Over 200 New Year New me Part 43



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Oy.... only Tuesday?

    I found out yesterday that my job isn't getting cut to part time in March... it's getting cut totally. ::cue meltdown:: I'm trying really hard not to freak out, but I'm terrified. And to make matters more complicated, while the puppy is still learning, we can't leave him home by himself or he'll bark and our )@&#%)*# neighbors (who are also part owners of the house) will kick us out.

    breathing, breathing, breathing.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just have to say that I feel bad for anyone who a.) gets monthly TOM cramps b.) has ever had children or c.) is going to have kids. I've never had cramps during TOM and man, did I get three really strong ones when they were doing the procedure. Now, I just have a bit of a dull ache. They said it shouldn't last long, but whoa, have I been one lucky lady my whole life. But, I've decided I'm really happy with my decision to not have children...I can't imagine having cramping and contractions (sorry Julie!).

    :laugh: Don't worry. I had nightmares about labor & delivery last night because I, being the utter genius I am, read alllllll about it in one of my pregnancy/baby books right before I went to sleep last night. :noway:
    I know it's going to suck but I'm really not that worried about it. I mean, there's really nothing I can do about it now. There's only 2 ways out and neither of them sound like a picnic.
    I've always had really really bad cramps so I can only imagine the fun that's in store for me. :indifferent: I'm pretty sure I'll be enjoying an epidural no matter how much the hippie part of me would like to go "natural."

    Nancy -- sorry about the pillow. :laugh: I cleaned behind my nightstands and headboard last night (um... for the first time in 3.5 years) and I share your shock and horror at what I found back/under there. :noway:

    Teresa -- Deep breaths. Puppies learn quickly -- who knows how he will have adapted in 2 months. He could be a perfect little angel.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 200 ... I'm noticing that I'm living in the higher calorie part of my food choices list - I'd better start paying more attention to the lower calorie choices.
    exercise: skipped step :frown: - but did do about 45 minutes of vacuuming, including stairs - so that was something.
    proud: still sticking with it

    bluenote: my foot is a lot better - if it was plantar fasciitis it must have been really mild. I have been doing my foot stretches like crazy. Hopefully step tomorrow morning will go well. It was probably not a bad thing to skip it yesterday since my foot seems to be healing.
    your pillow story sounds exactly like something I would do too!

    lilspy: if you want an epidural and/or other drugs when you are in labor - be insistent with the nurses right up front. I wanted an epidural with my first child and didn't get one - they told me the timing was wrong to get the anesthesiologist to my room to do it. The nice thing was that I was up and able to shower really quickly, with the epidural it can take awhile to wear off. But I did have some other drugs to help with the pain. With my second child, I think I had a nurse who didn't believe in giving any drugs during labor ... I asked several times and she also said the timing was wrong, or had other reasons why she wouldn't get me anything. I wish I had been more insistent ... I think if she had given me even a tylenol it would have at least made me feel mentally better - that last hour was a killer with no drugs - but at least it was fairly quick - but it was a really long hour. The cramping can pretty much suck - but as soon as you deliver you feel better really quickly. And obviously many of us do it multiple times so it can't be that bad!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm sorry about your job tstout ... they always say when a door closes another one opens, hopefully you will find something better!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    schools (around here - PA) are running on a 2 hour delay...due to the big ice/rain/snow mix we got last night. I don't think I will send my younger son to preschool because of the mess around here...so gonna spend some quility time with my baby.

    last night my family went to the Jacksonville''s shopping center (in NJ)...walked along that long stretch (loop) outside, going from one store to the next...kids and Dh got tired and I was still energized to do more walking. after that we went to go eat..I was craving for chinese/japenese food (sushi rolls) so I ate some and some lo mein noodles wiht bourbon chicken + sesame chicken...I know it's filled with lots of sodium ( which explains the 5 pound gain - this morning)..but I am not goint to worry about that because I had a fab time wiht my family and the weight will come off, soon.

