Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I second the online baby shower!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: I'd love to actually be able to buy some girly clothes! Whenever I buy for my niece they always ask how old the little boy is..yeah..SHE'S 7! :laugh:

    Julie-At least they told you that you would be walking into a mess! Crossing my fingers for you!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I swear girls have like 20 aisles at the store (toy and clothes) and boys get like 2.....

    Its hard to shop for a boy! Its usually cars/trucks, animals, and super heroes...My baby dresses mostly in sports themed stuff, mainly because I am convinved he's going to be drafted by the pittsburgh steelers hahaha and he should dress appropriately so that I have cute pics to show when he is drafted (yes I am being totally serious, I am this insane)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I swear girls have like 20 aisles at the store (toy and clothes) and boys get like 2.....

    Its hard to shop for a boy! Its usually cars/trucks, animals, and super heroes...My baby dresses mostly in sports themed stuff, mainly because I am convinved he's going to be drafted by the pittsburgh steelers hahaha and he should dress appropriately so that I have cute pics to show when he is drafted (yes I am being totally serious, I am this insane)

    hahahahaha...nice Cris. I love it!! When he gets drafted I can say "HEY I know that kid! Sort of!"
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I swear girls have like 20 aisles at the store (toy and clothes) and boys get like 2.....

    Its hard to shop for a boy! Its usually cars/trucks, animals, and super heroes...My baby dresses mostly in sports themed stuff, mainly because I am convinved he's going to be drafted by the pittsburgh steelers hahaha and he should dress appropriately so that I have cute pics to show when he is drafted (yes I am being totally serious, I am this insane)

    Cris, you nearly made soda come through my nose. :laugh:

    I'm not very good at being girly at all. I spent my childhood outside making mud pies & climbing trees & riding my bike. I was constantly in trouble for being covered in dirt and/or injuring myself. :laugh: I think what made me excited about a girl is the realization that it doesn't make any difference if she's a girl. She's pretty much the same kid she'd be if she were a boy and I can treat her the same. :laugh: Except that I LOVE tacky over the top girly stuff which I couldn't do with a boy. Yes, my little girl will be the baby dressed in the purple polka dot polyester dress that looks like it should've been worn to a prom in the 1980s with a huge bow on the top of her head. I'm serious, I saw this dress about a month ago at Marshall's and it's totally the first thing I'm buying her (assuming they still have it, which I'm sure they do because it was so awesomely hideous). Little blonde pig-tails and silly dresses & daddy completely wrapped around her finger. :love:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: That's hilarious! I love it!

    Julie: It's good you won't even have to bring it up with your supervisor unless you're going to be offered the job. Whew! Oh, and Runner's World always has articles about women who run while pregnant...some even run marathons (cuz they're crazy!).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I swear girls have like 20 aisles at the store (toy and clothes) and boys get like 2.....

    Its hard to shop for a boy! Its usually cars/trucks, animals, and super heroes...My baby dresses mostly in sports themed stuff, mainly because I am convinved he's going to be drafted by the pittsburgh steelers hahaha and he should dress appropriately so that I have cute pics to show when he is drafted (yes I am being totally serious, I am this insane)

    Cris, you nearly made soda come through my nose. :laugh:

    I'm not very good at being girly at all. I spent my childhood outside making mud pies & climbing trees & riding my bike. I was constantly in trouble for being covered in dirt and/or injuring myself. :laugh: I think what made me excited about a girl is the realization that it doesn't make any difference if she's a girl. She's pretty much the same kid she'd be if she were a boy and I can treat her the same. :laugh: Except that I LOVE tacky over the top girly stuff which I couldn't do with a boy. Yes, my little girl will be the baby dressed in the purple polka dot polyester dress that looks like it should've been worn to a prom in the 1980s with a huge bow on the top of her head. I'm serious, I saw this dress about a month ago at Marshall's and it's totally the first thing I'm buying her (assuming they still have it, which I'm sure they do because it was so awesomely hideous). Little blonde pig-tails and silly dresses & daddy completely wrapped around her finger. :love:

    Julie I was the same kinda girl. Only lately am I finding my "girlyness". I love the dress! Sounds awesome! haha

    Heather-The dallas 3 day is November 4-6. But you can still come to Dallas anytime!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Aw, you guys are so sweet. :flowerforyou: I'm straight up SO EXCITED about a girl. I wanted a boy so much up until a couple months ago & was kind of scared at the thought of having a girl but since I've been pretty convinced I'm having a girl for the last month or so, I've gotten myself really excited about it. To be honest, I may have ended up disappointed if she had been a boy. :laugh:

    Everyone talking about running makes me want to run again. Maybe I could safely build myself up to some short jogs. I really need to get moving.

