*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • purplespeckle
    Okay so tomorrow is the weigh in and I feel like I'm getting ready for a test or something I'm so nervous I don't want to be disappointed by the scale I did an hour and 7 minutes of exercise today instead of my regular 30 minutes......we'll see what happens
  • purplespeckle
    Last Chance WORKOUT!!!! woo hoo!!! tomorrow is weigh in!!! I am excited and anxious and nervous!!! I havent even peeked at the scale since i weighed on Saturday!!! All i have to say is I BETTER SEE A LOSS!!! I think i might lose it if i stay stuck at the same weight for a 3rd week in a row!! i have stepped it up this week with my workouts and i have been chugging water like crazy!! Hopefully this hard work pays off!! Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!

    that's one thing i cannot seem to do is drink water!! i hate drinking water if i'm not working out. if i'm working out i can drink at least 1 or 2 bottles within 30-60 minutes. other than that i really don't drink anything. i'm not a fan of pop or juice or anything. i like milk but i'd rather not drink my calories. so.....i'm so nervous about the weigh in too!!! i looked at the scale yesterday :/ it was good but ugh i'll be so mad if it doesn't read below 177.4
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member

    that's one thing i cannot seem to do is drink water!! i hate drinking water if i'm not working out. if i'm working out i can drink at least 1 or 2 bottles within 30-60 minutes. other than that i really don't drink anything. i'm not a fan of pop or juice or anything. i like milk but i'd rather not drink my calories. so.....i'm so nervous about the weigh in too!!! i looked at the scale yesterday :/ it was good but ugh i'll be so mad if it doesn't read below 177.4

    Do you drink things faster through a straw? I find that it's easier for me to get my water in ever since I got a washable cup that has a straw. Weird, I know. But I promise I do drink more with a straw!

    Also, you could set an alarm on your phone or something to remind you every hour or so to drink a glass of water. Might help. I found that when I get all my water in (half your body weight in ounces of water), I always see the scale move in the right direction.
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes..didn't do any exercise this morning. I am just trying to stay under calories today and drink lots of water. If I do workout today..it will be light. I know for the past 3 days I have been really honing it in..and when Zumba is done at full intensity...it can take a toll on your body..and I want to see if not working out the day before weigh-in helps with water retention.

    I am hoping for a good number tomorrow...but if not, I know my hard work is paying off...because my obliques are on FIRE! I did Zumba Sculpt and Tone and Flat Abs last night...as well as Level 2 of 30 Day Shred....and I am definitely feeling it today. So either way I am ok with inches and/or lbs dropped. I was also reading up on some things regarding losing weight and new workout routines.

    ***If your goal is to lose weight, you should focus on high repetition sets with lower weights. This will define your muscles without getting overly bulky. Combine these type of exercises with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and other cardio work. You can keep about the same diet as you regularly would, but decrease your fat consumption, and moderately increase your protein intake for muscle repair.

    Also this was a really good article I read:


    Thanks for this link...I read the blog you referenced about gaining weight and feel like I might be in that category. I just started working out as we started this challenge and previous times when I would join the gym, I never experienced weight loss even though I was getting more fit. This week my weight seemed like a yo-yo...maybe due to my TOM. After weighing in last week at 203.4, I went up a pound a day the next two days and then suddenly dropped three pounds. Hoping for at least one pound loss tomorrow.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Weighed in this morning. 282.8, which is down 4 lbs from the last weigh in. Woo hoo! Feels great after not losing last week.
  • purplespeckle

    that's one thing i cannot seem to do is drink water!! i hate drinking water if i'm not working out. if i'm working out i can drink at least 1 or 2 bottles within 30-60 minutes. other than that i really don't drink anything. i'm not a fan of pop or juice or anything. i like milk but i'd rather not drink my calories. so.....i'm so nervous about the weigh in too!!! i looked at the scale yesterday :/ it was good but ugh i'll be so mad if it doesn't read below 177.4

    Do you drink things faster through a straw? I find that it's easier for me to get my water in ever since I got a washable cup that has a straw. Weird, I know. But I promise I do drink more with a straw!

    Also, you could set an alarm on your phone or something to remind you every hour or so to drink a glass of water. Might help. I found that when I get all my water in (half your body weight in ounces of water), I always see the scale move in the right direction.

    no i'm at work from 8-430 no phones allowed :/ i'm trying to get the water in though and i never thought about the straw idea i'll have to try that thanks
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177
    cw: 177

    i have not really done much of the exercising schedules nor have i kept up with it so i'm going to make this week a little more easier on me...i have got in a lot of walking in though....i just need to work on working out to work out videos...lol

    exercise goals:

    saturday jan 22: walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20

    sunday jan 23: walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20

    monday jan 24: walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20
    -george foreman walk n box

    tuesday jan 25: walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20
    -jillian michaels 30 day shred level 1

    wednesday jan 26: walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20
    -george foreman walk n box

    thursday, jan 27:
    -walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20
    -jillian michaels 30 day shred level 1

    friday, jan 28:
    -walk @ least 5000 steps
    -drink @ least 64 oz h20
    -jillian michaels cardio kickbox

    i went to this site: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&authkey=CKDt1aAO&formkey=dG51bjFDSE1xNEoyRVFoMTc4Vkh0a1E6MQ#gid=0

    and i have yet to see my name on there...can whoever is doing the website add my name to it please??