Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in 1/9

    Calories: A little under
    Water: 3 - 25oz bottles = 75oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike, 10 minutes house cleaning ( I counted carrying Christmas boxes up and down steps)
    Proud: Was able to fit in my husbands beef roast for a meal.

    Lightly snowing here with more expected. Peaked at scale today, hoping it stays that way for official weigh in!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Helllo...it is pretty dead here today !!

    I could soo go back to bed...i am soo freaking cold i had some oatmeal with 100 cal pack of nuts, it was yummy and warm.

    was a little annoyed the scale was up to 252 this morning, but on saturday i did go over my cals (not over maintain) somewhere in the middle. I had chic fila for breakfast ,was like under 300 but i am sure loaded with sodium, and then we did have pizza sat night...i ended the day like 400 over calories, but again i am sure the pizza was loaded with sodium.

    I did do 2 spin classes 1 sat and 1 sun, and did weights on sat and a little on sunday so my muscles may be holding on to water too., i am sure it will go back down in a few days, hoping that it keeps moving so i can show loss on friday..My goal right now is to loose 25 by march 31st. I am doing this dr oz 11 weeks lose it and move it. THat is what i put at my goal, and if everything goes well on the house that is when we will move in so going to try my darnds't on getting there.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    As promised! :) (let's see if I can get it to work)

    Ugh... okay, I'm back to not knowing how to do this.... I'll try again later!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hope all you Southerners are dealing with the snow as well as can be expected. Maybe this will mean a slow day at work Jess!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1506
    Water - 56 oz :frown: to be under
    Exercise - 50 min of cardio at the gym - ellipitcal and ArcTrainer = 450 cals burned
    Proud - I went to the gym even though it was cold and I really didn't want to!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hope all you Southerners are dealing with the snow as well as can be expected. Maybe this will mean a slow day at work Jess!

    SO far that's exactly what it is!! The roads weren't too bad once I got into the city. It was by my house that was rought. But I made it!! :bigsmile:

    I sure could go for some coffee though. I'm sleepy!!

    Deb-That's great news about the house!! With it being so close to the end of the school year they might not make your daughter transfer. Unless you don't want to do the commute to get her to and from school. Otherwise the builders might work with you regarding the move date if you just tell them you are concerned about making her transfer. Hope it all works out!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hope all you Southerners are dealing with the snow as well as can be expected. Maybe this will mean a slow day at work Jess!

    SO far that's exactly what it is!! The roads weren't too bad once I got into the city. It was by my house that was rought. But I made it!! :bigsmile:

    I sure could go for some coffee though. I'm sleepy!!

    Deb-That's great news about the house!! With it being so close to the end of the school year they might not make your daughter transfer. Unless you don't want to do the commute to get her to and from school. Otherwise the builders might work with you regarding the move date if you just tell them you are concerned about making her transfer. Hope it all works out!!

    I could keep taking her, but it will be an awful commute. It will probably take me at least 1 1/2 hours to treck her back and forth. What i figure she would be there for the last 6 weeks. If she goes to the new school for the last 6 weeks then she will be able to meet some kids that will be in her class next year and the new school gets out 2 weeks early (even though they all started the same day), i think her current school district just wants to them to stay longer. She said she was okay with it...

    I hate all this not knowing it drives me nuts
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Crap.... I can't get pictures to post. Lame!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im home sick with my munchkin today- he has a virus infection...yuck! I hate his sick breath...haha sorry had to share!

    Work is stressing me out majorly..my father is in Italy and I was supposed to be working at the office alone all week since hes gone but now with the baby sick I am working from home and he is NOT happy, not much I can do though, cant take him to daycare!!!

    anyway- checking in 1/9
    calories- I estimated about 1250, but depending on the actualy roast amount I ate and the calories in it could be somewhere between 1300/1400 which is ok I suppose
    water- yup chugged a whole lot
    sodium- my MIL's cooking is always loaded with sodium so I assume its over
    excercise- none ....rest day
    proud- that I didnt stuff my face with all of MIL's wonderful cooking especially since I was stressed and tired with the baby being sick (didnt eat my feelings)

    be back later to chat!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh crap I have to think of a challenge....
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My challenge for the week is to pick two days this week and fully plan it out the day before and then stick to it COMPLETELY the following day. This means you will have to plan in advance, think about where you will be that day make sure you have the means to eat whatever you are planning on eating that day. Today I am stuck at home and have absolutely nothing healthy to eat....we barely have any food and the food that we do have is not healthy....i went with a grilled cheese...i have had no real protein today and i know this will lead to hunger later on. My point is: IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL!!!!

