Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just wanted to say good morning. I was just out and about and a big rig pulling a trailer come pulling out on me. He slammed his breaks on and missed hitting me by about 5-7 feet. It happened so quickly I did not even have an opportunity to swerve. The trucker was very shook up and just set on the side of the road awhile. I kept going and down the road all of a suddent the realization of what just happened hit me and I started to get a bit shook up myself. I was looking right into his front headlights. At the very least my car would have been totalled. But thankfully, nothing more than he and I being shook up happened. I have never seen a big rig have the ability to stop so quickly it was like God himself stopped that truck. It shook so hard and that truck driver jerked forward. Thank God this was the extent of it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    finally back down to 229 wooooooohooooo.No more going back to 230.Now I am trying to knock off another 10 pounds to get into the 219 stage .Met my first 10 pounds earlier than expected.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Just wanted to say good morning. I was just out and about and a big rig pulling a trailer come pulling out on me. He slammed his breaks on and missed hitting me by about 5-7 feet. It happened so quickly I did not even have an opportunity to swerve. The trucker was very shook up and just set on the side of the road awhile. I kept going and down the road all of a suddent the realization of what just happened hit me and I started to get a bit shook up myself. I was looking right into his front headlights. At the very least my car would have been totalled. But thankfully, nothing more than he and I being shook up happened. I have never seen a big rig have the ability to stop so quickly it was like God himself stopped that truck. It shook so hard and that truck driver jerked forward. Thank God this was the extent of it.
    God was definitely watching out for your well being Momma.So thankful no one was hurt.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-I am so glad that nothing more then being shook up happened! That sounds terrifying! Glad you and the driver are okay.

    Ann-Congrats on the 220's! Your rocking girl! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - So glad you are okay...and god is watching over you today.
    Ann - WTG on the 220's.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks gals I just had to get my mind back on track.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma - So glad you are okay...and god is watching over you today.
    Ann - WTG on the 220's.
    By the way Deb wtg on the 240's and Jesse you are looking amazing girl.Keep it up
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - So glad you are okay...and god is watching over you today.
    Ann - WTG on the 220's.
    By the way Deb wtg on the 240's and Jesse you are looking amazing girl.Keep it up

    Thanks Ann - HOping i can stay out of the 250's for good...249.5 is still a little to close to comfort for me...I hate that fluctuating the scale does going over 250 then under then over then under...NOthing but down !!!!

    I soo wanted to be in the 230's specifically 235 by Monday, but i know that isn't going to happen. I have my yearly gyn appt on Monday and last year when i went i was 285 so i really wanted to be down 50 lbs, but still 35 lbs is still a good deal.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Glad you're okay!
    Ann: Great job on hitting your 10 lb. goal early! That's so awesome! It won't be long and you'll be entering Onederland!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma - So glad you are okay...and god is watching over you today.
    Ann - WTG on the 220's.
    By the way Deb wtg on the 240's and Jesse you are looking amazing girl.Keep it up

    Thanks Ann - HOping i can stay out of the 250's for good...249.5 is still a little to close to comfort for me...I hate that fluctuating the scale does going over 250 then under then over then under...NOthing but down !!!!

    I soo wanted to be in the 230's specifically 235 by Monday, but i know that isn't going to happen. I have my yearly gyn appt on Monday and last year when i went i was 285 so i really wanted to be down 50 lbs, but still 35 lbs is still a good deal.

    35 pounds is wonderful and you have worked so hard to get where you are.I agree I want the scale from now on to go nothing but down instead of up again.I have promised myself I will not allow it to go up with the exception of mother nature because I can't prevent it from going up when that occurs but anything else I certainly can
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma: Glad you're okay!
    Ann: Great job on hitting your 10 lb. goal early! That's so awesome! It won't be long and you'll be entering Onederland!
    Thanks Heather I am trying!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    HeatherMN: I do chucle a little at some of the cold weather comments ... I have only worn my winter coat once so far this year ... just a heavy sweatshirt most of the time. But I would have to admit that I am really sick of the giant snow drifts and messy driving in St. Paul right now. A lot of streets are just 1 lane so you have to take turns with the person driving at you!. I am ready for spring.

    Momma: Soooo glad you are ok! How scary!

