Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm never having kids! :sick:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Talking of placentas :smile: when i had abby, remember she was 10lbs 6 oz...2 weeks early estimated to be 13 lbs ...had c-section, so the doctor got her out and then the placenta she said "wow you had a really healthy placenta" , her cord was soo thick..apparently that is why she was soo big my placenta was nurishing her very good :smile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    EWWWWWW, Momma! :laugh:

    I also can't forget each boob weighs about 4 pounds more than they used to. :noway: Hey, maybe all 12 pounds are covered afterall. :tongue:

    Honestly Julie that was so dumb of the doctor. Usually the doctor just kinda presses gently on your tummy and the placenta comes out with great ease. It does not hurt or anything. He is the only doctor out of 4 different ones who actually was dumb enough to tell me to push it out.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    He is the only doctor out of 4 different ones who actually was dumb enough to tell me to push it out.

    And I think he learned his lesson! :laugh: :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I'm a bit jealous you get to go on vacation this weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it. Have a margarita on the beach for me!

    Momma: Thanks for sharing...I love funny stories.

    Julie: It sounds to me like all 12 lbs are covered! Awesome!

    Cris: Your son is so adorable! You'll have to beat the girls off with a stick, especially when he's a rich Steelers player!!

    About 30 minutes until my WW weigh-in and I'm actually nervous about this one. I'm SO bummed the eating got out of control on Sunday. I was looking forward to another loss. At this point, I'll be happy if I maintained last week's weight. Sad. I might go to Boot Camp or Zumba tonight, though, to change things up. Hmm...decisions, decisions.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    EWWWWWW, Momma! :laugh:

    I also can't forget each boob weighs about 4 pounds more than they used to. :noway: Hey, maybe all 12 pounds are covered afterall. :tongue:

    Honestly Julie that was so dumb of the doctor. Usually the doctor just kinda presses gently on your tummy and the placenta comes out with great ease. It does not hurt or anything. He is the only doctor out of 4 different ones who actually was dumb enough to tell me to push it out.

    :laugh: I agree with Lauren, sounds like he deserved it! But my mind came up with a terrible mental image when reading your story, especially after Cris mentioned seeing it lying on the table looking like liver! :sick: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I most definitely will!! I'm bringing my Bubba Keg with me...less trips to the bar for me that way!! haha...good luck tonight at your meeting. Just make this next week that much better! Don't let a bad day or a bad week discourage you. And there will definitely be tons of pictures and stories after the trip I'm sure. I'm going to miss not posting and everything while I'm gone...I think wifi is available to purchase there but I don't know if I'm going to go that far or not. We will see what kinda withdraws I go through. It's going to be hard enough giving up my phone.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lots of baby (and placenta) talk today! I loved having a girl first and then a boy second, I don't know why - it just seemed to work well that way. Boys are more foreign to me I guess! (although having a 16-yr old girl right now isn't exactly all joy and flowers ... mostly snarls and grunts - I try to keep reminding myself of how bad I was at that age (I was worse) ... but it doesn't make it easier to put up with her teenage angst!). That's when I love my cuddly little boy! Who I also dressed in a Vikings outfit the day he was born - I'll have to try and post it. I think I dressed my daughter in sports clothes pretty quickly too though - I was never a girly-girl and neither is she. But she had her share of pinks and fluffs too as a baby!

    Anyhow, enough fun talk ... now to the bad stuff. I am almost out of calories and I thought I was having a good day! Aargh! I have my nutrition meeting tonight, hopefully it will re-motivate me.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I love California and I usually love the weather here. But I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the fog. All week it has been foggy but it burns off by 10 am then gets sunny and into the 60's. Not today here it is 3pm and still foggy and only in the high 50's. My feet will not get warm and I HATE it. Did I mention how much I HATE the fog? I am so glad we are going south into the sun.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I just went outside and the fog finally burned off great just an hour before the sun sets
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check In for Today

    Calories: pretty much right on
    Water: ocean full
    Exercise: shoveling, elliptical, bicycle
    Proud: I went to the gym today - I really wanted to curl up with my knitting in front of the TV.

    I am now off to do just that!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris - your li'l man is adorable!!!

    Hey, is anyone watching the show "Heavy"? Wowsa. WAY more realistic than BL. They deal with the psychological addiction side of weight loss along with the struggles of losing. It really makes me think and sometimes makes me really sad. It's on A&E.

    check in:

    cals: just under by 50 cals
    water: 100
    exercise: 60 minutes PT
    proud: I went to PT when I did not want to.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I didn't say it earlier, but I'm loving the pics of your future Steeler!
    Nancy, WTG on your PT today!
    ladeb, GREAT work on getting to the gym!
    Momma, no complaining about weather when it was 8 degrees here yesterday. :wink: :tongue:

    I worked about 20 minutes too late, so my yoga class was full by the time I got there. So, I decided to go to the gym instead and do a little Biggest Loser cardio - run during the show, walk during the commercials. I probably ran about 30 min total, walked at a fast pace incline for about 10 min, and walked at a fast pace for 20 min. 600 cals burned!