    I hope you all participate!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - sounds like an awesome plan.

    Went to my trainer today. Was a little tougher than last week. But got some good exercises today. The stomach crunches about killed me along with the bicep curls, i am soo freaking weak. She brought me the 30lb barbell and i thought iw as going to die, i was like hello i am weak, can't we get like a 10lbs one...but i did it (barely) 2 sets.

    SO i am done with my pt now. If i had money i would do some more but iwth thouse i just can't, especially if the house is moving up a month., but at least i got some guidlines on what to do which i think will help.

    Hating that i am up on the scale but i really think me doing seveal strength workouts pluse 2 spin classes this wekeend my muscles are probably holding on to water.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris: Your challenge this week makes me nervous! Only because I never know what my Mom's cooking for dinner. But I'll give it my best shot!!

    Deb: I wish I could afford a PT as well! Glad you got some useful tips while you had the free sessions.

    This day is dragging! I'm ready to hit the gym. My best friend and I have decided to start training for the Warrior Dash. Were planning on going to Minnesota to join Heather. It's not 100% but we are going to go ahead and start training. Pretty stoked!! :drinker:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    quick pop-in

    Ann, so sorry to hear about your husband's aunt, but happy to hear your mom is doing great...keeping your family in my prayers:heart:

    Deb, sorry to hear about the home thing..hope thing work your way:flowerforyou:

    Jess, awesome job on working out and losing some weight since friday

    Tstout, can't wait to see pictures

    Julie, how are you doing?

    Blue/ispaul, glad to see you around again...stay connected :)

    Cris, hope you and your little guy gets better soon..being sick does suck! and thanks for the great challenge :)

    I hope I didn't forget anyone...

    hopefully I will come back later!

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    LOVE the challenge since I've already plugged in my food through lunchtime on Thursday, I guess I'm a planner :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - that is great you are thinking about doing the warrrior dash..it kinda looked fun, minus the part i can't run and got me a bum knee, hubby was thinking about it, but it is right in the middle (the one here) when are going to be moving and all that stuff.

    I know one day i will have to go to a doctor about my knee but 1 ) i don't have any money to do mri and all the stuff i know they will want to do , and 2) really want to loose all my weight first, figure less weight on it the better... I have this fear it will end in surgery.

    the pt tried to have me do lunges but that was a no go ,they hurt my knee soo bad...but she had some other stuff that takes the ijmpact on my knees and more in my legs...it hurts a little but nothing like the lunges.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    LOVE the challenge since I've already plugged in my food through lunchtime on Thursday, I guess I'm a planner :bigsmile:

    Not sure if I mentioned this to you ( about your profile pic) but YOU ROCK THAT DRESS!!! Beautiful :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Lideb: So happy you joined Dr. OZ challenge "11 weeks move it to lose it" I, also, aimed for 25 pounds ...lets do this girl!!!

    I have to go...waiting to go pick up a script to take my son (younger) to St. Christopher's Childrens' hospital...he failed his hearing test so she (doctor) wants to make sure everything with him is good...I am so scare

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Lideb: So happy you joined Dr. OZ challenge "11 weeks move it to lose it" I, also, aimed for 25 pounds ...lets do this girl!!!

    I have to go...waiting to go pick up a script to take my son (younger) to St. Christopher's Childrens' hospital...he failed his hearing test so she (doctor) wants to make sure everything with him is good...I am so scare


    Thanks !! Yeah finally after it took like 2 days to send me my confirmation. I am one week shy so maybe i should of been less agressive, but i think i can do it. 25 lbs puts me at 225 which is only 8 lbs from my 100 lbs mark...We soo can do this.

    Hope the appt with your son goes well, how old is he? Last year we went through this with my daugther,then 3, she failed like 5 hearing test, it was finally diagnosided she had constant fluid causing everything to be muffled...had tubes in her ear and she passed the hearing test with flying colors.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- now that you have planned it stick to it!

    posme- wishing your son well on his test

    jess- ask your mom what shes planning on and go from there! or maybe offer to make dinner urseld this week
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    um yeah, that's the hard part :grumble: