Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sending hugs and prayers to all my sisters and their families today. Lots going on! :flowerforyou: Your all in my thoughts today.

    Cris-I've planned my whole day but I haven't met my calories yet. I may add a snack here and there. I'm eating out for 2 meals today but they are planned. Does that count for the challenge!?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Double Post
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    If my post showed twice I apologize...I can't see my posts for some reason...grrrr
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    well I know what I am going to do once I lose my 50-60 pounds by July 1st.I am rewarding myself with a new outfit and I am going to Gatlinburg with my sis and getting a breast cancer ribbon tattoo on my foot.The ribbon will be inside and open-heart and no it won't be very big because it will be on my foot but I love the picture of it that I found online of the one I want.It will be pink with the words Hope,Faith and courage around it.I may get it on my ankle not for sure
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    well I know what I am going to do once I lose my 50-60 pounds by July 1st.I am rewarding myself with a new outfit and I am going to Gatlinburg with my sis and getting a breast cancer ribbon tattoo on my foot.The ribbon will be inside and open-heart and no it won't be very big because it will be on my foot but I love the picture of it that I found online of the one I want.It will be pink with the words Hope,Faith and courage around it.I may get it on my ankle not for sure

    As someone who has a tattoo on their foot and ankle..I say go for the ankle! hahahaha....The one on my foot was painful and your foot swells so big you can't wear shoes. I could barley shove my bit foot in a flip flop for about 1-2 weeks. And that is when I weighed less then 200 pounds..haha.. Do you have a picture of it? I would love to see it. I want something similar for my Mom as well. Just havent decided how I want to do it or where. If I get anymore tattoos my Mom might have a heart attack!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Please be praying for my moms surgery to go well today and that they get all the cancer and this nightmare is over for me and my family.I am a wreck today waiting to hear the news.I couldn't afford to drive down to be with her and that sort of upsets me too but waiting is driving me crazy as well.I have been crying off and on again all morning.I have faith God will take care of her just hard dealing with my emotions right now.Thanks for listening.

    Your family is in my thoughts Ann.

    My mom had surgery for breast cancer 14 years ago. She also underwent radiation treatment. It was tough for her then but she's awesome & cancer free today! :smile: And completely obsessed & consumed with becoming a grandmother. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ANn - that sounds awesome, i want to see a pic of it too.

    Well i don't know if this is good news or bad news...so my prop manager emailed me back , he said he sent out an extension to our tenant in our house in MS, he hasn't returned it yet, but he h as also not put in a 30 day notice...(which technically he doesn't have to until the end of january). I am praying he will re-new his lease ...if he doesn't this is going to be very difficult for us getting in the house by end of march as we would have to pay 1/2 month rent for a new tenant (means finding a new tenant) and cleaning and all that jazz, and i doubt we can close without someone being in there. If he signs that is 1 less thing i have to worry about and would make me feel better about all this.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa, Laila, Cris and Ann: My thoughts are will you all today as you struggle with illnesses in your families. I hope all turns out alright! Lots of hugs your way.

    Lauren: It doesn't look like I'll be doing the Jazzercise because the locations and schedules don't really sync up with my schedule. Bummer! Instead, I'm planning on trying the Boot Camp class that community education is offering starting next week, as well as maybe going back to Zumba for variety.

    Deb: Best of luck with everything on the house. Here's to hoping your tenant stays!

    Yesterday was a good eating day for me, being only one point over because I had Wendy's for dinner and a Caribou coffee at my meeting. Yum! Today starts my new week for Points and I've planned out the entire day. If I don't exercise, I'm three points over (going out to dinner with an old co-worker) and if I do, I'll be great. It's still within the weekly allowance, so no problems. I'll have to determine which day works best this week for my second pre-planning day.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Over by 1
    Water: 40.9 oz (still not doing well with this)
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I didn't let going overboard on eating this weekend derail my Monday!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Wow, There is a lot going on today. Oh my friends you are all in my prayers. I hope everything works out.

    Check in for yesterday.