    Nancy mentioned "Heavy" being more realistic than BL. I don't doubt it! One of the shots today was of the whiteboard with the calories of the meals they ate for a day.....1080!!!! :noway: :noway: I sure freaking hope they were eating snacks in there too, because they have to be burning at least that much a day. I get that they have to get those numbers somewhere, but good grief, they are ending up with HUGE deficits each day. So unhealthy!

    OK, rant over. Checking in for today...
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1643
    Water - 104 oz
    Exercise - Running/walking intervals for 60 min
    Proud - Got to the gym and had a great workout, even though I missed yoga!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies! It's already/only Wednesday! haha

    It's been a mentally challenging week(s) for sure. The proof is in the calories... I only ate 996 calories yesterday and never once felt hungry. Not at all good. Must do better...

    Cris - your son is ADORABLE! He looks so much like you!

    Momma - you can come to Chicago... we don't have any fog haha :)
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Hello Ladies,

    cris- your little guy is so cute I especially love the newborn baby pictures

    momma- i love the pic of your little girl in the ruffled outfit plus I would die to have the weather be in the 50's right now foggy or not it's actually supposed to get up to 32 today so that's awesome compared to what it was the other day

    elmox- great job getting to the gym and getting a good workout and I know about the bl I was reading an article in a magazine about that and it says they only eat like 1200-1800 cals and I think that they burn thousands per day because they workout 6hours a day doesn't seem very healthy to me either but I watch it anyways

    blue- I don't have full cable so I haven't seen heavy boo I might have to look that up online and see if I can see the show there

    tstout- I find it hard to get all my cals in especially if I exercise but I'm trying

    I got a heartrate monitor the other day and I love it. I've been using it when I workout on the treadmill and I love being able to see where my heartrate is and see how many cals I've burned for that particular workout. I've also started doing a little bit of running on the treadmill and I absolutely love it.

    Check in for yesterday
    cals- under
    water- 72oz
    exercise 45 min run/walk on treadmill
    proud- that I've worked out 3days in a row
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls.

    Check in yesterday
    Cals - over by 66
    Water - 7 cups (way better than i have been doing )
    Exercise - 400 cals on arc trainer
    Proud - That i was able to get double the water i usally do yesterdya, not near what i need but getting there.

    this is really cruddy when i am sleeping i feel like crud when i get up i don't feel as bad, i know it probably is drainage but still...i like my sleep.

    working away this morning (oh what fun)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy mentioned "Heavy" being more realistic than BL. I don't doubt it! One of the shots today was of the whiteboard with the calories of the meals they ate for a day.....1080!!!! :noway: :noway: I sure freaking hope they were eating snacks in there too, because they have to be burning at least that much a day. I get that they have to get those numbers somewhere, but good grief, they are ending up with HUGE deficits each day. So unhealthy!

    What I heard about BL cals in/out matches exactly with what Veronica said. I heard a couple seasons ago (between filmed discussions with the trainers & the players) that the women strive to eat 1200 cals a day & the men eat 1800, And they all strive to burn at LEAST 6000 cals/day (they have a bodybug, so that includes daily activity other than exercise) but many of the must be burning a lot more to lose as much as they do week after week.

    I heard the doctor on the show telling one of the women a couple of weeks ago that she will have to commit to working out 90 minutes/day 6 days a week to maintain her weight. To me, that was confirmation their metabolism is completely effed by the time they reach their goal weight. Makes me sad.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I always wondered how many claories they were really eating...That just can't be healthy.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I heard the doctor say that to her too. Because she was over 40 or 50% body fat right? That almost made me cry. Right now I'm still sitting at like 41% body fat...I don't know what I was when I started but I sat there thinking am I going to have to workout 90 minutes a day to start losing again!? There's no way!!

    Lauren-Great job on getting a workout in regardless yesterday! I almost fell over when I saw those calories as well. Just doesn't seem healthy at all. Not suprised that several of the contestants gain their weight back when they leave the ranch. Can't be all that healthy for the body.

    This week is just DRAGGING for me!! It's because I'm ready for it to be the weekend! HURRY UP ALREADY!! I started packing already. Went and got a suitcase from Mike last night and spent some time with him. Ready for my trip! Almost....still have to go to Old Navy and see if I can find one more pair of athletic shorts...so sleepy today though and it's gonna be a loooong day. The good news is I did not hit up Starbucks like I normally do...but I did stop for a coke zero...still a win in my book!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yeah, it was the girl who had the most body fat. She had over 50% body fat & very little muscle mass because her muscles had atrophied. But... it's not like you can't bulid muscle and increase your metabolism. So I don't get why he would insist she will need to commit to working out that much. Then again we only saw what the editors wanted us to see so maybe he did go into more options.

    At work last year I "attended" a webinar about company health awareness programs where the big speaker was one of the people who won (or won the at-home prize, can't remember) BL many seasons ago. He said he worked out 3 hours every day to maintain his weight (but qualified that with the statement "But understand I like to eat"). Whatever makes him happy, I guess. What I gathered was that he still had food issues but was combating the extra calories by working out a lot. Sounds a lot like bulemia to me. :ohwell: