Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I did remeber - after drinking 4 glasses of water and a cup of black coffee. The scale said 206. The scale was 204 on Wednesday. Yesterday was 205. And I started, the beginning of the year @ 210.

    I am going to count 205, as my current weight, since that is what the sclae said yesterday.

    debra .........-5.0......1.98%
    Cogirl.... .....0.5.........0.0%
    Julie.......... - 2.2......1.05%

    bbl to post...it's snowing here in PA...so not sure if my kids are going to come home early...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Everyone is doing a wonderful job I think we are all back in to restart mode and I believe this is our year and we will all meet our goals big or small.Keep it up.I love Julie's idea even though thats what I did to begin with was start fresh lol I just hated not seeing my ticker move so I changed my ticker to my current weight last week and this week it dropped 6 pounds YAY!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GALS you are all doing an amazing job.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I did remeber - after drinking 4 glasses of water and a cup of black coffee. The scale said 206. The scale was 204 on Wednesday. Yesterday was 205. And I started, the beginning of the year @ 210.

    I am going to count 205, as my current weight, since that is what the sclae said yesterday.

    debra .........-5.0......1.98%
    Cogirl.... .....0.5.........0.0%
    Julie.......... - 2.2......1.05%

    bbl to post...it's snowing here in PA...so not sure if my kids are going to come home early...
    Laila what is the Dr.Oz Move it to Lose it program.I think I would like in on that and losing 60 pounds by July.Let me know
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Okay I am caught up. Girls you did geat this week.

    Julie, I am proud of you for regaining your control. Believe me you will be so happy for your son/daughter to not know ya fat. Not that they love you less. I just remember one of my girls would come home crying a couple of days a week because some little boy would say "your mom is FAT" She would just take it and get off the bus crying. I always knew when he did it because he would walk around the block to go to his house instead of in front of our house. His mother is a low life and she ended up in jail for stealing. So Haley got off the bus one day crying and said " mom I am so sorry but I said to him today, My mom might be fat but she loves me and takes care of me and she is NOT in prison" She said I know that was mean but I couldn't help it. Well, that little boy has NEVER teased her since. But oh how I hated the embarassment and hurt my weight caused my little girl.

    Okay now for an inspiring story. I saw a soldier on the news who had lost his arm, vision in one eye, and had brain damage. He regained his health became a Martial Arts instructor for inner city kids, ran a triatholon, iron man thingy, and is giving back to his community. Then there is a woman who lost her leg and she runs in all kinds of races. I think wow my body is intact and I DONT take care of it or appreciate it. How that must irritate a person who has to live without a part of their body. This makes me realize that while I am still healthy I need to take back control of my body. Every night that I go to bed feeling hungry (even though I should not because I ate plenty) I tell myself this feels so much better than going to bed feeling so full I could burst.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Awesome number this week ladies!! We will make this year our year :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Ann, Doctor OZ started, on Monday - 1/3/11) a challenge (for whom ever want to lose weight) an 11-weeks "move it to lose it" partnered with Nike (sparq - fitness trainers network). I joined by filling out my information. Here is the link:


    And I challenged myself to be 25 pounds lighter, by the end of the challenge.

    The 60 pounds in 6 months is my own challenge...I started this at the beginning of the Year and hope that by July 1 I will have 60pounds down. I want to enjoy the summer in a healthy range. You are more than welcome to join me on this journey. I feel this IS my (OUR) year to be finally healthy (inside and out)..I want to look amazing in my clothing.

    Hope that helps..

    Edit: the reason my challenges (4 of them) overlap is because my signature can't be more than 10 lines or it would not save...so I stay accountable to my goals I overlapped them..sorry for hte confusion.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I agree girls !! This will be our year !!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I agree girls !! This will be our year !!

    Yes deb, this will be our year :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - I am signing up for the dr oz move it and lose it!! I also challenge my self to 25 lbs.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Such chatty ladies this morning! I love it!

    So I checked my blood pressure this morning like my doctor said. Now it is way low. It's 108/54. So I called them. They asid the 54 worries them. They told me to check it 3 times a day till Tuesday and call them with my readings. They said it shouldn't jump from high to low like that. I'm a freak of nature what can I say! haha

    debra .........-5.0......1.98%
    Cogirl.... .....0.5.........0.0%
    Julie.......... - 2.2......1.05%

    Wonderful losses this week! Keep up your hard work everybody!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: Thanks for the info on the Dr. Oz challenge. I'm also signing up, but will probably go with 20 lbs because that's what I lost in the same amount of time on WW last time, so it should be do-able.

    Momma, Ann and Laila: Great job on the 5+ lb loss this week. You are rockstars! Way to start off the new year.