    Well, I think there is something in the moon phase right now or in my horoscope. I told you about my big financial snafoo I discovered on Tuesday with the missed 0% financing deadline. Well, I have to share my horrendous day/night yesterday. It all started at step at 6:00am when I got there and didn't have my tennis shoes. (If you will recall I skipped step on Monday because I hurt my foot) ... well I was probably stupid - but I wasn't going to have gotten up at 5:00am and driven to class for nothing, so I did the class in my socks (bluenote is probably cringing since she has had foot problems too). I was very careful and actually I don't think I made my foot any worse - it still feels about the same. My morning was pretty normal, just some goofy work problems that I can't figure out - still working on those. I went out at noon to pick up some groceries and lunch, on the way back to work I couldn't take my exit because it was closed due to snow plow removal ... took me an extra 30 minutes to get back to work figuring out another route. In the meantime my son's school had called that I had to pick him up because he had a stomach ache and norovirus is going around in St. Paul so they aren't taking any chances with any stomach issues. So I immediately left to get him (missing lunch which isn't a good thing for my food habits), when he and I got home I discovered that the dog was sick ... had diarrhea all over the family room. So I sent my son upstairs to rest in bed, kicked the poor dog outside and went to work ... after 3 hours of cleaning and steam cleaning the fam room was habitable - but I can still smell it a bit. My hubby spent the night at our farmhouse in Wisconsin so he was no help. The dog got me up 3 times during the night to let her outside, the time at 4:00am I was half asleep and fell partially down our stairs... my right foot at the top and left foot at the bottom - not a pose that I'm really capable of. Needless to say now my knee is getting sorer and sorer as the day goes on. What a day/night!
    I'm working from home today to try to prevent any more dog messes, my son decided to try school since he never had any symptoms other than a stomachache - I think he is actually constipated so I fed him a bunch of prunes - but I'm half expecting a call to come and get him. I'll be steam cleaning, trying to figure out my goofy work problem and trying to stay off my knee. And I hope nothing else goes wrong today!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Awestfall: great job on hitting your 10 pounds early!

    checking in for my crazy day yesterday:
    calories: good - but I did have my first failure with food choices, I was just too hungry after skipping lunch.
    exercise: good
    proud: that I made it through the day without totally losing my cool
    water: I think pretty good although I stopped tracking when I started cleaning up dog mess
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ohh, what a terrible day! I hope today is better for you. I highly recommend buying some Fabreze and spraying it EVERYWHERE! I had a very sick dog once that left messes like that; of course it was before Fabreze came out, so I cleaned with Resolve. Now, every time I smell resolve, I think of my dog :-(
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall: great job on hitting your 10 pounds early!

    checking in for my crazy day yesterday:
    calories: good - but I did have my first failure with food choices, I was just too hungry after skipping lunch.
    exercise: good
    proud: that I made it through the day without totally losing my cool
    water: I think pretty good although I stopped tracking when I started cleaning up dog mess
    Thanks Istpaul I hope your day gets better and your knee starts feeling better.Sounds like you have had it pretty rough.As for the odor in your family room try OdoBan its wonderful on disinfecting and killing odor.Just make sure to leave the room for awhile after spraying it because it is strong and does cause coughing if you spray too much .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-Wow!! You had quite aday yesterday! I really hope today goes better for you! :flowerforyou:

    Ann-Thank you! You are so sweet! I am so proud of how well you have been sticking to this. Your amazing!!

    Oh my goodness it is getting colder and colder outside! I can feel it. I don't do cold well! I live in Texas for a reason!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul-Wow!! You had quite aday yesterday! I really hope today goes better for you! :flowerforyou:

    Ann-Thank you! You are so sweet! I am so proud of how well you have been sticking to this. Your amazing!!

    Oh my goodness it is getting colder and colder outside! I can feel it. I don't do cold well! I live in Texas for a reason!

    Jess - no joke right there with ya....getting my cold but out there and going to the gym shortly though.

    Lstpaul - Sorry about your bad day, hopefully today is better.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Oh wow! It sounds like everyone is having a rotten day...

    Momma - So glad you're alright!
    lstpaul - I hope your day gets better, too!

    My lack of motivation is TERRIBLE today... I just don't have it in me to do anything (thankfully, even eat... lol).

    Perhaps if I take a shower, I'll have a bit of energy to do anything... haha
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Istpaul -- what a bad night/day! I can definitely empathize with the dog messes. A few months ago, we had a doggy stomach bug go around our house. It got around to 5 of our 6 dogs. :sick: Doggy diarrhea clean up extravaganza for a week straight. I thought we were going to lose our minds.

    This afternoon, the woman FINALLY got around to calling me back for an interview. I thought I'd have some time to prepare (haven't been on an interview in 2.5 years). Nope. 10am tomorrow morning. I'm pretty glad I won't have the weekend to obsess about it & I can just get the interview over with and focus on being incredibly excited about my ultrasound on Monday instead! :happy:

    I don't think I'll get as nervous as I normally do because for once I don't absolutely despise my current job. Usually I feel desperate at an interview, not because I want to job so much but because I'm really trying to leave a job I already have. :laugh: Still just going to play it by ear with the whole pregnancy thing. I went to walmart at lunch to buy a white cardigan to wear since I don't have suit that fits & I'm certainly not buying one to fit me now at 15 weeks pregnant. :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good luck at the interview Lilspy! That's good that it will be tomorrow so you can get it done and enjoy your weekend.

    My day hasn't been as bad as yesterday - but kind of sucky because I think my mysterious work problem has to do with the network and the network guy of course insists it isn't. We have been going back and forth all day - would be easier if I were in the office. Oh well. I still need to steam clean. I know I must have missed something because every time I go in one area I can smell the mess ...but I just can't get myself to get down and smell the carpet to figure out where I missed. I'm a little afraid it might be the couch where the dog lays.... when I can get away from work I'll steam clean that too.

    My knee is really stiffening up now.