Phrases or sayings that really irk me!!!!



  • orange_avocado
    #2 bugs the crap out of me. My mom passed away Thanksgiving morning 2009. I KNOW people meant well when they said "She's in a better place," but I kept having to restrain myself from asking how they know. That sounds mean, doesn't it? :/

    Nope, I'm right with you. My grandfather passed away last week and all *anyone* could say to me was "I'm sorry for your loss." Yes, I know it's awkward to hear and that's just the default thing to say, but by the end of the week I was getting an eye twitch every time I heard it.

    Also I used to date a guy who used the word "irregardless" all. the. time. In sentences where it made no sense whatsoever. It was as if it was the only transitional phrase he knew. Ughhhh.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    People that say 'like' every second or third word.

    This is a HARD habit to break. I still do it occasionally and it even drives me nuts. A consequence of growing up on the west coast I guess. But I'm working on it!!!

  • alyssa83202
    The word "irk" annoys me. I'd rather just say annoy.
    I also don't like it when people type er or erm every few words in a sentence.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Can others pet peeves be my pet peeves? Like, I really hate pet peeves? Just sayin... kthxbai....
  • Pattilynne
    How about this one? I answer the phone at work with my usual greeting and at the end ask "How may I help you?" and get this response: "Uh. Yeah. Uh....can I ask a question?"

    I want to respond with: "Yes, but since you're only allowed one and you just asked it, you'll have to call back tomorrow. Thanks so much and have a lovely day."

    Ugh.......drives me insane!

    I get the same thing at my job! My favorite is after the greeting and asking how I can help them, I need a way to look up their identifying information, so I will ask them something easy, like their phone number, and they don't know it. I had one guy call, and I asked him for his sales order number. After several moments of silence, I asked him if he needed help locating it on his invoice, he told me no, but asked if I needed him to read it to me.
    I wanted to tell him to stare at the number really hard on the piece of paper and maybe, just maybe, I might be able to pick up the signal telepathicly (sp?) over the phone......... but we are not allowed to drop to the level of stupidity of the customers...
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Don't let this post die out!! Keep it going!!! We haven't covered them all yet, have we?
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    The phrases I can't stand:

    1) You feel me?
    2) My bad
    3) Get her doooooone!
    4) Just sayin'

    I'm sure there are others. Oh....and I also hate the words GINORMOUS and FANTABULOUS......grrrrrrrr! :grumble:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    How about this one? I answer the phone at work with my usual greeting and at the end ask "How may I help you?" and get this response: "Uh. Yeah. Uh....can I ask a question?"

    I want to respond with: "Yes, but since you're only allowed one and you just asked it, you'll have to call back tomorrow. Thanks so much and have a lovely day."

    Ugh.......drives me insane!

    I am with you on this one...we have instant messaging at work and people constantly IM me with just "hello" - then NOTHING! Obviously you want something or you wouldn't have IM'd me in the first place so just type it out already!! Why do they wait for me to respond before making their request? Are they just testing to see if I'm really at my desk??

    I also hate it when people at work use text speak in their IMs - yeah, that's real professional folks!

    As to the "irregardless" post - that one bugs me too because "irregardless" isn't even a word! The correct word is "regardless"!

    Okay - going figure out how to log this rant because now my heart is racing - that's gotta be good for a small calorie burn....
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I forgot one!


    That one drives me CRAZY!!! I have a co-worker who says it all the time! :explode:
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    :laugh: Funny!
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    ......and another one: You rock!!!.......ugghhhh!! :noway:
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    ......and another one: You rock!!!.......ugghhhh!! :noway:

    Sorry, guilty as charged. I say that all the time.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    What really bothers me is when someone walks into a room and someone always yell "Hey der, hows it be?" Or the popular "Yah der hey." when agree with someone. These are probably just small town Wisconsin things. People do tend to speak a little different around here. Like "bubbler" for drinking fountain and "side by each" for next to each other. each his own.........(that bothers me too)

    Ok at first I thought you were hating on my state -- and then I realized you must be from it.
    My mother is a highly educated woman dad is a card calling yooper and I have always been emabrrased by it. Now I still love him no matter what... but when he says "ya der hey" in a sentence I just have to cringe!
  • tdusenberry
    I know how you feel! But usually i take the phrase how it is meant (with good intentions) and move on.

    I'm trying to have a baby. I hate it when people say any of the below:

    "it will happen when it's supposed to"
    "it will happen when your not trying"
    "god knows best"

    It won't happen when we're not trying...we have fertility problems. I HAVE to try! and while I am some what religious, I can't just leave it up to god. he helps those who help themselves.

    I hope you feel better now that you have ranted and know you're not alone.
  • tdusenberry
    I completely understand what you mean about hearing people talk about how if the time is right or if it's God's will then it will happen. These are words most often spoken by women/men who have never had to go throught the emotional rollercoaster and the self-loathing that comes from trying month after month, year after year to conceive.

    I, too, had to work very hard and spend LOTS of money trying to create both of my beautiful children. However, it has made me stronger, and it has given me purpose.

    Just wait until you get pregnant, then you will have a TON of other sayings/phrases that will irk you (look how big you are OR when are you due (this will be asked 1,000,000 times) OR are you having twins?) Good times are coming your way. :)
  • grumpz
    grumpz Posts: 30
    Haha pregnancy ones are the best, when are you due - when baby decides to show up as I was always late. Early months, are you pregnant....."no I swallowed a watermelon" Hows the bump today "thanks for asking how I am, my back aches, my hearthburn feels like my chest is on fire, I've forgotton what my feet look like etc" Hehe fun times
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I can't stand to hear people reply and say "Well, at least you have a job" when I'm venting about how irritating work can be.
    Since the economy went into the crapper, people say this to me all the time (I guess I complain a lot about work, lol). It drives me insane.

    I totally agree. I am very thankful for my job. It's a very good job. But it's not what i want to do for the rest of my life. I 'm aloud to dislike my job sometimes.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    how about 'redonculous" that has to be the dumbest word I have ever heard...a hybrid between ridiculous and I don't even know what....redonculous, you're re-stupid for constantly saying it!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I completely understand what you mean about hearing people talk about how if the time is right or if it's God's will then it will happen. These are words most often spoken by women/men who have never had to go throught the emotional rollercoaster and the self-loathing that comes from trying month after month, year after year to conceive.

    I, too, had to work very hard and spend LOTS of money trying to create both of my beautiful children. However, it has made me stronger, and it has given me purpose.

    Just wait until you get pregnant, then you will have a TON of other sayings/phrases that will irk you (look how big you are OR when are you due (this will be asked 1,000,000 times) OR are you having twins?) Good times are coming your way. :)

    Thanks for the encouragement! It is teh hardest thing I've ever delt with. I can wait to hear all the fun pregnancy comments.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    "This will work out(or happen)... I promise you."

    How can you promise something that nobody but God would know.... These people make me think that I can't trust them b/c they talk out of their butt all the time.