    I know I am rambling..sorry :)

    I have to go, my son wants to do a puzzle together.

    Have a great day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Theresa: That sucks that your job is being cut, but I truly believe things happen for a reason and a better opportunity will arise. It may not happen right away, but something good will come of this. My sister's job was eliminated last year and she ended up getting schooling paid for to become an Health Unit Coordinator in a hospital. She was hired as a part-time Patient Registrar and after three months, they've already put her a full-time hours, she's making more than her previous job AND she enjoys the job much better.

    I'm feeling much better today in regards to both the cold and the cramping. The cramping is completely gone, woo hoo! As for the cold, I'm 95% better, just have a little sinus congestion left, but at least the sinus pressure is gone.

    I watched the first two episodes of the current Biggest Loser season on Hulu last night, so I'm all caught up and hoping to watch tonight. Is anyone else annoyed that they still won't show the faces of the new trainers? Ugh. I bet the new female trainer is just adorable, though, because she sounds like she is. Tough, but cute.

    Today's food is planned out, so I should be on target. I'm hoping to exercise some tonight with the new exercise DVD I haven't tried yet. I also bought Tae Bo to try later this week. It's the New Year and I'm addicted to buying exercise DVDs...now if I'd only become addicted to using them!

    Hope you're all having a good Tuesday.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I just realized that I over-counted the steel cut oats that I had for a snack last night ... so I DIDN'T go over on my calories yesterday! Yeah! (I was counting the dry serving size a the same as cooked but the cooked serving size is actually much larger). I'm finding that I like steel cut oats more than regular - they seem a lot heartier.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I just realized that I over-counted the steel cut oats that I had for a snack last night ... so I DIDN'T go over on my calories yesterday! Yeah! (I was counting the dry serving size a the same as cooked but the cooked serving size is actually much larger). I'm finding that I like steel cut oats more than regular - they seem a lot heartier.

    Yay for pleasant surprises!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I am feeling better today.

    Theresa, so sorry about your job. I know it is scary but I am sure things will work out.

    Laila, so cool about having more energy than the kids and dh.

    Julie, as soon as you have the baby labor is forgotten and you know it hurt real bad but it kinda leaves the memory. My second daughter was a bit too large for me to deliver vaginally but no one knew that until she was crowning. I remember I was really screaming with her and nothing could numb the pain. The nurse came in and said I needed to keep it down. I sat up and said "you SHUTUP" after I had the baby (who broke her collar bone cause she was too big to pass through the pelvic bones) I said, I was sorry to the nurse and she said " NO NO please I am sorry I had no idea she was that big!" She wasn't the biggest baby ever but considering I am short and not that big boned she was rather large for my frame to deliver vaginally 9 pounds 4 ounces. The 1rst and 3rd went pretty well. Both delivered early. After that big one I made sure they kept track of the weight on the babies. #4 I went into labor naturally I thought a week early but the records they sent over because everything going on with Ry said 38 weeks. So that would be 2 weeks early and he was over 9 pounds. But this doc took him via c section. So it was pretty easy. I know from experience that it is all worth it and quickly forgotten as soon as that babe is put into your arms.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    TOday is not going well at all...So i messed something up this morning my boss's boss called her and she called me and everybody upset with me ...ugggg...i never want to touch this piece again ever !!! I just want to cry .

    Juile - i had both worlds on serena, i had 8 hrs of labor and then a c-section. i just never would dialate she just was lazy and didnt want to come i guess (still true to this day), the c-sec tion wasn't bad, with abby they did a repeat c-section, but since it was schedule they did a spinal tap and not epirdul like serena oh my...that was much worse...not like giving birth vaginal i am sure, but that stuff made me sick and i couldn't feel my legs for liek 6 hrs....but she was a big one...10lb 6oz (2 weeks early) so no way i was giving birth any other way.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey ladies. I was off yesterday and wasn't on the boards. Not caught up on posts. Just wanted to check in and say hello. Probably wont be around for a few days. Got some things going on in my personal life that I'm really unsure how to deal with. Going to take some room for awhile till I figure things out. NO worries. Weight loss is still my #1 focus.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, :flowerforyou: thinking of you!
    Teresa, sorry to hear about the job loss. It's a tough thing to deal with.
    Nancy, could totally see myself doing the same thing w/the pillow. Sorry dear, but I laughed...a lot! :laugh:
    Deb, sorry you're having a tough work day. Those are NO fun.

