Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    So what are the percentages?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    LADeb - The % is based on the weeks loss compared to what we weight last week.
    So I, for example, lost 1.42% of my body weight last week. The highest % is the "winner" for the week.

    Here is the calculation:
    weeks weight loss ÷ what you weighed last week and then shift the decimal two places to the right

    1 ÷ 180 = 0.0055555
    shift the decimal and you get 0.55%

    Jenn, Cris, Heather,
    I did the squats test last night and managed 60 !!!!
    Given the snow shoveling + the test I'll be resting my legs today and so tomorrow I'll start the program. It's telling me to start on week 3 column 3 so that's what I'll do. Planning on Sun/Wed/Fri
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    So what are the percentages?

    It is our percentage of weight loss for the week. Some girls do the math themselves I use this calculator. You enter the weight lost then the weight you were before you lost. and it gives you the percentage.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    200 squat challenge check in - did week 3 column 3 and did 64 for my final rep
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- hate to tell ya but still didnt see the pics (lol)

    jenn/heather/meook- I havent started the squats challenge because I have to figure out how I want to work it into my current routine..but Ill def keep you all updated!

    checking in 1/8:
    calories- 1273
    water- yup
    sodium- over ....boo!
    excercise- none decided to take a rest instead of spin class...my body was begging for it
    proud- I listened to my body and avoided over eating too badly even though its the weekend and I just want to relax and eat what I want...and Im kind of upset I went over in cals but I am trying not to stress it and just do better tomorrow
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, just be sure to let us know the dates - it will be a good reason for me and meokk to finally meet too!!

    Checking in from yesterday:

    Cals - Over = 1,780. Oh well. With my defecits from earlier this week, it all washes out. It's still under maintenance.
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nada. Needed a break!
    Proud - Split dinner w/a friend instead of ordering the whole thing for me!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'll be there the 22nd I'll give u more details as to where when we get a hotel
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris, you're the BL, so give us a challenge, sweetness! :flowerforyou:

    I missed the squat challenge info. Someone fill me in!

    Going to go sing then go grocery shopping for my dad. He is sick with the flu. :sick: Happy Sunday, everyone!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over = 1638
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - I learned how to knit yesterday!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in 1/8

    Calories: About right on
    Water: 4 - 25oz bottles
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I didn't go eating wild while spending the day at home.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Bluenote, the squat challenge is following this site - http://www.twohundredsquats.com/
    You do an initial test, and then go from there with the weekly program.

    checking for yesterday -
    calories - over by 28
    exercise - 145 squats
    proud - keeping with eating healthy snacks
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    my mother in law is making roast and it smells so good! She loads all her food with sodium so I'm learry about having it.... Any o e have a good estimate for the cals in roast!? Mfp's allover the place with their estimates
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm making my way back to MFP. I totally fell off the wagon over the holidays - after consistently gaining weight through the summer and fall. I signed up for a weightloss nutrition class that starts this Tuesday - and unfortunately I've been eating many, many 'last meals' of 'bad' foods that I know won't be on the list of things recommended in my class. I KNOW this is completely the wrong attitude ... but that is what I've been doing anyhow. I really hope this new class can motivate me to get back on the weightloss track again.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm feeling good about today. I went to the gym and did an hour of cardio and some light weight lifting. Was awesome! Had some chili for lunch. Haven't logged the calories. Hopefully it isnt too bad! It's snowing here in Dallas. When it snows here they shut the state down. I live out in the country and they don't sand or plow the roads. Getting to work is going to be a treat tomorrow. :grumble: Planning on hitting the gym for more cardio tomorrow....still holding strong at 215. :grumble: Hopefully I drop a few pounds when TOM arrives. i usually hold onto 2 or 3 pounds. Wont be sad to see it go! Hope everybody is having a great weekend!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So good to see you, lstpaul! I am glad to hear you are starting the nutrition classes. It will be a good way to ease back in. And don't sweat the "last meal" syndrome. We ALL do it, trust me. It makes you neither bad nor good - just human. :heart: You can do this! Keep coming back and logging in your food here to make yourself more accountable. I am just now rebounding from a ten pound gain over the last month. I look at it this way: better ten than twenty. You gotta start somewhere!
    Jen - I'm going to start the squat challenge! I was put into the pathetic lowest level, but you have to start somewhere! LOL
    Cris - with roast I usually log what type of meat it is, then add the veggie count. If there is any type of gravy or soup used, then guesstimate how much you think you took of it. Not much help, I know!