    So, I came on to rant about how my doctor has now rescheduled my IUD appointment twice. The first time, she needed to be out of the office for personal reasons and today she was called to an emergency C-section. I can't blame her for today, but now I can't get in until the 17th. I'm so pissed! Don't they realize I schedule my appointments to synch with my cycle? Ugh.

    At least I calmed down quickly by updating my MFP profile to my new goals. I've also requested an appointment at another clinic to see if I can get in sooner since it will be time for my next BC refill before the next appointment they currently have scheduled. Frustrating.

    Okay, rant over.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Laila I am in for 60 pounds by July 1st!! Lets go !! I just danced for an hour again YAY!! Love it
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Such chatty ladies this morning! I love it!

    So I checked my blood pressure this morning like my doctor said. Now it is way low. It's 108/54. So I called them. They asid the 54 worries them. They told me to check it 3 times a day till Tuesday and call them with my readings. They said it shouldn't jump from high to low like that. I'm a freak of nature what can I say! haha

    debra .........-5.0......1.98%
    Cogirl.... .....0.5.........0.0%
    Julie.......... - 2.2......1.05%

    Wonderful losses this week! Keep up your hard work everybody!
    I don't know why the 54 would bother them that seems like a healthy BP to me.My mom is a registered nurse so I would definitely know but I guess all docs are different in there opinions lol hope you feel better
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    OMG I have been so busy and couldnt get on!!!!


    Thank you all for being so faithful that I will not be a beached whale on my HM!

    Deb- Congrats on the praise at work!

    Meook-- :heart: :heart: Love ya girl

    Jenn- 75 squats...ouch! I am in...not sure what days I will do it yet...let me check the website out....OMG I hate squats what am I doing....

    Cogirl- hope ur day slows down!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Checking in for yesterday 1/5:
    calories- 1019
    water- yup
    sodium- 2056
    excercise- spin class (yes it hurt! a lot!)
    proud- that I did way better in my first spin class back than I thought I would, and I still love it! Also, I had calories left over but didnt eat jsut to eat...I honestly was not hungry at all
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Feeling a little off today... no loss... boyfriend has to travel for work (which is FANTASTIC for him! He got a promotion and a raise!!)... working at home is getting to me... I still don't know if I'm going to school next week or not. Lame. I applied for a new job (actually in Chicago...). It's for more than I make now, which would be nice.

    Given all of the above, I was anything but interested in working out.... but I did it anyway. (go me!) And now I'm a little winded and a lot sweaty. Makes me feel better :)

    I'm hoping the addition of the puppy will help me not feel like my best friend during the day is Hoda Kotb... lol. (Maybe, too, then I'll stop following poor Adam around the house like a lost, lonely puppy haha. Funny and sad, I didn't even realize I was doing it until he pointed it out. Oh dear...)

    I'm all in for challenges! My baby sister is getting married October 22nd. I would LOVE to be 60 pounds down by then, but I'm setting my goal at 40 for now and then will reassess come June.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok...so tonight the plan is to go straight to the gym and do c25k w1d3 then relax

    Tomorrow I may do a 930am spin class...and have to figure out how to add the squat challenge thing..

    Its amazing how much less I am burning with this new HRM, but it makes me want to work harder to see a higher burn!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    forgot to weigh in :

    debra .........-5.0......1.98%
    Cogirl.... .....0.5.........0.0%
    Julie.......... - 2.2......1.05%
    Cris...............-7.2.....3.20% (uhm is that right?)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok sorry one more thing...my sister scheduled an appointment for us to go to Kleinfeld's (the bridal shop on TLC) on January 22. I should be super excited because its a fun thing but instead Im petrified at what Ill look like and sometimes get teary jsut thinking about it. I cant avoud dress shopping forever...I jsut want to be excited to go and have it be a happy day instead of torture

    Also, my BFF is getting married in May and I was supposed to have my measurements sent to this lady (shes making all the Bridesmaids dresses) and I tlaked to the dress lady and explained that I am trying to lose weight so she was super nice and gave me until March 1st to give her my measurements! So that gives me 2 full months to lose a few inches!!! PLEASE REMIND ME THAT I MUST LOSE INCHES BY MARCH 1st!! I dont want to be the fat bridesmaid at her wedding (theres always one...and right now its between me and the groom's sister :wink: :tongue: )
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    CRIS - YOu will loose lots of inches by march 1st ...YOu will be the hot bridesmaid :smile: WTG on the 7 lbs...

    I went and worked out i wasn't feeling like i was doing great, but i did burn 410 cals so i guess it wasn't too shabby

    I ate lunch now i just want the day to be over, got stuff to do this afternoon just ready for it to be over...I have one project and i don't even want to think about it today.