Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - YAY on the dr appt. The 1st couple appts i had i couldn't get the hb so i had to get the u/s I was always happy to see them moving around :smile:

    MOmma - YAY for RYAN !!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Bump to find later..

    Minds well check in now..
    Cal: 1320
    water: 14 cups
    exercise: shred and 4 mile walk
    Proud: That I didn't eat tacos, what my kids wanted yesterday, instead I had grilled chicken fajita ( so so good!)

    Have a great day!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Julie-I am so glad your appointment went well
    Momma-that is wonderful news about Ryan.I am so happy for you both.Keep us updated with his progress I love hearing how you and him are doing.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I feel like I'm jumping in the middle of your group, but what's it about. You guys seem really supportive of one another and it's made me curious :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma thats so exciting and AMAZING!!!!! I am so happy for you and Ryan! :heart: :drinker:

    Ms Teacher of the year - we bow down to you! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Tstout- if you are really bored today feel free to clean my house its nice and dirty and waiting for you! :tongue:

    Jenn- Im super sore from 30 day shred and a litle sore from c25k, good job listening to your body! I know Im not so good at that sometimes!

    Lauren- LMAO at your last post :laugh: :laugh:

    Julie- Awww wiggly baby!!!! I loved it when I started feeling Brayden move...and he was a very active one towards the end. Its still super amazing everytime it happens it never gets old! :heart:

    So I have spin class on the schedule for tonight...god help me! Apparently the rules for spin class have been made more strict because people were saving bikes and coming in over an hour early to hold places so now you cant sign up until 30 mins prior and you cant save a bike u have to grab one and stay with it or you lose it. Thats kind of annoying but I think it also has to do with the whole NYR crowd....hope they go away soon!!! (sorry but I do!)

    Besides that I am feeling slighlt less crazy today, eating less fat, drinking my water, and TOM on his way out has really calmed me down so Im feeling pretty ok today :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ps- I am having trouble waiting until tomorrow to record my weight! its so nice to see the scale go down instead of up for the first time in a long time!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Just set my goals until the wedding - its very agressive but its in accordance to what I have to do to reach my wedding day goal of 160!!!

    WISH ME LUCK! I need to be back at 210 by the end of January thats my only goal to focus on right now...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Glad to see you back Cris!!!
    Hmkan-We are a very close knit group!! You are more than welcome to join if you like.We weigh in on Fridays and we just in general chat of various things throughout the day.I take care of the threads and when the start to get full I move it to a new thread and I usually post at the end of the old thread a link so you don't get lost and you can stick with us.Basically we all set goals for ourselves and we all help one another achieve those goals.Anyone is welcome to join at anytime so if your joining welcome.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Can I just say you are such an inspiration to me! I love the idea of sign language classes! And I love hearing you talk about your volunteer work. I love the idea of a 5k every month. Sounds quite aggressive! But I like it. Warrior Dash sounds soooooo fun! I want to do one in Dallas but it's the weekend of my birthday and I will be tailgating and drinking all day Saturday for the Kenny Chensey concert and I don't think doing it Sunday would be a smart decision on my part. :(

    Lauren-way to go on 3 days of exercise and hitting up jazzercise tonight. Kudos to your supportive hubby!

    Julie-Sounds like your going to have a mover on your hands! I had to get on the scale at the doctor too. It was after a small breakfast and my big heavy shoes and I was showing up 1.8 pounds from what my scale said. So. we will see what my scale say tomorrow! Congrats on your loss!

    Momma-That is such wonderful news about Ryan!!! He's making such amazing progress!!

    Cris-Coming in an hour prior to save a bike!? That's craziness! Gotta love the NYRers huh? I'm with you on being slightly irritated.

    So I went to my doctor this morning. Everything looks good except 1 thing I can't wrap my head around. He said since I started losing weight 2 years ago my blood pressure has slowly been creeping up. Today it was through the roof. I'm feeling super anxious and stressed this morning due to events of last night so I'm thinking that's why. I've been having a really hard time controling my anxiety. I'm going to talk to my best friends sister about a herb that could possibly help to reduce my anxiety. I'm sure this is a contributing factor in my weight loss as well. Can't hurt to try right? I'd rather go a natural route then taking medicine from a doctor. My doctor told me to watch it and if it continues to stay high I will need to go to a specialist and possibly be put on medication. :( Aren't you supposed to get healthier as you lose weight?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Yay for going back to spin class. I love how you're jumping right back in the swing of things and being a rockstar!

    Momma: Hug Ryan for me (again!). I love that he's made so much progress in such a short time. He's such a phenomenal little guy. Writing is a very hard thing for many on the Autism spectrum, so it's awesome that he's starting to it more and that it's legible! Woo hoo!!

    HMKan: Welcome! You are right in that this is a very, very supportive group. We try to check in daily with our calories, water, exercise and one thing you're proud of for that day. You can add other things in if you feel like keeping track (I used to include sodium). Other than that, we share success and frustrations, both fitness/health and general life stuff. I look forward to getting to know you!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess, it looks like we were posting at the same time. You should come do the Warrior Dash with me here in Minnesota in July! We're doing the 3:00 pm wave, so feel free to join! I forgot to tell you that last night, on Wheel of Fortune, one of the puzzles was "Country Music Star Kenny Chesney" and I thought of you! How many times have you seen him in concert now, anyway?
    As far as the blood pressure, the anxiety could definitely be a cause; did you mention it to your doctor? I would also ask your doctor or a nurse practitioner about the herb you're considering to make sure it doesn't have any possible scary side effects. Unfortunately, just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's healthy. Even if this herb is good for you, the doctor would be the best one to tell you what dose you should be taking.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    How many times have I seen Kenny Chesney? WoW!! What a question...hmm...My first concert with him was when I saw him when I was 15. I've seen him every time he's been in Dallas ever since except 1 time. I've travled to Houston, San Antonio and Oklahoma City to see him as well. I would say at least a dozen! My mom can't wrap her head around why I continue to pay a lot of money to go every year. Umm...because he's THAT good in concert! Every year it's amazing! This year I felt lost without his concert to kick my summer off. I'll have to look into coming to MN for that! My best friend is planning to go sometime this summer maybe I can go the same time as her and she will do it as well! That could be way fun! As far as the herb goes I will definitely research it. She's in her senior year (I believe) for eastern medicine. Hopefully she can give me something good that will help me out. Thank you for your concern. :flowerforyou: Much appreciated!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, Okay, I have WONDERFUL NEWS, My son Ry went into Christmas break, NOT writing, ONLY knowing 13 uppercase letters and 4 lowercase letters. Well, yesterday he identified ALL 26 UPPERCASE LETTERS And told me what sound they made he also was able to identify 13 lower case letters. Then if that was not all wonderful enough he came home from church with a pc. of paper that he Ryan yes Ryan wrote all by himself. B R A Q T O P V M and something he is saying is a W not too sure about that but the other letters are CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a reminder he WAS NOT writing and when we forced him to write he would barely write his name and only I could tell it said Ryan (maybe others who knew him but man was it hard to decipher)

    That is SO AWESOME!!! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So I went to my doctor this morning. Everything looks good except 1 thing I can't wrap my head around. He said since I started losing weight 2 years ago my blood pressure has slowly been creeping up. Today it was through the roof. I'm feeling super anxious and stressed this morning due to events of last night so I'm thinking that's why. I've been having a really hard time controling my anxiety. I'm going to talk to my best friends sister about a herb that could possibly help to reduce my anxiety. I'm sure this is a contributing factor in my weight loss as well. Can't hurt to try right? I'd rather go a natural route then taking medicine from a doctor. My doctor told me to watch it and if it continues to stay high I will need to go to a specialist and possibly be put on medication. :( Aren't you supposed to get healthier as you lose weight?