    Had the 2nd interview this morning. I was told they're considering me and another applicant. I was also point blank told if I took the job I'd be walking into a huge mess. :indifferent: I'm pretty used to accepting jobs & walking into huge messes but how worried she was telling me about it made me feel a lot more confident requesting the amount of money I did. :laugh:
    So now I wait. Said they're calling references & then they'll make a decision. Then they'll call the person to let them know they're going to call their supervisor. So I don't have to have a totally uncomfortable conversation with my supervisor unless I know they're offering me the job.
    Completely off suggest from your post above but I had to give my opinion that I absolutely love the name Maizie (spelling sorry) cow name or not its so cute.I have a little girl in my Sunday School class and her name is Maizie Grace.Good luck with the job I hope you get it!!
    By the way -My best friend runs all the time and she ran all through both of her pregnancies.She ran daily 5-6 miles up until she was 36 weeks and went into labor at 38 weeks with both of her babies.Just make sure its ok with your doc and keep well hydrated while doing it.Course my best friend is a freak of nature and never looks pregnant when she is. She didn't have to wear maternity clothes until she was 7 1/2 months pregnant and complained she had to wear size 4's in maternity clothes.Me on the other hand looked like a WHALE with both of my pregnancies.I am hoping when I do get pregnant again I will be small and have a cute baby bump.Anyways once she gave birth she was back into size 2's BLAH
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am a total tomboy and dont know wth i would have done with a girl....I want another boy the next time (hopefully right after the wedding!) but Bobby and everyone else are pretty set on a girl...whatever Im the mom and I'll "bake" wahtever I want! ahahaha

    PS- The first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant ( no joke) was buy the baby a steelers outfit. ....I figured boy or girl they can show team spirit....man now I gotta post the picture hes the most adorable steelers fan ever!!!! :heart: :heart:

    damn it Julie ur giving me baby fever!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    damn it Julie ur giving me baby fever!

    Keep your baby fever on your side of the country...don't send any of that down here. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Congrats!! on the baby girl. I have to say i wanted girls with both of mine. I grew up with all girls, not that i was real girly but i felt like i have no clue on what to do with a boy. Of course if i had a boy i would of loved him regardless.

    SOrry i have been mia , had a rough weekend (eating and exercise wise) but great weekend as they were hauling but on the house...which has me even more stressed than ever...the $$ situation with the house has me soo freaked out.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie i was laughing so hard about the outfits. My first daughter I use to love to dress her all up like that. It caused so much marital confilict to this day it is a touchy subject. I had overalls for her (90's they were in style) The bib of the overalls was a fuzzy bear face and the shirt that went underneath was red with white polka dots. The one that really made the dh mad was this red/white/blue polka dotted ruffley mess I use to put on her. I am going to post a pic of it for laughs. I don't think I know where any pics with the crazy overall are.
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member
    Julie, little girls are super fun. My girls are 4 1/2 and 2 1/2, and they are so amazing. Of course...ask me again when they are both teenagers. :laugh:

    They are awesome! I have two one just turned 18 and the other is almost 20. However, the teenage years were not so much fun. Just remain consistent. Remind them you are their mother first, and their friend second. They have don't have to like you and you probably won't like them but if you are a good mother, and keep communicating with them and remind them of your expections, then one day you will realize you have become friends. They came around at about age 15 1/2 - 16 and we are all great friends... NOW. Didn't think it was ever going to happen though. Loving every minute of it.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    my baby and her ruffled mess just about 18 years ago. (that's me holding her)

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    HUGE PICTURE< Why does it come up so big
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I'm with you. Don't be sending any baby fever to Minnesota, either! I'm getting my money's worth out of this IUD, so I'm keeping it for five years!

    Julie: The dress you described sounds awesome! There are some things about the 80s that truly were awesome. Too bad I wasn't old enough to go all out in the fashion of the day...I only had the puffy bangs, crimped side ponytail and the dresses with the shorts attached. I totally rocked that look at the roller rink.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Momma, you are so pretty! And that outfit is amazing! :laugh:

    Julie, glad to hear they are being up front about the job. Better to have a clear idea of what you're getting into.

    Is it really just Tuesday???
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    :blushing: thanks, that was 18 years ago though:laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    dang it how do i put pics again? i did it once before
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    dang it how do i put pics again? i did it once before

    How precious! I love it!! IF and that is a big IF I ever have any kids...you know they will be rocking some serious Mav's gear!!

    Momma-I can't see your picture..boo..Il'l have to check it out tonight from home. Stupid work computer only lets me see some pics.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay when I clicked on the link it worked.. but put

    put [ and then img and the other ] and do the address in the middle and then [ and then / and another ]