Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hmmm. I have a job interview. :indifferent: I don't know where to begin with how I feel about. it.
    1. I LOVE my current supervisor. LOVE. So rare, right?
    2. I NEED more money. NEED. This job would not only be a promotion by definition but I wrote on my application that I wouldn't accept any less than a 22% raise & they still called me for an interview. :noway:
    3. I can hide me being pregnant well enough for the interview, but if I was hired, there'd be no denying it by the time I started (state gov't hiring process is SLOW). That makes me feel bad -- like I'm lying.
    4. The job is still with the State of SC, just with a different agency so I'd keep all my paid time off and still be able to take my 12 weeks of maternity leave allowed under the FMLA and there's nothing they could do to stop me even though I would've only worked there for 4 months or so. :devil: Again, that makes me feel bad/sneaky/like a liar.
    5. This job would cut my 28 mile daily commute to a 5.6 mile/day commute. Yep, the office is 2.8 miles from my house.

    So many potential pros with the only con being that I feel like an absolutely horrible person for all of it. :ohwell: I guess I'll go and see how it goes.I'm getting way ahead of myself. I may not even have worry about making any kind of decision at all. :laugh:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    LittleSpy - when you get done hearing labor horror stories, check with me. My two were good stories :love: and I didn't have an epidural, but a thing called intrathecal morphine. Stopped the contraction pain, but when it came time to push, I knew it. Technically, you wouldn't be lying if the subject of being pregnant never came up:wink: - which it shouldn't - I think that is a NO NO question:noway: .

    Tstout - sorry to hear about your job. layoffs - been there, done that - UGH!

    checking in for today:
    calories: over by 193:ohwell:
    exercise: elliptical and stationary bike - did the "up & down" program
    water: good
    proud: I went and exercised even though I stalled an hour while contemplating skipping it.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie - congrats on the IV! Don't feel bad about looking for new opportunities, even if it means leaving your awesome boss. Go and be awesome in the IV and see what happens. Don't let being a "good" person interrupt advancement. Someone here noted that women get fewer raises than men because we don't ask. You said what you needed and they called you. Go and be amazing!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    LittleSpy - when you get done hearing labor horror stories, check with me.

    Not sure that anyone wrote any horror stories about labor.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    Go for the job. Being closer to home and more money sounds like a win win!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    You'd better go on that interview, knock their socks off and ask for 30% (22% is just the minimum) !!!!!!
    There is nothing to feel guilty or sneaky about at all.
    Keep in mind, 12 weeks is nothing compared to other civilized countries - even Canada gives women 52 weeks.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JuilE _ Good luck on the interview. I hope you get the job and it all works out.

    Well yesterday was not a good day, i did good all day until dinner, we went out and i ended up like 700 over all my caloires...guess it is still under maintenance so that is a win.

    I hope today is a better day at work, don't think i can take another day like yesterday.

    We went out to the house last night (in the pitch black ) , and they have it all ready for foundation !! We were soo happy but like dufus walking around in the cold pitch black trying to look at it. There was a sweet dog that was out there just hanging out on our property. We would kind of just drive around and he would follow us, he seemed to be an old dog and would just stand in the middle of the street scared me that someone would hit him. HE was definetly someones dog as he was too calm to be a stray. i hope he found his home last night :sad: If we lived there we would of maybe taken him in for the night , he definetly had a home there...
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning, ladies!

    Quick update today:

    My advisor is letting me audit a class! Woo! It's sociolinguistics, so it's not something I'm terribly interested in, but at least I get to continue with school this semester!

    I saw 21- on the scale this morning! WOOO! :)

    I'll be back when I can. I've got a house full today!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Morning, ladies!

    Quick update today:

    My advisor is letting me audit a class! Woo! It's sociolinguistics, so it's not something I'm terribly interested in, but at least I get to continue with school this semester!

    I saw 21- on the scale this morning! WOOO! :)

    I'll be back when I can. I've got a house full today!

    Teresa - So when you audit a class do you get credit for it? Or just sit in and then have to take it again?

    GOod job on seeing a 21 # on the scale this morning.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Debbie - Basically, I'm going to do all of the work for the class this semester, and then when I get financial aid figured out I will officially register for it and then my professor will turn in my grade then.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    LittleSpy - when you get done hearing labor horror stories, check with me.

    Not sure that anyone wrote any horror stories about labor.

    Sorry, didn't mean anyone on MFP - MFP gals are great. When I was pregnant, it seemed that everyone felt the need to tell me labor horror stories - really bugged me. I am a realist, but was scary the things people felt I needed to hear.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Debbie - Basically, I'm going to do all of the work for the class this semester, and then when I get financial aid figured out I will officially register for it and then my professor will turn in my grade then.

    Oh that is great...glad you were able to get into that.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies! You all sound like my hubby, who reminded me that I don't do my job out of benevolence, that I don't even really like my job, and that the entire point of me going to work is for money. :laugh: Can't argue with that kind of logic. Also, I'd never have to see the coworker that I can't stand ( who is getting worse and worse every day) ever again!!

    I once had an interview where they asked if I could forsee "taking any time off over the next 6 months" which was their clever way of asking applicants if they were pregnant, I guess. They also shared that the reason the position was open is because the employee had gone on maternity leave and then resigned.

