Phrases or sayings that really irk me!!!!



  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    How about this one? I answer the phone at work with my usual greeting and at the end ask "How may I help you?" and get this response: "Uh. Yeah. Uh....can I ask a question?"

    I want to respond with: "Yes, but since you're only allowed one and you just asked it, you'll have to call back tomorrow. Thanks so much and have a lovely day."

    Ugh.......drives me insane!

    :laugh: :grumble: :noway: :laugh:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Oh yea another irk me word is Journey:grumble: I don't know why but it really does get under my skin.

    YES! I'm trying to get in shape. Not lob a ring into a fiery mountain.

    Bahahahahaha! I just laughed out loud in the middle of my quiet office and everyone looked up at me like I'd lost my mind! :D

    Haha "journey" drives me nuts too (I am always complaining about that to my husband) and this made me laugh really loudly! I hate when someone says "It is what it is." Of course it is. Otherwise, it would be what it isn't. Does that make any sense to you? No? Didn't think so. Now, if you have nothing of importance to say when I tell you I'm in a bad mood because I gained a pound this week, don't say anything. Walk away and I will not have to attack you. Do NOT tell me "It is what it is." I will throw the first thing I see, even if that is my cat.
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    Hey guys I just wanted to say that this is like a weight loss forum. People come here to loose weight, not to like, get criticized, just so you know. Basically, I feel you are all like a little bitter but as most things, this too shall pass.

    Remember the next the next time you are eating cookies.. put them down!! YOU DONT NEED THEM! If I can do it, then so can you! My motto is that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Irregaurdless of you're like really mean comments, I like wish you all like the best of luck. Bless you're hearts I hope you loose some like weight. If you don't loose weight then like it is what it is.

    Just sayin


    :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    ...or "alls i have to say"'s not ALLS! stop putting the "s" on the end of everything? You sound stupid!

    Like, "yous guys" ??

    I'm happy I'm not the only one who finds that irritating!
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    "That's what they say."

    Who the H$&% are "they" anyway...... still haven't found out.

    So true! Or when someone starts a sentence with "They say..."

    I agree with you - who the f *** is They?
  • Flawlessk
    Lol, some of these are so funny.

    I don't mind text type, but i hate it when people speak it. When they say OMG instead of oh my god, for example.

    Should you be eating that?
    Yes and because you have said that i now want four of them.

    I also hate when someone constantly asks what you have eaten that day or if you done your exercises yet. I know its not a phrase but it has the opposite effect on me.

    Agree with previous poster 110%. What the F**k is 110%?
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    OK...I know that some of those "localisms' like "youse guys" bother some folks, but I've finally learned to not let it bother me. We all tend to pick up a little of whatever we hear all the time.

    I just had to share this one with everyone.

    Last year, I was in a restaurant in Ohio, and the waitress actually said the following (I'll try to write this the say she said it):

    So....have you-in-zez decided on what you-all want?

    She said it with a straight face, so apparently that's how she normally talks. It was all my wife and I could do to keep from busting out laughing.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I blame 'How I Met Your Mother' for 'epic'.

    I used 'Legendary' a lot. ;)
    Buzz words and sayings, such as "epic", "think outside the box", "viral" and one of my new hated sayings, "FML" (if you guys don't know it is f*** my life) UGH!!!!! Oh and anytime "twitter" and "facebook" are used as verbs it really irks the crap outta me.

    I totally agree!!!! My son uses epic all the time....and uber (all this word mean is over in German) so uber exciting = over excting...are things really over exciting?

    and I really want the peoel my son is friends with to be this pesimistic. Too many FML's and I begin worring about people mental state.

    I beleive EPIC, can be traced back to the Jim Rome Show, which gained popularity in the late 90's...which was when I started using "Epic!"

    I have thoughts on the rest of this but I don't have enough time to get into it.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    bumping for a good laugh later
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    "it is what it is" grrrrr.... makes me cringe
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    "Downsizing" -- ^*&%^&*%^& it! Call ilt what is is...A LAYOFF
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    when a person is trying to say "picture' and say "pitcher" makes me laugh out loud
  • Scarletblue
    Fri 01/14/11 10:44 AMQUOTE:
    Oh yea another irk me word is Journey I don't know why but it really does get under my skin.

    YES! I'm trying to get in shape. Not lob a ring into a fiery mountain.

    Bahahahahaha! I just laughed out loud in the middle of my quiet office and everyone looked up at me like I'd lost my mind! :D

    I just laughed out loud...
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Seems to be a common occurence here on the MFP posts. I find myself laughing out loud a lot.:smile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member

    The ULTIMATE for me is 'wake up and smell the coffee' >shudders<

    I hate the smell of coffee! Why would I want to wake up and smell it!

    Anything to do with TEXT speak! Seriously, I think that kids are not going to know how to spell any words!
    "u", FML, LMAO-etc!

    I have students actually use this in papers and on tests. I had to start a policy last year that each time they use text speak not only do they miss that point, but I also take off an extra point!

    'unthawed' (you can't unthaw something, that would be freezing it again)

    DH says this all the time, and it's almost enough to make me go beserk.
  • jtreadwell
    jtreadwell Posts: 90 Member
    Something that really irritates me is when people expect me to speak spanish and when I tell them I don't they actually roll their eyes and get upset as if they don't believe me!!!

    Just a few more:

    1) I know huh
    2) For reals?
    3) Oh nah-uh
    4) Shut-up (When someone is surprised)
    5) When people call me "A" or "Hey"

    When people do not know how to speak in a professional setting. They speak as if they are hanging out with their friends. Do they not understand how embarassing that is?
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Lets see here, my husband likes to say, "6 of one 1/2 dozen of another" (which I'm sad to report I've stared saying even though I HATE the phrase).
    My mother-in-law use to say "by way the crow flies" which I often say, "I don't care which way the crow flies, how long will it take me to drive there?"
    I HATE it when people use online/texting things like LOL, WTH, etc when speaking...ok, while typing in response to a post...ok, I'll admit it LOL just bugs me!
    "You're doing so good, are you sure you want to eat that?" " you can't eat that, you're on a diet"
    I have had also had problems getting pregnant and I hate it when people say, "you just need to do the deed more"...really? That's where babies come from? I had no idea, thanks for clearing that up for me.
    I'm sure there more, but I'm in a good mood today so I must have forgotten them :laugh:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    How about this one? I answer the phone at work with my usual greeting and at the end ask "How may I help you?" and get this response: "Uh. Yeah. Uh....can I ask a question?"

    I want to respond with: "Yes, but since you're only allowed one and you just asked it, you'll have to call back tomorrow. Thanks so much and have a lovely day."

    Ugh.......drives me insane!

    I do that all the time...sorry :blushing: :laugh:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Oh, forgot the one I hate the most..."friend" I hate it when people refer to me as "friend". "Ok friend, I'll see you later." "Thanks, friend". That one just bugs me.
  • Mustangmandy1982
    I agree. Everyone is different and not all of us can or want to do the same thing. That is a big lesson we can all learn. All our bodies are shaped differently and although we are all able to stay fit and in shape, we will never all look the same exact way. What works for one may not work for another. We all just have to find what works best for us and go from there. We all have different stories and ideas. What irkes me is when someone says, "It's really easy, just do it this/that way." Well, I'm doing it and it is not that easy! lol