    Calories: over, went out to dinner.
    Exercise: yes
    Water: yes

    Proud that I was able to go out yesterday be over on my cals for dinner but be right back on track this morning. Doing this with the idea that this is my new reality. I may have one bad meal on occassion but that does not end the journey.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    quick pop-in..
    my son's hearing is fine...specialist ran tests and the final verdict was he is fine. s, YAH!!!! she did say that his left ear is slightly off (hearing wise)...but htat isbecause he has a little cold/congestion...Thank GOD!!!

    we are expecting snow (again!) so most likely my kids will come home from school early

    bbl...maybe :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    YAY!! OUr tenant is renewing their lease...THis takes such a big burden off of me.....I was soo worried he was going to move out.

    He did say there were a couple things, like a light flickering and also the roof. We are getting a handyman come out that will cost like maybe 60 bucks to fix it. And the roof they said lots of shingles were gone and lots of other people were having roofs replaced. We are getting an estimate, were are hoping if it needs to be replaced we can get them to include the deductible in the cost we aren't out of pocket any...that would be great...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Deb- That's great news!!!

    Laila- yay for good hearing!

    Theresa- Im sorry about your Uncle..

    Ann- Still keeping your mom in my thoughts

    My son is feeling better, hes fever free and starting to eat a little so I got all his favorite fruits and hope he chows down! Its been rough working from home. He clings to me like white on rice...I did leave to go to the office for a little while so that was a nice "break" Love my lil man to death but boy oh boy I am NOT cut out to be a stay at home mom! I really admire those of you who are!

    Its starting to snow here (FINALLY!) I was all excited about this up coming storm cause I would be able to take Brayden out to play but of course now hes sick so BUMMER!

    Gonna go eat lunch (yes at 3pm ) ...bbl to check in

    shred tonight...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Girls, I got on the scale (big mistake) and gained another four pounds since Friday. WTF??? I have been doing pretty good with food and have started exercising regularly again. Ugh.

    I am NOT giving up! Besides, it's a snow day!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - I am glad your little guy is feeling better

    Nancy - DOn't fret the pound, if you are exercising again from not for a while your muscles could be holding on to water..I really think i am i started doing more strength stuff and notice the scale is up or the same the last few days.

    Went to the gym, pretty good workout, 400 cals, given my quads were sore i figure that is pretty darn good.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- its prob just your body reacting to you excercising again...you know you didnt eat that many calories so dont fret keep at it girl!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-The same thing hapened to me when I started back up! Don't fret. It will move the right direction again. Just be extra good right now. Your doing great!

    Deb-That is wonderful news about your tenant!! YAY!!

    Cris-Glad lil man is feeling better! Maybe he will be up for playing in the snow tomorrow...

    **TMI TMI TMI***
    Pretty sure I'm going to be seeing a loss again tomorrow...feel like I'm living in the bathroom today. TOM must be arriving tomorrow. haha...My TMI moment for today!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thank you for the support, sisters! The last thing I want is to go back up.

    Getting a lot done today - cleaned the kitchen, ran laundry and now am going to work out on the elliptical then cook my lunch/dinner. Filet mignon with asparagus!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Nancy - It won't...keep doing what you are doing and it will move the right direction.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I forgot to post my exciting news last week!! I ordered a swimsuit for Mexico online at Fashion Bug last week. I was feeling skinny so I ordered an 16 hoping it would fit....it FITS!!! It doesn't look too bad if I do say so myself!! :bigsmile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Laila, glad that everything is okay with your son and his hearing.

    Nancy, keep chugging a long it will come off!!!

    Jess, Yay for swimsuits that look good and size 16's.

    Okay Cris, I am sticking to the plan for today. I planned out my lunch and dinner. So here is the check in. (hopefully)

    exercise: good
    water: good

    proud that I am sticking to this. I am also proud to be Ryan's mom. The little guy has done great in school yesterday and today after being out of school for 3 weeks. That is pretty amazing for someone like Ry. Yay, I also don't work in the k class everyday anymore. I am like an average mom. I go in 2 hours a week and volunteer. I :heart: his aid. She keeps him going!!!!