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - UNDER!!! (by 3 :laugh: ) with exercise. 1607
    Water - Only 56 oz
    Exercise - Ran/power-walked around Lake Hollywood again. That was awesome. Ran 1.5 miles straight!
    Proud - Did really well on my last day of vaca!

    I weighed in this morning and was 3 lbs up from my weight last Thursday. I'm OK with that and thinking I'll get back down to my lowest soon.

    In other news, I'm putting Jazzercise on hold for two months. With the Groupon, they oversold and they are asking people to "reserve" spots in the class. I think this is stupid and I'm not going to waste my unlimited times w/needing to reserve. I talked with the instructor and she's cool with me putting my unlimited pass on hold until the January/February unlimiteds finish up. I'm a bit bummed that I have to put this on hold, but I realize that this will be a better use of my time and money. I'll just need to make the gym more of a priority.

    NYC is GROSS and a rude awakening from the gorgeous weather we had in LA. :cry:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Welcome home, even if NYC is gross. Haha.

    Jess: I'm here if you need to talk about anything. I can not have anything making my Warrior Dash buddy upset! In the meantime, take care of yourself.

    Wow, can anyone tell how much I'm lacking motivation today?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm sorry Lildebbie for your crappy morning ... I hope it gets better. I hate when things go wrong and you are in the middle of it. :sick:

    My boss's boss and his wife just brought in a big lunch for all 30 of us. I was afraid it would be challenging but it really wasn't too bad. I had a small piece of lasagna, a 1/2 bowl of the spinach and bean soup, and a big helping of lettuce with italian dressing. I skipped the garlic bread and desserts (FIVE choices of desserts!). I just added up the calories and really didn't do bad at all! and I'm stuffed! Lasagna isn't on my list of 'ok' foods (potentially too much sugar), but a little splurge won't kill me as long as I don't keep it up.

    I have my nutrition, weight and wellness class again tonight - I'm looking forward to it. I have lots of food questions.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi there,
    I know I've been a bit missing, working mostly.
    Sorry that you had to cancel Cris :brokenheart:

    Tstout - sorry about the job, that sucks, puppy kisses will make you feel a bit better
    Blue - you crack me up :laugh:

    Well we booked our own little long weekend in LA this morning, very excited as I have not been in over a year. Leaving in about 3 weeks and I cannot wait to get away from the NY weather. It's pretty for a few weeks and then it's just a pain for the next few months.
    Woke up to freezing rain this morning over a 2" bed of fresh snow, every step was like cracking the top of a creme brulee!

    Food = OK ish but went over making cookies, they were worth it mind you.....espresso shortbread dipped in white chocolate.....sooo addictive. I'm leaving them at the office so no more after today and I'll reign it in again.

    I also made a really yummy, healthy soup this weekend, it was so easy and healthy and only took about 20mins, roughly 200 cals per serving. here it is...........
    Chipotle Chicken Soup:
    - 2 tablespoons olive oil
    - 2 cloves chopped garlic
    - 1 medium onion, chopped
    - 2 medium carrots, chopped
    - 1/2 cup red wine
    - 6 oz chicken, cut into bite size pieces
    - 1 large can (3 cups) tomato sauce/crushed tomatoes
    - 1 container (4 cups) chicken broth
    - 2 teaspoons tabasco chipotle sauce (may adjust to taste)
    - 3 cups chopped kale

    - heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large pot
    - add onions, carrots, garlic, salt & pepper and cook over med-high heat until softened
    - add wine, high heat until liquid has evaporated, reduce heat to medium
    - add chicken and cook through
    - add tomato sauce, chicken broth, chipotle sauce and kale and bring to boil
    - serve immediately or refrigerate up to 3 days, may be frozen
    - makes 5 meal sized portions (approx 3 cups each)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lunch leftovers are just across the hall in the kitchen ... I'm being strong!

