Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello girls!:flowerforyou:

    Oh NEW PEOPLE! Yay!:drinker:

    I am not going to try to catch up I'm just going to jump in and tell you all again how much I love you!

    I wait for it... wait for it... wait for it... made it to the rec center Sunday - second time since May. I walked, and I biked. Good start I think :smile:

    My life is still crazy but who's isn't? Meghan's mom and brothers came out after Christmas and it was great seeing them and weird/hard too. Watching Meghan's mom "mother" her and kinda badger her about school work and her messy room (nothing like what I used to have!)... All of my family was in town this past weekend for a funeral of a good family friend - four sisters and our spouses in one room equals GAH!:explode:

    I've been horrible this past fall - I know part of the reason is depression and part of it is just being lazy. No more. I'm back on the path to health.

    I know I've gained back most of the forty pounds I'd lost but you know what? If I lost it once that means that I KNOW HOW TO DO IT so really - no excuses!:huh:

    See you here!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Welcome home! Love the new pick and congrats on being out of the 230s!! That's so awesome!

    Ann: Great quote, thanks for sharing.

    Julie: Yay for starting the 2nd trimester!

    Nancy: You are a dancing queen, young and sweet, a just little older than seventeen. Seriously, though, so glad you had fun at your friend's party and that you danced like crazy. Doesn't sound anything like that lady I used to know who had trouble with stairs...I'm amazed and proud of how far you've come!

    Melinda: Welcome back! So happy to see you again!

    Jess: I'm so super excited about you coming to MN for the Warrior Dash!! It's a bummer we won't be in the same wave, but we'll get to party together afterward! Where are you guys staying? Nate (bf) says you should stay in Hastings so we can go to the bars Saturday night. Can you access my cell number on FB? If not, I'll private message it to you!

    This weekend I wasn't bad at all in comparison to the past few weekends. I'm over my weekly WW points, but only by 27 instead of 75 like last week. I'm slowly improving. I didn't get to exercise because I got a cold and it's making me feel like I'm starving. I won't be taking a lunch break at work today, either, because I will be leaving at my normal lunch time for my IUD procedure (provided they don't reschedule me again). But, I have snacks at work or I could get a fresco taco from Taco Bell on my way to or from the doctor office and be okay for today's points.

    Hope you all had a better weekend than I did!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning girls...I did not do so well this weekend...scale is up 2.6lbs and Im having a hard time staying focused. Besides the fact that Im battling a cold I am also battling some personal issues right now and I want to eat my self comatose. Trying really ahrd to stay focused today. My goal was 210 by the end of the month and now thanks to my weekend binge I am 5.6lbs away from that goal. I am gonna go look up some quotes or look at the success thread to see if I can keep myself from spiraling

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning/afternoon :)!

    Can't chat today, DH and our kids are home and we are about to leave to the outlet mall..hoping to find lots of clearence for my family.

    Have a great day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    It looks like I am not the only one who had a hard time sticking to the plan this weekend. Okay, it is done let's put it behind us and move forward

    Blue, dancing sista? Remember when you could not even take a walk? You are so amazing!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ann, nice quote.

    Julie, yay for starting to show. I was so excited with the first baby to show. I did not however show until I was well into the 5th month. I was too busy throwing up until that point.... I know no warning on the tmi!!!!

    Melinda, good to see ya!

    Heather and Jess, I think it is neat that you guys are going to get to meet. Have fun at the dash.

    I am not feeling too good so I will see you all later.
  • purplespeckle
    great attitude! you CAN do it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    one meal at a time.... got through bfast and lunch alright....lets hope i do ok with dinner especially since yet again we have not gone grocery shopping ....***sigh***
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi Gals!
    I did pretty well over the weekend ... not 100% but a lot better than I would have done a week ago! I missed step class this morning - so I'm kind of bummed about that. I woke up during the night and it was snowing and I was worried about the roads, and one foot is hurting me (kind of like you Cris) - I hurt it at step on Saturday - bottom of my foot towards the heel. I'm pretty sure mine is plantar fasciitis - which I've had before and took me a year to get over - so hopefully it won't be that bad this time. I wish I had just gotten up and gone to step anyhow. :frown:
    anyhow - checking in for yesterday:
    calories: a little over - but definitely not bad for a weekend
    exercise: nice long walk on the farm - beautiful
    proud: that I am still sticking with my nutritional plans - even if I am having sugar cravings.
    water: need more
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Melinda - SO GOOD to have you back! We've all missed you so! It isn't the same unless all of us sisters are here. I think we all struggled with Fall, so we can totally understand. I LOVE your optimistic attitude: get right back on that damn horse! :heart:
    lstpaul - PF really sucks. Make sure you do the stretches each morning! I have/had? it on both feet. I had an invasive surgery on the right foot way back in the day when they did not know what they were doing (yeah, big mistake); it actually worked for me but was a killer recovery. The left foot I had that non-invasive surgery where they take this huge machine and pound on your heel (I know sounds painful but I was loopy LOL) and it breaks it up so it can heal on its own. It took six months to heal, but it finally corrected it. PF pain is wckedly bad sometimes, so I feel for you. Make sure to stretch! I know you know this, so excuse the rant. LOL
    cris - make a list for the grocery store and commit to yourself to STICK to the list. I find that if I am at all hungry or in a weak food state of mind when I go to the store, I buy crap. :tongue: I am sure you are stronger than I am with willpower, though!

    sisters: Thanks for reminding me of how far I have come. You are right - it was just a little over a year ago when I started and I could not even walk to my car in the garage. Wow. I love you all for remembering when I forget! :heart:

    Off today, hence the GREAT mood! Who was our BL for this week? I'll have to go back and check.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    It looks like our beloved little JESS is our Biggest Loser this week! Wooohooo!!!!:flowerforyou:

    :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: BRING ON THE CHALLENGE, SISTA!!!:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Darn it! The ONE day I can participate in the chatter and NO ONE is here! :grumble:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well i am already almost over my cals :sad: oh well just facing the fact that i will probably be over today. NO workout since little one (ok big little one) is home. She seems to be feeling a little better, hopefully she will be good to go to school tomorrow.

    I got my days off for moving, so i really hope we get to close at the end of march. They give me a move day at work, so like an extra vacation day ...woohoo...Got me a 5 day weekend when we move...of course it will be a lot of work., i wanted to take that monday off as i have a feeling it will be a little rough on that 1st day of school for serena where she doesn't know anybody.

    I am soo excited , they were actually working on it making me more excited :smile: 2month 2 weeks that sounds like soo far off and soo close at the same time.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Sorry blue! Normally I am super chatty but the past week or so work has been killer!

    I have to work today so better get back to it! hopefully tomorrow will be slower and i can chat

    deb- 2 months is not far at all

    Lauren/Meook- I cancelled my trip to NY this weekend...part of the personal problem I mentioned in a previous post...**sigh**
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, bummed you can't make it up to NYC. Hopefully you can reschedule when things are a little less crazy?? Sorry that life is tough right now. You'll be back!
    Blue, HOORAY for your dancing! Enjoy your day off!!
    Deb, glad things are coming together for the house.

    Last day of vacation - we went for a run this morning and are being lazy and just hanging out on the couch. It's a pretty nice way to spend the last day of vacation. We've got about another 2 hours until we have to leave for the airport. Lazy lady!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - 2456, you know, just 550 over maintenance! I went a little crazy with the chips and guacamole last night. That was a lot of unnecessary, but delicious!, cals.
    Water - 80 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Ate only half of my sandwich at lunch and drank less beer than I could have. Small victories!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - SOrry you had to cancel your trip.

    Lauren - Have fun on your last day of vacation.

    I am soo stressed about this 2 month thing...i want to be super excited and i am but then when i look at my bank account not soo much...i am stressing soo much about coming up with the 8k , i want to get my tax refund asap so i will feel better about this..

    I found this living furinture i absolutely love but it is really too expensive, i basically could get our living room and our bedroom furnished for the amount of this one set. The other set we are looking for is really nice i just like that one better...I just can't spend that much on 1 room...uggg...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Hang in there. If you need to chat via PM, feel free to let it all out. Hugs! Things will work out, whatever they are.

    Nancy: Sorry I wasn't around to chat!

    So earlier I mentioned having my IUD procedure if they didn't reschedule. Well, they did call to reschedule because the doctor got called out for another C-section. Darn babies! I was pissed since it was the third reschedule and they had to change my appointment to February 2nd. I basically threw a hissy fit. A few minutes later, the clinic called me back to say they felt bad and found a doctor that could squeeze me in even though she was 100% booked for the day. When I got to the clinic, they gave me a coupon for a free drink at the in-hospital coffee stand. I got into my appointment on time and was out within 30 minutes. I'm feeling better that something worked out today.

    I just have to say that I feel bad for anyone who a.) gets monthly TOM cramps b.) has ever had children or c.) is going to have kids. I've never had cramps during TOM and man, did I get three really strong ones when they were doing the procedure. Now, I just have a bit of a dull ache. They said it shouldn't last long, but whoa, have I been one lucky lady my whole life. But, I've decided I'm really happy with my decision to not have children...I can't imagine having cramping and contractions (sorry Julie!).

    Hope you're all having a good day. I'm going to get caught up on this season's Biggest Loser episodes before the bf is done with work for the day!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello again (two times in one day!)

    Checking in

    Calories - over by a few hundred. Who knew a grilled chicken ceaser salad would be so high in calories (I did of course - just 'forgot')
    Exercsie - none today but I'm recovering from walking and biking yesterday :huh:
    Water - not quite but I've still got time

    Proud - Today we met a co-worker at a pizza joint. I got a grilled chicken ceaser salad which was FAR BETTER than the amazing pizza. And I didn't get a dessert! Baby steps!:yawn: OK off to bed. Meghan's studying for exams, house mate is sick with the stomach flu (I've been delivering tea) and husband is surfing.

    I'll be back tomorrow! Oh yes I will!:flowerforyou:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for the weekend:
    Proud - I didn't binge, but I was soooo unhealthy!

    Checking in for today:
    Calories - about right on.
    Water - 80+ oz
    Exercise - 60 minutes with the trainer - he really pushes me hard - good to have him, I am not good at doing that to myself.
    Proud - That I took the time to truly relax today.

    Heather - I was told my cramps would get better after a child. Two later - they lied!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - this time will fly by and before you know it, you'll be in your new house!

    I am exhausted. One of my brothers and a friend came over to help me put hypoallergenic covers on my box spring and mattress. You'd think, simple, eh? Oh lordie mae far from it! Those things are so damn tight it's like a wrestling match putting them on! LOL And then there's the scary "what is under the bed all these years" reveal. The dust was disgusting! How in the hell did all that dust get under there?!?!?!?!? :noway: :noway: :noway: I was in shock! No wonder I'm always sick!

    So then I thought, might as well get the new pillow I bought ages ago and start all fresh. I like those buckwheat-type pillows. I've had the same one for twenty years (no lie) and my brother suggested I get a new one, so I splurged and got an upgrade to a queen size pillow. La-dee-da! Never had a pillow this big! Well, it seemed too full of the husks, so I unzipped it to get some out. I did pretty good at not spilling those little suckers. Then I turned the pillow upside down to flatten it out, and WHAMMY - I FORGOT TO CLOSE THE F*&^)&^NG ZIPPER!!!!!!!!! TWENTY POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT GO ON THE FLOOR AND, YOU GUESSED IT, UNDER THE DAMN BED! :explode: That was a LOT of fun to clean up, lemme tell ya! :noway:

    check in:

    calories: would have been over had I not worked out like a freaking fiend today
    water: 100
    exercise: 60 mins PT, the mattress debacle plus the buckwheat trauma plus carrying heavy boxes to the basement - I am pooped and my back is killing me!
    proud: After the husks were cleaned up, I had a good laugh. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Nancy - Sorry about your issues with the pillow ..that soo sounds like something i would do.

    I ate horribly yesterday i snacked ALOT and measured like nothing :sad:

    So lets say i went over by any means since i didn't workout i knew i would anway.

    Serena is to school and planning on getting to the gym today....

    I got up early as i had a release today of course it didn't get released till an hour after i got up so soo much of getting up early to check on it...I am very nervous about this i hope it goes well.