    Jess -- I have really bad "white coat syndrome." I can take my blood pressure at a pharmacy and it's usually around 105/60 but as soon as I step foot into a doctor's or dentist's office it goes nuts. When I was at the doc on Monday, I was super anxious and it was 137/87 which I think is the highest it's EVER been measured. Today it was 119/72. I could feel the difference. Monday I was sitting there like "you have to calm down -- your bp is going to be nuts! calm down!" and as I was talking to myself (in my head :laugh:), I could feel my anxiety rising and my bp getting higher and higher. Today I just sat down and took a few deep breaths & tried to relax a little without freaking out about what it was going to be and that apparently helped. It's kind of impossible to remain calm when you know you're about to have blood drawn (like Monday) or a pap test (like today). Sadists!!

    Anyway, I know most of us weren't really consisitenly exercising over the last month but blood pressure pretty much immediately drops once you get back into a good consistent exercise routine. And didn't you have Mexican food a couple days ago? Sodium usually directly affects blood pressure, too, temporarily. :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- did ya hear that? Mexican food is high in sodium and causes high blood pressure....LMAO werent we just talking about that last night?!

    Heather- you are and have always been one of my best cheerleaders, thank you! We'll see if Iam still a rockstar tonight, lol

    I had a smartone meal and a orange for lunch and I am still hungry. I still have a good 600 cals or so for the end of the day so I am trying to think of a filling snack that would last through 7pm which is when I would be done with spin class and back home to make dinner.

    Bobby had a visit with his surgeon today- apparently the Doctor threw his sling in the trash (like literally) and told him he can start using his arm, he then proceeded to lift bobbys arm over his head ..mind you bobby hasnt moved it in over a month its been in a 90degree angle for ever and Im sure it hurt...I hate when Drs hurt my babies, yes even the big one! But I tried to be optimistic when I talked to him and said well you can do more stuff now instead of just sit around so we made plans to go register and he is going to go do the grocery shoppiing tomorrow which is a HUGE help! so yay!


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-haha....When the doctor told me I laughed and he seemed confused. I told him I was laughing because I had the same conversation with someone last night about high blood pressure. But for the record I don't eat mexican as much as he does. Okay well maybe I do! GRRR!!!
    So sorry to hear the dr hurt your baby! Hopefully he can do more to help you out though! Heres to hoping!

    Julie-Mine usually elevates a little when I go too but it's never been this high. I'm 99% sure that it's due to anxiety and probably sodium. I'm gonna watch it and see what happens.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    He did do the dishes yesterday - then I went into the dishwasher and rearranged it all..but I tried to do it when he wasnt looking. Later he came up to me and said "see! I knew you would change everything I did!" lol I was trying to be sneaky so he didnt think I was telling him he did a bad job...oh well! He DID do it wrong, but the point was that he DID it. I kept thanking him and telling him how helpful it was so maybe he will do it more often....men!

    Anyway- our travel agent contacted us and said its time to start planning the HONEYMOON! We are thinking tahiti!!!! It looks so beautiful! But oh so expensive! If you dont get one of those over water bungalows its much cheaper but I want a over the water bungalow dang it!!! We will see...Bobby and I are going to start thinking of possible destinations tonight then get rates for them. We are also not going right after the wedding. The wedding is in September and we are thinking abotu going over New Years so end of 2011 into 2012....i would LOVE THAT! Leave a couple of days after Christmas then get to relax after the holiday and wedding chaos! sounds absolutely heavenly! But on that note....who wants to look like a beached whale on their honeymoon!?! NOT ME!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You will be 160 by then. You wont look like a beached whale! :drinker: You don't look like one now either silly girl!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Glad Bobby is doing better and can start using the arm. It's about time you had help again! I'll never understand how you moms seem to do absolutely everything with little or no help! Best of luck at spinning tonight.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Was feeling less anxious and checked my blood pressure at work. Back down to 119/74:bigsmile: