Phrases or sayings that really irk me!!!!



  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    I think it is meant as motivation by kind people, like "go for it! It's possible for you to succeed to!". But depending on where we are in the process, it can come across as condescending or very frustrating for those of us who have tried for years to lose weight unsuccessfully.

    My favorite (or least fav) has to be from Thanksgiving two years ago. After a very well-balanced meal of which I did not stuff myself, I reached for a cookie and my cousin's husband (outdoor biker extraordinaire ) looked right at me and said, "you don't need that." I was so shocked and angry that I put the cookie down and walked away. I KNOW he meant it as encouragement - I surely didn't need the cookie - who does? But ! it didn't motivate me. It made me feel like I was out of control and needed someone else to tell me what to do, which made me feel like eating TEN cookies.

    My solution, is that I've stopped telling people when I decide to lose weight. You people on MFP are the only people in my life that need to know. Other people's comments always frustrate and demotivate me.

    EXACTLY! I quit telling everyone too because instead of being supportive I get the feeling the are all just waiting on me to fail...again. This time only my riends on here knew until very recently. However within the last 2 weeks both people at work and in my personal life (my husband and my younger daughter) have noticed the changes in me and commented so now I am telling people about my changes. Maybe I just needed to convince myself that I am worth it and going to do it right this time!!
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    "At the end of the day, . . . ." bugs me. Unless you're talking about your bedtime routine.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Well lets see -"Why are you losing weight, you look fine"

    Or - "Shouldn't you be eating a salad instead of _____________"

    "she can't eat that, she's on a diet"

    "it is what it is"

    "like really"

    "KWIM" - know what i mean

    All of these terms irk me.

    And my all time fav - "nothing taste as good as skinny feels" ....... goodness that one irks me because pizza and alcohol taste GREAT!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    'Everything happens for a reason". I get it, I really do, but it irks me when something goes wrong or is bad, people tell me, oh everything happens for a reason.. Argh..

    yes, this phrase is shockingly insensitive. I experienced a terrible tragedy in my life about 1 1/2 years ago, and when people would say this, or any variation of this, I would get enraged. It's a very thoughtless thing to say. Some horrible things in life just happen. There is no good reason, nor does God have a plan to do these horrible things to us. ARGH.

    Thank you for that venting opportunity.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I don't think anyone has mentioned this one yet, but if so, sorry for the repeat.

    People who say, "Ya know" every 2 or 3 sentences OR EVEN EVERY 2-3 WORDS!

    You just told me sooooooo, YES, I KNOW!

    LOL....My husband cals my best frined "LIKe" and calls me "Ya Know" b/c when we're talking that's alomst all you hear. But we've been freind for 20 sign of breakign this habit.

    I try not to say YA Know to others though
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    That's what she said!!! Ugh!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    "That's what they say."

    Who the H$&% are "they" anyway...... still haven't found out.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Anything to do with TEXT speak! Seriously, I think that kids are not going to know how to spell any words!
    "u", FML, LMAO-etc!
    I know-a lot of people on here probably speak like that, and I am sorry-I just hate it! I do text, but I don't shorten my words.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member


    This actually irks me. In 20 years, people won't know how to spell.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member


    This actually irks me. In 20 years, people won't know how to spell.

    Fell off the couch, rolling on the floor, laughing my a#$ off.

    With my typing skill level it takes about the same time for either one.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member


    This actually irks me. In 20 years, people won't know how to spell.

    Fell off the couch, rolling on the floor, laughing my a#$ off.

    No problem. I actually figured it out (took me a few minutes but I did it).
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think sometimes you have to take a comment from where it is coming, not where it is directed. (easier said than done)

    People who say "if I can do it so can you" usually started out with low self esteem and really feel like if they can do it anyone can.

    People who say things that may seem inappropiate like "God is in control" and " It takes time" just don't know what else to say. We all grew up with moms saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything" I think because of that we (at least I do) feel that we should try to say something encouraging even if we don't know what to say, or people might think you don't care or that you are having negative thoughts.

    It doesn't make it right, but when you think about a little differntly it hurts less.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    "per se"
    "on the same page"
    "outside the box"

    people who say "pitcher" instead of "picture"

    people who use the word cognizant in emails and have no idea how to spell it
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I think sometimes you have to take a comment from where it is coming, not where it is directed. (easier said than done)

    People who say "if I can do it so can you" usually started out with low self esteem and really feel like if they can do it anyone can.

    Agree. I always thought of this one as the person being self-deprecating. "If a poor schlub like me can do it....."

    I'm coming from a different POV in that I heard this 1000's of times at 12-step meetings.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My mother always says "such is life"...really? You couldn't think of something supportive to say? you had to use a cliche? awesome! and I agree with the "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"...oh yeah? have you had chocolate lately, that tastes pretty damn good. or "do i look stupid?" no but you sure sound stupid so does that count? or when someone repeatedly says "I'm fat" while they're stuffing their mouths with crap...what do you want me to say? No you're not fat? well you are, and the reason is because you keep stuffing your face with that crap! Don't complain to me about how much weight you've gained constantly, when you aren't going to do a thing about it. I never once called myself fat infront of people, because I wasn't willing to do something about it. here's another one "the world is going to end in 2012", really? where did you hear that? what research supports that? wasn't the world suppose to end 100 times already? and if it does can you please stop saying "why are you getting married in 2012, the world is suppose to end"...F.U. buddy!!!! I'm sure there are tons more, but I'll just stick to these ones lol
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Awww I like that one, sorry. "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I don't take it as anorexic thin, just healthy and fit thin. When I was 20lbs lighter, I had tons of energy, felt great, and was super confident! Now that I have an extra 20lbs, I feel lethargic, lazy and no as confident as I was.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Awww I like that one, sorry. "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I don't take it as anorexic thin, just healthy and fit thin. When I was 20lbs lighter, I had tons of energy, felt great, and was super confident! Now that I have an extra 20lbs, I feel lethargic, lazy and no as confident as I was.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey guys I just wanted to say that this is like a weight loss forum. People come here to loose weight, not to like, get criticized, just so you know. Basically, I feel you are all like a little bitter but as most things, this too shall pass.

    Remember the next the next time you are eating cookies.. put them down!! YOU DONT NEED THEM! If I can do it, then so can you! My motto is that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Irregaurdless of you're like really mean comments, I like wish you all like the best of luck. Bless you're hearts I hope you loose some like weight. If you don't loose weight then like it is what it is.

    Just sayin

  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    My mother always says "such is life"...really? You couldn't think of something supportive to say? you had to use a cliche? awesome! and I agree with the "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"...oh yeah? have you had chocolate lately, that tastes pretty damn good. or "do i look stupid?" no but you sure sound stupid so does that count? or when someone repeatedly says "I'm fat" while they're stuffing their mouths with crap...what do you want me to say? No you're not fat? well you are, and the reason is because you keep stuffing your face with that crap! Don't complain to me about how much weight you've gained constantly, when you aren't going to do a thing about it. I never once called myself fat infront of people, because I wasn't willing to do something about it. here's another one "the world is going to end in 2012", really? where did you hear that? what research supports that? wasn't the world suppose to end 100 times already? and if it does can you please stop saying "why are you getting married in 2012, the world is suppose to end"...F.U. buddy!!!! I'm sure there are tons more, but I'll just stick to these ones lol

    I remember this when I got married in Dec of 1999. Eveyone was with the Y2K thing at the time. The world didn't end and life has gone on.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Irregardless, a whole nother, or all of the sudden. How about REGARDLESS, ANOTHER, and SUDDENLY. Is that too much to ask??? GREAT forum!