BeachBody Faithful



  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    Fire EZ 55 today - compares to Fire 60.. will take Fire 60 over 55 anyday =)

    So what's your overall opinion of TF? Based on your posts, it sounds like some of the DVD's are good and other not so good. Overall, it is worth it?

    I see your conclusion on anothe thread. Thanks.

    lol no problem. But just to clarify.. yes it is worth it. I love it! I will always find some dvd's bleh in these types of situations. There are p90x and insanity dvds that I don't care for as well, but love the other ones. When I decide to do a P90X/Insanity/TF hybrid i am going to have a blast since I will customize it with the dvds I love!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member

    When I decide to do a P90X/Insanity/TF hybrid i am going to have a blast since I will customize it with the dvds I love!

    When you're ready to add Insanity to the mix let me know. I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Insanity hybrid that I created with the help of 2 other Ladies who are doing this with me. I'd be happy to share our schedule with you.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Fire EZ 55 today - compares to Fire 60.. will take Fire 60 over 55 anyday =)

    So what's your overall opinion of TF? Based on your posts, it sounds like some of the DVD's are good and other not so good. Overall, it is worth it?

    I see your conclusion on anothe thread. Thanks.

    lol no problem. But just to clarify.. yes it is worth it. I love it! I will always find some dvd's bleh in these types of situations. There are p90x and insanity dvds that I don't care for as well, but love the other ones. When I decide to do a P90X/Insanity/TF hybrid i am going to have a blast since I will customize it with the dvds I love!

    You're workouts will never be a chore if do the one's you love. I am determined to master Insanity Max Plyo, so I have to force myself to do that workout. Insanity Max Circuit still kicks my butt, but I don't hate the workout.
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311

    When you're ready to add Insanity to the mix let me know. I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Insanity hybrid that I created with the help of 2 other Ladies who are doing this with me. I'd be happy to share our schedule with you.


    Awesome I would love to see the schedule. I have found one online too.. but it looks crazy! and I don't have that much time in the day to do some of what they ask for 1 day.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Here's the INSURBO schedule we created and are following in case anyone is interested in seeing it....

    Week 1
    Mon - Fit Test and Fire 30
    Tue - Fire 45 EZ and Abs 10
    Wed - Plyo Cardio Circuit
    Thu - Fire 55 EZ
    Fri - Pure Cardio
    Sat - Fire 60
    Sun - REST DAY

    Week 2
    Mon - Cardio Power & Resistance
    Tue - Fire 55 EZ
    Wed - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
    Thu - Fire 60
    Fri - Plyo Cardio Circuit
    Sat - Fire 45
    Sun - REST DAY

    Week 3
    Mon - Fire 60
    Tue - Max Interval Plyo (I subbed with Max Cardio Circuit)
    Wed - Fire 55 EZ
    Thu - Pure Cardio
    Fri - Fire 30 and Core 20
    Sat - Plyo Cardio Circuit
    Sun - REST DAY

    Week 4
    Mon - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
    Tue - Fire 55 EZ
    Wed - Plyo Cardio Circuit
    Thu - Fire 60
    Fri - Cardio Power & Resistance
    Sat - Fit Test and Fire 30
    Sun - REST DAY

  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    Awesome thanks for the info!
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    lol no problem. But just to clarify.. yes it is worth it. I love it! I will always find some dvd's bleh in these types of situations. There are p90x and insanity dvds that I don't care for as well, but love the other ones. When I decide to do a P90X/Insanity/TF hybrid i am going to have a blast since I will customize it with the dvds I love!

    i would love to see what a schedule of this hybrid looks like!
    i wouldn't mind doing a hybrid incorporating these three programs after Insanity!
  • JLeeAlton
    JLeeAlton Posts: 311
    Mirah - sent a message to ya!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    lol no problem. But just to clarify.. yes it is worth it. I love it! I will always find some dvd's bleh in these types of situations. There are p90x and insanity dvds that I don't care for as well, but love the other ones. When I decide to do a P90X/Insanity/TF hybrid i am going to have a blast since I will customize it with the dvds I love!

    i would love to see what a schedule of this hybrid looks like!
    i wouldn't mind doing a hybrid incorporating these three programs after Insanity!

    Heh - if you are combining three BeachBody programs, doesn't that make it a TRI-brid? :laugh:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Insanely Fired Up on the X.
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    Insanely Fired Up on the X.

    YES! and this would be the name of said TRIbrid!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Insanely Fired Up on the X.

    Oh, I like that! Or, the Insane X on Fiyah!
  • shondarss
    Hi all,

    I am a HUGE BB fan and have been for a while. I own severall BB workouts and am currentl doing Turbo Fire.

    Anyone else doing Turbo Fire or completed it yet? I would love to hear what other's results have been so far. I am in week two and have already seen a difference in how my clothes fit, I am looking forward to taking official measurements.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a HUGE BB fan and have been for a while. I own severall BB workouts and am currentl doing Turbo Fire.

    Anyone else doing Turbo Fire or completed it yet? I would love to hear what other's results have been so far. I am in week two and have already seen a difference in how my clothes fit, I am looking forward to taking official measurements.

    I completed the full 20 week Turbo Fire program (including the advanced workouts) and lost 18 lbs and 8 inches! Turbo Fire is my soulmate workout!

  • shondarss
    Wow, congratulations

    Thanks for sharing, I think Turbo Fire is my soulmate workout too, I absolutely love it. It kinda says something when you are smiling while you are working out even though you are breathing hard and sweating like CRAZY Chalene is the BOMB!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Insanely Fired Up on the X.

    Oh, I like that! Or, the Insane X on Fiyah!

  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Only four more days of Power 90...then on to P90X. Can't wait to move to the next level.

    I'm going all out this week on my workouts.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Only four more days of Power 90...then on to P90X. Can't wait to move to the next level.

    I'm going all out this week on my workouts.

    Awesome keep up the good work and good luck with the X!!!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Monday will be my YEAR anniversary with Beachbody! I can't even believe it!

    Today is Day 62 of my TurboFire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid. I am following the schedule exactly except I am rotating in all SIX of my ab routines. Two from CE, one from TF, one from Brazil Butt Lift, one from Insanity, one from P90X and the MOTHER OF ALL ab routines, ARX2 from the new P90X One on One. It is 38 minutes of core/abs. It KILLED me the first time I did it all the way through. I was able to DO all the exercises and all the reps, but my abs literally hurt for a WEEK! Doing it again today so hoping I won't be in as much pain for the next week!