    I really screwed up girls. I do the bills in our house, and our Best Buy bill was due at a very hectic time just before Christmas so I barely looked at the bill. Well I wish I had paid more attention... I just looked at our January bill that is due 1/26, and to my shock we had a 0% promotion expire on 1/3/11 ... with $940 in deferred interest accrued since 2007 when we bought our big screen TV. YIKES! I tried calling but the account was in my husband's name so they wouldn't talk to me. He actually called (which is surprising since he hates dealing with anything like that), and he said he really didn't have to argue or anything they just offered to drop 75% of the interest since we were in good standing. It still sucks to owe $235 for something we wouldn't have owed if I had caught it on the bill last month. But I did miss paying it before the expiration - and $235 is a lot better than $940.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    lstpaul - Yuck, that is a bummer but I'm glad they were willing to work with you! I'm spending some time looking at bills and CC statements - never fun!

    meokk - That soup sounds tasty! I need to start making more soups to bring for lunches.

    Speaking of bringing for lunches, if you'll remember the "lasagna issue" I had with my hubby last month (short-story: me jumping out of bed to make his lunch when he "didn't have time" instead of spending $10 on lunch), we chatted the other day about being better at cooking large quantities of stuff and having that for the week. His only hang-up is eating the same thing everyday. I get it so hopefully we can cook two nights in a row so there are some options. Any big/one-pot meal ideas are welcome!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - sorry about the best buy issue, glad they dropped 75% of the charges though.

    Well i just cancelled my gym :sad: With use moving we aren't going to use the gym (we have the ftiness center and all) well i called to see bascailly when i need to cancel and pretty much it was now. SO i get to use the gym through 03/10 but i don't have to pay for anything more. It will end like a few weeks before we move (once we get settled in up there we have a fitness center that i can go work out at ), a little sad :sad: but i know it will be all good...at least we will save 150 over the next two months.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Stew is a good low cal option, and re-heats well for severals days.
    this is from memory - I just cooked it last week though so hopefully is pretty close to my mom's recipe:
    dredge stew meat in flour and then brown
    cover with water, add 2 T of beef boullion (or add beef broth instead of water if you don't want the MSG in boullion)
    (at this point I moved everything to the crock pot but you can cook on stove for a few hours too)
    cut up several cups each of carrots, potatoes or whatever root veggies you like and add to the pot
    cut up an onion
    add more water until all is covered
    cook 8-10 hours on low in the crock pot, 5-6 on high or probably 2-3 on the stove
    add 1t. kitchen bouquet or to your taste
    make a paste out of cornstarch and slowly stir into water until it is as thick as you want - it will thicken up more over time
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    elmox- I have a slow cooker recipe that's super easy!

    1 lb stew meat
    1/2 cup flour with salt and pepper
    3 TBSP olive oil
    1 Chopped onion
    Crushed Garlic (I use too much - like 5 or 6 big cloves)
    1/3 cup wine or broth
    1 TBSP minced fresh rosemary or 1 tsp crushed dried rosemary
    1 big can crushed tomatoes

    Trim stew meat to 1" chunks, coat with flour (I shake it in a baggy) - and brown it in 3 TBSP of olive oil (in batches). Put the browned meat into a crock pot, sautee some chopped onion and garli in the same skillet then use 1/3 cup red wine or broth in the pan to losen up the stuck bits and add all of it to the crock pot. Mince up some fresh rosemary and add that on top, then a large (double size) can of crushed tomatoes! Cook on medium for six hours or high for three. It reheats great!

    Gah gotta run, I"ll check in later!