    So, I'll go on the interview and won't mention the whole growing a baby thing unless a question like that comes up. Then if I'm actually offered the job (which is probably unlikely), I'll tell them the second I sign a formal offer letter.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Theresa: So glad you get to keep progressing with school, even if it's not the way you imagined. At least it's good news after the news about your job! See? Things are already looking up!

    Julie: I have to agree with Lauren on the job interview. Go knock their socks off and get the job that will give you more money because of the raise AND because you'll be spending less on gas commuting. Sounds good all around to me! Best of luck!!

    Last night was another good weigh-in at WW. I was down another 1.2 lbs! Yay! It was fun getting my 1st 5 lb. sticker; it makes me feel like I'm in elementary school but proud at the same time.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Perfect
    Water: 96.7 oz + I stopped keeping track after a while!
    Exercise: Moved during the commercials while watching Biggest Loser, which added up to 35 minutes of activity. I did jumping jacks, shadow boxing, sit ups, knee pulls, jump rope, jogging in place and planks. Whew!
    Proud: That I did a little bit of activity that added up to a decent workout and still go to watch Biggest Loser.

    Speaking of Biggest Loser, does anyone else LOVE the new trainers? Boxing and kickboxing for the workouts is awesome!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks for the recipes!

    Julie - great attitude!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Under with exercise. 1366
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga
    Proud - After yoga I came home and made a delicious pot of pasta (whole wheat penne, tomato sauce, squash, and spinach - total cost = $6) so Jonathan and I have 3 meals each. Hooray!

    I'm working late tonight, so I don't have to be in until noon. So I slept in late and now am catching up on my DVR! I thought about exercising but slept in a little too late! Whoops...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!!! I am so off track the last couple of days. I have not felt too great and my exercise is lacking and so is my eating. I am feeling so nauseated in the morning and then I feel better in the afternoon and eat too much. I am sure if I starting eating right and exercising again I would probably feel better. Ryans teacher is sick too and ry sounds like he is starting to get sick. I hope not.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. Okay I'm allll caught up on posts! I didn't take notes to make comments though. I was almost 3 pages behind! Glad everyone is doing well! Today is a better day. I feel better. Still not sure what to do in my situation. Basically I just have to confront it. Guess we will see what happens! Plan on hitting the gym for an hour tonight since I haven't been since Sunday. Yikes! My arms and abs still hurt from my 2 workouts over the weekend! Guess that's a good sign!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well all caught up on posts now!! Sounds like everyones weekend was BLAH with food.I didn't have a bad situation with food this weekend but I did have a killer sinus headache that caused my vision to blur for a bit which caused me to freak and have an anxiety attack.My doc gave me some Mucinex D that has been absolutely amazing.No more sinus headache now!!

    Julie-Labor isn't really all that bad in fact I can honestly say that I have been thru worse things than labor and I am the worlds biggest baby when it comes to pain.With my first one I labored for 22 hours naturally (no drugs)before finally they had to do an emergency c-section because she was stuck.Her arm was wrapped around her leg when they pulled her out and thats why she wasn't moving down the birth canal.I was stuck at 7 cm dilated for 4 hours before they decided to take me to surgery and on top of that I ate before going into surgery and I am highly sensitive to medication anyways and I threw up all over myself in the operating room.So prepare yourself now that anything can happen when you go in to have your baby and you will do just fine.Worrying about it won't make it any better or any worse just think positive.And everyone is right once you hold that beautiful baby you forget it anyways.With my other daughter I had a scheduled c-section because I didn't want the same thing to happen like last time.C-sections aren't all that bad but I would have prefered to have my girls naturally but it wasn't meant to be.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: under by 6 calories!
    exercise: none
    water: pretty good - I think around 84oz
    proud: sticking with my nutrition plan, went to class last night and asked lots of questions. I'm feeling pretty committed to changing the foods that I eat, and also my family's nutrition too. My husband is being great - at first it kind of bugged me that he was asking lots of questions about what I can and can't eat ... made me feel like he was being a 'watchdog' - but now I realize that he is really trying to be committed to changing how he and the kids are eating too, and trying to follow the basics from my nutrition class. In the past he has been a little bit of a sabotager, I think without meaning to be. Hopefully his embracing the same food changes that I'm making will help.
    It is going to be harder to change the foods for the whole family, so I'm concentrating more on what I am eating and I figure it will spill over into what the kids are eating. Eating very few processed foods means a lot more planning for meals. But it will be worth it.
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member
    Glad to have found this board... I am hoping to make some new friends. :-)

    Overall goal is to lose just over 100 lbs... however I have started with a more manageable goal. I would like to be down 20 lbs. by end of January. Lost almost 20 lbs. by end of year (started in September) gained a lot back through holidays. Started 10 lbs. heavier than I wanted. Next goal, lose a total of 40 by August (45th bday) and would like to be down full 100 by end of March 2012.

    Since using MFP, I am already down 4, weigh in tomorrow hoping for at least another 2.

    I am proud that I have stayed with the exercise portion, major missing component of the past. Since 12/27, I have only missed 3 days of doing some kind of exercise.

    My husband, who wants to lose as well, is usually someone who sticks with it so that has made it easier on eating out and what gets prepared for meals, however, he doesn't need to work out to lose weight, so it has been a little more difficult going on my own, but I do! Would like to walk in 5K in March and my goal is to do it in under an hour...

    Here's to making it happen!