    Snow is supposed to come down tomorrow and into Tuesday. Bleh! I love snow when it is on the trees and NOT on the roads. :tongue:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    So good to see you lstpaul! I gained 34 pounds back last year...so I know how easy it is to fall back, but good for you for taking a nutrition class!

    checking in for today:
    calories - just squeaked by with 25 under
    exercise - 30 mins interval running/walking 20 min exercise DVD (30 Day Shred)
    water - lots
    proud - After dinner I was over my calories by over 100, instead of just calling it a day I did an exercise DVD!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Whos ready to make this week another great week?! I Am! for the first time I think ever I am seeing a lower number on the scale. Down 1.2 pounds at 214. WOOHOO!!! So excited! My hour of cardio might of paid off...

    Watching the news this morning about all the wrecks due to the ice and snow is freaking me out about my commute to work. I called my manager and asked if I could wait till the sun comes out to at least attempt to leave. I can't see where my drive way meets the ditch right now..gotta love living in the country! Be back later to check in with everybody!

    Happy Monday.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. We got everything fixed up around the house we've been meaning to get done on Saturday (woo!!). And then we finally got to pick up Gunner yesterday! :) He's cuter and fluffier than I could have imagined. Poor thing is exhausted though, big day yesterday. I'll be sure to post pictures soon!

    I went over on calories on Saturday and Sunday, but!! I logged every single bite and was never over more than 300. Not too bad considering my previous stint at weight loss didn't include tracking anything on the weekend.

    Here's to a great week!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- funny you learned how to knit! I just learned a couple weeks ago! Yay! My mom says crocheting is a lot "more fun" so I bought a hook but haven't started hooking yet (teehee, "hooking").

    Jess -- we got your snow! The state of SC has completely shut down today. Actually, it shut down last night before the snow even started but that's a good thing because it's colder than expected & we already have more snow accumulated than was predicted. Fingers crossed we don't lose electricity because, man, that sucks.

    It has snowed & actually accumulated 5 times since I lived in Columbia (I moved here in 2002). 3 of those 5 times have been in the last 11 months! Twice in the last 2 weeks! Hell is apparently freezing over. :laugh:

    So, yay! No work for me today. And my money's on a delayed start or no work tomorrow as well. :bigsmile: I love free money for "hazardous weather." Time to go back to bed for a few minutes. :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Drive carfull this morning. Mornings like today are when i really really glad i work from hom.

    As jess said we got snow , girls liked it , serena was disappointed that she had to go to school this morning, they weren't delayed or anything, lots of the other districts were . Everybody is off to school/daycare and work.

    well we got an unexpected news on the house on saturday..it is really freaking me out.

    So we go up there and nothing still we went and talked to the sales manager. At first they said 90 days from foundation, so since we have no foundation yet and it was supposed to be done in april that is what i was starting to freak out about.

    SO she said well we can have it done end of febuary...and i was like whoaaa that is way to early. THey are paying right now for 3 months of our rent which would be may - july . SHe said they could (and prefer ) to get it done by end of march. SO we said we could if we can get another month of our rent paid for...So she is looking into that...if she gets us approved for that...we could be in the house in the 1st of april, which is exciting and makes me nervous at the same time.

    We don't have all the money for the down payment yet, tax refund is helping with that and what i plan on putting away for the next 2 months...but that means if anything comes up we won't have the money, the biggest thing "coming" up would be our stupid rent house. This just has me a freaking nut case right now worrying about it....Seems un real that our house could be built and we could move in less than 3 months.

    The bad thing about moving in pretty much a month early is that is another month we have to upkeep this house here, we don't want to walk out on it it will be paid for but we still have to upkeep it, lawn, and making sure nobody like breaks in and all that jazz., so we neeed to keep lights on and such.

    Also if we move amonth early then we would probably tranfer schools for serena...uggg..hoping it will all workout.