Phrases or sayings that really irk me!!!!



  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    "Very Unique" if something is unique it's unique, you can't be and more unique!

  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    I'm sure some might be offended at this one, but how about "national tragedy" when it's applied to an event that affects a relatively few people. Yes, the recent shooting was a tragedy. No, it's not a "national" tragedy, any more than a fire in my home state that claimed the life of 15 people.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    This will probably offend a decent amount of people but I hate hearing any variation of "you have been blessed" or "God has blessed you with _______". Mostly because God has nothing to do with what I have in life. Everything I have, I have worked for and was not given to me by god. I got my looks from my genes and my happy life because I made it that way.

    I do apologize if this offends anyone. I understand faith and religion and what it means to people, I just don't live that way and don't like when people say it to me.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Buzz words and sayings, such as "epic", "think outside the box", "viral" and one of my new hated sayings, "FML" (if you guys don't know it is f*** my life) UGH!!!!! Oh and anytime "twitter" and "facebook" are used as verbs it really irks the crap outta me.

    I totally agree!!!! My son uses epic all the time....and uber (all this word mean is over in German) so uber exciting = over excting...are things really over exciting?

    and I really want the peoel my son is friends with to be this pesimistic. Too many FML's and I begin worring about people mental state.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This will probably offend a decent amount of people but I hate hearing any variation of "you have been blessed" or "God has blessed you with _______". Mostly because God has nothing to do with what I have in life. Everything I have, I have worked for and was not given to me by god. I got my looks from my genes and my happy life because I made it that way.

    I do apologize if this offends anyone. I understand faith and religion and what it means to people, I just don't live that way and don't like when people say it to me.

    In total agreement!!!

    And when people "Thank God!" for a successful surgery/recovery, or their sports team winning a game. No, thank the doctors or the team who had years of training to accomplish their goals!
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with so many here... and I have caught myself saying a few..... :blushing:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    OMG, Nucular make me INSANE, my kids say it on purpose just to get a rise.

    I hate "with all due respect"! You just know the next thing is something saying you're an idiot!
    That reminds me of will farrell in talledega nights :)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Another!!! when people say the word "what" oddly. Such as adding in letters "whieat" It would be easier if I could actually SPEAK what I mean
  • melindapipkin
    when people say i thought you were trying to eat healthy when they see me eating something not so healthy, if i want a cookie i will eat a cookie:happy:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I also hate the word irregardless, this is NOT a word! I also hate "most definately" You are either definate or not, to me it's like "more perfect", can't be done and you sound ignorant.
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    Oh yea another irk me word is Journey:grumble: I don't know why but it really does get under my skin.

    YES! I'm trying to get in shape. Not lob a ring into a fiery mountain.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My kids are stuck on saying FAIL in every sentence these days.
  • imom2kne
    It frustrates me each time I hear "It is what it is". I prefer to think it is what we allow it to be. So much of what we simply accept as unchangeable, IS changeable simply by what we do.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    "To be perfectly honest with you"

    That just means you haven't been honest yet, right??

    Admittedly tho, I use the phrase Honestly when typing online, but that's because I don't believe the online world is one that people are always honest and I want to put an emphasis on the point of an honest statement.
  • asyluma
    asyluma Posts: 65 Member
    I work in a gas station right now and I get a lot of the teenage crowd in... some of the things they say to each other crack me up. Hearing, 'OMG!' all the time drives me nuts or "I totally want _____" but then it just reminds me that I used to talk that way when I was their age so maybe our tolerance of what bugs us changes with age? LOL
    I gotta admit that I too have commited some of the previously posted irk phrases but it all depends on who I'm talking to. My personal annoyances involve variances of

    1) What had happened was... Almost seems like they're setting up a lie when I hear this
    2) I'm not gonna lie, but.... Using this before a statement just confirms my fear of the first
    3) Word... Said as a confirmation or agreement to what I ask or say, how is it a response to what I said?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    "To bad she's so big...she has such a pretty face". So rude. :angry:

    "Muscle weighs more that fat". Isn't a pound a pound?? :huh:

    "I'm going to start my diet on Monday". Are you prejudice against the other day's of the week? :tongue:

    Muscle Does weigh more than fat if your talking about quantity. If the muscle and the fat were the same size the muscle would be heavier lol.

    umm well I did have an idea for a phrase but now I cant remember.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    "To bad she's so big...she has such a pretty face". So rude. :angry:

    "Muscle weighs more that fat". Isn't a pound a pound?? :huh:

    "I'm going to start my diet on Monday". Are you prejudice against the other day's of the week? :tongue:

    Muscle Does weigh more than fat if your talking about quantity. If the muscle and the fat were the same size the muscle would be heavier lol.

    umm well I did have an idea for a phrase but now I cant remember.

    It takes months to build actual muscle ;)

    Which leads me to my favorite phrase to hate
    "your fat turned into muscle". Ummmm....that isn't possible lol I hear people say that a lot, ugh!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat" drives me nuts. It doesn't make sense. Feathers weigh more than bricks if you have enough of them! Muscles are more dense than fat, yes. 5 pounds of muscle is smaller than 5 pounds of fat, yes. Muscle weighs less than fat, well it depends on the quantity. *venting over*
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I HATE when people say "Honey" to EVERYONE. OR "sweetie" ESPECIALLY when they don't even know them! I only like to be called "honey" by a select few. My husband, people I REALLY know and like, and old women. :smile: