 5 y/o) and his teacher was suprized when I mentioned it to her. I just hope (and pray) it's nothing serious.

    Please pray he is ok...my feeling are all over hte place :sad: but I am being optimistic..

    I have to go, the drive to philly is annoying ( I hate Interstate 95) especially during rush hour...

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning gals!

    Rather rotten day yesterday... my uncle has been fighting cancer for a while and yesterday he took a turn for the worse. He probably won't make it through the next couple of days. And in addition to that, I have to forgo school until at least next spring... effing financial aid (read: stupid Teresa).


    Checking in for yesterday:
    Under calories
    Not enough water
    Workout circuit
    Proud: Not much to be proud of yesterday as far as myself goes... but Gunner managed to only pee in the house once. And it was on the linoleum floor!

    So sorry to hear about your uncle..prayers goes out to your uncle:heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - THianks...It is very stressful and they dang thing hasn't even started yet...ONce they start we will have to be out there checking they are doing things like they are supposed to and stuff...right not it is just stressful for getting the money for it and for when we will be done with it , adding on the kids shcools uggg...trying not to stress about it today too much. Best case we will get in 1st of april, worst case 1st of may, really is only a month.

    GLad you got another snow day !! We got no more snow just freaking cold. 21 this morning that is way way way way to cold for me...I am a wimp...luckily i don't actually have to go out in it besides going to work out at lunch.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in 1/10

    Calories: Ate all but 400 of my exercise calories
    Water: 4 - 25oz bottles = 100oz
    Exercise: PT for an hour.
    Proud: Trainer tested me and compared to day 1 - I am stronger and can now walk a 3.5 incline at 3.5 miles per hour for longer than he wanted to wait around for, so he bumped the incline to 7. My original was less than a minute!

    Lightly snowing STILL! Bought a new scale yesterday and synced up with trainer.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Please be praying for my moms surgery to go well today and that they get all the cancer and this nightmare is over for me and my family.I am a wreck today waiting to hear the news.I couldn't afford to drive down to be with her and that sort of upsets me too but waiting is driving me crazy as well.I have been crying off and on again all morning.I have faith God will take care of her just hard dealing with my emotions right now.Thanks for listening.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Please be praying for my moms surgery to go well today and that they get all the cancer and this nightmare is over for me and my family.I am a wreck today waiting to hear the news.I couldn't afford to drive down to be with her and that sort of upsets me too but waiting is driving me crazy as well.I have been crying off and on again all morning.I have faith God will take care of her just hard dealing with my emotions right now.Thanks for listening.

    Ann - HOping everyghing goes good with your mom and they get all the cancer.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Lots of prayers for my weight-loss sisters and their families today!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under (30!) w/exercise = 1658
    Water - 112 oz
    Exercise - 50 min of Jazzercise = 488 cals burned
    Proud - That I went to Jazzercise and had fun while working out!

    Cris, I'm trying your challenge today. I've planned out my food and I'm 233 cals over. However, I'm going to Jazzercise which burns about 475 cals, so I'm thinking I'll be good.